The Arrival:
A long, white sheriff’s van, with the initials I.F.D. stenciled on the door pulled into the razor wired compound at the rear of the International Federation of Dominants court house. Two prison guards slide the gate closed behind the van, before walking purposefully over to the driver’s side window. The taller of the two guards, a buxom blonde woman glanced through the caged window as she did so, and gave a small, satisfied smile. She adjusted her tight fitting blue shirt, ran her fingers though her braided blond hair, and smoothed her tight black leather skirt. She did not know why, but five years later, the woman in the van still made her fidgety.
As she came near, the driver rolled down his window to talk to her. She admired Ken as he did so, he was young, well built, and good looking. He was not tall, but his sandy brown hair was cut short– just the way she liked it. “Hi,” she greeted him coyly, “I see that the bitch has arrived for the verdict.”
“Yeah, she still seems pretty confident. This morning she threatened to haul me before the tribunal for inappropriate conduct when she gets acquired. It seems that our van’s lack of air conditioning not working might constitute grounds for abuse of a dominant.”
Amanda pulled her sunglasses halfway down her nose, and looked at him incredulously. “She thinks that they’ll acquit her? They’ve convinced Every other person charged in the case.”
Even as she said the words; however, Amanda knew that the mistress might well avoid sharing the fate of her denizens. Every single one of them had declined the opportunity to testify against her, even though it might earn them a lighter sentence. Further, the tribunal had been more than fair in her rulings too– the result of a very improper private meeting in quarters, if the rumors surrounding the courthouse were true.
Ken simply shrugged. Then a throaty voice with a British acccent broke in from behind the grill separating the driver from the prisoners, “Get us the hell out of here. This van is an over.”
Pushing her sunglasses back up, Amanda casually strolled to the other side of the van, making a show of swining her baton in a wide circle as she did so. She motioned to her partner Alexis, a statuesque woman with long, black hair, to open the metal door leading into the courthouse. The woman made a show of swinging her hips when walking over and bending over far more than necessary as she unlocked the door, wiggling her perfect ass invitingly. Amanda silently cursed her, knowing that the show was very intentional. Alexis know how hot that would make her, and that she would have to sweat all day before she was able to act on the impulse. She looked forward to her new assignment as warden of the I.F.D. Supermax. She would be able to have her delicious partner any time that she wanted; in fact, she could have any of the guards or inmates whenever she wanted. The thought put a wide grin on her face.
Kenjoined her, and she playedfully grabbed his butt chef as he did so. The male guard had been an exclusive playmate of Amanda’s for several months, and she was looking forward to working with him at Stanfield Prison, the new I.F.D. corrective facility, three hundred miles off the coast of California. Amanda beckoned her partner to return as she slid the door open. Alexis walked over quickly, drawing her baton as she Did so, she knew that this crew was dangerous.
As soon as the other two guards arrived to back her up, Amanda slid the door open. “O.K., all of you sluts get out of the van,” she commanded.
The first woman to emerge from the van was Rebecca, formerly mistress Rebecca. She was a tall, proud, beautiful woman whose flaxen hair tumbled carefully about her shoulders. Her large, firm breasts struggled for freedom against the tight, striped, latex prison dress that she wore. As she tried to step down from the van she stumbled, as a result of the shadows on her ankles.Her useless hands were securely handcuffed and attached to a belly chain, preventing her from righting herself. Fortunately for Rebecca, Ken was quick to catch her; far from gratitude the woman let out a surprised gasp as he did so, then glared at him and jerked away.
Amanda pointed to the yellow line beside the door. “Over there, and wait. If you cause any trouble I’ll shove this up your ass,” she hefted her nightstick to add emphasis, “and wipe that nasty look off of your face before I have to do it for you.”
As Alexis guided the woman towards the indicated spot the next prisoner, mistress Artemis, emerged. She was short; had to bearer length black hair; and nice, firm tits. She too was garbed in a prison dress, which appeared to be at least a couple of sizes too small. Ken reached up, took her by the cuffs, and guided her down. She seemed to have been cowed by her months in captivity, passively allowing herself to be led. He pointed to the wall, and she passedively shuffledinto place.
