Chapter Four
Where the Lady Chelsea discovers that perhaps she wasn’t quite so lady like after all.
Chelsea awoke with a start. She was in a small room with bare walls which she did not recognize and for a moment, was completely started at waking somewhere other than her usual bedroom. She was used to be woken by her maid very late in the morning, but today she was in a strangers house. She looked around at the plain white room, with a dresser, a basin and pitcher of water and a large full length dress mirror on the other wall. There was no cupboard or any other element to the room other than this and while the windows let in general light, they were closed and looked like they had been for some time. The only other way out was through the door.
Then she remembered what had happened the previous evening with Sir Douglas and Onna. After her first screaming orgasm with Onna and having had her first taste of a woman, she had been brought to this room and washed wit’s a brisk efficiency. After Onna had given her a white cotton shift, she had provided Chelsea with some biscuits and a jug of cold water, which Onna had served to her. She was then told by Onna to go straight to bed and not to leave the room until she was ordered to.
Fortunately the room came equipped with a chamber pot. Chelsea had waited for Onna to leave the room before she used it. It was funny she thought that a mere hour ago she had her mouth filled to bursting with Onna’s shaken pussy and yet she was embarrassed at having to use a chamber pot by herself. It appeared that for the moment at least, her decorum had been popped just as firmly as a clowns balloon at the circuit.
She had felt no shade at what had occurred the previous evening. While some of the details proved to be somewhat embarrassing, she was not a shy or retirement type of woman, so she felt quite comfortable the next morning. It had been a long time since something sexual had caused her anywhere near the level of humiliation or sheer, thigh wetting excitement that she had experienced the evening before.
In a strange way, she felt almost happy. Her life as a member of the aristocracy had become very jaded over the last few years and the round of parties and social engagements where one met the same people had become almost a torture in itself. The gambling and socialising with the Duchess had become a past time of those with too much money to care and enough to insulate themselves from the reality of wagering hundreds of pounds on a single hand of cards. The high stakes weeded out the nouveau riche rather quickly and those like herself who had inherited “old” money had so much that it would take a true degenerate lifetime to work their way through.
Now though, she was in a strange place, not held captive but here of her own free will in a bid to out dare the burden and she feel alive. Gloriously and luxuriously alive in a way which she had not felt for many years. FeelingVery clean and some humbled, the Lady Chelsea thought of herself here as only “Chelsea”, the girl who before womanhood and the Darwinian experience of the aristocratic social set had enjoyed riding her horses.
What also excited her was that she felts that she had course through her after last night! It was like her first division, when she had terrified one of her fathers grounds keepers into Taking her virginity, that same heart pounding, adrenalin blood rush that she had felt that first time. She realized now that it had been a very clumsy experience when she had her maidenhead broken, but the feeling of triumph she had as she walked back to her rooms with her panties bunched up in her pocket was extraordinary.
Dispite the lovers she had taken, she had never been ravished as she had the previous evening. The memory of Onna’s lips on hers, the touch of her hand on Onna’s delicious breasts and the force with which Onna had come to her own plateau, leaving a wash of her womanly juices all over Chelsea’s lips and face. These were memories that had been etched into her mind with the force of pure sex. She flushed just at the memory of this sensitive and life changing experience.
Then there was Sir Douglas. Chelsea felt a brush of fear just thinking about him, but this made her thoughts of him just that much more exciting.. The soft velvety touch of his cock on her face from the previous evening haunted her. The smell of his skin, that musky smell of man that made her breath catch and her tights twitch together haunted her. She had dreamt of him the previous night, imagining him pinning her to her bed while he ran his cock in and out of her, while her heels were high in the air, crossed over his back and buttocks, pulling him into her again and again.
She shook herself and came back to the present after a sharp tinge from her backside and thighs. She walked over to where there was a large mirror positioned against the wall next to the dresser. Turning slightly, she slowly brought up the cotton shift up over her legs, her tighs and then over the curve of her rump, which she saw with a feeling of both amazement and horror were now criss-crossed with the purplish green bruises from Sir Douglas’s belt. This was the tangible evidence, the brutal reality of the pain and humiliation of the previous evening that was confronting for her to see. Although this, she was fascinated by the marks, almost as if they were some kind of ritual marking that illustrated the step into the unknown that she had taken.
