The Gentleman's Accomplice Ch. 07

Body disposal and Onna’s reward in the City of London 1905


Sir Douglas listened to the sound of the horses hooves as they made their way back to his home. The steady movement of the carriage and the ‘clip-clop’ of the horses hooves had eased some of the tension that had gathered as they made their way through the fog shrouded streets of London.

Sir Douglas never felt comfortable when he shared his mode of conveyyance with a corpse. He was all too aware of the difficulties that he would face if they were somehow discovered by one of the earnest members of the Metropolitan Police. Even with his social and political connections, Sir Douglas would have difficulty evading the law if he was caught.

While the shadow government department that Sir Douglas often did ‘favours’ for were very happy for him to slaughter his way across Europe and the sub-continent, they became very unhappy if this sort of behavior happened on their front doorstep as it were and had madetheir displeasure known in the past in ways that were better not thought of.

So Sir Douglas was relieved when their carriage drew to a stop on top of London Bridge. Due to the early hour and “pea soup” fog that shrouded everything, they had total privacy in which to bring the carpet wrapped corpse out of the carriage and drop it, carpet and all off the bridge and into the Thames.

Sir Douglas knew that the body would be carried out to sea on the outgoing tide. He also knew that there was a distinct possibility that the corpse would be washed up on any one of the sand banks near the mouth of the river, but there was no identification on the man and anyway, if the body was found then it would help ‘stir the pot’ for those who sought out Sir Douglas.

Now that unpleasant task was done, Sir Douglas felt the familiar thickening of his pulse and the stirring of dark energy within his breast. It was time, after many months of keeping Onna on the cusp of breaking completely, tohave her in every sense of the word. It was time to remove the self imposed restraint that mirrored the real restraint that had often tied Onna back, it was time to finally allow himself the release that he craved.

He told Jonathan who was driving the carriage for them to make good speed as they made their way home. Jonathan took up the horsewhip and cracked it above the horses, starting them into a gallop as they made their way through the dark London streets.

Inside the carriage, Onna was under the blankets with Chelsea, who was still dead to the world. The evening events had been quite overwhelming for her, which was as Sir Douglas had intended. It was an extraordinary world she had stepped into and it was in his opinion much better to jump straight into the deep end and get the shock over and done with than to toy with the edges.

They arrived back at the stable where Jonathan went ahead with the stable-hand to unhitch the horses and brush them down before putting them into their stables for the rest of the night. Onna and Sir Douglas carried the very sleepy Chelsea through the rooms of their manse into her bedroom, where she was settled under her quilt.

Sir Douglas knew that Onna was waiting with quivering anticipation, judging so by the minute telltale elements in her demeanour. He could tell that her mouth was dry and from the slight movement at the base of her neck that Her pulse was racing like their horses had been on the way home.

He followed Onna into her room. This had been set up as a refund for her, a very deliberate space for her to be herself, without any interruption or upset. This had been a place for her to think, to practice her physical arts and to help replace her equilibrium after the times when Sir Douglas had taken her to her limits and beyond.

The fact that he entered here, into her sanctuary said more than any words could offer. This was going to be the culmination of their long and involved courtshipand would begin now.

Onna gasped, in shock at the reality of his presence here in her room. This was the moment she had fantasized about for many months. There had been many times when she had been bound, exposed and open and brought to the edge of orgasm and left there, beginning for that final act of sensitive abandon that had not as yet happened. She had lain here in her western style bed on many a night, forbidden to bring herself to orgasm yet dreaming of Sir Douglas bearing down upon her, thrusting into her hot moist core. There had been some nights where she had achieved orgasm just by thinking of this due to the long hours spent constantly aroused.

Sir Douglas began to undo his starched collar. Onna watched his hands and his thick swordsman wrists undo the ivory buttons of his white shirt. Her heart seemed to catch on fire Then, with the long wait and with the taking of that brutes life earlier that evening, so before she knew what she was doing she had reached forwardand grabbed his shirt and tore it open, tearing it from his chest.

Sir Douglas laughed and caught her wrists in his hands and Onna instinctively kicked forward with her knees, striving a nervous cluster in Sir Douglas’s thigh. This caused his leg to buckle but as he fell down to his knees, he tightened his grip on her wrists and forced her down to her knees with him. He grabbed her hair and pulled her face towards his and kissed her, his beard rasping along the skin on her face and she pushed him away, slapping him hard with an open palm strike to his face.

This rocked Sir Douglas’s face back and he feel a twining from his cheekbone and he thought to himself “by god she has a fire in her tonight!”. There had been many times in what Sir Douglas thought of as “scenes” from their bondage play in the past where she had destroyed the submissive mask of a Japanese woman, all flowery smiles and bows, but he knew of the warriors spirit that burned within her breast. He knew of the many years of specialised training that she had endured and the many lives that she had taken. He had managed over the last six months to shatter through that mask and bring an honesty to their interactions that he knew was rare and that Onna had never before experienced.

