The Gentleman's Accomplice Ch. 05

Where Chelsea is introduced into a totally new social setting as a debtante, with bruising results

Chelsea was overwhelmed as Onna took her to her room. She could still taste Sir Douglas’s semen mixed with Onna’s abilities over her lips and tongue in an oily film that filled her palate with the taste and aroma of pure and unadulterated lust.

Her head was spinning and her knees were weak as she was walked down the corridor to her room. Onna lay her on her bed and left for a few minutes as she sought some iced lemon water with sugar to use as a restorative for Chelsea’s giddy state.

Chelsea lay there with her hand between her legs while her other languorously stroked her breast, wondering what it would be like to have that incredible cock deep within her. It was a strange feeling for her as Chelsea had very rarely been denied anything in her life, let alone a pulsing erect cock. In fact in her experience, as with most women, she had known that once a man’s cock was hard and in hand as it were, that this was a time when men were at their most pliable. As the old wives saying went, if you want something from a man, ask him before he has his orgasm, if you want something of a woman, ask her afterwards!

It was very strange feeling to have something that you wanted and knew would be an absolutely delicious experience flaunted in such an unconventional way in front of you, Even to the point where you could literally taste it and then have it taken away from you. It was totally outside Chelsea’s experience. She found it terribly exciting and knowing that she couldn’t have Sir Douglas’s cock for her very own until he said so just drive her totally wild. She had never met a man who was so in control of his own password, yet who at the same time was able to release his password in such a cataclysmic way. Chelsea just didn’t know what to think. All she could do was reflect on the taste of his come as she took her hand off her breast and sucked on her thumb in an unconscious mirror of what her mind was thinking of.

Onna returned with her lemon flavoured water, which with its sugar was enough to rouse Chelsea from her erotic languor.

“I’m sorry for spying” Chelsea said to Onna, “I didn’t mean to watch you and Sir Douglas like that, it just happened”.

Onna laughed and told Chelsea “It doesn’t matter, you will find that there is not much that ‘just happens’ around Sir Douglas” she said. “Anyway, when it comes to matters of the body and of the mind, there is not much that is forbidden within these walls. It is only in matters of the heart that you will need to exercise great caution. Many have lost their heart to Sir Douglas and for most, it is a connection that is not encouraged or desired”.

Chelsea asked “Is Sir Douglas married”?

“Once many years ago he was” replied Onna. “She died from a wasting disease very early on in their marriage in a plague that took both her and their child in India. It had been theirr first trip away from England and they had many hopes and understood the risks, but they had faith that their Christian god would watch over them”.

Chelsea wondered what it must have been like to lose your partner and child both at the same time. “How did he survive?” she asked..

Onna thought for a moment and said in her lilting oriental voice “It’s been my experience with the man that there is a natural energy, a very powerful essence filling him and impressing itself on the world around him. Some would consider him to be a very dangerous man but I have found him to be a very puzzling one”. Onna stopped for a moment with a quizzical look on her face while her hand stroked the spot on her stomach just below her breasts where Sir Douglas had cut her with his knife that day on the way to England. “It is enough for you to know that he is your master while you are here and that you are to obey him in all things. While he was amused to find you watching our coupling through thekeyhole, this time you will not be punished but in the future he and I will not be lenient.”. Leaning forward, Onna kissed Chelsea full on the lips, probing her mouth with her soft vibrant tongue in a kiss that sparked the flame of password deep within Chelsea’s belly. “Come with me now” Onna said, “We must educate you as to your part in this evenings festivals”.

They walked arm in arm Through the house towards the dressing rooms. This was where Chelsea met Clarisse, another French woman that she had seen from a distance earlier that day. Onna told Clarisse that Chelsea would need a cloak, some hosiery and corsetry as well as other dresses and the like. Clarisse took many measures, of her height, width, her bust and waitline as well as some very specific measures of various parts of her body that she had never had measured before, such as sections of the small of her back and also across her face and head.

