Dessert had been enjoyed by everyone. Leilani was finally able to take a deep breath as she felt the tray being lifted from her body. A hand was helping her to get up, she moved carefully so as not to get dizzy and fall to the plus carpet of deep burgundy. She was led back to the center of the room and when she felt the hand drop from her, she gracefully sank down into her kneeing position, the heels of her shoes pressing sensitively into the perfectly shaped roundness of her ass.
Leilani heard Michael began to speak once more, and listened quietly, belying the pounding within her heart. “We have witnessed a sampling of mastery over leila, now, we will continue with the more, ah, intense pleasures that are to be enjoyed. Lorenzo, you and de’juwan are welcome to explore the girl as you wish.”
With this said, Michael sat down next to Geoff, a sparkle in his eyes. “Geoff, you have not seen Lorenzo’s newest sub, I believe you will be most impressed.” Chuckling at this, Michael sat back to watch.
Geoff looked around as Lorenzo went towards leilani, he couldn’t see anyone else, and was confused by Michael’s words, but he could only sit and watch, so he did not interrupt as Lorenzo began handling his beautiful sub.
Lorenzo was a handsome man; he stood nearly six foot tall and was well-muscled. He wore a black muscle shirt that hugged every curve of flesh, and black jeans. The large arms were browned to a lustrous brown, his black wavy hair curled seductively about his shoulders. Lorenzo looked nothing like the Head Librarian for the local college should look, but he certainly had students coming to the library to study all the time. His knowledge of nearly every subject to be found in the collection of tomes he so carefully administrator was astounding, making him sought after not Only for his beauty, for that is what he truly was, beautiful, but for the intelligence harbored behind the clear green eyes that twinkled as if lit by their own special sun. Geoff knew that Lorenzo was above reproach when it came to his students. He would never seek companionship among the student body, no matter how temptingly they tried to seduce him. His private life was just that, and for that reason, his membership within this club was secure. But Geoff also knew that Lorenzo was famous for the incredibly pleasant discipline he demanded of his subs. He never did anything half-way with them. He was demanding, and tough, yet his subs absolutely adored him. Leila had experienced harsh discipline with Geoff, but he was usually reluctant to go too hard on her. He loved how well she moved under his paddle or whip, and how pretty her ass looked slightly pinked and warmed. Geoff could only hope that the stereo use of her lustrous flesh would make her mistake in pleasure and not drive her to use her safe word.
Lorenzo set a small black leather case down on a table neary. As He unzipped it, leila trembled, wondering what her next test would be.He pulled out a smooth paddle, the glaiming wood showing the loving care that it received. Lorenzo spoke finally. The rich accent of his Italian heritage washed over her like silken strands.
“Little girl, do not tremble before me, or I will go harder upon you. I am your Master right now, and you will do everything perfectly, or I will punish you. I wish you to come upright on Your knees so I may enjoy the sight of your exhaust form.”
leila quickly compiled, sensing that this Master was not to be toyed with. Standing as straight as she could from her knees, she moved to brush her hair over her shoulder. She felt a sing upon her hand and winced at the sudden pain.
“I did not give you leave to move, girl. If I want your hair moved, I will tell you.”
leila lowered her head in acknowledgment, then raised back up. She felt His hands sliding over her body as He moved around her.
“She is like a goddess, Geoff. So perfectly formed, she would make Michelangelo weep with need to sculpt her for eternity. Now I shall see if her spirit is as perfectly formed.”
As he said this, he twisted his hand within the silican tempers of blonde and pulled her down, making her put her hands out to catch herself. She was on her hands and knees now, the hand of the Master still holding her tightly. He released her slowly, tugging back just a bit. She felt his hand glide down the length of her back, worshiping the feel of her.
“I am going to prepare you for my newest boy, girl. You will find him incredibly amazing, but it won’t be easy for you. You must learn to let go of what you perceive as painful, and encompass the sensings, thereby receiving, and giving the true pleasure I have no doubt you are capable of.”
