The Initiate Ch. 05

Michael announced that it was time for the next round. He told kitten to freshen drinks as the next Master prepared his scene. Leilani knelt quietly as she listened to the murmur of voices and some sounds she couldn’t quite place. She felt a hand upon her wrist as she was pulled into a standing position. It was strong, and held her firmly. The hand of this Master led her to what she thought must be the center of the room. She felt a cold metal bar pressed against her chest, above her breasts. Her hands were cuffed to the bar so she could not move her arms at all. Then she felt her feet being cuffed, her legs spread as far apart as possible. Another cold metal bar, a little wider it seemed, was pressed against her lower abdomen. She heard the clank of chains and wondered what this Master was going to do to her. Moments later, a whirring sound was heard and suddenly she was lifted from the ground, and was tilted face down, the metal bars supporting her weight. She was lifted up; spreadd open, until she was waiting high off the floor. Leila felt something glide over her body, then, she felt herself being bound to the metal support so she could not move at all. She felt that her breasts were free of the confinement, as was the wet hot place between her legs.

Leilani was unable to move. Every nerve was taut. Her hearing carefully tuned to the room around her. She heard a voice then, rich, resonant. She tried to remember back to the party earlier. She has spoken with this man. He was a stock broker, if she remembered correctly. An older gentleman, with wavy black hair lightly sprinkled with distinguished-looking grey. He obviously spent time in a local gym. She was dismayed to find that the place between her legs had warmed to thoughts of him and what he might do with her as she hung there all trusted-up. Her Thoughts were brought back to present quickly when she heard that this master wanted to see how many orgasms she could tolerate. Her heart fluttered at the thought that she would finally be allowed a release from her rather excited state.

Leila was not prepared for what happened next. She felt strong clamps attached to her nipples. They must have been weighted, because they pulled her nipples down, causing a little pain. Then she nearly cried out as she felt clamps pulling her pussy lips apart and holding her wide open. Each clamp had some kind of rope attached to it, and was tied around her thighs, keeping the attached lips spread. This was such an incredible feeling. Leila could not decide if it hurt or felt good. The sensings were much too strong to decipher in her heated state. Then, she was tipped over the edge as she felt a tongue brush along her slit. Not quite reaching her tender pink bud of clip. The tongue knew exactly where to glide so as not to let her have her climax, yet keep her on the edge.

As she concentrated on the sweet sensings course through her lower body, she feel someone else licking her breast, biting it, pulling on the nipple clamp slightly. These sensings heightened her need for release. As she tried to understand, without much luck, she felt a mouth suck on her toes. then another on her other foot. She was experiencing so many sensings; she didn’t know what to concentrate on. Another person began licking her fingers and sucking on them. Then, the tongue that was sliding over her soaking pussy, pressed hard into her clip. She wanted to scream out. Her breathing was hard, fast. The tongue began to tease and tantalize even more. Then the teeth of that tongue descended upon her clip and began pulling and nibbling. She couldn’t hold on much longer. And as another mouth began to work on her other breast and the tongue and teeth tortured her respectlessly, she gave way. Rushing torrents of her pleasure flooded the tongue’s mouth and down his chest. She came hard. She was hot. And when she thought she couldn’t give anymore, the teeth would bite down once more and she would come all overagain. She then felt something glide into her pussy. It was cold. It was hard, and made her come once more. It was as though she had never been allowed this pleasure, and had pent it up for so many years. Each time a new sensing was added, she would come. The cold hard cock began sliding in and out of her. It began to warm to her body temperature. And slowly it got hotter. She was so turned on that she came three more times as the warming cock pumped into her. It was making her feel like she was nearly on fire now. The temperature of the cock must be getting hotter, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, the cock was pulled from her, and she nearly cried with want of it once more. The Master grabbed the chains of her nipple clamps and pulled back towards him. And as she moaned from the hurt it caused, she felt him thrust His own cock into her. She came harder than she ever had. All he did was stand there, not moving, other than the pulling of the chains. He could feel every musclewithin her tighten around his cock. Unable to hold on much longer himself, he gave several hard thrusts, each time pulling the chains harder. Then, as she whimpered softly, not wanting to raise this Master’s ire, he pulled from her and exploded all over her rounded ass and back. The feeling of his cum so hot upon her made her come once more. Then she lay still as the Master began to unclamp everything from her.