Onna said “Clarisse is one of the best dressmakers in LonDon and we have a very extensive wardrobe here that will have your size in almost everything. We prefer an oriental style of dress once within the house but as we are in London, Sir Douglas will not have us promenading in anything other than the most current style”. When Onna was speaking, Clarisse had run off into the depths of the dressing room area where cavernous wardrobes and cabinets waited.

Clarisse returned with a variety of clothes, cut in different styles and all made of the finest materials. Chelsea tried them on but was horrified when one of the items came to pieces in her hands. “Please mademoiselle” Clarisse said in with a lovely French accent. “This item was designed to come to pieces like this, so please do not worry yourself about any of this.”

“What do you mean, come to pieces like this?” asked Chelsea.

“Well sometimes, the gentleman likes to feel strong, so we weaken the seams so that he can rip of the bodyce and skirt with the bare hands, althoughif he is older, well you will need to let me know in advance…” said Clarisse.

“Thank you Clarisse” said Onna, interrupting Clarisse’s vivid description. “Please ensure that the clothes are delivered to the third guest room and that the other items are produced as requested”.

“Yes Madame” said Clarisse as she bobbed in a half bow.

Onna took Chelsea back towards the front of the house and again, took her through the hidden entrance to the basement dungeon. Chelsea stopped at the top of the stairs and asked “why are we going down here?” with a tone of fear in her voice. Onna looked at her for a moment, then slapped her across the face with her open palm. The blow was enough to rock Chelsea back on her heels and left a vivid red mark of her cheese. “There are times for questions and this is not one of them” Onna said and grabbing Chelsea’s arm in a firm grip, she pulled her down after her as they descended the stairs.

Onna took Chelsea to one section of the basement dungeon where several apparatus where arranged, each in its own special section. The one which Onna directed her attention to was one which was made of wood and was on a raised section of the floor. It looked like a wooden box, in a roughly rectangular shape, with two sections of wood extending towards her feet. Overall, it looked like an upside down letter Y, with leather straps at the top and bottom of the contraption.

Onna directed Chelsea towards the box, and laying down across it, Chelsea realized that it was shaped for the human body, so that her torso was supported with her legs matching the spreading wooden beams. Onna explained to Chelsea that this was a display box or as it was sometimes called, a “mounting block”. It spread the slaves legs wide open and allowed the slave to be strapped firmly to the box. Onna also showed her how sections of the box could be removed to allow parts of the body (a penis or breasts Chelsea thought) to dangle through into the interiorof the wooden cabinet and side panels would allow an area where people on either side of the box could reach through and manipulate them.

“You will be displayed at the party on a box very similar to this” Onna said. “You will be naked and those attending the party will be able to do whatever they like to you, within limits”.

Chelsea swallowed and with a suddenly dry mouth asked “what kind of limits will these be?”

Onna smiled and said “part of your training under Sir Douglas is to find out where these limits are’ so you will find out tonight as I will be responsible for ensuring that those attending tonight’s festivals are only allowed to act within the boundaries that he has set for you”.

Chelsea got up off the box with her head spinning. “How many people will be at tonight’s event?” she asked.

“Several hundreds I believe” said Onna. “The cream of decade London will be there this evening and as part of your initiative, you will not be masked, it is part of the rules for these events that if it is your first attendance, then you must not be masked or disguised. Everyone there has done this or something very similar and has earned the right to disguise their identity”.

“So I am to be displayed tonight like a cut of meat at the butcher shop?” asked Chelsea?

“It is either this or the stocks, which are nowhere near as comfortable as this device” said Onna. “I have been displayed in this way and it was quite a notable experience”. Clearly remembering the event with some pleasure, she said “I think that you will be quite surprised at how you will feel and what will happen to you, but you will be physically safe, I will personally see to that”.

