The Initiation

Eve and I had made contact a few weeks earlier on a fetish networking website and hit it off right away. We exchanged messages for a couple of weeks and it turned out that our kinks were an almost perfect match. Before long we met in real life and since that day we were almost inseparable. I was fascinated by Eve. She was gorgeous, funny, creative and absolutely free of any inhibition regarding her sexuality. Somehow, she managed to appear absolutely normal to the outside world while she designed her daily life around her gyms and fetishes. Eve was kind, nice and caring and at the same time …a Dominatrix through and through. And we were madly in love.

Before Eve, I had always been the dominant part in my relationships. I sometimes thought of myself a switch if the situation is right… But with Eve there was never any question regarding that. Eve appeared in my life and was in charge from the first moment on. Eve knew my deepest desires without asking. She could sense how far she could go with me. Our time together was basically a permanent BDSM session, in which she constantly pushed, but never overstepped any boundaries… well, I should rather say that she never overstepped too far. We did not simply have kinky sex… we explored and unearthed each other’s hidden desires.

Once a week, Eve went out with her girlfriends. They called it party-night. As long as I knew Eve, I was told that party-night was a girls-only event and that participation was mandatory for the girls. Those rules appeared to be edged in stone. Therefore, I was very much surprised when Eve suddenly asked me to come along. Eve told me that her girls were very sweet and protective of her, that she had told them how happy she was with me and that her friends now wanted to check out that guy themselves. So far, so good. I found that whole situation quite charming and was looking forward to getting to know my girlfriend’s girls. I never asked for more details on the friends because I was about to meet them anyways. Two days later, at the night of the event, Eve texted me the address where I should meet her after work. Apparently, it was the apartment of one of the friends rather than a bar or restaurant. Her instructions also said that I should not worry about what I was wearing and that it would be an extremely casual gathering. That didn’t sound like her really, but I didn’t think twice about it.

In the evening, I made sure to arrive in time. Not too early, not too late. I wanted to make a good impression right from the start. I didn’t want to embarrass Eve. I rang the bell. I was surprised and relieved to see that Eve opened the door herself. It is always awkward to show up alone at a party at which you know nobody except your own girlfriend who arrived separately… My heart immediately jumped in delight when I saw Eve.

I left the dark street and entered the hallway. The lights were dimmed down in here, too, which I found a little strange. I could hear soft music and voices from inside the place, chatting and laughing. I wrapped my arms around Eve and kissed her sensitively. Touching her hips, I noticed her leather corset which she usually only wore in certain dungeon scenarios. I was surprised. It was too dark to see the full expression on her face, but she was obviously trying to find the right words in order to tell me something unpleasant or embarrassing. “Honey, please don’t be mad” she said. “I only found out today that my friends have planned a little initiative rite for you.” I was stunned. “You see, I was always very open with my friends regarding my fetishes and my sexual preferences. I mean, they are not all Dominatrices, but they know what that means, and they generally understand what my desires are… . My friends experienced firstthand how my past relationship devastated me one after another. Each time I thought I had found my true partner, but each time it turned out that I was too weird for them… andsooner or later they ran away…” Wait, wait, wait…” I said. “I do understand your situation. My life has not been much different. We talked about this. I am super happy that I finally found YOU! I am madly in love with you. You know that!” “I know, I know” she answered. “But they want to see and know it, too!” “Alright, alright, that is sweet in some sense. I will play Along even though it feels a little bit weird. What do I have to do?” I asked. “That is just it” she said “I don’t know. They won’t tell me any details. All I know is that they told me to dress up, that they sent me out to pick you up and that I am supposed to guide you in and hand you over to them. It looks like they hedged out some elaborate role play or something. You will see it for yourself in a moment. Don’t be shocked. They are all wearing masquerade masks, like they did in that movie “eyes wide shut”…” she chuckled. I too had to chuckle, now. This was all too strange to be true. I wrapped my arm around thehip of my Dominatrix girlfriend and summoned all my coolness before I let her guide me down the hall further into the apartment.

