The Inner Fullness Heist: Ch. 02

Joey ran over the plan one more time in his head. It wasn’t insane. He was almost positive that insane was too strong a word — he trusted Carla, and Carla wasn’t worried, right?

But everything in him said the plan was nuts. Staying in the area of ​​operations for three entire rounds of acquisition (not counting whoever chose to stop in) showed a ridiculous risk appetite. It was an invitation for disaster.

As far as he could tell, the whole thing hinged on convincing the receptionist to help them in the field — to act normally and go about her business as they kidnapped her coworkers, sit back as they sedated and bound all the day’s clients, then meekly submit to being carried off along with the rest of cargo.

True, the company was supposed to have some miracle drug that would help him get through to her, but he’d seen “miracle drugs” Before. Even tested, they rarely worked as well as the old standbys, and if this one had had any field tests, no one could tell him anything about them.

There was a backup plan. If it didn’t work, Carla could work reception. She’d play the role well, he knew — she was always calm, milk, and professional up to the very moment when it was time to pounce. That was how she managed to subdue women twice her size.

But would that be enough? If someone came in and didn’t see anyone they knew around the office, the field team could lose control quickly. One person getting a bad feeling and bolting would be enough to hang them all.

So Joey did the one thing he could: he went through it all again, step-by-step, identifying every spot where it could possibly go wrong, and planning what he’d do if — and when — it did.

Getting a last minute babysitting detail in the middle of the exercise did nothing to lighten his mood. Normally, he couldn’t get enough of the petite, freckled girl with the small, pointy tits and bright smile. Aside from Carla, Squirt was about as close to a consenting partner as he’d found here, and the two had undeniable chemistry.

A groupie just past the age of 18, she was already game for a lot when she arrived. She was really only here because the singer she followed had pushed things a little too far, wanting to show off her very wet and rather impressive orgasms to the rest of the band — along with a dozen of their closest friends.

She’d refused, and his insurance had rubbed her the wrong way. The free-spirited girl had started thinking about leaving the band altogether. But the band’s manager had had a contact within the Org. He talked her into one final party, got her nice and high, then introduced her to a couple field agents who promised to give her a ride back to town. The rest was history.

Squirt was here to be trained as a “party girl,” a role that sounded a lot easier than it was. Conventional slaves have a lot of comforting routine. Makeup and outfits, slave positions and rituals, whippings and canings, exercise and ablutions, andhours of bondage give their lives a rhythm.

But a party girl has to be down for anything at any time. In her new life, Squirt might have to go from a classic D/s scene with the lead singer, to a threesome with the bass player and his girlfriend, to being the drummer’s puppy, then get dropped off for an hours-long gangbang with the roadies, only to get up the next day and do it all again.

For that reason, many trainers don’t like working with party girls — even eager, accommodating ones like Squirt. Trainers thrive on routine as much as the slaves they train, while party girls go into each new situation unsure what is expected of them. So the organization tends to assign girls like Squirt “enrichment” with field agents, or “pickers,” who are more comfortable improvising. Pickers like Joey.

So Joey put a mental bookmark between, “surprise public opening,” and “unexpected gunman bent on revenge,” and walked into the gym to grab Squirt.

He could tell she’d done something to piss off her handler. Bronx was a laid back guy in charge of ferrying the girls back and forth, and he rarely got angle about anything. He’d inevitably use simple, robust bondage to get the girls where they needed to go safely, securely, and as comfortable as possible. Joey couldn’t remember ever seeing the handler leaves a girl in a stress position before.

He smiled seeing she’d been dressed for his benefit. Bronx liked dressing up his dolls, and tended to go for a classy look — or at least well put together. But that wasn’t how Squirt was dressed. She was wearing a standard leather training collar, a blue workshirt, tied under her breasts, an ultra-tight red skirt with white polka-dots, a pair of mismatched stockings, and outrageous heels. It looked like she’d fallen into a pile of clothes and come out slutty — Joey’s aesthetic to a T.

She was tied inside a rectangular upright, like a free-standing pull-up bar, but lined with anchorpoints and mounted with a few other accessories. The standing spreadeagle was pretty standard — or would have been if Bronx hadn’t tied Squirt upside down.

It wasn’t a particularly dangerous position, but it didn’t seem like much fun either. Even for a lithe, fit girl like Squirt, it would get uncomfortable after a few minutes, and she’d already been there at least ten.