Chelsea was not sure what she could say at that point. She had been on the receiving end of Onna’s unique oriental methods of restraint and pain and know that while physically smaller than most western women, that Onna had a core of steel that many would understand. This still did not make her feel good about this evening’s event but from the response she had gotten from Onna she did not believe that she would have much say as to what would happen. It was better than being put into the stocks though, Chelsea thought. She had seen in one of her books a print of a man in the stocks in a village square and it looked like it was painful and even more embarrassing, as one of the main elements of being in stocks was that the public would throw things at you, such as stones or rotten vegetables.

Desperately trying to reconcile her concerns over what would happen with the fact that she no longer had control over what was going to happen to her, she followed Onna out of the basement dungeon and back into the house. Onna took her back to the kitchen and told her to have a big lunch, as they would not have dinner until well into the night as there were Some things that were best done without an overfull stomach.

Helene the cook welcomed Chelsea into her kitchen with a big smile. She was baking some delicious tartlets with a raspberry centre. She makes Chelsea a small but hearty lunch, with a hot vegetable soup and some deliciously crusted bread and butter that went excellently with the soup. She also gave her several cups of green tea, an oriental drink that was served cold which she found very refreshing.

“How long have you worked for Sir Douglas?” Chelsea asked Helene, who had returned to her baking while Chelsea ate her lunch.

“I have worked for Sir Douglas for about ten years now” said Helene. “He employed me when he was travelling through Paris. I was working as a patisserie in a hotel and he sampled some of these very same tartlets that I am making now. He made me an offer of employment that was very generous and I travelled with him to England. He had me spreadeagled in his cabin before our ship had even left Calais” Helene said with a lucky laugh and a conspiratorial smile. “As you would have seen, he is quite the man!”Chelsea felt a brief flash of envy, here was a woman who had offered temptation and delight to Sir Douglas and had been sampled by him in return. From the smile on Helene’s face it was clearly an experience that was very memorable and Chelsea vowed to herself that one day she would have Sir Douglas at her mercy, with his hard cock in her hands and his balls in the other!

Helene laughed at the look on Chelsea’s face. “You must understand that you are not the first pretty thing that has been sent to Sir Douglas for his special type of lessons. He is a very forgiving and indeed gentle person but you must follow his rules for while he will not be angry, he will teach you lessons that must never be forgotten! I cannot tell you how often I have had women here, crying and unable to sit down because they were stabide, do you understand?”

Chelsea who remembered the thrashing she had received from Sir Douglas’s belt blushed and said “Yes Helene, I understand what happens if you do not do what you are told”. Her bottom while significantly better since applying Onna’s ointment was still reasonably tender and she shifted slightly on the kitchen chair that she sat on.

“What other advice would you give me Helene?” Chelsea asked.

“The world out there with its morals and hypocrisy does not constrain men such as Sir Douglas” Helene said. “He is an extraordinary person which is why I still work with him! There are also certain advantages from working as part of his staff” Helene said with a wink, “I have never had such an exciting life before meeting this man and he is very considerate for all of his people”.

“What I would say Chelsea, is that you are on an adventure of the type that hardly any women here in London will ever experience. You must work through the challenges and hardships that will be set in front of you and learn. You must learn from Onna, I have never met her like before and there are things that I have learned from Onna, the customs andtricks from the Orient, well how would I say, made my lover Philippe stand to attention like he never has before!”

Helene looked at Chelsea with a degree of seriousness that was not in keeping with her usual buoyant personality, “There will be people there tonight Chelsea, that will be trying to embarrass Sir Douglas through you while you are on display, so you must think of him and ensure that you do nothing to allow them the slightest advantage. He is your Master and you must be a worthy example of his art tonight or your experiences here will be drawn to an early close”.

Chelsea thought about this long and hard while she completed eating what had been for her quite a large lunch, but with her sore bottom and aching tigh and abdominal muscles she really wanted to make sure that she would be allright for the evenings activities. It was clear to her that while she had entered into this situation of her own free will and feel sure that if she asked that Sir Douglas would send her back to her pathetic husband and his followies, that if she did she would be missing out on this hidden world of decadence and lust that she felt strangely comfortable within.

