Marilys, covered only by a large green cap, knelt before the Master of The Crimson Manor, Lord Archas. Lord Archas stood in the middle of the large chamber that was lit only by candelabras lined up to both sides of Archas and Marilys, keeping the corners of the chamber dark and wealthy.
Archas was dressed in a ceremonial doublet which flared out from his hips. His velvet tights confirmed to his taut buttocks and tights down to his knee high leather boots. A wide belt was wrapped around his waist and attached to the right side was a flogger, the leather tendrils flicking about his knees. Stiff and powerful, a riding crop hung on his left side.
“It has come to my attention that you’ve completed your first level of training, initiate Marilys,” Archas intoled as Marilys kept her eyes focused on the ground.
“As you are well aware, you have come here volunteer and you remain here through your own efforts and by continuing to meet our expectations. You also should recall that if you choose to end your training here, you will retain the status you’ve earned but will not be able to come back to train further. As with your lessons, once you beg for mercy, the lesson ends and you are left with rank you’ve earned. Do you understand this, initiate?”
Marilys speak with a quiet voice, “Yes, Master, this initiate understands the laws of The Crimson Manor.”
“Then tell me, initiate Marilys, do you wish to continue your training?”
“Yes, Master, this initiate desires to continue training.”
Archas looked over the prostrated woman. Her long hair, which hung to her lower back, was the shade of golden honey, though the dim candle light and the hood of her cape hidden most of it. Archas was well aware of every feature on her body, every curve and line. He knew Marilys endurance, her ability to withstand amazing punishment without crying out for mercy. Archas was also well aware that Marilys initial year of training had given her reputation and experimentience in sexual acts few women in the world will ever possess. The second stage of training would push her harder and further. Few made it through the second stage; those that did were prized companies and composed the honored Crimson Circle.
“That will not do, initiative. If you wish to continue your training you must prove yourself worthy.”
“Yes, Master, this initiative will do whatever is necessary to prove worthiness,” Marilys responded brightly and quickly.
With a stern swiftness, Archas put his booted foot on Marilys’s shoulder and pushed her over, off her knees so she sprayed onto the ground. The cape that covered her nude body flew open, revealing her warm soft flesh beauty. Red rings circled her thighs, signs of recent rope use and a few purple splotches marred her otherwise full health breasts.
“I did not ask a question, initiative, and I have not given you permission to speak freely. Do not forget your position in this place. You are a run higher thanthe gnats and your continued training rests upon my good graces,” Archas spoke slowly and coldly. “Do you understand me, initiate?”
Marilys made no attempt to cover herself or to right herself. She lay on the floor breathing rapidly. “Yes, Master, this initiate does understand.”
“Now apologize to me.”
“Yes, Master. This initiate apologizes. This initiate is fully aware of the laws of The Crimson Manor and violent these laws by being disrespectful to a Master. This initiative humbly gives herself to you, Master, for whatever punishment you see fit in giving this initiative.”
Archas nodded approval. “Stand up, initiate.”
As Marilys stood, Archas took a candle from a nearby stand, the flame flickering wildly in an attempt to stay lit.
“Pull your cape open and clasp your hands behind your back,” Archas commanded as he brought the candle up to her chest. He inclined the candle and let the hot was covering her left nipple before moving it above her right nipple. Marilys only reaction was an initial deep inhalation and a flushing of the skin around her neck and up her cheeks. When both nipples had been encased in wax, Archas replaced the candle and told Marilys to knee.
She returned to her knees, head lowered, nipples still coated in cooling wax. “Initiate, your behavior disorders me. Here I am saying that merely wanting to continue training isn’t enough that you must prove yourself and then you have a delay like this. Despicable.”
Archas stepped back and looked down at Marilys. “You need to prove yourself worthy of additional training. Are you prepared?”
“Yes, Master, this initiative is prepared to prove worthiness,” Marilys said in her soft voice.
“Good,” Lord Archas gestured to the darkened corners of the room. Two forms emerged dressed in dark brown robes, faces covered with hoods. The only identifying trait they carried was the crest of the Crimson Manor. They carried harnesses in their gloved hands.
The two rObed figures approached Marilys. One of them pulled at the clap which fastened the cloak around Marilys’s neck, sending it to the floor into a pile. Marilys stood naked as the robed figures attached the harnesses to her arms, legs, and wait. Lord Archas moved to a nearby pillar and unwound an end of a rope from a cleat. The length of rope ran from Archas’s hand to the darkness above. As he let the rope out, the Other end lowered from above, dropping down to where Marilys was standing. The robed figures attached the harness to the various clips on the end of the rope.
As they hooked Marilys up to the rope, Lord Archas took a large wheeled pulley to a metal plate two feet from where Marilys was now bound. He set the pulley on the plate and latched it into place. He then took the end of the rope in his hand and wound it around the wheel. Once it was secured, he nodded to the two robed figures. They supported Marilys as Lord Archas turned the crank on the wheel.