Joey knew Squirt could be a handful, but as far as the Org’s inmates went, she was quite well-mannered, and he wondered yet again how she’d gotten under Bronx’s skin. The outfit said, “have fun, buddy!” while the position said, “don’t let the slut off the hook.” It didn’t make sense, and that made Joey feel uneasy.

He knelt quietly in front of Squirt. Her normally pale, delicate face looked quite dramatic flushed red, and divided by the heavy harness, muzzle gag, and blindfold. Bronx had used the old, chunkier brown leather tack, that matched her light brown pigtails, and contrasted appealingly withher delicate features.

The blindfold surprised him. Squirt was nearsighted, so they usually didn’t both — having her squint into the distance built up anticipation just as well, and her client wasn’t particularly bondage-oriented. One more sign that she’d done something to incur Bronx’s wrath. Well, if Bronx was good enough to dress her up for the field agent, Joey would return the favor and Discipline her for the handler.

He stood up, admiring the way she squirmed in her bonds. It was clear she knew someone was there (or suspected it at least), and hoped to entire him to let her out. The floor squeaked under his foot, and she perked up, turning him on with a long, pleading whimper.

“Nice to see you too, Squirt,” Joey said, addressing the cunt, wrapped in frilly panties. He gently ran his fingers along her taught legs, watching the ticklish girl tend and yelp. “What did you do to get in trouble today?”

She gave him an offended grumble, not bothering to evenTry to speak through the gag. Joey usually didn’t mind putting up with a little attitude from Squirt — it individualed him, and didn’t conflict her training. She’d be serving a lot of different men (and probably some women as well), so they encouraged her to adapt to the preferences of her current custodian.

But Joey wasn’t inclined to give her a lot of leeway today — he was sure she didn’t deserve it.

“I asked you a question, slut,” he said, sharply pinching her inner thigh. “What did you do?”

“Nuh’in!” She grumbled indignantly through the gag.

“Nothing, what?” he asked, digging in his fingers.

“Nuh’in won!” she said with a nervous half-giggle that turned into a series of sharp grunts and shrinks as Joey ticckle, then pinched down on her inner thigh.

“Firr! Nuh’in wong Fir!”

Joey brushed his lips against her panties, inhaling her warm, slightly sweet scent — the first thing he’d liked about the girl.

“So why are you upside down, Squirt?”

“I doh know. Ihs nah fair!” she cried out, thrusting her crotch against his face as if to understand the point.

Joey smiled to himself, a plan forming in his head.

“Oh, it’s not fair is it? You want me to show you what unfair is?” he asked, nipping her gently through the fabric.

“Uh huh!”

Joey unexpectedly ripped her panties off, earning a gasp from his eager playmate. He twisted his fingers in the narrow reddish-brown strip of public hair left above her depilated sex

“Would it be unfair for me to shove my dick down your throat, slut?”

“Yuh fir.”

“What about if I spanked your ass. Would that be unfair?”

“Yuhuh! Fery uhhfair!” she said, saucily. Squirt loved a firm spanking.

“And what if I shoved my dick all the way up your ass, Squirt. Would that be unfair?”


Joey had found the one thing Squirt really would find quite unfair. Squirt wasn’t a big fan of anal to begin with, and with Joey’s size, she’d sTruggled to fit him in the past. Well, she needed the training, and he really didn’t have time for a more laborate punishment — especially without knowing what she’d done.

“Fuck my pupphy pweave, Fir,” she said, in as sweet and submissive a tone as she could manage through the gag.

He idly stroked her, letting her continue to begging for a few moments, as his fingers drifted to her back hole. Ever the consider coworker, Bronx had lubed her up for him. Her voice took on a while tone as he pressed his middle finger in, but to her credit she behaved herself, even continuing her alluring pleasure as he sunk in to the second knuckle.

“How many dicks did this ass service yesterday, slut?”

“Uh, I fink-“

She squeaked and squeezed as he slapped her mound with his other had.

“You know the proper way to answer, slut.”

Squirt whimpered, goosebumps popping out on her skin. For a girl who would submit to gangbangs with very little fuss, she was surprisingly precise about anal play; it was her only major personality flaw, as far as Joey was concerned. Finally, she started, giving him a series of slow, firm squeezes.

“One, two, three,” he counted along. “Only three?”

She gave him a long, firm squeeze for “yes.”

“And did your ass earn a load from each?”

Squirt let out an unhappy little whimper and gave him two quick squeezes for “no.” She shivered, twisting in her bonds.