Following Sandy was mistress Dominique, a lush figured, large breasted woman whose whole being seemed to ooze sexuality. Dominique had a broad, pretty face with shoulder length blonde hair. She was shackled like the other two, but was wearing a short leather skirt, a broad black belt, a tight white blouse under a short leather jacket which accentuated her big tits, and thigh high boots that were lacened up the sides; she was still wearing her civies, as she had not yet been convicted. Dominique was a switch, spending time as both a domme and a sub, and as such was well acquainted with negotiating her passage while shackled; rather than fighting with the restraints, she surrendered to them– moving with grace and ease. Thus she pulled her hands away when Ken reached up to help her down, shooting him a vicious look as she Did so. Disregarding her protestation, Ken grabbed her forcedly and guided her the her place behind Sandy. Dominique shrugged her arm in a vain attempt to shake his hand off, but he gripped her harder and half dragged her into place.
Amanda chuckled to herself, but quickly returned her attention to the van as Ken walked back. Mistress Gabrielle was the next woman out. Like Dominique she had not yet been convicted and was wearing her regular clothes. Close fitting leather pants highlighted a tight, well muscled ass, and her large breasts hardly bounced at all beneath her tight shirt, despite her rather obvious lack of a bra. She was six foot two in her heels, which made her the tallest person in the yard. Amanda took a moment to admit the tall bitch; Gabrielle’s body was magnificent. Although Amanda knew that the woman was nearly forty, she had trouble believing it. Her skin flawless skin was stretched over a very well muscled frame, and her blond hair framed a gorgeous, angular face. Amanda directed the woman towards the yellow line by quickly swatting her buttocks with her baton. Her action elicited an outtraged expression,”You’ll pay for that when I’m acquitted.”
Amanda met her challenging glare with one of her own. After a lingering moment, Gabrielle backed down and turned around, waiting to be guided to her place in line. It seemed that she had learned her place after three months in custody. As Ken grabbed her muscle arm and shoved her towards the line, she nevertheless made a mental note to give both her and Dominique special attention, if they were convicted today.
Mistress Sylvie was the next out. She was a gorgeous woman with curly hair that was a deep, rich brown. Sylvie’s tanned skin told Amanda that she had managed to spend more than her share of time in the exercise yard of the I.F.D. jail over her past three months in custody. Like the first two women, she was attired in a small, tight prison dress, which accentuated her sexy curves. Her chains jingled and her body jiggled as she half jumped and half fall out of the prison van. She stumbled, as Rebecca had, but she fell right into Ken’s chest. He grabbed her, and attempted to help her to regain her balance, but she nestled into his chest, her eyes taking him in hungrily as she did so. Both hands found their way to the guard’s crotch and latched on tightly. Ken adjusted her small, black framed glasses with one hand, and squeezed her buttocks with the other, which elicited a quiet, happy squeal. Amanda chuckled as she looked on, noticing the woman’s firm grip of her partner’s cock with her shackled hands. “No fraternizing with the inmates,” Amanda ordered, although her smile betrayed the lie.
Ken looked properly abashed at that, but Sylvie wore a wicked grin. “You really should search me officer, I could have stolen anything when I bumped you,” she said in her sultry voice. Ken pushed her away by the shoulders, and she gave him one last quick squeeze as he did so.
As he led her away, Amanda had a sudden yearning, “You and Alexis take these whores inside. I need some time to speak to Jacqui alone.”
As the other two gaurds led the inmates inside, Amanda returned her gaze to the van. After long seconds Mistress Jacqueline herself hoped out of the van. She was encased in leather from head to toe, starting with a police style hat, which sat upon shoulder length, flame red hair. Long, black gloves covered her arms from her fingertips to her elbows, and her black leather dress that was cut so low in the body, and so high in the skirt that her large tits practically hung out of it and the bottom of her perfectly shaped ass cheats just peeked out from underneath. As she drank in the thigh high leather boots, Amanda could feel a familiar wetness in her crotch. The woman’s scent kindled Amanda’s desire even further, she smelled of flowers on a spring day. The other prisoners were all very sexy, but Mistress Jacqueline was sex incarnate. Her carriage was so dignified that Amanda did not even see her shackled hands and feet.