Her legs werePulled out from underneath her but the robed figures prevented her from falling face first. They steadied her and then let her go so she swung freely. The two robed figures took several steps back to be out of the way.
Lord Archas wound the wheel so she was about six inches below his face. Her arms and legs were pulled away from her body while the main bulk of her weight was supported through the connection at her Waist. Marilys’ breasts hung straight down, her hair cascaded down around her face, obscuring her view.
Archas locked the pulley in place and stepped towards Marilys. He took the crop from his belt and held the tip to her lips. She kissed the crop lovingly. Archas swung the crop and batted her wax coated left nipple several times until the wax was nearly completely removed. He repeated the effort on the other nipple. Then he pointed the crop at one of the robed figures and gestured to Marilys. “Clean her off completely with your mouth.”
The figure did nothesitate but stepped forward and bent beneath the suspended Marilys. The robed figure lifted its hood, just enough to expose its mouth before sucking on Marilys’s nipple. The figure took its time, scraping the nipple with teeth and using its tongue to feel for wax residue. After several minutes of concentrated attention, the figure moved to her other nipple, repeating the process. Marilys’s nipples were now intensely hard, erect from the rough treatment and from her own arousal. Once the figure finished with the second nipple, it returned to the side, standing next to its partner.
Lord Archas used the crop to gently spin Marilys around. In a clinical manner he used the crop to examine Marilys mound. First stage initiatives weren’t allowed to have any public hair. It was all removed and it was one of their many daily duties to Keep it shavled and smooth. Her vaginal lips were beginning to swell and there was a distinct bead of juice forming along her slit. Archas slid the end of the crop along her moistening slit, wetting it. He then gently turned her around and offered the tip of the crop to her.
Greedily, like a pared person craving the drops of dew on a morning leaf, she sucked the traces of her personal lubricant from the tip of the crop. When she finished Archas reattached the crop to his belt and took the flogger in hand. He lifted the handle of the flogger to her lips and Marilys lovingly kissed it.
Lord Archas stepped back to the pulley and lowered her so she was waiting high. He then pulled off his coat and held it out. Beneath the coat was a white blousy shirt which hung loosely off his shoulders. The nearest robed figure rushed forward and took it from him, returning to its previous position. Archas turned Marilys so her head was towards the figures. He stretched his arm briefly before bringing the flogger up and over his head to whip her firm round ass. He got into a rhythm, a standard figure eight pattern. Marilys barely made a sound and Archas only stopped when she was swinging too much for him to land the blows where he aimed. As soon as he stopped, a figure stepped forward and steadied her again.
Marilys’s entire left buttock and upper thigh was a bright angle red. Little bright red dots were appearing where the skin was beginning to be cruele.
“You take your pain well. You know how to take a beat. That is fine. You prove Your worth by proving that you fully understand the lessons you have been taught. Tell me, initiate. What are the Five Laws of The Crimson Manor?”
“Master, the first law of The Crimson Manor is never to reveal the existence of The Crimson Manor to anyone outside of The Crimson Manor. Master, the second law of The Crimson Manor is the Masters of the Manor are to always be respected. Master, the third law of The Crimson Manor is obedience without thought, mastery without malice. Master, the fourth law of The Crimson Manor is the body is a sacred vessel and must be treated as such. Master, the fifth law of The Crimson Manor is know your limitations, know what you are capable of,” Marilys rattled off the five laws quickly her voice strong, but quiet.
“Why do you follow these laws, initiate?”
”Master, this initiate follows the Five Laws of the Crimson Manor because this initiate wants to join the Crimson Circle.”
”What do you know of the Crimson Circle?”
“Master, I know the Crimson Circle is composed of the most desirable companies and are given to the most powerful and influential people in the world.”
“What is the purpose of the Crimson Circle?”
“To gather information for the Masters of the Crimson Manor and report it faithfully to the Masters when asked for it.”
Archas nodded. Marilys would definitely be one of the finest Members of the Crimson Circle if she stuck through the second stage of training. Even if she didn’t make it through, she would be a welcome addition to the concubines of the manor, companies who returnn to normal society to do the bidding of the Masters.
“You’ve proven yourself worthy, initiative. Your training will continue.” Archas clipped the flogger to his belt and gestured to the robed figure with his coat who stepped over and held the coat for him as he put it on. “Let her hang for thirty minutes and then let her down. Give her a blue cloak and show her to the rooms off the southern courtyard. Her training begins tomorrow at 9:00. Make sure she is cleansed and prepared.”
Archas grabbed Marilys’s hair and forced her to look up at him, something that had been trained out of her, looking directly at a Master. He spoke firmly, “You have never felt the kind of pain you will feel in the coming weeks. You have never experienced the kind of humiliation you will have in the coming weeks. Your life is about to dramatically change. Up until now, you have not been required to go beyond your limitations. From now on, you have no limitations.”
Archas let go of her hair and let her head drop. He walked to the doors of the chamber and opened them, disappearing down the corridor.
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