The Initiation

Special thanks to The Style Guy for helping me edit this first submission and popping my Literotica cherry……

Waiting anxiously for an answer at the other end of the line, I find myself becoming aroused from the anticipation of hearing your sweet voice. I am completely fascinated by everything about you, your beautiful volunteer body, your silky caramel skin, and deep soulful eyes that can be caring one moment and demanding the next.

Almost frantic after five rings, I doggedly held the phone praying that you will answer. I’m almost teary eyed with relief when you pick up on the seventh ring.

“Hello puppy,” your honeyed voice purrs.

“Hello Ma’am. Please forgive my impertinence in calling again. I want you to know that I’ve arrived and I await your instruction.”

“Are you excited about our meeting puppy?”

“Yes Ma’am. I’m very excited.”

“Good. I’ll be there in a bit, but there are a few other things I need to pick up. I’m anxious to begg your enlightenment.”

The echo of a smile in your voice rings in my head after you’ve hung up. I’d never before considered myself submissive in any way. However, my need to please you constantly surprises me and surpasses all other desires I may have.

I am impatient and my nervousness builds as the minutes tick by. I pace, check my hair, brush my teeth again and check my watch for the tenth time when I hear your soft knock.

Your welcome smile is the first thing I notice as I open the door. You are so beautiful. At 5’5″, your rounded body is deceptively covered from head to toe in a beige trench coat. I can see the tip of an expensive pair of black boots peeking from beneath the hem, but nothing else.

Your face, as always, is as open and kind as it has ever have been. You exude a type of warmth that has lured me from the beginning of our relationship. The simplified sweetness of your smile slowly melts into a semiconductor smile.

“Hello puppy,” wide eyes staringdirectly into mine, seeing, it would seem, directly into my soul.

I can hardly breathe much less respond, so amazing that you are standing before me. I swallow once and then again in an effort to regain my composition.

“Hello Ma’am,” I answer with just the slightest break in my voice.

I notice the bags you’re carrying and quickly offer to take them for you, which you graciously accept. I invite you inside and close the door, watching you float into the room. As you pass, I detect your perfume and my cock responds with a hard shift. Your cent is indeed imported in my brain now and I know that I will always recognize it.

I turn quickly to put your bags aside in an attempt to hide my growing excitement, as I know that you require control above all else. The months of training seem to have abandoned me with your appearance. Curious considerations of how you taste consume my thoughts instead. In my mind, all I hear is your gentle voice instructing me, demanding myobedience.

I inhale deeply as my back is to you, hoping my stubborn erection will subside. Sensing my distress you ask me to face you. Even from across the room, I know that my excitement is evidence in the gray slacks I’m wearing.

I turn slowly, eyes deferentially lowered as I know my position as service. Even so, I see that you’ve opened your coat. One black nylon covered leg is in my peripheral vision.

My cock bucks hungrily, spitting a small drop from the sight of the simplified knee peeping at me. I squeeze my eyes completely shut, desperately searching for control, but it avails me nothing. I can still see your shaped leg in my minds eye and I tremble slightly. My mouth has begun to water in anticipation of seeing more of you and I wonder wildly how I will ever be able to withstand this.

“Come closer, Puppy. I want to see you,” you command.

I walk quickly to you and try again to slow my breathing. I feel light headed. You step even closer to me and I amoverwhelmed yet again by your scent and immense power. I see the berry colored dress that lovingly hugs your curves but barely contains your wonderful breasts. It appears to be cleverly wrapped around you and held there by two small strings on your right hip.

My fingers itch to pull at the trailing ends of the bow to reveal your luscious body for my worship. I clear my throat in an effort to speak and Then again when it doesn’t seem to help. My voice sounds strange to my own ears as I ask to help you out of your coat.

You turn and present your back to me in response, silently allowing my help. I place my hands on your shoulders, just inside your coat and feel the warmth of your skin. My breath occasionally catches as I slide the coat off to reveal the general curve of your ass.

You hear the sobbing sound of my breathing and slowly lean back into my chest, resting there in the assurance that I am completely under your control. I tenatively lean my face down into the curve of your warm neck, inhaling deeply of the intoxicating fragment of heated coconut and female.

You like this, I can tell. You tilt your head the slightest degree to give me better access. I’m frozen, panting and wanting to touch and taste every part of you, but knowing that my unsolicited advances would not be well received. So I wait. In hopeful, blazing age I wait for your request and thankfully it is not long in coming.