She flashed back to his entry into the basement, the sight of his cock stretching the fabric of his clothes as his large leather belt was taken off and the large metal head of its buckle hit the floor. The feel of it being swung through the air and the sheer age of it cutting into her soft white skin. The heat of the welts and the way that she started to push into the welts, thrusting her ass into the air to be beaden andthe pulsing velvety wetness between her legs that this had all created.
She realized that she was still standing there with her shift exposing her backside in front of the mirror so she dropped it back down to around her ankles. There was a note on the dresser and it was from Onna. It gave her instructions not to leave the room and that there was ointment and creams there that would help with the briving.
Chelsea Carefully applied the cream and it felt good. There was a strong feeling of warm heat that came from where she had applied the cream and this was a strong but pleasant surprise. She could almost feel her skin responding to it.
Chelsea had never been spanked as a child and had been rarely chatissed by her mother or father. She had been thoroughly spoiled by her father who had doted on her and her mother had been rather distant. The only other time she had experienced strong pain was when she had broken her arm in a riding accident. The doctor at the time hadPraised her for having a high pain threshold which she did not quite understand at the time, but now after having received a very through thrashing at the hands of Sir Douglas, she now realized what an advantage this was.
She also applied the ointment to her freshly shavaged public area, feeling the skin between her thighs responding to the cream in a way that was deeply soothing. Onna had told her that this would prevent a rash or any other difficulties with the regrowing public hair.
As she finished this, there was a polite knock at the door and Onna entered the room. As always, Chelsea was terribly impressed by the sense of poise that Onna had when she entered a room. Onna would enter a room with such an air of presence and control, as if every move she made was an act of elegant simplicity. Chelsea hoped one day to be able to have this sort of control and poise and carefully watch Onna as she sat down on her knees and heels in a way that was wonderful to watch.
Onnaexplained that today she would be given a tour of the house and would have her role and boundaries explained to her. Onna was very exact with her instruction that Chelsea was not to leave the house unless she was accompanied by either Sir Douglas or Onna herself. Additionally, there were certain rooms that she was never to enter and some which she was required to clean and take responsibility for.
Onna gave her an oriental style of garment which was quite and quite warm to wear. It was called a “Ki-mo-no” and Chelsea found it to be very comfortable and practical in a way that her usual clothes was not. Chelsea was dressed by Onna, with an smaller and more delicious Kimono which had a pinkish tinge to its white fabric, underneath the main kimono, with a broad belt around her waist holding the garment closed. Onna also gave her some rouge and lipstick, something much more subdued than the costumes that Chelsea usually wore, but looking in the mirror, Chelsea realized that the oVerall effect was very subtle and somehow more powerful and effective. Looking in the mirror, Chelsea realized that the observer would have their eyes drawn to Chelsea’s own eyes, which were wide and expressive. This was much better than her own style of make up which compared to this, she thought with embarrassment, must have made her look rather sluttish.
As Onna took Chelsea from the room and started the Tour of the house, Chelsea realized that the complex was much larger than she had first thought. Externally the house gave the appearance of a simple but large Victorian terrace house, but as she traversed the corridors and entered different rooms, she came to understand that Sir Douglas must own the houses on either side as well, as entryways had been created in between the different houses, rapidly expanding the area and intricacy of the complex.
As they traverse the different buildings, Chelsea encountered other people. The first were servants who were clearly fromthe subcontinent. An man and woman, both with caste marks above their noses in between their eyes, they were busy cleaning a room and changing the bedding as they were walking past. Both of them eyed Chelsea with curiosity and the woman had a knowing look as they exchanged glances as she passed. There was also a very large black man from America, his name was Joseph and he was extraordinary huge person, with biceps that Chelsea doubted she could put her hands around.