“I see,” he said, as he pulled out his finger and wiped it off on a nearby towel, conveniently left hanging from the corner of the structure.

That was when he noticed the trace of dark blue ink that had rubbed off on his hand. He leaned over to read the handwriting scrapled across her tight, little ass:

Good lucky, Joey. Pick a clover for me

— Bronx

Joey scowled. Unexpected arrivals — women (and occasionally, men) who happened upon an operation in progress — were called “clovers,” and the company went to great lengths to make them seem lucky.

From an operational perspective, it made sense. Acquisition teams and staff were rewarded with access to clovers while the company looked for a buyer. That made it seems normal to the pickers, so they were less likely to panic and let one escape.

Joey felt his shoulders tighten. He knew Bronx meant well; Squirt’s buyer was reviewing her progress in less than a month, and with a major tour coming up, she’d probably be leaving with him. It was only natural for the handler to want a new pet. Still, this mission was dangerous enough as it was — the last thing Joey needed was more clovers.

“Wuh ih fay, Firr?” Squirt asked, wiggling her ass flirtatiously at him.

“If it were your business, he’d have told you, slut,” Joey said, giving her ass a firm slap.

He inspected her bondage. Squirt’s ankles and wrists were both fastened to spreader bars, which was strapped to the top top and bottom of the structure. That was another courtesy; it means he could take her down and get her mounted for transport easily. He could even just lay her down on a cart and wheel her to her next appointment if he were in a hurry.

She expected to him to use her ass, but she wasn’t happy about it, and he didn’t have time for a fight. He needed a way to get her to relax until she was properly mounted — preferably in a position where she couldn’t resistant.

“Have you been working on your flexibility, Squirt?” he asked, his fingers working lightly over her lower lips.

“Yeffir,” she said, relieved at the change in his tone. “Uh huh!” she added, unnecessarily, clearly eager for him to keep his attention forward.

He continued struggling her, enjoying the moans and her scent as she relaxed into his strokes.

“Would you like to show me?”

“Yuhuh! Yeffir!”

“Good girl. We’ll take this nice and slow.”

He hooked a small win from the top of the structure to the spreader bar linking her wrists, then detached the bar from the bottom of the structure. Then, Joey began to lift her upper body, gradually taking up the slack as he went.

Squirt told in relief, seeming to enjoy the way he held and stroked her as he lifted her upper body. He took it slowly as he’d promised, giving her time to adjust to the blood flowing out of her head.

The second half of the journey was a greater challenge, but she was a flexible girl. Soon he had her doubled over, with the wrist spreader hanging just a little below the ankle bar.

He unclipped one wrist at a time, and fastened them to the leg spreader outside of her legs. Then he added a few straps around her legs and torso to secure her in position and restrict any squirming and flexing for the rest of the adventure. Doubled over, Squirt didn’t seem happy, exactly, but she stayed calm, swinging gently with each small, controlled breath.

She was still a little too high up, so he slide a small platform under her and stepped up,pausing to unzip and add some extra luxury to his member. He reassured her with a gentle kiss on the forehead, then bent his knees slightly and took Squirt’s weight in his arms. He gave her a moment to get accustomed to the position, while he savored the scent of her soft hair, mixed with the leather tack.

She purred when he rubbed her lower back while his shake glided along her taint. He rocked back and forth to tease the outside of her holes gently, measuring her reaction. Despite the strong position, Squirt had started to relax. She let out a sensuous moan that made him twitch as he slowly pressed against her cunt, splitting her small, neat lips with his thick head.

“That’s it, Squirt. You’re doing great. Just relax and let yourself be enjoyed,” he purred into her ear.

“Yuhh Firr,” she murmured around the gag.

He pulled out and rubbed across her pussy and back between her butt cheats, teasing her back hole with his cock. He pretended not to notice thesuspicious sound she made, or the way she tensed as he gently ran the head against it, then back towards her cunt, pressing gently and innocently back inside.

Squirt seemed calmer when he repeated the movement, this time rubbing his cock head against her butthole, pressing gently, but not pushing in, before moving back between her lips and enjoying a few slow, shallow strokes.

“Pweave,” she breathed as he slide his cock slowly inside of her. “Pweaffirr.”

“Soon, Squirt,” he said, pulling out slowly. “Count down from ten for me.”

“Fehn… dine… eighth… feh-” she froze for a split second, before letting out a shriek of surprise and betrayal as he shoved his cock head into her tight ass.