You reach behind yourself to grap my hands in each one of yours and place them around your waist, slowly sliding them over your belly. I feel the indentation of your navel and higher over your rib cage, using my hands to touch yourself in just the places you desire.

I feel you lean more heavily against me and your ass has my cock nestled right between its Abundant cheats. I involuntarily hump forward into your softness and hear an appreciated moan from you. I am instantly aroused ten-fold with the knowledge that I’ve pleased you in some way and push again with the same result.

“You like that, don’t you, Puppy?” you say.

“Unghh, ummmhmm,” is all I can manage as you slide one of my hands higher up your body until it is molded against the gorgeous spill of your right breast.

The sight of your lovely caramel title nestled in the palm of my pale hand is almost unbearable. The deep color of your dress only emphasizes our distinct differences.

I lean my head closer onto your neck to taste its warmth and sweetness and feel you slide my other hand down until it rests against the swell of your pussy. The damp heat that emanates from you is overwhelming and I start to tremble in silent convulsion as I heroically strive to forestall a thundering ejaculation.

“Enough,” you say, sensing my ever-thinning thread of control.

You step away and turn to face me. Without word or pretense I watch you reach underneath the hem of your dress to slide up, up, up until you reach the waistband of your panties on eachhip. And then, while looking straight into my eyes slide them down until they’ve created a lacy pink punch puddle around your boots.

“Remove them, Puppy,” you demand.

Reverently, I bend and lift first one foot and then the other while removing the dainty piece of clothing. I remain on my knees before you. My head is bent and I await your instruction.

You turn around once more and lean Both hands on the wall in front of you. Your legs are spread and ass thrust out.

I’ve yet to move from my kneeing position behind you. I began to almost hyperventilate at the teasing sight before me, if I dared to lift my gaze.

“This is what you wanted, isn’t it, Puppy?” you ask.

“Y-yyes ma’am,” I stammer, dizzy from the heated scent of you.

“Lift my dress.”

I place both hands on either side of your hips and stretch my fingers down to collect the material, gathering it up in minute degrees to reveal the most luscious round ass that I’ve ever seen.

You wiggle alittle as the cool air touches your skin and enjoy the feeling of my hot breath sliding down your lower back and into the mysterious cream of your ass.

“I want you to listen closely to me now Puppy,” you whisper. “I know that you’ve dreamed of serving me and submitting. Tonight will be your initiative. Seek to provide for my happiness and you’ll find your purpose in life. Your body and your seed will be used at my discretion alone.”

“Yes Miss,” I obediently reply, drink with want.

You bend fully at the wait now, ass protruding obviously into my face. You look over your shoulder at me and wiggle it teasingly, enjoying your power.

“Is this what you want?” inching ever closer to my face.

“Yes ma’am,” I pant.

“Do you still want it?”

“Oh yes ma’am. Please, may I?”

“May you what, puppy?”

My eyes have begun to water and I can actually feel a dribble of spittle in the corner of my mouth.

“May I taste you, please?”

“Spread myass and lick my button Puppy,” you command.

My pale hands tremble as I care and stroke your soft ass. I squeeze each chef in my hands and am hypnotized by the resiliency of your flesh. It seems to bounce and push back into my palms.

I bend myself very low and put my face just inches from your dark crack and spread you open. The inside crevice is a rich mahogany, darker in Comparison to the honeyed color of the rest of your skin.

The tiny rosebud buried inside beckons me. I push my face deeply into your crack and press my tongue to your button. I feel your body jerk and proceed to lick and thrust my tongue as deeply inside you as I can.

The taste of you, the heat from you, and the sound of you, are all working together to send my senses into overload. I can’t process the bombardment of feeling. All I want is to taste more, feel more, have…..more.

You begin to thrust back on my tongue, demanding that I give more. You’re panting and straining against mymouth and I know that you are close. Then it happens, you stiffen and the tiny hole that had so recently relented to my adoring intrusion, flexes and tightens, massaging my tongue as the orgasmic spasms rack your body. I feel the flood of your cream slide down your inner tights onto my chin.

I shame myself by feeling my own flood coat my boxers as I ejaculate without ever having been touched.

You stand and turn to face me, immediately noticing the large wet spot on my trousers. I’m humiliated and ashamed that I’ve failed so miserably on my first lesson.

I await my punishment in obedient silence. The waiting lasts for longer than I’d expected. I cautiously steel a peek at you to find you studying me with an intensely absorbed look.

You reach down to cup my chin in your small hand and lift my face to you. I feel your soft full lips press onto mine, and then the wet sweep of your tongue gathering the lingering essence of you.

“Mmmm, good job Puppy.”


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