I didn’t see Mengxia again for the rest of the day. That didn’t mean she wasn’t on my mind though. In fact, I thought of little else all day, and found it really hard to work.
Towards the evening, I received a Snapchat from her captioned “Missing me?” showing a low selfie of her face, her full lips and the top of her cleavage. It got worse a few seconds later, when I received another message, This one saying “I think he’s going to like what he finds, do you?” showing a picture of her slightly bent over, wearing a very short red skirt, riding just high enough to reveal her lack of panties – panties that I was wearing right now, under my work clothes. She drove it home with her final message, another selfie showing her laughing, with her fingers in the universal “small penis” pose. The caption said “Too bad you have such a tiny, pathetic dick.”
At that last image, my hands had started down towards my panty-covered genitals, and had started struggling myself without realizing. Without being able to control myself, her vicious dose of humiliation caused me to cum, cumming spurt after spurt into Mengxia’s panties. They were so skimpy that the cum went right through them and started staining my slacks. I got my pants down just in time to prevent the worst of it, but was too late to stop the cum staining the seat of my office chair. My phone waseped again. Mengxia had texted “You’d better not cum tonight, I forbid it. There’ll be hell to pay tomorrow if you do.” I gulped.
I sat at my desk for a moment, feeling ridiculous in my cum-soaked panties, partly stained slacks around my ankles and my stained office chair. From this side of orgasm, our little arrangement didn’t feel like such a good idea any more. She was my intern! We were supposed to have a healthy manager-employee relationship. Instead, I was taking orders from her and was jeopardizing my career.
I stayed at the office until long after my usual time, to avoid running into people on the wayout. I took the panties off completely and put them into my bag, to wash later. Since Mengxia had destroyed my boxers, there was nothing for it but to go commando, putting my slacks on over my bare cock. It would have to do. Luckily, I didn’t run into anyone on the way out of the office. I decided to take Uber home instead of the metro, to avoid people noticing my little “accident”.
Back home in my swanky, one-bedroom penthouse bachelor pad, I hurriedly stripped of my clothes and started a load of laundry. Although myself, I took Mengxia’s panties out of my bag, and handwashed them carefully, soaping them and hanging them to dry in the bedroom. There was no question of wearing them anymore, of course. I would tell Mengxia politely the following day that I hadn’t been feeling very well today, and had agreed to and done things that I really wouldn’t have ordinarily done. And that would be that.
I spent some time writing, and working on my projects. After an hour and a half, Iwent to the bathroom and fetched my laundry, taking it to the bedroom to fold. I then picked up Mengxia’s panties.
At my first touch of the soft material, the memories of that morning came rushing back. How Mengxia had dominated me, so effortlessly, so easily. How I had worshipped her feet, how she had mocked my penis, how she’d taken her panties off to give me…
I looked down. Without realizing it, I had been pressing her panties against my cock, and rubbing gently up and down. I was cumming again. Incredibly, almost as much as I came the first time. This time, the cum stained her panties again and then shot out in large spurts all over the bathroom.
“Fuck me,” I said aloud, frustrated. What was wrong with me? My arousal had left me, I was back to my original state of hating myself and what Mengxia had done to me.
I cleaned up the bathroom, and then rewashed the panties and hung them up again. I then forgot about them until after dinner, right when I was aboutt to go to bed. As I was about to go to bed, I saw her panties again, hanging on the rail right where I had left them. I touched them. They were dry.
Surely it couldn’t hurt to play with them just a little bit? I would take them into bed with me and admire and feel the material. I had never touched a woman’s underwear without her being there, after all. All in the name of science…
At this very moment, Mengxia was having passionate sex with a man, somewhere in this city. A man who would see the same view that I had seen that morning, but in more detail. Perhaps at this very moment, she was on all fours, moaning as he thrust his cock into…
It took longer this time, but I came again, this time onto my bed. I cursed, turning the light on. My arousal had left me again.
