The IFD Supermax Ch. 02

Jacqueline paced her small cell as she waited for word that the verdict was in. She hardly noticed the cold floor beneath her bare feet, having lost her boots because the guards feared that she might attempt suicide. She had become despondent earlier in the day when she had heard that both Dominique and Gabrielle had been convicted, and had agreed to five years in the I.D.F. Supermax, rather than facing Federal charges. Having lost her pay off to Amanda, she was almost certain that she would share their fate, although the judge would probably throw the book at her considering that she had been in charge of the entire operation. Her contemplation was interrupted by a male voice forcing her back to reality.

“Verdict’s in,” Ken said, “Come on over to the door Jacqueline. You know the drill.”

Jacqueline walked over to the bars, knelt down, and stuck her hands through the meal slot. Within seconds the guard had expertly secured the cuffs around her slender wrists and unlockedthe cell door. She did not even chance a glance over her shoulder as the guard entered her cage, her ass and cunt still ached from Amanda’s lesson in obeying orders.

She turned at the cold touch of the shackles that Ken locked tightly around her bare ankles, but she did not struggle as he took her arm and hauled her to her feet. He was careful, almost gentle as he slip the belly chain over her hips and secured the cuffs with it. “I’m sorry Jacqui,” he began, “I had hoped that things might go better for you.”

Jacqui and Ken had been lovers a lifetime ago, and she knew that he still cared for her. Looking levelly into his eyes the mistress smiled, “I have heard that you will be working at the new facility.”

“Yes, I will.”

“Well then, perhaps things will not be so bad, even though it seems that this time our roles will be reversed.”

With that she leaned forward brushing his lips with her own. Ken took her arm in a firm, but gentle grip, guiding her out tomorrowd the courtroom.


Jacqueline surveyed the room from the small prisoner’s cell between the council’s desks. The I.D.F. courtroom looked exactly as one would expect any court to look. Two desks stood before the gallery, one for the prosecution and one for the defence. Three judges, one male and two females, presided over the room from their raised seats. All of the judges looked quite old, as was to be expected as working one’s way through the I.D.F. beureaucracy was a slow and tedious process, and these three people were very nearly at the top of that organization.

As she looked up at the three judges, mistress Jacqueline was reminded of her first trip to the principal’s office as a little girl. All three looked at her sternly from their seats on the raised dais. Her council had not awaited the verdict, the prisoner stood alone to receive sentence or acquital, as was the custom in the I.D.F. court. For the first time since adolesence she felt tiny as she standod alone in the prisoner’s dock awaiting their pronouncement. Breaking protocol, she turned to look at Ken, who was standing guard behind her. He gave her a small, encouraging smile, and she felt as though everything might still be alright.

The male judge cleared his throat, indicating that he had noticed her breach of protocol. Jacqueline instantly turned back to face her arbiters. She knew that any sign of disrespect would likely be reflected in her sentence when they found her guilty. As she looked at the trio, she hoped that it was her imagination when she noticed that mistress Arya, the woman that she had smuggled the drugs for, looked nearly furious.

The male judge, Gregory Whelan, spoke for the tribunal. “In the matter of withholding dues from the I.D.F. we, the tribunal of justice, find you, Jacqueline Smythe, guilty.”

Jacqui was impassive, the verdict was what she suspected gave the way that events had unfolded today. She knew that she would now be given thechoice. She knew also knew that the choice was really not a choice at all, a U.S. federal penitentiary was not really any sort of alternative. Besides, prisoners at the I.D.F. supermax were allowed to make money by serving the wealthy clients that came to the island seeking liasons with the prison’s population. Indeed, a great deal of money could be made by the prisoners in this fashion.

“Before I sentence you, I will give you a choice Jacqui. You may agree to abide by the decision of this court, or you may opt not to do so. Not doing so will mean that we will turn over all of our evidence to the district attorney, who may or may not decide to indict you for tax fraud. If convicted of the charges that he will likely file you could face up to twenty years in prison.”

“I will abide by the verdict sir,” Jacqui replied.

“Bailiff, take her the contract.”

Ken brought Jacqui a pen and a contract, sliding it though the bars. She signed the contract without reading itand slid it back to him. As he took the paper back, Ken squeezed her hand and whispered, “I’ll be there for you Jacqui.”

