I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting promoted at work. Don’t get me wrong. I make a damn good living. But it just seemed that I was always following orders and not giving them. I have always done the right thing. If my boss told me to do something I did it. But other guys, ones that argued with the boss, ended up getting promoted before me.
It didn’t make sense to me, but it looked like the way to get ahead was to be a difficult employee. My wife said it was the same where she works. The ones who did a good job and did what they were told would be considered for promotion but never got beyond an initial interview.
I knew we both had leadership qualities and one day our bosses would see that. Until then we’d just keep doing what we were supposed to and wait for our day to come.
Recently we had some new neighbors move into the house next door. Priscilla and I went next door yesterday to welcome our new neighbors. We took along a basket of goodies, some wine, and information on local sites and activities. Just being good neighbors and welcome the newcomers like you should.
We introduced ourselves to Kim, a beautiful Eurasian woman, who met us at the door. She looked so young it was hard to imagine she was married and not in school. Kim was wearing an off-white dress that didn’t conceal her dark and very large aureoles. Her nipples appeared hard and distended. Her face was flushed and damp looking. I hoped we hadn’t caught them at a bad time.
However, she seemed very happy to see us and invited us in to meet her husband. We walked through the house to the family room where her husband was looking out the sliding glass door.
“General, we have guests.” I was surprised that Kim called her husband by a military title and not his name. He just stood there, not moving. The shorts he was wearing allowed him to display a tanned body, rippling with muscles. Not like a body builders’ muscles for show, but muscles hard from work.
He turned around and his eyes instantly bored into mine. He had such a commanding presence I immediately understand why Kim called him General. I had the nervous feeling of a mere mortal meeting a God. Kim touched my arm and said, “General, this is Tom.” His eyes quickly scanned me from head to toe. With a look of contempt he dismissed me and turned his attention to my wife.
Kim then took Priscilla by the hand. She smiled slightly and her eyes glinted as she said, “General, this is Priscilla.”
The General’s eyes arranged slowly over Priscilla. I felt as though he was seeing right through her clothes to the body underneath. As his eyes moved over her body and came to her hips I saw a dark scowl come over his face. He pointed at my wife’s hips and said, “Pants!”
No one moved or spoke for several heartbeats then he said, “Ten lashes!”
I heard Priscilla’s sharp intake of breath. I was afraid to turn and look at her so I just looked from the corner of my eyes. I could see she was afraid. Her nostrils were flared and her breast rose and fell quickly with each panic stricken breath.
Kim giggled as she reached out and started unfastening my wife’s pants. “The General doesn’t approve of women in pants.”
“Stop it.” Priscilla was only able to whisper, but the General heard her.
“Twenty lashes!”
Kim knelt down and pulled my wife’s pants off of her. Priscilla just stood there and made no move to stop her. My own breath was rasping in my throat as I fought to think of what I could do to get us out of this horrible situation.
My wife was standing there beginning to cry as the General said, “Get her ready.”
“Yes sir, General.” Kim was giggling as she spoke. She quickly moved in front of Priscilla and started to remove her blouse.
Without thinking I blurred out, “Hey! You can’t do that.”
The General glared at me and rumbled, “Twenty lashes for the prick, too.”
Kim started laughing out loud now. She lookedat me with a smile, daring me to speak as she removed my wife’s bra and then her panties. I was trembling in shame at my inability to step forward and protect my wife from these crazy people.
Priscilla tried to cover herself with her hands. The General’s scowl deepened and she dropped her hands to her sides. Kim took her arm and led her from the room.
The General stand glaring at me for a couple of minutes and Then left me standing as he went into the room where Kim had taken my wife.
I could hear my wife whimpering and pleading, but I was afraid to move from where the General had left me. Then I heard a loud smoke of leather against flesh and Priscilla screamed. I stood stock still, cringing inside, and wondering why I wasn’t stopping this madness.
Then there was another loud smoke and then one blow quickly Followed by another. I flinched with each slap of leather against flesh. I knew my wife was being beating and I couldn’t seem to move to protect her.
Silence. I hadn’t counted but I assumed the beating must be over. For a minute I was thankful, then remembered the General had said I was to get twenty lashes too. I don’t know why I didn’t run, but remembering the look in the General’s eyes kept me rooted to the spot.