He brushed the paddle lightly over her lips. Giving Her a hint of what was to come. She made her own mental preparations, going into a place she had developed with the help of her Master, in her own mind. Here she had learned to takeWhat should have been painful, and channel it into the pleasure it created within her body.
With the first stroke of the paddle upon her ass, she was surprised, for she had thought it would be harder. Spank after spank, He teased her with His gentleness, she felt almost saved by the softness of the paddling. Yet she craved something more, she wanted to feel Him stroke her harder, but knew she could not speak. Sensing this within her, He paddled her a bit firmer, using just the right strength to coat her along, hoping she would continue giving Him the signals with her body of wanting more. Every few swats, He would get just a little bit firmer in his stroke, making leila undulate under His commanding paddle.
“I believe this girl needs a firmer paddle. She is lovely Geoff.”
And Lorenzo wiped down the paddle and laid it carefully back into the case. He removed a narrower paddle, knowing the singing sensings it gave would be a harder test for the girl’s tender flesh. The idea of her whimpering as he paddle her excited him, and he quickly returned to leila to begin struggling her smooth flesh once more. Once more, he started softer, letting her get used to the new feel of the slimmer paddle. At first, she understood a bit, trying to maintain her composition. This pleased Lorenzo, knowing how hard she must be fighting to not cry out.
Leila felt the sting of the new paddle. She had never experienced such raw sensings. It was at first almost more than she could bear, yet, she found the experience tantalizing. Through the singing swats, she became more plumant, her body almost lifting to receive each slap. He paddled her harder, driving her to nearly beg for more. He knew exactly how hard and how often to strike her. It was delicious, these sensings course through her. She fell into the mesmerizing Rhythm of the ever harder, independent paddling of her tender ass. Suddenly, she realized he had stopped and she felt a keen disappointment deep within.
“I sense the girl is ready to do my bidding completely. See how she craves more of my paddle? kitten, will you please go get my pet? I believe he has been caged long enough.”
As kitty left the room, Lorenzo lightly stroked the paddle over leila’s lush lightly rouged lips. “Your Master will enjoy the treatment I have for you. I am sure you will show Him how pleased you are with your new task. However, it will not be an easy task for you.”
Kitten re-entered the room with the most exhaust black man on a gold leash, crawling as a leopard over the plus floor, muscles rippling. He was completely naked, but his body gleamed with oil. His deep brown eyes took in everything, finally seeing his Master, he lowered himself obediently. Lorenzo watched his new sub. He was coming along nicely. He still couldn’t believe his luck in finding such a rare creativity. How a professional football player desired to be mastered by a library was beyond him. But he had taken great care in traIning the boy, and he was proving to be exceptional in all matters but one.
De’juwan did not care for the female flesh. Lorenzo had a hard time accepting that his sub was so completely gay. He could have accepted that the man was bi-sexual, that would not have been unusual. So, Lorenzo had chosen tonight to train his sub to respond even to a girl’s touch. De’juwan was not aware of this, and He was not going to tell leila either. He wanted their responses to be natural, primary even. He knew they would be beautiful together; her pure white skin and flaxen hair entwined with his midnight black flesh and dreads. Just the thought of controlling two such lovely creations made a tight, pleasurable knot within his belly.
“Bring my boy to me, kitten.” Lorenzo once more wiped down the smaller paddle and laid it within the case. He pulled out a small leather crop with a small tassel of leather at the end. De’juwan’s heart thudded, he know how delicious that crop feel upon his skin. Hewas confused by the presence of a girl near his Master. She was loved, as girls go, yet he had no interest in her smooth skin, or pretty breasts hanging down as she waited on hand and knee. For all he knew, she was also going to be whipped by his Master and was pleased that someone else would enjoy such delight.
Geoff watched kitten bring in Lorenzo’s newest sub. He was exhaust. He was not the usual type for Lorenzo. He was big, probably stood well over 6’5″, and was even more muscular than Lorenzo. But he moved under the leash as if born to the submission of it. Geoff caught a glance of his male parts and suppressed a sight at the enormity of them. He pondered how leila was going to handle such maleness, but knew she would just to please him.