Perfect, he thought. That’s the hard part done.

“Nononofirr! Pweave! In my pupphy, pweave!”

“It’s not your choice, slut. Keep counting,” he said, his voice calm and cold.

“Pweave Firr!” she squeaked. “My aff… too muph!”

“It’s not too much, Squirt. Now get back in control and keep counting. Seven.”

“Feh…” she started in a shaky voice. “Fehfen, fhix. Pweave Fir! Fiiiiihhh…” She grunted loudly, then fell silent, except for her panting breath.

“There we are,” he said, rubbing her back as he saved the incredible tightness, filling the tiny girl completely. “Ready to go?”

“Hhhhh… huh?”.

Buried deep in her ass, he could tell the moment that she fully realized what he was doing. She somehow got even tighter, the squeezing almost painful as he detached the top bar from the frame, holding her up with one arm wrapped around her back and the other gripping the spreader bar behind her head.

“I’ve got to make a pickup, so I’m leaving you with some friends, Squirt,” he said as he shifted her body, earning a spectacularly dramatic moan, “but if you make me cum on the walk over, I’ll make sure the afternoon isn’t too challenging for you.”

She gave no response but a forlorn little cry through the gag that raised in pitch as he stepped down from the platform.

* * * * * * * *

“Come on, Squirt. Time it with my steps. Squeeze and release. Squeeze and release.”

“Oh hey, Joey,” an older voice called out from behind Squirt. “Who’s your friend?”

“Hey, Ridley,” Joey said, stopping suddenly. “This is Squirt. Squirt, this is Mr. Ridley.”

“Huhhhh… hiii… hhh..,” Squirt grunted out between pants, her pretty flush deepening.

“Oh, the party girl with the waterspout! Hi, Sweetie. Working on those anal skills today?”

“Hurrrrruhng!” Squirt groaned incoherently as Joey slide her up along his shake.

“Sorry,” Joey said. “She’s being a little dramatic today. she’s just starting to open.”

He slide her back down his shake by way of demonstration.

“Still struggle with control, though,” he continued. “She’s working on earning her loads.”

“Well, that’s a funny coincidence. Didi here was just looking for some tongue practicece, right Didi?”

Squirt heard a low, throaty grunt beneath her.

“I bet she could give your girl a little extra motivation. Want me to ungag her?”

Joey hesitated.

“A few minutes wouldn’t hurt, I guess. Squirt could use some more training with girls anyway, couldn’t you?”

“Huhhuhhhh,” Squirt whimpered in response, unable to even contemplate what they planned to do with her, but desperately hoping it involved putting her down.

It did not.

Joey pulled her tighter against him, leaning back and bending his knees, and holding her out at an angle. His cock levered her painfully, the head pressing over her spine, and the shake stretching her opening even more.

Squirt hadn’t even processed this new sensing, when she felt something wet, enthusiastic, and unmistakable run along her stretched rim. The world flashed white behind the blindfold as Didi’s tongue struggled to work between the pair.

“Oh, that got a response!” Ridley laughed as Joey struggled briefly to hold onto the undulating slave.

He less amused. Squirt felt a massive hand close around her neck and tighten extremely as his voice took on a threatening tone.

“Stop squirming please, Squirt.”

Squirt tried. She really did. But the more she fought to control her reaction, the more her body seemed to get away from her. It felt as if she were leaving her body, her tenuous consciousness being flung free of the shaking, grunting, wailing thing folded and split on the massive cock.

The next thing she knew, Squirt felt her body being squeezed between Joey and a wall, his hand now firmly rubbing the back of her neck as she fought to regain her breath.

“I think that’s all for now.”

‘That’s too bad,” Ridley said. “Didi’s on fluids training, and pretty thirsty right now. I was hoping your girl could water her when we were done.”

“Well, I’ll tell you want. I’m doing a pickup soon, so I’m taking her to 501 for babysitting. Why don’tyou bring Didi by later? I’m sure the boys will be happy to turn on the tap.”

Squirt did not like Ridley’s chuckle.

“Busy day for both of you, huh? Thanks, Joey. Have the boys keep her hydrated, and we’ll stop by for a water break. Heel, Didi.”

* * * * * * *

By the time the pair approached the worksshop, Squirt seemed to have fallen into a trace. The only sign she gave Joey that she registered the sound of grinding metal was a slight grunt and a fluttering in her bowels when the door opened.


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