The sounds of fucking came from the room and I marveled that Kim and the General were making love while my wife was in the room with them. Both of them were yelling how good it was and encouraging each other.
I thought I heard other sounds, like someone else was moaning and grunting. I almost fell down when I realized that my wife was being fucked. She was the one that Kim and the General were yelling about. It seemed to go on forever, but when it stopped it felt like it had only been a few seconds.
Everything was quite.
As nothing happened I was getting more and more nervous. Sweat was dripping off me. I was about to start crying when Priscilla came out of the torture room.
She walked up tome unsteadily and took my hand. “They’re ready for you now.” she whispered. My legs turned to rubber as she started unbuttoning my shirt.
“Oh, please don’t.” I moaned. She softly stroked my cheek with the back of her hand. She finished with my shirt and pulled it off me. Then she removed my pants. Once I was naked she led me to the room where I knew I was going to get beaten. I was shaking with fear, but I didn’t resist.
When I walked into the room I was started at seeing Kim and the General were both naked. I couldn’t imagine why they hadn’t dressed after using my wife. Kim’s beautiful body was glistening and her face was filled with lust. I looked at the General and my eyes were drawn to the largest cock I’ve ever seen. He looked as big as a horse. My wife calmly walked over to the General and knelt in front of him. Her face actually brushed against his massive cock as she looked up at him and announced I was ready for my punishment.
Kim sat down on the side of the bed and ordered me to come to her. She spread he legs and pulled me down to my knees. She grabbed my head and pulled me in to her pussy. I could smell an overpowering odor of female sex. I could see a faith trace of lipstick and know my wife had been in this same position.
As I was distracted by the nearness of the cunt awaiting my tongue I was struck by a thousand bee sings in my ass. I screamed at the suddenness and ferocity of the attack. Before I could recover there was another burning lash to my ass. My second scream was muffled as Kim rammed my face against her pussy. With each blow my face banged against Kim and I screamed into her cunt.
I could hear Kim’s shouts of pleasure each time the whip left a trail of welts across my burning ass. Just when I thought I would pass out from the pain, the beating stopped. Tears were running down my face adding to the wetness of Kim’s pussy.
I started to relax, as I knew the beating was finally over, when I felt another attack. This one not only burned but it also stood into my depths. The General had rammed his monster cock into my asshole. I felt myself being split in two as he forced his cock deeper and deeper in me. I felt his public hairs grind against my burning ass cheats and I knew he couldn’t go any deeper. Then he started immediately withdrawing from me.
I groaned in relief as his cock was about to exit my ripped asshole. Another scream was torn from me as he drove all the way in me again. I screamed again and again as he roughly fucked my ass.
Now I knew what the sounds I had heard earlier had been. The General and Kim were yelling how good it was and encouraging each other. And I was the one moaning and grunting as the General fucked my ass and my face was buried in Kim’s pussy.
I don’t Know how I was able to withstand the pain and humiliation, but in a way I was proud that I had withstood their ravaging attack. I didn’t understand it, but I felt a sense of release when I felt the General empty his load of cum deep in my ass.
Then my wife giggled and pointed at the floor in front of me. I looked down and felt my face burn in shade as I saw a puddle of cum the on the floor. My cum.
Kim and Priscilla helped me up. They helped me to walk out of that horror chamber. My wife was holding me as Kim gathered up our clothes. She handed them to us and started leading us to the door.
She didn’t even allow us to get dressed as she pushed us out of the house. “Come back tomorrow at 10:00.”, she ordered as she closed the door.
I tried to anxious Priscilla home so none of the neighbors would witness our shade. I think we made it into the house without being seen.
As soon as we got insides I lay down on the floor and tried to curl into a ball. Priscilla lay down with me and we gently held each other.
This morning I had to laugh to think that that crazy woman was expecting us to come back for more abuse today.
Priscilla justcame in the room and smiled at me. “It’s time.” she said. I’m already shaking as I see she has on another pair of pants.
I can’t seem to help myself as we leave the house and go next door.
Kim smiles as she opens the door to us.
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