Onna took her down to the Kitchen and introduced her to the cook, a Frenchwoman with a large flour covered apron who had a very welcome demeanour. Her name was Helene and she gave Chelsea a large hug and assured her that she would always be welcome in the kitchen. She asked Chelsea if there was anything that she preferred not to have with her meals and Chelsea told her that she absolutely despised asparagus and that she had a terrible weakness for French pastry. Helene gave Onna a knowing look, just like the othe female service had and told Chelsea with a smile that if she was good, then she would get all the French pastry that she could eat. Both Helene and Onna laughed as if they both shared a joke that Chelsea was not part of, which made Chelsea feel a bit uncomfortable.
They walked to the rear of the complex and Onna told her that she was to stay away from the stables and what Onna referred to as the “working areas”, where she was to stay away, not as there was anything forbidden, but more for her own safety. Chelsea was given the impression that if she wandered into these spaces that she would regret it.
Chelsea was taken then to speak with Sir Douglas in his study. Onna told her that she was only ever to come to his study when summoned and that it was special place. Onna told her to prepare herself and with a few deep breaths and the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach Chelsea steeled herself and entered into the study behind Onna.
Sir Douglas was waiting whenThey entered the room, sitting behind his large desk with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Chelsea’s mouth was dry and she licked her lips briefly, feeling an emptiness in her stomach and a catch with her breathing as she locked gazes with him. She flushed deeply looking at him as it was clear that he was gauging her in the same way that a horse dealer might gauge a thoroughbred horse. Unconsciously she stood with her shoulders back, her lips parted slightly and her eyes deeping with the promise of what she had to offer him. Sir Douglas smiled, pleased with what he saw and she smiled in return at his boyish grin and roguish charm.
“I take it that Onna has shown you around my house and you have met the staff” Douglas said.
“Yes thank you” Chelsea said, “Onna has been very accommodating and has made me Feel very comfortable”. Chelsea as then showed to a seat in front of the desk by Onna, who then took several steps backward and settled down on her heels, becoming part of the background of the room and fading from Chelsea’s awareness as she focused only on Sir Douglas.
“Tonight we will be going to a party” said Sir Douglas. “This will in some ways be like your precious ball, except here it will be an introduction to a very different kind of society. In this world it is not money or social connections that get you through the front door, (although that Certainly helps), you will see some faces that you recognize and many that you will not, but tonight, you will be on display in a way that you probably never have been before. Onna will show you shortly what I mean but you will find that you will not have many opportunities for conversation. Do as you are told and you will be rewarded, disappoint me and you will be punished in a way that you don’t expect. Now wait outside the study while I speak with Onna”.
Chelsea stood up from the chair and left the study, closing the door to the room behind her as she waited in the corridor. She felt strange asit had been a very long time since anyone had told her what to do. Also, there was this party that she would attend. Normally there would be all sorts of thoughts about what clothes she would wear and who she would talk to, but one item had caught her attention. What on earth did Sir Douglas means about an introduction to society and not having an opportunity to do much talking?
As this occurred her Thoughts for some time, she could hear Sir Douglas and Onna talking for some time in what she assumed was Japanese, although her knowledge was so limited in this area that she really had no idea what language it really was or what it they were saying.
Then, there was silence, but not just silence in terms of the absence of noise but an expected silence, as if something was happening that just begged your attention. Being outside the room, Chelsea debated with herself whether she should open the door to find out what was happening, but with the memory of her recent experience with Sir Douglas’s belt still fresh on her mind and on her bottom, she knelt and looked through the key hole.
The key hole was rather large, accommodating a very serious and large lock which had the feeling of serious complexity to it. However it did allow Chelsea a larger view of the area directly in front of Sir Douglas’s desk. What she saw made her heart almost skip a beat.
Onna was bent backwards over the desk and Sir Douglas was pulling at one of her nipples that adorned Onna’s breast with his teeth. They were in profile to Chelsea, so she could see Sir Douglas’s bristling moustache and his strong white teeth. The skin of Onna’s nipple was being stretched in a way that was sure to cause pain, but Onna’s back was arched in a way that suggested enormous pleasure. Onna’s breath started to pant, heavy sharp breaths that dripped sexual excitement. Onna’s kimono was half off her body, with it’s general fabric catching along her arms as it had been unwrapped in a way that had not given her time to remove it from her body.