“Hi Jacqui,” Amanda began, as she took off her sunglasses and placed them in her breast pocket.
The woman glared at her. “Don’t speak to me, bitch. You betrayed me,” her voice was musical– very proper and British, but at the same time dirty, low, and wildly arousing.
“You were the one that betrayed us. You cheated the Federation out of millions, you’re lucky that we were merciful, and didn’t decide to turn you over to the police. Then you would be doing federal time.”
Jacqui held up her chained hands, “I do not honestly see a great deal of difference. You had so much potential, you could have made millions. Within a couple of years you would have owned the entire compound.”
Amanda looked at her greedily before reaching out to take squeeze her tit hard enough to cause pain. ” I own you now, and who can put a cash value on that. I was promoted to warden of the I.D.F. Supermax for bringing you in. Rather than playing at being a dominatrix, I get to decide the fate of my charges all day, every day.”
Jacqueline’s gaze was even, if caustic, and she stood still despite the pain. “Remove your hand, or I promise that you will live to regret it.”
“You should know who is in charge by now,” Amanda said, knocking off Jacqueline’s hat as she did so. Then she forced spun her around, pushing her against side of the van as she did so. She started her frisk at the Jacqui’s well formed shoulders, quickly working her way down to her bus where her hands lingered. Mistress Jacqueline groaned in pleasure, as she did so, but did not say a word. It had been three long months since the lady had been able to get off, as every prisoner in the I.D.F. jail was forced to spend any unsupervised time in a locking chatity belt.
Amanda’s hands wandered over every inch of the woman’s chest and stomach slowly and purposefully. Sometimes she pushed hard, and others she hardly touched her charge, but always the hands were there. She felt something hard in Jacqueline’s breast pocket, so she unzipped it. “No,”Jacqui moaned as she did so, “it is just my cigar box. Please do not stop.”
“You shouldn’t have this,” Amanda said, “You know the rules. No personal belongings outside of your cell. I’ll just keep it. Don’t worry, you won’t need it where you’re going– you have to work for your smokes there.”
She opened the case and examined the small, thin cigars. They too smelled wonderful, especially made Cubans. Mistress Jacqueline looked over her shoulder, her sight twisted into an expression of outrage and desire. “Give it back, or you will be up on charges of theft the moment that I’m acquired,” she threatened.
Amanda pushed her back against the van, her own breasts rubbing against Jacqui’s back, before stepping back. She slapped the woman’s inner tight with her nightstick. Pain and pleasure mingled into a satisfying mixture in the woman’s cry. Amanda rubbed her baton on the woman’s erogenous zone for several seconds before running it all of the way up to her pussy. “Spread embitch,” she said in a husky voice.
Jacqui spread her legs as wide as the hobble chain would allow, without any further protest, her legs straining against the steel as she strove to find sexual release. For several seconds her hips gyrated as she fucked the hard, plastic rod. The pace of her breathing quickened, her cuffed hands pulling her short dress up and straining to reach her wet pussy. Soon, her rocking became faster as she was about to cum, but Amanda took the stick away to the surprise of her prisoner. Then she grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, moved her to the open door of the van, and bent her over onto the floor of the van.
Jacqueline glanced over her shoulder, her expression plainly confused and annoyed. Amanda kicked her ankle, again spreading her legs as wide as her chains would allow. She brutally pushed the woman’s upper body down with her baton, while lifting her extremely short skirt to reveal her perfectly formed ass and cunt. “What the fuck are you doing?” Jacqueline asked, as her confusion became suspicion.
“Let’s just say that I have a suspicious mind,” Amanda said, as she set her baton beside the helpless prisoner, “finding contrast makes it incumbent upon me to do a complete climate search. I would be remiss as a guard to do otherwise.”
“No!” she screamed.
Jacqui tried to push her way up, but it was impossible with Her hands shackled. She also tried to kick or close her legs, but Amanda forced her own leg between her ankles, while reaching into her utility belt, finding a latex glove, and snapping it on– all the while using her elbows to keep Jacqueline bent over. The poor woman struggled, but it was to no avail. When Amanda’s long finger entered her anus, her head shot back as she howled in pain and indignation. Amanda was undetered; however, probing and prodding. She pumped the whore’s ass for several minutes; her poor prisoner howling all the while. Then, much to Amanda’s surprise, her fingers brushedagainst a small object! She never thought that Jacqueline might actually try to smuggle something in, the search had only been to show her who was the boss.