Someone cleansed her back as she still lay there. Then she felt the device holding her begin to move so she could lie upon the floor. All the cuffs were released, and the chains pulled away. The strong hand helped her to her kneeing position, and trembling, she waited once more, unsure how much more she could withstand, yet not wanting for this to be over.

leilani remained in her position at the feet of Michael while the Masters and Mistresses enjoyed another drink and prepared for her final initiation exam. she was nearly exhausted. she lowered her head a bit, closing her eyes and let her mind drift back to the first time she met her Master, Geoff.

Leila had just dropped her brother off at the airport; he had come to see her over his spring break from college. They had enjoyed their time together and she was sad to see him go, but proud that he had finally decided to make something of his life and go back to school. Their parents had died shortly before his graduation from high school, and she was finishing up her degree in Consumer Sciences. It had been hard on both of them but she managed to help her brother graduate. He decided not to go on to college, which Leila knew would have broken their father’s heart, but he wanted time to “find himself” and joined a band as a stage hand on their first worldwide tour. Leilani graduated from college the following December and immediately found a job working as a fashion consultant for a major department store. Her job included a lot of traveling and occasionally, her travels coincided with her brother’s tour schedule so they were able to see each other throughout the year.

Leilani had dated several guys in college, but never found anyone who could fulfill some indescribable need inside of her. She had thought she found a man she loved after she graduated and went to work. He was three years older than her, and had lightly introduced her to the world of BDSM. Leila had been completely ignorant of such a world. Yet, when she was in the submissive role, she felt as though her mind and body were complete. Unfortunately, the man she had been seeing was not skilled in being Dominant, and she once more felt there had to be more. She broke off the relationship and later found out that he had been married and just wanted a “fling on the wild-side”. Hurt, she swore she would never date again.

The day she dropped her brother off at the airport, she had seen a man who nearly took her breath away. He was beautiful. He was what she had always pictured as her “Perfect Master”. Shehad looked at him unexpectedly several times as he was talking to an airport official. Then, her brother was gone, and she had no more reason to remain at the terminal. She slowly turned around with one last glance at the man and headed out the doors to the parking lot. She felt, rather than heard, someone following her. She quickly looked over her shoulder and saw that it was the man. She was relieved yet excited to Know that they were alone in the covered parking area. She straightened her back a bit, which in turn thrust her perfectly shaped bottom out as she walked just a little slower. She knew that guys were always watching her from behind. Her best friend had even commented about how perfect she looked in her tight low-rise jeans and a simple tank top. Today, she was wearing a pair of khaki slacks and a light sweater over her tank. She had to go in to work for a few hours to clear up some orders that had been misdirected. Her long sleep hair had been pulled back in a barrette and cascaded down over her hips to swing separately along her well-formed bottom.

She reached her car and had hit the unlock button on her key ring. As she was working to get her key ready, she dropped the keys and they slide under the car next to hers. She leaned down to retrieve them and saw to her dismay that they were too far under the car to reach them without getting on her knees. At that moment, the man following behind Spoke to her. Leila looked up, started to hear that the voice of the man was just as compelling as his looks. She was staring at him, not following what he said. Then she realized that he was offering to move his vehicle so that she may get her keys. She nodded, still mesmerized by his striking good looks and take-charge manner. The man came up beside her, his hand raised to lightly run a finger over her cheek and down over Her shoulder. Startled at his bold move, Leila thought she should step back, but found she couldn’t. She lowered her eyes, and thenraised them up to look through her long lashes.

The man spoke again. “Miss, you are so beautiful. I have never beheld such an exciting creativity such as you.”

Regaining what little composition she had intact, Leilani finally took a step backward.

