The knock on his door started him out of his daydreams, his clothes put away long ago. He’d been a bit pissed off to realize there didn’t seem to be any wifi here and that to get a signal on his phone he had to hang so far out of the window that he was scared he’d fall, but at least that means he wouldn’t send any drunken, embarrassing messages. Not that he did those kind of things obviously. But better safe than sorry.
He had finally managed to get Pete’s mum (via Pete) to agree to pick him up this evening at 9pm. It means they’d be half an hour late for the party but he figured he’d need the time to convince Miss Lily that he was sleep, especially as it was almost 6pm already. His dad had been ‘talking’ almost an hour. He didn’t think the old fart had it in him!
His next dilemma had been how to get out unseen, his window was far too high to do anything stupid with bedsheets. Luckily, whilst he’d been hanging out trying to get a signal, he’d spotted a path leading upto the back of the house, and a path means a back door.
All he’d have to do would be to lock his room after him when he went out, then if Miss Lily got suspicious he could claim he hadn’t heard her knocking. After all, the walls were very step and the door was right at the bottom of the stair case.
Relaying all of this to Pete, they’d agreed to meet him on the road behind the house. It involved a short trek across the back gardens but Brad figured it was no more than two minutes and he’d wear his trainers for that part to stop his shoes getting all muddy and ruined. Not that he was vain about his appearance, but this was Sally, and everyone knew Sally could have whoever she wanted. Brad planned on making sure that he was the one she wanted tonight.
Stomping down the stairs he opened the door to see his dads face peering up at him. Was that a faint flush on his cheeses? Eew. Old people were so obviously disgusting at times.
As he followed his dad down to the mainhallway, he couldn’t help but notice he was walking funny. Served him right, the dirty old perve. If Brad had spent an hour with Miss Lily it’d be her that’d be walking funny! Annoyingly his trousers tented again at that thought and he struggled to think of something to take his mind off it.
Imagining his dad naked and rutting seemed to work well, his erection subsiding as he smiled at the Thought of all that flatby middle aged flesh butting up against the trim and voluptuous Miss Lily. Damnit. Must not think of Miss Lily, he thought to himself as his dad pushed open a large oak door and ushered him quickly inside. This room smelled as weird as the rest, poison with an undertone of musty old books, probably from the bookcases that lined every wall but the one facing the back garden. Looking out, Brad spotted the path and guessed the back door must be just down the corridor from here, that helped his plans.
Miss Lily was sitting on a leather sofa facing the garden, just the back of her head visible. From behind him, his dad cleared his throat nervously.
“Umm, right then. I’ll just leave you with Miss Lily then. Gotta be back home or your Mum’ll be worrying. Remember to behave yourself okay?”
Then, his father backed out of the room and closed the door behind him, his footsteps becoming weaker until Brad heard the heavy front door close in the distance.
Confused, Brad remained where he was. What was that all about? His dad was being majorly weird today. Grown ups were like a different species sometimes, he thought with a exacerbated sight. At the sound of that, Miss Lily seemed to stir, and, still facing the garden, she spoke in a soft voice quite different to the tone she’d used with his father.
“Well don’t just stand there boy, come and sit here, next to me where I can get a look at you.”
Nervously, Brad moved forward, looking for another chair but there was only the small, two seater sofa. Deciding he had no choice, Brad perched awkwardly on the very edge of the cushion, turning slightly to look at Miss Lily as he waited for her to say something more. He didn’t have to wait long.
“I gather,” she said in that same soft but commanding tone of voice, “that you’ve become rather a worry to your dear mother.”
Her hand rested on his knee and she leaned towards him as she spoke, giving him a glimpse down her top. As always he presumed, although the top perfectly framed to tops of her rounded creamy breasts. He squirmed a little, his cock springing uncomfortable back into action and she squeezed his knee, her long fingernails digging into the muscle of his flesh as she continued. “Is that true?” she questioned and Brad managed to squeak agreement, instantly ashamed of himself. Taking a calming breath, he replied properly.
“My mother is concerned that I haven’t been studying hard enough ma’am” he said, still a smidgen more high pitched than he would have liked.
“And why is that?” Miss Lily asked probingly, reminding him of the school counselor he’d had this same conversation with at the beginning of the year.
“I believe it’s because I failed to gain acceptance at any of the colleges I applied to ma’am,” Brad replied nervously, as her grip on his knee became firmer still.
“Well,” she concluded, “I would say that was a fair assessment, having seen your grades myself. They are rather poor, bordering on abysmal in fact. So what do you plan on doing about it?”
She leaned in closer as he began to talk and Brad caught a glimpse of her red, lacy bra as she did so. Stuttering slightly, he answered her.
“I, I, well I guess, I mean I’ll have to make more of an effort, study hard over the summer or something.”
“Or something,” she agreed ominously. “Well as for the study, I will help you with that. I tutor several students during the summer break and you can join their classes. I shall expect to see you in the morning. Lessons begin at 8am sharpand breakfast is served in the morning room at 6.”
With that, she released his leg and turned back to the garden. Sensing he was being dismissed, Brad hurried to his feet.
“Thank you ma’am,” he muttered as he turned to leave.
“Brad,” she said as he took his first step then frozen.
“Yes ma’am,” he answered, afraid to turn back in case she saw the obvious bulge in the front of his pants, caused in large pants by her firm touch and those tantalising glances down the front of her dress.
“My name is Miss Lily. Not Ma’am. I’d thank you to remember that.”
“Oh,” he stuttered, “yes, of course ma’am, I mean Miss Lily. I’ll do my best.”
“Good boy,” she answered indulgently. “Run along now, I’m sure you have a lot to do this evening before lessons begin tomorrow.”
“Thank you ma’am, Miss Lily.”
Exiting the room as quickly as possible, Brad closed the heavy door behind him. Smirking silently to himself as he thought about just how much he had to do this evening.
It seemed he wasn’t required to attend dinner tonight and so he rushed back to his room to assemble everything he would need for the party, then went on a quick exploration, finding both the shower and the back door easily enough.
Testing the door quickly, he was relieved to find it wasn’t yet locked, but just in case he unlatched the closest window, letting the latch fall back to rest loosely Against the frame so that he wasn’t locked out but enough to pass a cursory examination by anyone who cared to check during the night.
Then he hurried upstairs again to get ready. After all, he needed to look his best for Sally if he wanted to be in with a chance.
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