I was exhausted as I got into work the following day. I had to stay up late waiting for the panties to dry. This time I had firmly stuffed them into my bag, determined not to cum again. I yawned as I unlocked my office door, and seated myself at my desk, and started checking my email. Work progressed in a fairly uneventful fashion, with not too many calls to attend to. Noon came around pretty quickly, and I was just about to go and get some lunch when there was a knock on the door.
Mengxia walked in without waiting for an answer. She looked a little more troubled today than she had the Previous day.
“Hi Mengxia,” I stammered, “how has your day been so f -“
She cut me off with a wave, and walked straight towards me and around the desk. She looked down at my desk chair, her sharp eyes immediately spotting the conspicuous stain I had not yet managed to clean from the previous day. She told, auditive.
“So you jerked your little dick last night.” It was a statement. She looked probably disappointed as she said so.
I felt suddenly bad. “I’m sorry, Mengxia. The pictures you sent me yesterday were so hot and really got me going. I couldn’tcontrol myself.”
“How many times?” she asked.
I thought back to the previous evening, remembering how many times I had lost control. I felt ashamed. “T-twice,” I said, promptly.
She looked at me level. “slave,” she said quietly, “none of this is going to work if you lie to me. You can’t undo what you did yesterday, but at the very least be honest. How Many times did you jerk your little price yesterday?”
I cleared my throat. “Four times,” I said, “once right here, and then three times at home.”
She stared at me, and then suddenly started giggling. “Four times!” she choked out, “wow, I don’t think a lot of men can do that! You must have been really motivated. What got you going?”
I told her the story of how I’d been at work when I’d got her messages, and how her panties had turned me on so much. She listened attentively, standing only a couple feet away from me. I ended my story, staring at her expectedly.
Mengxia surprised again. “I supposed you’re not to blow for what happened, slave. Yesterday’s experience was probably very stimulating for a submissive small-cocked sissy like you.” As always, I shivered at the casual name-calling. The fact that I was supposed to be her manager seemed to have been consigned to history. “Add to that the fact that you were wearing my panties, and it is not surprising that you came so many times.”
I relaxed just a little bit.
“However,” Mengxia said, her voice growing a little more stern, “it won’t do at all. The core of your submission is redirecting your sexual energy towards serving a dominant woman. I understand that you will occasionally be very turned on by our experience together, and that’s OK. But you can’t come. I won’t be able to get the best out of you if you do. You will be cheating yourself, too. You won’t be able to submit as deeply as you could.
“I’m sorry, Mengxia,” I said, honestly, “I promise it won’t happen again.”
Mengxia’s eyes softened, and she took a step towards me, placing her hand on my shoulder. “See?” she said, her eyes scanning my face, “already you have forgotten how to address me, and I told you what was expected just yesterday! All that jerking off has drained off your submissive energy.”
I realized with a shock that she was right. How had I forgotten? “I’m sorry, Miss Li. I will not jerk off in the future unless you allow me too.”
Miss Li smiled. “slave,” she said, in a voice that indicated she thought I was being silly, “after what you did last night, do you really think I am going to take your word for it?” She reached into her bag as she spoke these words, leaving me to contemplate what she’d said.
Miss Li withdraw the package, and unwrapped it with a flourish. “What I’m proposing may seem extreme, slave boy,” she said, as she finished tearing off the wrapping paper, “but I am convinced that it is the only way to make a true slave out of you.”
She set the object down onto the desk, and motioneed for me to take a look. It was a chatity device, so familiar to me from the porn videos that I watched. She opened up the box, revealing a translucent pink cage and ring. “I anticipated that we might need something like this yesterday, right after I sent you those videos. I had to place a custom order at the toy store downtown, they don’t usually make cages small enough for you but they were able to get me a special prototype this morning. I billed it to the corporate card.” She grinned. “I believe that, as my manager, you’re going to need to approve that expense!” She must have seen the shock on my face, because she quickly added, “Don’t worry, the expense is going to show up as a visa application expense. I don’t want to ruin your career”
“Mengxia, I -“
“Miss Li!” It was the first time she was raising her voice, even slightly. “I can see that this period of chatity is much needed. I am willing to bet that you will remember much better once you’ve spent some time inthis.”