The guard returned the contract to the judge who quickly perused it. Seeming satisfied that all was in order he returned his attention to the prisoner. “Jacueline Smythe, having found you guilt of cheating the I.D.F. of millions, I hereby sentence you to ten to fifteen years imprisonment at Hansford Reformatory– the new I.D.F. supermax. You will be transported there tomorrow morning to begin serving your sentence.”

The rush of blood to Jacqui’s ears was deafening. She had to grap the bars of the cell to keep from falling. Ten to fifteen! She had expected a harsh sentence, but this was too much. She hardly noticed as Ken entered her cell and guided her out of the courtroom.


Jacqui was awakened when the harsh floodscent light went on in her cell. Pushing the heavy cotton blanket back she noticed that she had slept in her clothes,she was not terribly worried about it though, she assumed that she would not wear the leather dress again for a while. Smoothing her clothes as she got up, she walked over to the small mirror above her sink, and did not like the face that stared back at her. Her hair was disheveled, and her face looked weary. Her sleep had been fitful, and when she had managed to nod off, she had dreamed of the judge’s impassive faces as they had delivered the verdict. Splashing cold water on her face made her feel somewhat more awake.

Before she could even save herself, she heard the sound of a nightstick reverberating against metal bars, and heard Alexis’s voice, “Up and at ’em ladies. We have a long ride today.”

Sitting in the last cell on the block she had several moments as the guards entered the other cells, preparing the other inmates for transport. Within moments, however, Ken appeared at her cell door hefting a folded inmate uniform, handscuffs, and leg irons. Silently, Jacquigave thanks to the fact that it was not Amanda or her little bitch; at least Ken would treat her with some of the respect that she deserved. As she met his gaze, however, she could see compassion etched in his expression. Suddenly she felt nearly overcome with shame and she silently cursed him. She was used to awe, respect, and a certain measure of fear from most men– goal was not something that she wanted.

“I Need to take you to the strip cell Jacqui, every new convict has to have a mandatory climate search,” the guard said, “and then you have to shower and get provisioned. You have to worry because we don’t have a lot of time. Come on here, turn around, and put your hands through the meal slot.”

The former mistress did as she was directed. Before she knew it, steel bands encircled her wrists, locking her hands in front of her. The guard then asked her to step back. Wordlessly, he entered her cell, moved behind her, and slide the belly chain around wait. She could feel thesexual tension as his fingers moved across her belly and under her breasts, and hoped that he would take advantage of her helplessness. Suddenly, he pushed gently down on her shoulders, “Kneel Jacqui,” he commanded, “I need to shade your ankles.”

She compiled without any cross words, and helped her to her feet after he chained her up. He then locked a heavy metal collar around her neck, which was attached to a three foot lead chain. She felt a pang of disappointment as he took her leash and guided her towards the cell door, she had hoped that he might satisfy some of her bottled up cravings, but that did not seem likely to be the case. Just before he reached the hallway, however, he spun her to face him and kissed her long and deeply. Her hands strained against their bonds as his tongue explored her mouth. She was so turned on that she could feel the wetness between her legs. Hoping for more she pressed her body against his and rutted against his leg like a bitch in heat.

The sound of a woman clearing her throat and some giggling interrupted what seemed like a promising beginning, and Ken pushed her away. He turned her to face the cell door where Alexis stood at the end of a line of five gorgeous women, all of whom had been members of Jacqui’s group and all of whom were now on their way to the I.D.F. supermax. The women were restrained in the same fashion as Jacqui and their heavy, locked collars tethered them together. The three women at the front of the line wore the horizontally striped latex dresses that were standard issue in the I.D.F. women’s jail, while the two at the end, Dominique and Gabrielle still wore their sexy civies. Ken guided his charge to the end of the line and locked her collar in place.

“I guess that we’ve pulled cavity search duties today,” said Alexis, grinning from ear to ear. “We had better anxious up and get these whores down to the strip cell, Amanda will be pissed if we don’t make it to the men’s jail on time.”

Ken nodded, “You might as well take point, I’ll bring up the rear.”

“You always were an ass man,” she chuckled.