As de’juwan was placed near his Master’s feet, Lorenzo took the lean from kitten and playedfully swatted her with the crop. She blushed properly and quickly went back to kneeing next to Michael’s chair.
Lorenzo then spoke tohis sub. “My boy, you have pleased me with your willingness to pleasure me in all matters. Now, I have another way for you to please me. I am Mastering this pretty girl as part of her initiative into my club. Her Master has taught her well. Sometimes, you also will be allowed to come in, if I feel you are worthy. But tonight, you will do as I say, as she will also. I have prepared her for you. She is still warm from her paddling, yet she is hungry for more. You understand that need, I know you do. But, I would also have her please me in other ways as well. Now, you will lie under her. Your cock will be hers to please as I whip her sweet smoothness. If she does not please you, I will be easy with her. If you respond to her, I will whip her harder, just like you desire. And should she make you reach release, I will also whip you as you so desperately need to be. Remember, if I have to go easy upon her, you will not feel the sting of my crop upon your flesh for a week.”
De’juwan tooka deep calming breath. He wanted the feel of his Master’s crop upon his back, yet, to be intimately touched by this wisp of a girl made him tremble in fear. He did not enjoy the touch of a woman. When he was in high school, he had done what was expected by his team mates and bedded nearly the whole cheerleading squad, yet he had felt no real pleasure with them. He had often wondered if it was normal not to enjoy being with a girl, but was afraid to talk about it because the other guys had talked like it was heaven to fuck Dana Bradford, the head cheerleader.
It wasn’t until a wild party in college had disintegrated into an all out “fuck whoever was closest” orgy that de’juwan had realized that men turned him on completely. He knew he couldn’t let his team mates know his desires. They would have turned on him like a pack of pit bulls. After college, when he was drafted into the NFL, he had been invited to a party of one of the high dollar investors in the team he played for. He had met another investor and found himself drawn to him. The man was married, but led a secret life into which de’juwan was initiated. His new friend was a Dominant, and recognized in de’juwan a need to be submissive. It wasn’t until he started training that he told his new Dom that he only wanted males. This pleased his Master and he spent nearly the entire length of his football career with that team as the sub of the high powered investor. When he was traded, his Dom had done some seeking and found a Master for him in this city. So far, it had been even more exciting. This new Master knew exactly how far to take him, and also enjoyed the pleasure of his body as he had so wanted his first Master to do. Now, he was being made to do something that he hadn’t done in nearly seven years. But, he was eager to do as bid, Knowing that the later reward would be worth the present humiliation.
De’juwan lay down under the girl’s body, her head just above his groin. He feel her hair glide over his skin, and it felt like silk. He had never realized how soft a woman’s hair could feel. Looking up at Lorenzo, he smiled shyly, and then laid back.
Leila felt the man move under her, he seemed so big; she had to spread her hands farther apart just to allow for the well muscled thighs to move under her. She knew what was expected of her now, but waited until Master Lorenzo gave her his Instruction. She felt the tip of the crop slide between her tights and up to her moist crevice. Shifting slightly, she felt her breasts stroke over the man’s thighs. All the sensings made her acutely aware of how turned on she was.
Lorenzo then spoke to her. “Girl, using only your mouth, I want you to raise my boy’s desire and give him release. You may begin.” And with that said, He quickly stroked a few swats over her ass with the crop, inciting her to do as told, eager to feel even more of the delicious snaps of leather upon her.
She began by licking the inside of his thigh, making him squirm a bit. She felt the lashes get softer, and quickly moved to licking and sucking on the rather large testicles of the man. She had a hard time taking one of the balls into her mouth, they were so large, yet she did, and felt a slight stirring of his cock. The strokes upon her ass got harder as she continued. Encouraged, she sucked harder then released the first ball and began with the second.