“Forgive me sir; it would seem that my keys have fallen underneath your car. I will gladly accept your offer to move it so I may retrieve them.”

She felt stupid. Here was a man. Bold, handsome, and giving her an intimate compliment. And all she could do was ask him to move his car so she could get her keys and leave, when that was the last thing she wanted at the moment. Leila blushed at this realization. She looked back up at the man and smiled.

“If that is what you want, of course I will help you, Miss.”

For a moment she looked at him, her mind whirling at the possibilities. Was he married? Or did he have a girlfriend? Would he wants to go out with me sometimes? Finally she responded, unsure why she said whatshe did at that moment. “I, don’t really know what I want, sir.” With this she quickly bowed her head, and she felt the heat of her embarrassment rising.

The man came closer to her, and put his fingers upon her chin, raising her head. “Sweet girl, if I may be so bold, would you care to join me for some lunch? I find that airplane food leaves little to be desired and I am hungry. Perhaps I can help you find out what you truly want. I feel the keys are not the problem. Let me introduce myself. I am Geoffrey Barrett. I am the Chief of Psychiatric Medicine at Briarwood Hospital. Now, please tell me something of yourself.”

Leila wrinkled her browser momentarily at his introduction. A doctor, true, but a shrink? The last thing she needed was someone to tell her that her sexual fans were absolute and should not be entertained in any way. Yet something about his manner made her think that he would be the type to understand perfectly what it was she was seeking. She slowly noddedHer head, “I think I could take time for some lunch before I have to go to work. My name is Leilani Stephens. But please, most everyone calls me Leila. I am a fashion coordinate for Jameson’s Department Stores.”

“Well then Leila, let me move my car so you may get your keys. There is a nice little Italian restaurant about four blocks down the road from the turn, does that sound fine to you?”

“Antonio’s? That is one of my favorite places to eat, yes, that would be nice.” Leila responded cheerily.

Geoff had got into his car, an older model Jaguar in pristine condition. She opened the door to her sporty Grand Am, a gift to herself for her college graduation. She kept it neat and clean as well, and was glad that she had taken it to the carwash yesterday afternoon. Tossing in her purse, she turned around as his car backed out and quickly retrieved the keys. Getting in her car, she quickly buckled herself in and followed Geoff from the airport parking lot and out onto the stree.

Reaching the restaurant, she pulled in next to his car. He had already got out and was at her door. When he opened it for her, she stepped out. He took hold of her, firmly, and pulled her to him. She knew she should panic, but something in his demeanor told her that she was safe. He lowered his lips to her ear, and as his hand caressed her back, drawing her into his embrace, he told her that she was to leave her sweater in the car. She started to protest, saying it was chilly. Geoff placed his finger over her lips and told her that she would not need her sweater. She shrugged it off her shoulders and down her arms.

The bare skin was smooth and creamy, just as he had known it would be. He preferred women who did not tan their skin. He felt it “toughened” them unnecessarily. Leila tossed the sweater into the car and closed the door. As they made their way into the restaurant, Geoff once more leaned in close to her. Into her ear, he whispered that she was not to say a word, unless he asked her a question. He would take care of everything she needed.

Leila frowned at this, she had thought this man nice, and now he was proving to be a male chauvinist. But she was hungry and the smells coming from the kitchen were making her stomach rumble slightly. “Alright, Geoff, but I don’t understand why.”

To this he responded, “leila, from now on, you will refer to me as Sir, or Master. You need me sweet girl. You need me to be the Dominant man you want to serve.”

Leilani looked at him, started. How could he have known that in just the short time they had met? Her body shiver slightly at his words. She felt a deep response she had never felt before, and it excited her greatly.

He spoke again, “Do you have a boyfriend or someone in your life? I do not want to share you with anyone.”

She nodded her head “no” her mind still wondering what was happening.

“Good, then from now on, you are mine. Do you understand that, leila?”

She responded, “please, Ge–Sir, I am not sure exactly what you want from me. We have only met. Perhaps we should get to know each other before you declare me yours?”