Alexis made her way to the front of the line and grasped Rebecca’s short lead chain. “Let’s move you bitches, we don’t have all day!” she barked in a voice that made Jacqui wince. Jacqui had known the woman for a long time and was quite certain that she did not want to be on her bad side. Alexis was a true sadist, and enjoyed nothing more than torturing helpless people– almost nothing anyways. Ken on the other hand was quite a bit softer, he enjoyed playing roles, but he did not really like hurting people. The thought made Jacqui wonder if he had not gotten himself into more than he had bargained for when he took a job at the new prison.

It was a long walk to the strip cell through the cold cellblocks, especially with her ankles shackled and wearing thigh high boots with five inch heels. She struggled along without falling, however, and before long they cameto a ten foot by ten foot cinderblock cell with a heavy steel mesh door. “If you search Jacqueline, Dominique, and Gabrielle, I will get the rest showered,” Alexis said, “Your group can use the shower unit after us, and that way we will be able to get over to the male jail on time to pick up Amanda and the other new meat.”

Jaqueline turned to face Ken and whispered, “I was hoping that you would Take the time to search me thoroughly, one on one,” seeing his enthusiasm she purred, “You know that Amanada found contrast on me yesterday.”

“Sorry inmate, we have procedures to follow,” he raised his voice so that all of the women could hear, “When Alexis unshackles your necks I want all three of you bitches turn and face the wall.”

Alexis unlocked the chains that bound the collars of three prisoners who still required a stripsearch, and passed the lead chains to Ken who guided them into the large cell. Once all of them had entered the cage, Alexis slammed the barred doorshut behind them. “All three of you face the wall,” Ken ordered them.

Jacqui compiled immediately, but Gabrielle and Dominque faced their guard defiantly. “You have no right to search a mistress,” protected Dominique, “No male has the right to put their hands on a dominant female unless she approves.”

Ken grabbed her arm and turned her around roughly, pushing her nose into the wall as he brought his nightstick down solidly across her round buttocks. The poor woman’s scream intermingled a curious blend of anguish, pain, and shock– she had obviously never been treated in such a manner before. Jacqueline had some trouble stifling her laughter. She never really had liked Dominique, and she enjoyed it when Ken taught her impudent colleague the lesson that Amanda had taught her the day before. To add emphasis to the point Ken leaned over and in a low, dangerous voice informed her, “As of yesterday you are no longer a dominant. You pigs have no rights that I do not see fit to grant you, and anything that I grant you will be earned. Just to make sure that you get my point, I am going to cavity search you first, and you are going to do exactly as I say. Before I make you strip though, I am going to thoroughly frisk you to see to it that you are not carrying any dangerous objects hidden in your clothes. Understand?”

Tears born of pain and frustration flowed down Dominique’s cheats as she nodded. Jacqui thought that perhaps she had understood Ken when she had assessed him earlier, he did seem to be enjoying his role as a geneuine authority figure. After he unlocked her handcuffs, pushed her against the wall, and shoved her so that she put her hands out to brace herself as much as to do what was expected of her. “Spread ’em wide you cunt,” he ordered.

Dominique spread her legs as wide as her shadowles allowed. Turning her head ever so slightly, Jacqueline watched the pat down intently– finding that the scene turned her on more than a little bit. First the guard ran his hands though her thick hair, then down her neck to her shoulders. His hands gently squeezed her shoulders before sliding down her torso, ever so slowly and sensitively. Then he gently reached under her jacket and lingered on her stomach before reaching up to cup her breasts. As he squeezed her breasts, he pulled the woman closer to himself. Dominique’s moan betrayed her desire and left Jacqueline literally dripping wet. Ken gave her tits a quick squeeze before moving on over her tight wait and ass, finally running his hands gently ran down her slender legs. Then the guard turned the inmate around and said, “open your mouth Dom.”

Dominique did so and Ken reached inside with two fingers. He fished around for any contrast and, finding none, he withdraw his digits. Grabbing Dominique behind the head, he pulled her forward and locked lips with her. The way that he stuck his tongue down her throat left no questions about contrast being hidden in that cavity. Ashe pulled his head back, Dominique’s lingering, pleading gaze invited him to continue, but he did not. Instead he gently turned her to face the wall and stepped back.

“Time to show me the goods inmate,” he ordered instead.