Onna then provided a knuckle strike under his collarbone which made his left arm go momentarily numb, and Sir Douglas knew that he was truly “riding the tiger” and his blood began to sing as it always did in combat, “for this was a fight by the gods” he thought to himself. He managed to land a punch to Onna’s sternum which caused her to double forward, with the breath momentarily pushed from her lungs and pushed Onna strongly, where she landed on her back and slide a few feet away along the bedroom floor.

Sir Douglas stood up, his leg still feeling loose and he clnched and unclenched his left fist and bicep to get the blood pumping through his arm to force feeling back into the limb. His arm tingled with pins and needles from the returning sensing and he swore as he undid his belt with his right hand. He pulled the belt out from the belt loops and kicked off his shoes, undoing his pants and taking them off, folding them neatly along the seam and placing them on the floor

Onna had similarly gotten to her feet, unwinding the long fabric of her “Obi” the belt holding her Kimono together. She disrobed from this, revealing the smooth white skin that so attracted Sir Douglas when he had first stripped her in the hold of the ship. She watched as Sir Douglas removed his shorts, their white crisp linen sliding down the length of his thighs, revealing his erect manhood, thrusting upwards from his grey flecked public hair.

Onna licked her lips at seeing his cock. She had felt it’s silken skin in her hands and her mouth, but had never felt it’s hard length plumb the depths of her womanhood. She wanted to fuck Sir Douglas with all of her being and she felt her already wet pussy becomes incrediblyhot, feeling her juices sliding wetly down her thighs. The skin of her breasts felt incredibly tight and sensitive and she could feel the buds of her nipples engorging with blood, coming erect in a mirror to Sir Douglas’s cock.

Sir Douglas moved forward, stepping slowly towards her like a lion walking towards its prey. He wanted to fuck Onna like she had never been fucked before and it was clear from the way that Onna was eyeing his cock that she wanted him badly as well. But she was as fiery a minx as he’d ever dealt with and a real danger to life and limb. He laughed then long and loud because he’d felt as if he’d been about to try and sex a liness on the African veldt.

Onna arched her back almost spitting like an outraged cat as she thought that Sir Douglas was laughing at her. However Sir Douglas yelled “For King and Country!” and leap across the room, landing in a crouch. The yell and the leap caught Onna by surprise and Sir Douglas picked her up and throw her acrosss the room onto the bed.

Sir Douglas could tell that the nearness of him was affecting Onna on a truly fundamental level, she was panting like a leopard and as he bore down on top of her. He parted her tights with his leg and she scholared her legs open and gripped his hips, her ankles locking behind his back. Onna wriggled her hips downwards and suddenly, Douglas could feel the head of his cock sinking into the yielding hot wetness of her pussy.

Sir Douglas paused then, locking eyes with Onna, a bolt of lightning seemed to leap between them as their eyes met at that moment. So much emotion, pain, ecstasy and pure chemical tension had led them to this point and it was then that Sir Douglas hilted himself deep inside her.

Sir Douglas felt Onna’s incredibly tight depths flower open to him, with Onna’s innermost muscles rippling as they opened to the thrusting head of his throbbing cock. Onna’s entire body spasmed at that point, the sensing of the length of Sir Douglas’s cock sliding its way inside her, opening her wide across the girl of his cock that she had until this point only held in her mouth or her hand causing her to buck with the pleasure shock of this intrusion.

It took all of Sir Douglas’s legendary control not to lose himself into Onna at that point. The feeling of her small lithe body wrapped around him as her innermost muscles started sucking and milking his cock was almost too much too bear.

So gathering his will, Sir Douglas started sliding his cock in and out of Onna’s pussy. He started a slow yet steady thrusting that opened Onna further, with the liquid sound of their sex filling the room, the steady pounding of his cock sliding inside her, his pelvis hitting hers, grinding into clip, their two bodies meeting together as one.

For Onna, the experience was another overwhelming first. She was not a virgin, having been sold to a representative of the clan of shadowy spies and killers, her virginity had been takenAlong with her innocent many years ago. Yet there had never been a place in the sexual act for her, it had always been a means to an end, the gathering of information loosely spun from men slack from the sexual act.

The long wait while she had been in Sir Douglas’s control had brought her to a peak of sexual sensitivity that she had never before known. An experienced Martial artist and warrior, she was no stranger to her body and had been brought up with a level of harshness and physical exercise that the soft English women that she had met here would only meet during the rigours of childbirth, which judging by their physical condition would probably kill most of them.

Sir Douglas had brought her to a plateau where she could marvel at the feel of her silk nightgown against the skin of her breasts and thighs, where she found herself going limp with desire for him by just watching the nuances of the play of light over his face. She had never liked men with bears before, butshe now found herself constantly fantasizing over the feeling of his mouth and bear on the heat of her womanhood. She had never experienced this overwhelming and demanding need for anyone before, her body screaming for his touch, for the feel of his skin under her hands and the soft skin of his hard cock inside her body.

