The Gassy Warden Ch. 02

I spoke in relief as I completed the final prisoner intake form. Stripping someone of their remaining rights as a human was surprisingly mundane work. My office chair creaked as I leaned back, placing my hands behind my head. I couldn’t see the guard beneath me licking my pussy dutifully, but I sure could hear the sloppy sounds of her hard work. It was no picnic down there. My sweaty thighs and belly rolls were no bed of roses, that’s for sure. Still, the guard knew what would happen if she stopped without permission.

I relaxed like this for an hour or so, letting the guard bring me to climax a few times. I could feel her trembling with exhaust, but I was in such a horny mood that I really didn’t want her to stop. I leaned forward again and logged into the prison survey system. While the cameras loaded, I let a soft bubble fart loose. The warm gas rose from my asshole into the area between my thighs and stomach, wafting into the nose of the guard slave beneath me.I felt her pause for a moment of controlled disgust and then keep licking. I smiled, those brief moments made me sure I was still making her suffering in spite of her experience.

The cameras finally loaded. I made a note to call up the IT guy later and punish him for how slow they were. I hated to be made waiting like this. The guard between my thighs would eventually pass out, and it would be incredibly inconvenient if she did so while I was still horny. I shifted my weight for a moment to give her a breath of fresh air before beginning to go over the cameras.

In one cell a tall female guard was whipping the asses of two male inmates simultaneously. In another three female inmates were orally serving another female guard. Entertainment feeds for sure, but I was looking for something a bit more intense. I flipped over to one of the torture dungeons. Those tended to be more interesting.

In one of them a woman around my size was riding a skinny inmate around like a horse. He collapsed in mere moments, unsurprisingly. She kicked him onto his back and pissed all over his face before grabbing him and using his hair to mop it up. Funny, but not as hot as I’d hoped. Another man was licking the communal dungeon toilet clean while a guard strap-on fucked him. This was much more interesting!

I turned on the microphone and decided to listen in a bit.

“B-but Mistress Guard, this toilet is filthy,” the prisoner while. “I’ll get sick!”

The guard laughed. “Like I give a fuck,” she replied, somewhat out of breath due to the fucking. “If you don’t lick that toilet clean I’ll give you something far worse to be sick about!”

She slammed the lid shut on him, forcing his face deeper in. I could hear him gag and sputter as he choked on the toilet water. There’s no way this was an effective toilet cleaning technique, but it sure was hot to watch. I pressed down on the pussy slave between my legs, spurring her to lick more aggressively. I let out a soft moan as the torque continued.

Back in the dungeon, the guard had ripped the poor inmate out of the toilet. His face was dripping with toilet water and tears. Without skipping a beat, she shoved her strap-on in his face.

“Clean my filthy cock, now!” she commanded. “If you’re too good for toilets, maybe you’ll enjoy the taste of your own ass!”

The inmate cried out and the guard used the opportunity to shove her strap-on down his throat. His eyes widened in disgust and fear as she began to pound his face.

“That’s right,” she commanded. “Take my dirty cock and clean it with your tongue and throat. That’s all you’re good for anyways.”

She then motioned to someone off camera who dragged a trembling female prisoner over on a leash. This prisoner was thin and had been here for decades, but still wasn’t used to any of this. The guards loved having fun with her. The other guard shoved the prisoner’s face between the cheeses of the one doing the fucking. The femalePrisoner began to dutifully lick while the fucking guard let out a delighted moan.

Waves of pleasure began to radiate from my pussy yet again. Another bubble made its way to my anus. I gleefully released it into the face of the guard between my legs. This one must have been particularly foul, as she let out a soft coough between licks. I squeezed my tights as a reminder to shut up, and decided to find another scene.

I flipped over to the high-ranking guard latrines. These were special privileged bathrooms where my most trusted guards could install prisoners for use. Unlike the low-ranking latrines with no privacy, these had individual stalls for use. Each stall had no toilet, but instead a prisoner chained, often permanently, inside. The chains were bound to the concrete floor, and a toilet seat was permanently affixed around the neck of each prisoner like a collar. A hose ran along the side of the stall walls for washing down the prisoners when needed. These icy cold watersources were often used as much for punishment as they were sanitation.

As I scanned the room I was pleased to find most of the stalls were occupied. Some guards were seated on the toilet slave prisoners reading newspapers while muffled cries for mercy bubbled out from beneath them. Others were using the toilets as quick urinals. One female guard appeared to be face-fucking a toilet while her male guard attendant ate her ass. Normally men were not allowed to hold the rank necessary to enter these latrines, but exceptions were made for those bound to service the high ranking guards.

