She was sitting alone, quietly observing. Her long, straight flaxen hair was pulled back and twisted up into a barrette. The black leather halter and tight jeans she wore were accented by a bright silk scarf tied around her waist like a belt. The party was supposed to be over, the invitation she had received said it was to be held from 8 P.M. until Midnight. Her date, a doctor, had been called away by an emergency, he had offered to take her home on the way to the hospital, but she had been enjoying visiting with some new friends, and said she would find another way home. It was nearly 12:30, and most of the guests had left. She had been so caught up in listening to the stories being told, that she did not realize that she and a few others were the only ones left.
As she sat there, she watched the host of the party Begin clearing the tables, and picking up the odd glass and plate. Some others were helping him, working quickly. Deciding she needed to either help clean up, or call a taxi, she started to pick up the table near where she was sitting. Taking the dishes to the kitchen, she overheard a couple of the other guests speaking about the entertainment for later. Unable to understand exactly what they mean, she shrugged it off, thinking they must have plans to go somewhere later.
She set the dishes down and looked around for the phone and a phone book. Her host came in at that moment, and asked her if she was staying for the “after-party”. He came up closer to her and leaned in a bit, his hand brushing down the length of her bare arm, telling her that his after-parties were much more enjoyable than the social gathering beforehand. As she looked up at him, she started to reply the she wanted to borrow his phone, but the look in his eyes made her stop. Not knowing why, she replied that she would be honored to remain for his After-party.
“You won’t regret it, Leila…it will be an experience you won’t soon forget.” her host, Michael, replied. “Now, help me finish cleaning up the den and then we can get started.”
Glancing at Michael with a puzzled look, Leila finished helping him and the others clean up. After the den was picked up and the tables cleared, Michael gathered everyone and welcomed them to his after-party. The people in the room all seemed pleased to be there. He then introduced Leila as a new guest, and that her partner would soon be returning. At This Leila gave him a quizzical look, wondering who he could be talking about. Michael then began going around the room and closing the blinds that covered the multiitude of windows that overlooked the beautiful garden that was now cast in dark shadow.
Leila was beginning to feel a little tension, and went up to him, asking “What did you mean by my ‘partner’?
He looked at her, rather amused.” Why, I was speaking of Geoff, the man who brought you here this evening, did he not tell you about the after-party?”
Leila shook her head ‘no’ and gave Michaell a worried look. Seeing her confusion, Michael was about to tell her that perhaps he should call her a taxi, when the doctor came into the den.
Geoff, seeing Leila, went to her and gave her a hug, “I hope you didn’t worry too much about me, I took care of business so I could come back before you decided to leave.”
She replied, “Well, I was thinking about it, but, I am glad you are back.” and leaning up she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
At this, Michael cleared his throat, gaining the couple’s attention. “Geoff, I believe that this lovely lady has not been apprised of the nature of my after-parties…why have you not spoken to her about this? You know I don’t want any problems.”
Geoff replied, ” She is well aware of my, ah, preferences. I merely wanted her to get to Know the people and become comfortable around them before I told her the real reason why we are here.”
Leila looked to Geoff, and then Michael as a blush rose over her face. “Geoff, is this…uhm…what you were talking to me about the other night?”
He looked at her, and as he did so, he took her by the shoulders, “Leila, you have previously agreed to this, now, I want you to do it. From now on, you are to not speak to me, or any other person here. If you wish to say something, you must kiss my feet, and then I will recognize you, if I see fit to do so.” Immediately, Leila gave him a startled look, then a flush covered her body, and she dropped to her knees, the tight blue jeans making it difficult.
Michael watched the girl as she shifted easily into her submissive role, and nodded to Geoff as he acknowledged his pleasure in her behavior. Geoff spoke to him about how perfectly she fell into it, yet, that as part of their agreement, she was to not be submissive to him in public. Michael laughed and teased Geoff about who the Dom really was here.
Geoff chuckled, and replied, “You may think she has me tied around her finger but wait until you see what she is capable of under my direction.”
Michael replied, “I am more than eager to witness how you have trained her.”
Leila watched as the others in the room began to adopt their roles for the party. She was nervous, extremely so. She and Geoff had talked about this, and role played this many times. She loved being His sub but had expressed concern over sharing this with anyone else. He had Reassure her, telling her that others would be envious of how perfect she was. This made her feel better, but still…it was now happening, and as she saw other subs being prepared for the evening, she couldn’t help think that perhaps she was in over her head.