“Hold still you cunt,” Amanda ordered, “I found it.”
Amanda pulled the woman’s cheats apart with her left hand, while thrusting two of the fingers of her right hand into her asshole. She pulled out a condom with some sort of drugs in it. Again, mistress Jacqueline tried to push herself up, but Amanda grabbed her neck and forced her down. Amanda slipped off the condom to reveal the cocained inside. She poured it out on the ground. “I can’t believe that an intelligent woman like yourself would do something this stupid,” she chatised Jacqui, “You had to know that you’d get caught, and you don’t even do drugs.”
Jacqui did not even Turn her head, “It was for one of the judges.”
“Roll over onto your back and spread your legs,” Amanda ordered, as one might command a dog.
Jacqui did as she was told, knowingthat the drugs were going to weight heavily against her. Smuggling was a very serious offence in the I.F.D. prison system. Amanda dug deeply into the woman’s wet cunt, withdrawing her hand when she found nothing in the cavity. This time there was no sex play, Jacqueline tried gyrating her hips as the fingers went in, but got a slap in the face for it- Amanda was all business now.
When she was done, Amanda pulled Jacqui to her feet, and sat on the step of the van. She pulled a cigar out of Jacqui’s container and lit it. Jacqueline simply stood and glared impotently at her, not even bothering to attempt to pull her skirt down. As she took a deep drag on the cigar, Amanda noticed how wet her own cunt was. Standing up, she grabbed Jacqueline’s shoulder with her free hand, and forced her to her knees. Bending over, she exhausted the pungent smelling smoke into her prisoner’s face before addressing her, “You are going to pleasure me. If you do an extremely good job, I might forget that IFound this. Even if you do get acquired, smuggling drugs into an I.D.F. facility carries a harsh punishment.”
Hatred flared in Jacqui’s expression, but Amanda paid no attention. She simply unbuttoned her tight shirt, unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the pavement. Then she slowly peeled off her panties and sat down in the van’s open doorway. Taking one more long drag on the cigar in her right hand, she reached behind the prisoner’s head with her left pulling her face into her crotch. “Lick me,” she ordered
Jacqueline’s tongue sought out her sex, making her juices flow. She lapped slowly, deliberately– she was very proficient at giving head, although this was probably the first time that she had done it as a chained up sub. Amanda pulled her hair hard, grinding her pussy into the prisoner’s face. “Faster,” she panted.
As she came close to finishing, Amanda dropped her cigar, taking a firm, two handed grip on the woman’s head, pulling her closer and nearly smoothingher in her extasy. Looking down, Amanda saw that the woman’s chained hands were furiously rubbing her own hot clip. She pulled Jacqui’s head up by her lustrous hair, giving her another hard slap. “I finish. You don’t. You know the rules regarding masturbation in my jail Jacqueline,” she said.
Without waiting for an answer she forced Jacqui’s head back between her legs, and fucked her face, Almost instantly having an explosive orgasm. As soon as she finished, Amanda stood, pulling the woman to her feet by her hair. She took her by the left arm and turned her around to face the van. Jacqui started to turn to look at Amanda, but the woman spun her back and shoved her against the van. “Avert your eyes while I dress myself; and don’t even think about pulling that skirt down or touching yourself, inmate.”
“You will pay for this. No one does this to me.”
Amanda buttoned her shirt and pulled up her skirt, smoothing it as she did so. She casually lit another cigar, “Apparently I just did.” The guard puffed on the cigar, admiring Jacqueline’s fine form as she relaxed. After several long minutes she rose. Walking over to the prisoner, she put the cigar into her mouth, and placing both hands on the woman’s fine ass, she finally pulled her tight skirt down. Retrieving her night stick with her right hand, she lovingly petted the woman’s buttocks before pulling her up roughly by the scruff of her neck. Grabbing her by the arm, she led her haty prisoner towards the open door.
“Let’s go, you have a very important appointment.”
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