“Now, it’s time to change into slave attire,” she said. “That means get naked!” she said laughing in response to my blank expression.
Hesitating slightly again, but more naturally than I had yesterday, I quickly stripped out of my clothes. I had that feeling again — the feeling of being naked in a place that wasn’t home or a locker room. It feel really odd to be nude at work. Soon, I was down to her panties, rewashed so many times the previous day that they had lost a bit of their colour.
Miss Li nodded obviously. “I’m glad that you followed my instructions, at any rate. I was worried that all that jerking off had deprived you of the will to do even the most basic things. Take them off.” I pulled them down, holding my breath for her reaction.
Miss Li started giggling again. “Awwwwww,” she said in mock sympathy, pouting slightly as she did do. “I think he’s even smaller than he was yesterday! Look! He’s all shrunken again.” I looked down and realizedthat she was not completely joking, it did look smaller today. “All your cummies yesterday made him shrink! Look at him trying to hide in your bush!” She flicked her finger at my cock as she did so, as she would a fly, and I yelped. Another flick, this time at my balls, and I yelled out louder and almost fell over.
Miss Li picked up the chatity device. “I think your little baby dick wants Some chatity, doesn’t he? He wants some time to rest, without being abused by you. You shouldn’t work him so hard, you know. He needs some time off.”
“Yes,” she continued, smiling slightly at the look of horror on my face, “I think your cocklette needs a vacation. How long, I’m not sure yet. But long enough to take you well out of your comfort zone.”
“Wait, Miss Li,” I blurted out, suddenly realizing what she had in mind. “You can’t be serious.”
Miss Li grinned. “Do I look like I’m joking to you?”
“I can’t put my cock in that thing! I won’t be able to go about my day normally. Heck, can I even pee in that contraction? It would be torture.”
Miss Li’s grin widened. It was positively diabolical now. “Oh, I’m counting on it,” she breathed. “You will be able to go about your day mostly normally. And you will be able to pee, through this hole right here, you see? But oh yes, it will be torture. I intend to make it so.”
I shook my head. “I can’t do it, really. It’s too much.”
Miss Li’s grin faded, to be replaced by a more serious expression. “I understand that this is a big step, slave. We’ve only known each other 24 hours, and you’re being asked to give up control of your genitals to me. That’s a big step at any point in any relationship, let alone someone you barely know.”
“You know, you did sign a contract yesterday. You swore to obey my every instruction. But I’m not going to invoke the contract. Not yet, anyway.” She was speaking faster now, a little anxiously. “This is a big step. If you really don’t want to make it, then we can stop here. I’ll destroy the contract. We’ll go back to a regular work relationship. I don’t want to force you down this path, if it’s too much of a step. I would understand, I promise.”
“But,” she breathed, “it wouldn’t change a thing. You could put your big boy pants back on, live your life as you had before. Pretend to be a normal man. And maybe no one would notice. But up here-” she came closer and touched my left temple, “-up here nothing will have changed. You’ll still be a submissive male at heart. A beta male. You’ll be a man who desires serving a dominant woman and being her slave. And most importantly,” she grinned again, “Nothing, nothing whatsoever, will ever change down here.” She reached down her right hand and grabbed my semi-erect member between her thumb and forefinger. “This dick is not going to grow out magically. I hate to break it to you, slave, but this cock will never be truly capable of pleasing a woman.”
She withdraw her hand and took a step back,taking a deep breath. “So there you have it, boss. It’s your choice. You can live a normal male life, and suppress your secret desires. Or you can embrace them. Right here, with someone who understands and appreciates them. And if that’s what you choose, then this cage must go on. I cannot train you if you are planning to jerk off every time you leave my sight.”