I almost lost my cool immediately after we had entered the main room. The sight that awaited me was spectacular! The apartment was obviously the loft an artist. The dim-light room was filled with sculpturing and painting accessories as well as impressive artworks scattered around the Large room and its walls. The motors of all the art in the room were dark and highly sexual. Also scattered around the large room stood a good dozen people wearing elegant wide and long robes and masquerade masks. There was no way of telling if the persons were male of female, old or young, slim or not. I bowed head gently and greeted them with a loud “Good evening! Wow, what an impressive place. And the artwork… I love it! Who of you is the artist?” Nothing. They all turned to me as the music stopped and no one spoke. …or reacted in any other way. They stared at me with the blank expressions of the masks.

After a few moments, two of the figures stepped forward and extended their arms. Their hands invited me to come closer. I felt Eve’s hand in my back gently pushing me forward as I stepped forward towards the 2 shadowy figures. That was what these people looked like to me in their dark, long robes in these dark, dim-light surroundings. They looked like shadows. Eve Stayed where she was. I looked back to her and she nodded her head to signal me that it was OK to go. This whole situation was so surreal! I shook my head in disbelief. Each hooded figure took one of my hands and gently lead me into a separate room. A third shadow walked a few steps behind me. This room was empty except for a simple, naked wooden chair, an old wooden bar stool and a big shelf with BDSM accessories like collars, cuffs, ropes, gags, paddles, crops, whips, dildos, butt plugs and so on… reaching from the floor to the ceiling. The three shadowy figures now stepped closer and gently placed their hands on my back and shoulders in order to gesture me that everything was OK. Very gently, but also totally asexual, one began to unbutton my shirt while the others were still calming me. When it was clear to them that I would not make a fuzz, the second one also helped to undress me, then the third. They were gentle, yet determined. Nobody said a single word or made any other noise. They stacked my clothes on the wooden chair. I wondered how far they would go with this. I was rather relieved when they stopped at my underpants. But everything else was gone. I stood practically naked in my underwear. Then one of the figures went over to the shelf and swiftly came back with a couple of thick leather cuffs. Gently, two of them stretched out my arms while the third one fastened the cuffs on my wrists and also below the elbow. Then they knelt and attached the third pair to my ankles. It was a tight fit, but nothing hurt. Then the two shadows that stood by myside each grabbed one of my arms. Again, not aggressively or violently, but with determination. Their grip was strong enough for me to sense that they were serious and that they expected my full cooperation. They extended my arms forward and all 3 of us watched while the 3rd figure used a steel snap-hook to attach my elbows to each other. The snap-hook left approximately 10cm of space between my elbows. Then they bent my arms backwards over my head and before I realized what was going to happen next, another snap-hook was used to connect the cuffs on my wrists. Suddenly the situation had changed massively. I was locked into a choking posture collar by my own arms. I tried to move my arms forward and slip my head through the narrow gap, but the snap-hook dug painfully deep into my neck. The more I fight my restraints, the More I chose myself. This was very unpleasant and I began to fight my restraints and even panic a bit. The 3 shadowy figures again managed to calm me down simply bylaying their arms on my arms and shoulders in their stoic manner. It took me a few moments to realize that I had absolutely surrendered my fate to them. There was no escape from this situation. But I did not feel nervous or even panic anymore. The cold and calm manner of these shadows did not scare or aggravate me. If anything, I was puzzled, curious and dumbfounded by what was going on here…