Chelsea could feel the skin around her own nipples crinkling as they engaged with blood in response to this lascivious sight in front of her. Her hand slipped inside her own kimono, through past the under kimono to her own breast. She squeezed her own nipple and stretched it as Sir Douglas was stretching Onna’s in a desperate attempt to receive an echo of the sexual energy that was coming from the study. It hurt a lot but it seemed to send fire through her nervous endings all the way to her pussy which started to feel tender and moist, pulsing with Chelsea’s heart beat.
Focusing once more within the room in front of her, Chelsea could see Onna’s hands tearing at the fabric of Sir Douglas’s shirt, tearing it open and sending small ivory buttons springing off to the different corners of the room. At the same time, Sir Douglas’s hands were working at the juncture of Onna’s thighs, causing Onna to moan in a low tone of voice that raised the hairs on the back of Chelsea’s neck.
Sir Douglas stood and undid his large buckled belt, the same one which Chelsea had been beaden with the previous night and revealed his cock in all its glory. It was circularly cited, with a large soft cushion of glandular flesh atop a gloriously thick pole of soft velveteen skin surrounding a wide, thick pole of blood engorged cock that stood triumphantly from his thighs. It was so hard that it bobbed in time to the pulse of Sir Douglas’s heartbeat.
Onna looked down in wonder at this pulsing shake and wrapped her soft oriental hands around its thick width, slowly working her hand up and down the veined shake in a way that made Sir Douglas smile, his lips filled with a masculine arrogance that Chelsea had never seen before. Sir Douglas said in English ” I am sorry my dear, but I do not have the patience for our usual games this evening” and as quick as a pounding cat, slid the tip of his cock into Onna’s waiting heat.
Onna screammed then, not the weak waiting of a frightened woman but the triumphant roar of a liness being mounted by her lion. Through the keyhole Chelsea could see Onna’s sharp nails drawing blood from Sir Douglas’s back as she tore at the flesh of his back as his buttocks moved forward and backward. As Onna brought her legs up over Sir Douglas’s arms and resting her heels on his shoulders, this allowed Chelsea brief glimpses of his large cock sliding in and out of Onna’s pussy’ dripping with the juices being produced from their animalistic fucking. All Chelsea could hear was the wet slapping of cock and quim and the wet sound of his cock coming in and out of Onna’s pussy. Onna began to speak in Japanese, her voice rising and falling in a cadence that Chelsea recognized from her own sexual experience. Not needing a translator, Chelsea knew that Onna was begging Sir Douglas to bring her to her peak, to fuck her senseless with his cock.
Chelsea was rubbing her own clip now, the scene in thenext room driving her to distraction. The sound and the savagery of their mating had made her own pussy throb until she could not help herself any longer. She pinched the head of her own clipritoris until her hips started moving forwards and backwards of their own according, wanting to come at the same time as this incredible couple.
Sir Douglas was close now, his hoarse panting like a bulls, his Moustache bristling along with all of the musculature along his neck and shoulders, his fists pulling at Onna’s breasts as his cock, bracketed by his large balls tensing together as he reached his own orgasm. Then Onna came, screaming “Hai, hai, hai” at the top of her lungs as Sir Douglas bellowed, filling her with his semen as it jetted from his balls into her pulsing pussy, filling her and dripping down onto the desk between them.
Chelsea came too. Her orgasm hit her like lightening, triggered by this extraordinary release of sexual energy that hit her like a wave, sweeping her into her own blind sexual response. As she was already on her knees, she gripped at the door as her pussy spasmed while she starred at the cock she desperately wanted to experience through the keyhole. Stars filled her vision as she almost fell over, Unconsciously muttering “oh god, oh god, OH GOD” as she came violently all over her hand which was buried as deep into her pussy as she could get it. She could feel the delicate rosebud of her asshole opening and closing as her innermost muscles squeezed hard on her fingers, it was amazing and every part of Chelsea retired the experience.
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