Geoff was speaking to her, and as she became aware of his words, He suddenly pulled her ties to her halter, and she looked up at him, started. Repeating His words, Geoff told her to stand up. Quickly she did so, holding her top up so it did not fall down and embarrass herself. He asked her “Did you dress as I told you leila?” Noddingher ascent, He looked pleased. “Then, by all means, you may retie the top, but, remove your jeans.” She lowered her head a bit, and He took her chin in his hands, lifting her eyes to His. “leila, you will do as I say. You know the punishment for not doing so and I would not like to have to punish you here, in front of my friends.”
Whimpering softly, leila untied the scarf around her Waist, and as she was about to unbutton her jeans, Geoff said, “give me the scarf, leila.” She pulled it from the belt loops and handed it to him, then continued unbuttoning her jeans. Sliding them down over her hips, she heard Michael whistle softly, appreciatedly, from behind. Blushing furiously, she stepped out of her jeans, and folded them neatly then put them on a neary chair. As she Walked to the chair, her heels made a clicking sound on the tile floor.
Turning back around, Geoff looked at her, the desire dark in his eyes as He beheld the woman, wearing the black leather halter, tied just below her breasts, the black thong covering the lovely little smooth mound of her sex, and the high black heels. She almost made Him not want to share her but He knew that He had to tonight. This was her initiative. And if she failed, then He did too. And while she did not know this, He was even more nervous than she.
Leila came back to Geoff, feeling a little bit more confident of the effect she was having among Those in the room. Everyone was watching her, the tension so thick it might have drawn the very breath out of her. As she glanced around, she realized that she was the only one in a near state of undress, wanting to ask Geoff why this was, she was about to knee down to kiss his foot when Michael began to speak.
“My friends, I am pleased that you could all come tonight. We have a very special night planned. Geoff, our newest member, has brought His beautiful submissive, leilani, known to you as leila, tonight. He has been training her for nearly a year. And now,He is ready to prove His capability in handling her. This is her first time to be exhibited by Geoff, as you may know. So, please, consider this when you handle her. We do not want her to reject what Geoff has so lovingly taught her. He has told me that she is a very willing girl, and most eager to please without complaint. Now, without more of my boring rhetoric, I now declare this initiative begin.”
Leila looked up to Geoff, wanting so desperately to beg Him to take her away from here. She knew this was coming, but had hoped that she would be able to better prepare for it. Feeling weak, she started to knee, but Geoff, seeing the wild look in her eyes, keep her from going down. He leaned into her, whispering softly, “sweet leila, you will do this, you can. I have taught you so well, be the good girl now, and don’t make me punish you later for embarrassing me now.” Softly she nodded. Her eyes brimming with unshed tears but, pushing her fears back down, she stood just a bit taller and held herself up. Pleased, Geoff let go of her.
When she finally looked around again, she was surprised to see the others in the room now dressed in various stages of wickedly sensitive dress. Leather, latex, lace, silk. It was all so incredible. And she watched as her Dom removed his clothes. He was wearing the leather thong that matched hers and had several leather straps attached to various places upon the thong. She felt dampness between her legs, suddenly very excited to experience her initiative into this world.
He came towards her, and in a firm voice, told her to knee. She did so quickly, her long legs folding under her, smoothly, gracefully, just as He taught her. He reached around her and unclipped the barrette holding her hair and the silver strands fell in shining splendor over her shoulders and down her back to her narrow waist. Grasping it in his hand, he tugged at it a bit, making her whimper softly.
Softly, so that he was heard around the room, he told her “leila, you know I am your Master, that I love you with every fiber of my being. Do you trust me to keep you safe, make sure that you are well pleased?” Kneeling down so her face was near his shoes, her smooth ass up in the air, making some in the room shift a bit, she kissed his foot, hoping to be able to speak “Yes, my sweet leila, you have something to say?”
She Replied, “Yes Master Geoff. Thank you for trusting this girl tonight. This is a great honor, and this girl will not disappoint you.” Then she bowed low, her head to the ground, waiting for His reply.
“leila, you are to be given over to each of the Masters and Mistresses here tonight. They will have control over you, with my approval. They are each aware of your safe word. And, abiding by our strict code, they will not do anything that you do not want done. They have each received a list of the actions you have set as hard limits, any other action that you have not specified as unwilling to do, will be allowed. Do you understand this, sweet leila?”
Leila replied, “Yes Master Geoff, this girl agrees to this.”
“Good my sweet. Now, I am only allowed to sit and watch tonight. This is your initiative. But, what you do reflects on me. I will not tolerate any mistakes on your part. Do you understand this?”
Once again, the girl replied “Yes Master Geoff, this girl understands.”
As the formalities of the code were done with, Michael came up beside leila, and looking down at the lovely site of the woman kneeing down, he clapped Geoff on the back, and told him to take a chair.
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