The shadow Behind me stepped away and walked over to the shelf. I had not seen it before, but there was a hand-winch mounted on the wall right next to it. As the crank was being turned, a small metal hook appeared out of nothing. This room must have been much higher than I had initially anticipated. The hook was let down just far enough so that the shadow in front of me could attach it to the carabine that was connecting the cuffs on my elbows. As soon as that was done, the hook went up into the ceiling again, now pulling my elbows with it. The win did not stop until my elbows, and thusmy head, were pointing almost vertically upwards towards the ceiling, forcing my back into a painful arch. With this additional prediction, my situation went from unpleasant to very bad and rather painful. I tried to adjust the position of my feet in order to relieve some strain from my neck and my back. While I tapped around to find a good position, one of them suddenly grabbed my underwear and quickly pulled it off. I could not see what was going on anymore, because my head was pinned upwards by my bound arms. Next, they grabbed my feet and pulled them apart. When they let go again, my movements were seriously restricted by a spreader bar between my ankles. The spreader bar was so wide that it actually forced me to stand on my toes in order to relieve some tension from my neck. And that was it. The 3 gentle shadows that had stripped and restrained me, stood around my bound and naked body that was helpfully dangling from the ceiling. They watched for a few more moments and assured themselves that they had done a good enough job with my restraints before they walked over to retrieve something from the shelf. I could not make out what they had picked up, but when they came back they were surrounded by a distinct smell. The smell was pleasant, but for some reason my brain immediately went into alarm mode. The shadows began to put some sort of ointment onto my body. They spread thick layers on my back, shoulders, arms, legs and so on. They made sure to massage the ointment deep into the muscles that were most challenging by my prediction while they were very careful NOT TO get any of it onto my more sensitive parts. It was then that I finally recognized the smell but mostly the tingling, yet numbing, sensing. They were generally applying muscle relaxing sports gel. This was a first for me. I had been in extended bondage situations before, but these guys apparently had something more challenging in mind. I started to feel uneasy again and I nervously rocked in my bonds, but this time nobody cared to calm me down any more. The shadows who had stripped and restrained me disappeared into the dark. There was no noise. There was no sound to hear. I was alone, dangling from the ceiling in an unnatural arch, surrounded by a cloud of menthol that tingled in my nose and stung in my eyes.

The next thing that I heard was the sound of a bell. It was a high-pitched sounding bell, like the small table bells that the noble families used to let the servants know that the next course may be served. Or those high-pitched bells that they use in theaters to signal the beginning of the second half, the next act! I used the little freedom of movement that I had to nervously stare into the dark, looking out for the shadows with rising disappoint! Several minutes past in which absolutely nothing happened.

Then suddenly I shuddered as a recognized the shape of a shadow materializing in the corner of my eye, then right in front of me, then all around me. They had secretly snuck into the room and hidden in the dark corners. They surrounded me. They stood in a large circle around my naked and bound body. I could feel their gazes on my naked skin. I could sense how they became more and more greedy for my flesh, my pain, my humiliation. They moved closer. The circle became smaller. They reached out with their hands and started to touch my naked body. The uniformity in their actions was almost gone, now. Their individual touches felt totally different. Some touched my skin to care it. Some went right for my nipples and pinched them violently. Some slapped my butt. Some gently cupped my balls. Some pinched my butt cheats. Some slapped my face. Some slapped my cock. The circle moved around me. Everyone wanted their chance to hurt or cares my vulnerable body. This went on for a long time and stopped as suddenly as it began. The circle opened and transformed into a line moving past the large shelf where every one of them picked up their favorite toy or device for pleasure or pain… before they disappeared back into the dark corners, awaiting their turn.

The bell sounded again and immediately the shadows started moving all around me. One shadow grabbed a chair and sat down right between my legs where he or she immediately and without any hesitation began to gently massage my asshole with warm oil. Another shadow came forward and without warning started whipping my back, while another shadow practiced his skills with the riding crop on my thighs. The next shadow brought his favorite nipple clamps which he repeatedly attached and then very slowly pulled off again my nipples again. It all happened at the same time and randomly. Mostly I could not see what was going to happen next. There was no chance for me to adjust or to prepare. I was totally helpless and vulnerable. Then the bell sounded again, and a different combination of pain and pleasure was applied. One shadow picked up the spreader bar and fixed it to the bar standl so that they could take turns whipping the soles of my feet, while another shadow gently kneaded my balls and while another shadow caressed my throat and face…

*DING* A vibrating but plug was slowly shoved into my ass by several hands, while simultaneously several people were flogging the front of my body from head to toe… .

*DING* Someone edged the tip of my cock, denying me any orgasm, while someone else was caresing my nipples, while another shadow ticckled my feet.






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