Now she was played wide, Sir Douglas’s weight bearing down on her, his cock splitting her open to Her core. It felt like an iron bar heated until it was cherry red and quenched inside her core. She had her arms and legs wrapped around his barrel chest and hips as he drove in and out of her and she was dimly aware of her panting voice screaming in Japanese for more, MORE! She could feel the bulbous head of his circular cock sliding out of her and resting against her open pussy for a moment before being slammed back into her, his heavy balls slapping against her ass as he pounded within her. Her fingernails, sharpened and strengthened by many layers of lacquer until they were formidable weapons in their own right began tearing away at the skin of his shoulders and back, opening long welts which began to bleed.

Suddenly, Sir Douglas yelled, his voice assigned with lust and the heat of his password and said “By the gods, come you fiend, come on me you demented slut” as he hammered away within her and Onna felt herself began to spasm wildly, her innermost muscles squeezing and holding his cock tight within until Sir Douglas began to come within her.

The sensing of his cock anxious his seed deep within her rocked her to her foundations. His hot seed propelled down his cock with all of the force of a bullet and spinning over her innermost flesh like molten metal. Onna came again with the force of that exploration of his seed within her womanhood, dimly aware of Sir Douglas bellowing like a bull as jet after jet of his semen filled her.

Onna felt Sir Douglas collapse on her, his weight driving her into the mattress as her legs fell away from his hips. They lay there for an eternity, lost in a sweat soaked reverie of lust. Sir Douglas remained hard within her and she could feel his cock twitching with the pulse of his mighty heart as well as feeling it drumming against his chest as it lay against hers.

After a while, Sir Douglas slide out from her, she watched his cock come out from her, dripping and shining with their shared fluids, white gobbets of his seed dripping off his engorged cock that was now slowly sliding downwards towards the floor but still long and thick.

Sir Douglas looked her in the eyes, the force of his personality still burning from his skull like fire. “Onna’ you are an amazing woman and you are all mine” he said. “I will leave you know but as you can see, I have left a lot of myself within you” he said with a smile. “You’ve now marked me for true, so I think I will get this attended to while you rest. Sleep well” and with that, he walked naked from the room.

Onna stared afterer him, her mind was awake with sensing and emotion and she felt like a swimmer who had been caught in a big ocean wave and dashed on the rocks. Her bed sheets were spotted with blood from Sir Douglas’s back and her hands and fingernails were covered with it.

Onna stood up and walked across to the jug of water and washbasin where she was about to wash the blood off her hands and saw herself in the full length mirror of her room. She walked over closer and saw herself in a new light.

She looked like a woman in love she realized, her skin was flushed and she could see where Sir Douglas’s seed was slowly leaking from her pussy and down along her thighs, so she trailed her fingers across this, bringing a mix of her own juices, his come and the remaining blood on her fingers and under her fingernails and she was filled with a sense of power as the coppery taste of blood mixed with the salt of his seed covered her tongue.

“By the fox goddess he will be mine” she thought,looking at her naked beauty in the mirror, still reeling from the power of the experience. She smiled at herself and in that smile, there was true happiness there.

Onna then lay down on the bed after washing her hands and sponging the fluids from her body and after refreshing herself thus, went to sleep.

As Onna was going to sleep, Sir Douglas was in the servants quarters where Sanjib, a devoted service of many years was cleaning the wounds of his back. He first didn’t them with brandy, something which made Sir Douglas hiss as he washed the blood from his back.

Sanjib was amazed as he now saw wounds that looked more like they had come from a tigers claws than from a woman, as they were clear and very deep scratches. He knew this because many years earlier he had stitched together a very similar wound from a tiger that Sir Douglas had killed outside of his village in India. He commented on this for Sir Douglas who muttered under his breath “that doesn’t surprise me, asshe has more ways to kill than I ever imagined”, but he smiled as he said that, knowing that it was that danger that drove him forward and what made Onna fascinating for him.

“Now this has changed things” he thought. His original plan was to turn her and use her against her own spymasters, but he had not planned the fascination that had been kindled within him. He had never been with a woman who could kill as easily as he could and in many ways she had been deliberately trained and shaped with all of the skill of a master sword maker forgetting a sword. She was an instrument of death and Sir Douglas had always liked to play with sharp things, but this was changing into something more. What that was would wait for another day as he was dimly aware that soon another day would be dawning.

“It’s time for bed Sanjib, so get me a clean linen shirt so I don’t get stuck to my mattress when I wake up”. As he got up to leave to go to his bedchamber and Sanjib gave him a clean shirt, hetold Sanjib “make sure the house is locked down tight from here on in, there’s mischief afoot and I don’t want us waking to knives in the dark like in Bangalore, eh Sanjib” and Sanjib smiled, that had been a busy night for them both.


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