She placed her palms on the desk behind her and gently pushed herself up, until she was sitting on the desk. She really did look lovely today. She was dressed in office wear, just like the previous day, but her top was light blue today. She was wearing her shiny black hair down, and it fluttered slightly in the breeze of the AC. I shivered slightly. The room was cold, particularly naked. Outside, I heard the click-clack of high heels going past my door.
“So, what is it to be?”
It was never a real choice. Every word she had spoken was true. Just like yesterday, I knew what I wanted, deep down. Did I have the bravery to grab this opportunity, right in front of me?
I spoke up, in a hoarse voice, “Please lock me into the chatity belt, Miss Li.”
Her expression brightened obviously. She looked at me closely as though making sure, and then smiled broadly. She reached out her hand and patted my arm gently. “Good slave,” she said. “You may regret your decision soon, but I think you’ve made the right choice.”
I was already slightly regretting it.
“Now,” she said with purpose, “let’s work on getting this thing on.” And she got to work. The ring I had seen in so many porn videos went first, as she forced one testicle at a time through the gap, until it was snug. The cage itself was next. It was so small that I wasn’t sure it would go on at first, but much to my surprise it did. There was just enough space for my flaccid dick, and I wondered if it would be painful if I had an erection. Finally, Miss Li fit the padlock around the joint. Making eye contact, a wicked grin on her face, she drew out the moment as long as she could. Finally, she pressed hard, and a loud “CLICK” sounded. I was locked.
Miss Li took the key out of her pocket. Her eyes were still gleaming wickedly as she considered my prediction. As for me, I was terrified. I was a successful manager with his cock locked in a cage and the only key with my intern. There was so many ways this could go wrong! She was Still eyeing my, now twirling the key around her fingers. After a while, she put it into her skirt pocket.
She put her hand on her chin as though thinking. “Now”, she said pensively, “what is the longest time you’ve gone without an orgasm? Since puzzle?”
It was a personal question and I was caught off-guard for a second. “Errm-,” I considered for a while, “A week?”
“Only a week!” she laughed. “Well then, we’re going to shatter that record, aren’t we? Let’s see, yes I think three weeks should be enough as an initial locking period.”
I stared at her. “Three weeks,” I spluttered. “Meng- I mean, Miss Li, that’s ridiculous! I don’t think that’s even healthy! I thought this was only going be for a couple of days or something.”
She laughed again. “You should have thought of that before signing up,” she said, grinning diabolically.
“But, Miss Li, I-“
She cut me off wordlessly, placing her hand on my shoulder and looking at me with almost a kind expression. “slave,” she said, “You’ve just spent a lot of sexual energy jerking off to my panties and my pictures. I told you, you need to conserve it if you are to serve me effectively. I want you to be horny out of your mind when you start being my slave in earnest. Nothing less will do. You are going to have to unlearn a lot of your old habits and replace them with new ones. Trust me, you will need to be at the peak of your sexual cycle when you do so. And you will be. Believe me, you will be hornier than you have been in your life. And that’s good, isn’t it? It’s always good to push yourlimits in life.”
She stepped back, slowly collecting her bag. “Three weeks,” she said firmly. “Not a day less. You will thank me for it, one day.”
“I think it would be best if we didn’t do any of these sessions for the next three weeks. There isn’t any point training you before you’ve reached the peak of your sexual cycle. I will be in touch though,” she said, tapping her phone. “Check your Snapchat! Oh, I’ll be taking these.” She grabbed her panties from where I’d left them, on the ground, and put them into her pocket. “Maybe you’ll get to earn them back, if you’re well-behaved.”
She walked over to the door, turning around to face me with her hand on the doorknob. “Have a good three weeks, slave! Try and get some work done, if you can. I promise you, I’ll be making a lot of progress in my internship project.”
She turned, and then she was gone. I heard the sound of her high heels slowly receiving as she walked away.
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