She was surprised that he wasn’t rock hard by now. In her experience, most men were ready to push her down and fuck her wildly after having their balls sucked this way. She worked all the harder to excite the man whom she could not see, wanting to please the one wilding the crop. She could feel how wet she was becoming, and as though able to read her thought, Lorenzo stopped and stroked the crop over her glistening sex a few times, she was nearly crazy with want, yet she continued her task of making the man under her hard. She began to stroke his cock with her tongue. She felt how large he was, even though he was only partially aroused. This excited her, and she desired to see how big this man actually could become. With fierceness, she began to earnestly make the man’s cock harden.
Lorenzo noted her efforts and rewarded her by stroking the crop even harder over her ass. She could tell he was leaving welts, and this made her pleased. She wanted her Master to know that she could handle such pleasure. She grew deeply as she took the swelling cock within her mouth. De’juwan was trembling. It confused her, why he would be holding back, but she only wanted to do as she was told, and keep receiving the strokes to her flesh.
De’juwan felt the girl took him in her mouth. He knew he was big to begin with, and worried that if he let himself become fully erect that she would not be able to continue. No other girl had ever wanted to suck him like this. It was new, and not altogether unfortunate for him to experience this. He could see his Master over her, swinging the crop and landing the singing leather upon her. He wanted to be the one above, receiving the blows, finally, it dawned on him, if he gave over to his Master in this, then he would also receive the pleasures that she was getting. Closing his eyes, he gave over to her tongue and mouth, letting his cock grow impossible hard within her. She didn’t pull away and this encouraged him. Finally, hearing the strokes getting harder above him, he began to move under her, fucking her as she sucked upon his rock hard cock.
This made Lorenzo extremely pleased. He had wanted to find a way to get his sub to respond to a woman’s touch. His beautiful sub, genevieve, had expressed a desire to be “attacked” by a big black man, showing her no mercy, and Lorenzo had spent months trying to find someone who could fulfill this fantasy of hers, while he would be able to observe their responses. When his friend had contacted him about de’juwan, it was perfect timing, except for this dislikeof girls, he was ideal.
Leila had never enjoyed a cock so huge. It was incredible, and she nearly shouted several times trying to take it deeper into her throat. She felt the man gives over to her, and on some deep level, knew she couldn’t stop or it would not be a good situation for either of them. She loved the feel of the crop swinging expertly over her bottom, and she wriggled her ass just enough to please the Master. Faster and harder she sucked the enormous cock. He was beginning to return the thrusts and she had a sudden desire to feel him buried deep into her pussy, but she knew that she couldn’t act of her own will. Master Geoff would not be happy at all if she took that kind of initiative, even with another sub.
Lorenzo’s strokes grew more demanding, pushing the heat of the two emrith bodies up even more. He could tell that she wanted him. The sweet honey of her sex was dripping from her ripe pussy, yet he didn’t want his boy to embarrass him in front of the groupby refusing the delectable girl. He knew what needed to be done to make de’juwan want more, and reluctantly, he made his decision. With a final crack of the crop over the girl’s welted ass, he stopped and slowly stroked the crop, easing the tension of her body. Reaching down, He grabbed her hair and pulled her from the boy. The cock slip out slowly, tantalizingly wet, hot, hard. She whimpered slightly, and realizing that she was to have no more, she went into her kneeing position, her body still quivering with denied release.
He noticed how his boy was trying hard not to lose control, this was good, de’juwan wanted the girl to give him his release. This was a promising turn for Lorenzo. Meanwhile, he felt that leila had done quite well, and with his own breath labored, looked over at Geoff and nodded his appreciation.
Turning to Michael he said, “she is incredible, I look forward to seeing her again. May I ask you to allow jake to take my boy back to his cage?”
“Certangly, Lorenzo,” Michael replied, knowing that jake had found favor in being allowed to spend time with de’juwan in the privacy of the cage room.
The two of them had become friends outside of the club, but had never crossed the boundary of friendship except when their Masters allowed them to under their control. Lorenzo took up his boy’s leash and handed it to jake leading them both out of the room, crop in hand.
Leila knelt before her Masters and Mistresses, this last test nearly her undoing. Her body craved the touch of release. This was more torturous than the welts rising on her ass. She hoped the next test would finally give her relief. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take. Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves and waited for Michael to speak once more.
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