He laughed at this, then gave her a serious look, “sweet girl, you have no choice. You know you want what I am offering you. I can see it in the way you react to me. You are meant to be with me. I have been seeking a girl to be my submissive, and here you are, nearly dumped in my lap. If I do not claim you now, some other man or woman will claim you. And they may not be as generous a Master or more mindful of your needs as I can be. Now, let us go sit down, they have a table ready for us.”

Leilani warmed at the thought of this, their first meeting. Little did she Know just how right her Master was. He was perfect for her. And she tried very hard to be perfect for Him. she loved Him dearly. She thought of the next day after they met, and a tingling feeling came over her and down into her belly.

MasterGeoff had picked her up from her apartment that evening after work and took her to His home out in Brookside Estates. She was captured by all the flowering trees and the huge stone and brick homes. He pulled up into his driveway and got out, coming around to her door. She started to get out and as she stood, he told her to go down on her knees. He made it clear that she was not to walk beside him, but to crawl behind him Whenever they were in His home. Tears had formed, but she held them and went down to the ground gracefully. She felt sure that the neighbors could see out their windows and would wonder what she was doing. But Geoff did not seem to see anything but her. He closed her door and then bad her to follow quickly.

They entered the house and leila looked up. She was over awed. It was exhaustively decorated. Everything looked as though it came out of an Interior Design magazine. Geoff went to a small bar on the other side of the Great room. He poured himself a glass ofwhiskey and turning, told leila he had a present for her, but she must first earn it. She was pleased that he already thought highly enough of her to buy her a gift, and was eager to find out what would make him happy. He led her through the kitchen and a smaller pantry room with well-stocked shelves. The room he led her to was behind a wooden door at the other end of the pantry. It had been locked and he had pulled the key out from a chain around his neck. He stepped into the room and called for her to follow. As leila crawled through the door, she stopped in her place and took in the room’s decor and features. Her heart was racing and she felt the first small wisp of fear course through her.

The room was black. No, not black. It was the deepest shade of plum. Rich velvet draws were deep violence, held back with silver metal ties. The sheers under them were a myriad of colors in hues of the deep purple along with greens and browns. The carpet was deep plus. The color was pure and deep aubergine. There were several sofas and chairs about the room covered in mossy greens, deep lavenders, dark brown leather. The tables were ebony, carved in interesting features of people in various states of undress and entwined in intimate manners. One wall was completely covered in three mirrored panes of glass. Another was dark wood that matched the leather used in the chairs. On this wood wall were several hooks and curious Things that leila had never before seen. The other two walls were covered in a Jacquard pattern done in a lighter shade of violence with slight shimmers of the greens and browns that compiled the rest of the furnitures.

All the paintings on the walls were images of people entwined in various stages of sexual pleasure. Some of the pictures even considered what seemed like ritualistic torture of beautiful young men and women with blissful gazes upon their faces. An iron worked chandelier hung from the ceiling as well as other chains and hooks. leilatook it all in, astonished that such a place existed.

She was pulled from her reverie by the feel of something on her back. Before she could look to see what it was, a sharp sting met her bottom and she cried out. “Now, now sweet girl, I cannot have you crying out at the mere touch of my crop. you have much to learn and I have so much I want to teach you. Now, there is one more thing I must demand of you. Anytime you are here with me, you will be undressed and your hair loose. There is a small bathroom over there behind that draw that you may use to undress and make yourself presentable. I will not ask this of you today as this is your first time here. But I will expect it from now on. Am I clear in this matter?”

leilani gave Him the barest of nods, unsure just What she had gotten herself into, but curious enough to see what transpired. If she became frightened or uncomfortable, she could always call a halt to everything and walk out of His life. This was the agreement they had written up, along with several other items regarding their “arrangement” between them. He also had the capability of making her leave. To never see him again if he so would it. Somehow, she wanted desperately to not see that happen. She was enthralled with this man. And strangely, she felt at home with everything that he was asking of her so far. She had never felt this way before and her body was eager to experience what He had to teach it.


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