I zoomed in on one of the larger ladies reading while sitting. I could hear the female prisoner beneath her groaning under the weight, but the guard didn’t seem to take any notice. I smiled at how humiliating that must feel. The guard turned the page casually While letting out a grunt. It was shortly followed by a long, wet, rippling blast. The prisoner tried to cry out, but her voice was soon muffled. I moaned as I watched this horrificly erotic scene unfold. The guard continued to grunt without a care in the world while the chains beneath her thrashed.

“Mmm,” I moaned. “I bet you hope you’ll never be installed anywhere like that.” I continued, addressing the pussy slave guard beneath me.

“No Warden,” she replied, her voice muffled and distant. “Please spare me that.”

I laughed. “Keep doing a good job and you won’t have to worry about it.”

I rubbed her face hard into my pussy for good measure. Meanwhile, the guard on camera seemed just about finished.

“Enable bidet mode,” she ordered. “I have to get back to work.”

The sobbing mess beneath her began to swirl her head and lick the guard clean. After a few minutes, the guard rose and exited the stall without even a glance at the toilet she had used. The toilet prisoner tried to collapse to the floor, but her chains presented that. Her soft sobbing echoed in the empty stall. Her mouth remainedpropped open by a ring gag. These were often used to train the newest installations.

Weirdly, before long, the prisoner would grow to like being used in this manner. I never could quite figure out why this happened, but it was inevitable. Some guards liked the transformation, whereas some did not. I could see both sides of this philosophy. Regardless, a steady stream of fresh prisoners always meant we’d have a few reluctant ones like this for the guards that preferred the breaking process.

A twinge in my bladder let me know that my body had been inspired by these scene and needed to release some waste too. I pulled twice on the hair of the pussy slave guard beneath me. This was a trained signal for guards in this line of service to enter urinal mode. She opened her mouth dutifully and without hesitation.

I clenched my core to force my bladder to release. A bubble wave of farts popped out of my asshole as my urethra let loose in the guard’s mouth. I feel her gag a bit as the gas flooded her nose. Her mouth was about to be too busy to absorb the brunt of this far flood. The urine stream began shortly afterwards.

The delightful splashing sounds of piss blasting the back of a pussy slave’s throat was something I’d never grow tired off. The guard’s mouth quickly filled and she began to dutifully gulp down my waste. Pussy slave guards were trained extensively in urinal services, and this one was no exception. She did not complain or resist, and instead likely took pleasure in doing her job. Most people would reject being trapped inside a sweaty gassy prison of fat while piss poured down their throats, but not my guards.

I held the slave’s face hard between my thighs as I continued to empty my bladder. A hot wave of silent gas poured from my anus as I did so, but the guard didn’t even flinch this time. She was far too focused on her primary duty, her reason for being. She would probably serve my pussy while the world ended around her if I demded it. I smiled, revealing in the success of my guard training program.

The stream of urine began to slow as the guard beneath me gulped down the remaining piss. Without a word she began to lap at my labia, cleaning my folds. She moved to my urethra and lapped up at the rest of my crotch quickly before letting out a slight moan of pleasure of her own. I tilted back slightly and blasted one remaining fart up Her nose, a reminder to keep her expressions of enjoyment to a minimum. She was here to serve, not have fun.

Satisfied for the moment, I looked back up at the bathroom camera feed. Jessica had just entered. She dragged a kicking and begging Ben behind her. Without even acknowledging his resistance, she slid him across the dirty bathroom floor into an empty stall at the end of the room. I turned on the mic just in time to hear him cry out.

“N-no!” he screamed. “What are you doing to me?”

Jessica rolled her eyes. “I’m installing you in the latrines,” she replied. “Did you not listen to the Warden’s command? Ignore her at your own peril.”

Jessica grabbed the seat collar and chains from their display on the wall and affixed them to Ben. He thrashed and cried out, but she didn’t seem to care.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic,” she said. “This is a place of honor amongst prisoners. Eventually they all come to realize the value they provide to this prison’s upper staff. They even come to like it and thank us for it eventually.”

Jessica smiled and closed the door before affixing a ‘For Warden’s use only’ sign to it. This was my signal that the installation was complete, and that my right of first refusal was now exerciseable. I grinned before rising from my chair.

The pussy slave collapsed beneath me, a stinky mess of sweat, cum, piss and stale farts.

“Go back to your room and claim your reward,” I said. “You did well today, and have earned a personal slave for the evening of whatever type you choose.”

The pantingguard nodded in thanks.

“Now then, if you’ll excuse me, I have a new toilet to break in.”


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