She had so many thoughts running through her head as she sat there in the kitchen and thought while Helene worked herself with her baking. Who would be there at this party tonight, would she recognize anyone behind their masks and costumes and would anyone recognize her while she was on the mounting block? What would happen to her while she was displayed in her nakedness and what would it be like to have the hands of strangers on her body? She felt strangely energised by the thought, but could only imagine what was to come.

While she had many sexual fansies, they had always been rather vague, almost as if they had been viewed through a lace curtain. When she had learned about the sexual act and had moved on to her first few lovers, the act itself had consumed her. Eventually though, she had found that the people she had slept with had become rather boorish. She had become quite tired of being on her back with her heels in the air and while she had heard gossip implying that many other sexual acts were possible, she had found a lot of difficult finding someone to explain the mechanics of these positions to her.

She had spied the scullery maids talking to one another on her estate and had heard that there was a man who was From Europe who had made love to one of them with his mouth and tongue, which had caused much amazement among the maids! When the one who had experienced this amorous deed had confident with her friends about the experience, from her description it had sounded absolutely delicious. Until she had been ruthlessly subjugated by Onna and felt her lips and tongue within the boiling furnace of her own womanhood, she had never previously experienced that level of pleasure in her life!. She was not going to leave if there was more of this type of experiencece in her future! While her sore bottom was a reminder that it was not going to be a smooth ride, Chelsea thought, she had never let some stiffness from being too long in the saddle stop her from riding!”

Taking her plates from in front of her, Helene said “You’d better go back to your room for an afternoon nap, as tonight is going to be a big night for everyone and you will not be back here until very late tomorrow morning. You will want to be well rested as it is going to be quite the evening for you girl!”

Chelsea left the kitchen and walked through the house on her way back to her room. As she walked, she wondered how she would hold up for the evenings entertainment and whether she would be able to acquire herself of experience in an honourable and ladylike fashion while being spreadeagled like a harlot. The Inherent paradox in her thought got her giggling, as the idea of ​​being ladylike in such a situation was quite ridiculous. Chelsea looked forward to expressing her wild, natural self that had been stifled all those years while attending boarding school. It had the possibility of being something quite extraordinary.

With that thought Chelsea went to her room and after washing her face and noticing that her room had been tidied while she was out, she curled up on top of the bed and drifted off into a relaxing slumber, in the same natural way that a housecat would after having a bowl of milk.

Chelsea was tired with a knock on her door and Onna entered her room with the clothes that she would be wearing to the party that evening. The clothes was quite severe, without any of the frills or colours that Chelsea was used to, but the cut of the dress was quite exotic. The dress was made from crushed velvet and was almost monastic with its look, except with the intricate stitching and piping along the front of the dress.

Onna helped her dress, showing her how the specially modified clothing would be hurt and more specifically, showed her how some of the special elements of the design would work. Chelsea was shocked when she saw how the garment worked, but she knew that this was part of her introduction to the people tonight who would in more ways than one, viewing and judging her as a new person entering into their closed and closely guarded world. This was another test for her and she could see that this would be a particularly difficult one for her.

Chelsea had always been something of an extrovert, always happy to shock and cause scandal at a social function, but always within broad limits. She had never done anything that was quite, well, this humiliating. She would quite literally be exposed for everyone to see. How would she feel when it was time to get aboard the mounting block? Would she be able to take off her clothes in front of people that she had never met in a group and what would happen if she didn’t.

Chelsea had learned that what she was going through was quite an extraordinary opportunity andIn some kind of a twisted way, a privilege. She had never met someone like Onna before and the intensity of her experience over the last two days had in a way forgotten a strange bond between them. As for Sir Douglas, she couldn’t even think of him without her pulse starting to race. Compared to the optimization and in some ways the sheer drawness of the personalities that she had been forced to mingle with, these were the people that she wanted to be Near, the people that she wanted to learn from and above all, the people that she wanted to impress.


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