Ken bent over and unlocked Dominque’s shadows and took a step back. Jacqui watched out of the corner of her eye as Dominique began to turn to face her captor, but he firmly grabbed her shoulders and spun her to face the wall. “Don’t face me unless I tell you to inmate,” he said as he did so.

Jacqui could see the stark terror on the other dominatrix’s face as she reached behind her back and unzipped her leather skirt. She slide it down, revealing her shaped ass, which was covered only by the slightest of thongs. Almost immediately her long boots, her leather jacket, and her blouse joined the skirt on the floor. Stripped down to her black bra and panties, she placed her palms back against the wall, certain of what she would have to do next, but obviously hoping to avoid it. Her eyes, suddenly doelike, wandered to her captor, imploring him not to make her do what she knew must come next. His expression did not change though.

“There are no private parts in here inmate,” Ken’s voice was loud and full of authority now, “Take it all off! Now!”

With only a little hesitation, the proud prisoner reached behind her back and unfasted her bra, releasing Her tits from their prison. Jacqueline noticed that Ken’s gaze naturally dropped to her magnificent breasts, which were large, well proportioned, firm, and had no tan lines. Strangely, she felt jealous as his hungry gaze devoured the other woman, it was a feeling that she had not often felt before, and did not really relish. Dominique made no move to remove her panties, however, and Jacqui found herself eagerly anticipating seeing the hot bitches’ cunt.

Ken spoke up, “We don’t have all day. If you don’t move it there will be consequences. Take off your panties and resume yOur position against the wall- hands behind your head, fingers laceled together.”

Dominique quickly compiled, realizing now that Ken was well within his rights to punish her at any time and in any way that he chose. If she had been allowed to move her hands, Dominique would have reached up to wipe the drool from her face, but as it was it ran down her cheese and vanished between her breasts.

Ken stepped up behind the former dom and quickly and expertly pulled her wrists firmly behind her back, locking them together before fasting the leg irons around her slender ankles. Then he ran his fingers through her hair once again, all pretense that he was still checking for contrast disappearing as he turned her head slightly and stuck his tongue into her hungry mouth.

As he searched her, he pulled ass towards him, allowing her cuffed hands to grab his swollen crotch. Dominique’s reaction, grabbing and squeezing his cock demonstrated to Jacqui that, to her surprise, the wereBoth very much enjoying this– she had never really liked Ken before, but several months in a chatity belt seemed to have rectified that. After satisfying himself that Dominique was not hiding anything in her hair, his hands moved on to her shoulders and chest. He lifted each title, checking for packages that could be taped underneath. Her breathing became somewhat ragged as his hands explored every hidden nook and cranny of her body.

As he finished checking her tits and stomach he took a step back. “Just hold still, Dominique,” he told her, “This next part is bound to be a little uncomfortable, but at least it won’t be the first time.”

Not daring to look back, but hearing the snap of the glove, Jacqui could see Dominique’s firm ass tension. They had all been cavity searched on a daily basis at the I.D.F. jail, but Jacqui thought that none of them would ever enjoy it, at least she had believed that until Amanda had intimately searched her the day before, and even that experience had not ended positively. “Spread your legs wider Dominique and loosen up your cheats, I really don’t want to hurt you.”

The other woman reluctantly compiled with the order, spreading her ankles as much as the hobble chain allowed. Ken’s fingers entered her cunt first, accompanied by a sharp intake of breath and a slight moan on her part. She noticed immediately that the finger slid in with Surprising ease– she knew what that means, as did everyone else in the room.

“You’re really wet Dom. You must be starting to like this,” he said in a nearly conversational tone.

Jacqui could tell that the other mistress was biting back a sharp retort, but the other woman gyrated her hips none the less. Ken allowed her to enjoy the ride on his fingers for several seconds before removing them and wiping them on her ass cheeses. “Grab your cheeses and spread them Dominique,” the guard ordered.

The prisoner compiled as best she could, even though her hands were cuffed behind her back. As soon as her cheeks were spread, Ken pushed his finger up her ass with no ceremony. Dominique moaned loudly as he did so– ass play had always turned the woman on Amanda mused. Ken probed her quite thoroughly before withdrawing his finger and pushing her firmly back into the wall.


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