Leilani drank from the cool refreshing glass of water kitten offered her, grateful for a chance to cleanse her mouth of the taste of brian’s semen. As she remained kneeing, she felt kitten unbuckle her and carefully divest her of the double dildo and belt. A slight shudder coursed through her as she felt how excited kitten’s touches made her.
Michael, in the slow soft voice that sent ripples of pleasure through her body, Spoke to another person in the room. Leilani heard the soft tinkling of a woman’s voice and a gentle sight. The voice started speaking, confusing at first until leila realized that it was not one woman’s voice, but two. She wondered how a sub could speak so freely with her Mistress, but before she could ponder this more, she felt two pairs of hands pulling her to her feet. Suddenly, delicate hands were all over her body, touching her everywhere…everywhere but in the most intimate places where she craved it the most. Cooing over the feel of her silken skin, one of the women asked Geoff about what he did to keep her so pleasant and soft to the touch. He chuckled and told them that the secret to beautiful skin was in the cock. They laughed at this and made comments about needing to train a new boy so their skin could also feel as luxurious as leila’s. Leilani blushed lightly as her Master related to this group of strangers how he loved soaking her in cum, then spanking her.
After a few more moments of the soft hands struggling her body, they pushed her down over what she thought might be a long benchmark of some sort. Her back was flat against the benchmark; her feet were tied to the legs of the benchmark, as were her hands. Leila felt as though she were laid out as a feast. Her rapid, nervous breaths made her taut breasts rise and fall, causing the two women to whisper about how beautiful her breasts were. She felt fingers teasing and pulling at her nipples, and nearly moaned out loud. Sensing this, one of the women slapped at a breast.
“You must not make a sound, pretty girl. If you do not make a sound, you will be richly rewarded.” said one of the women.
Leila nodded slightly and felt her nipples being pulled and pinched once more. As her breasts started feeling incredibly swollen with excitement, she began to feel a hard pinching upon them. As she lay there, the pinching feeling became more patterned, and she realized the skin of her breasts was being pinched and held by some kind of device. The slight pain of it made her squirm a bit, then she felt a harder pinch upon her nipples and let out a soft sight. She felt a whispering in the softness of her hair as one of the women asked her if she was alright. All leila could do was nod her head in assent. The pleasures of the new sensings were overtaking the slight pain of the pinching. Suddenly she felt a pinching upon the lips of her wet pussy. And several more as the devices were attached to her, spreading her lips apart so all might see the tender bud of her clip and how tight and wet she was. Leila felt more naked than she ever had before. Her mind tried to reconcile the pleasure she felt even though she felt ashamed at being displayed this way.
Leila heard one of the women ask kitten for the chest near their chairs and she heard something being set near the benchmark. The soft melodious laughter of the women sparkled as they oohed over whatever it was they were doing. Suddenly, leila felt something incredibly cold placed to her lips, upon her nipples and her cliporis at the same time. The objects were like ice to her. She readily licked the one at her mouth finding it not ice, but cold as ice. As she did this, she felt another of the ice cold objects being pushed into her, causing her to arch her back, pressing her nipples against the other icy objects.
“MM, Geoff, I see our little flower loves frozen cocks, hmm?” one of the Mistresses cooled.
Leila felt the coldness see into her hot body, instantly causing her to become even wetter and more desirious of the touches.
“Oh, yes, Mistress Eva and Mistress Emma, I have taught my sweet leila the joys of ice-play. She has taken to it well for me.” replied Geoff.
Hearing the note of praise in Her Master’s voice, leila smiled softly to herself, and moved her body, taking in even more of the icy cold cock into her mouth and deeper into her wet pussy. As leila felt the Mistresses tease and fuck her with the cold toys, she felt the tugging and release of the pinching devices upon her breasts. The sensing returned to her as blood was once more moving through her skin, and between the coldness between her lips and legs, and the icy cold upon her nipples, she understood in pure ecstasy at the feeling of it all.
Somehow, the Mistresses sensed how close leila was to reaching her release, and quickly Pulled everything from her. They quickly undid the pinching things from everywhere over her body, and then, slowly they began to rub her body once more. Leila tried so hard not to make a sound. The masterful touch of these two women nearly caused her to embarrass not only herself, but her Master, Geoff. After a few more moments, the hands were gone from her body, yet she felt as though she could still feel the incredible sensings throughout her flesh. The women untied her and helped her to a sitting position. They both leaned into her and whispered in each ear about how pleasure she was and that they would love a chance to have her for a night if her Master would allow it. Then, quickly, they were gone from her. Leila’s body tingled as she sat there for a moment. Then, she carefully stood up and dropped into her kneeing position one more, waiting for the next test.
Leila heard Michael began to speak once more. “Such a delightful girl you have Geoff, she is certainly a pleasure to watch. You have done quite well with her training so far, but, as you know, her test is only beginning. We shall see how well she has been mastered. Kitten, please tend to leila, brian, you and missy will serve drinks.”
Leila felt a little relieved that she would have a few moments to rest before she was to continue. Then, she felt kitten’s hand upon her, pulling her up, and leading her. She felt something hard against her hips and kitten spoke softly, telling her to lie down upon the table. As she did so, she felt something cold and hard placed upon her belly and chest. It was a few more moments before she realized that she was acting as a serving tray for some kind of dessert being enjoyed by the Masters and Mistresses. She lay very quietly, hardly daring to breath lest she upset the tray and spill the delicacies.
As the men and women served themselves, occasionally, someone would touch her intimately, even going so far as to thrust a long finger into her still-wet sheath. Leila didn’t even dare to curl her fingers to betray the excitement she felt. As the voices above her were speaking, she occasionally heard someone comment to her Master about how beautiful she was, or how well she was handled, or how proud he must be to own such a delicious morsel. Every comment made her pleased about herself, and proud of her Master. She made a mental note to do something exceptionally erotic for Him after this evening was over. Giving herself over to the hum of voices, she lay there silently, waiting until dessert was over and for her trials to resume.
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