The Ice Knife Ch. 02

Still panting, she watched Him go, still unable to speak as the tears stung her eyes. She knew the hours would grow into days before she could expect to ever feel the cares of His hand…and the ice knives again. But that did not stop her from swearing that she would, and in time she would make Him scream her name.

“Yes, He will scream my name” was the final hiss from her lips as her eyes burned in hopes of making that day come quickly.

The gifts she had received were reminders of what she long for with and from Him once again.


The first day the gift was a beautiful maple paddle carved with tiny roses along the edges and slots down its center. She knew the pattern of the roses would burn red upon her skin after He finished using it. The gift contained a card with one word written on it: Respect

There was nothing else in the package and no other word from Him.

Day two arrived and as she opened the small ornately wrapped box, she revealed the clover clamps and fine gold chains that could be threaded through them. Again another card with a single word written on it…this time the word Control.

Day three arrived, and as she expected there was another gift. In her mind, surely three days was enough to make His point. But looking at the tapered deep red candles and the card that was laid atop them, that hope quickly faded as she read the single word: Listen.

How much longer would she have to wait? His gifts only reminded her that she could not serve Him and that she had failed. With a heavy sigh she laid the box of candles next to the one containing the clamps, then slipped into bed wondering if He would return or if these gifts would be final reminders of her failure to Him.

Day four and the gift actually amazing her. It was a silken whip and the enclosed card read: Obey.

The irony of something so soft to discipline was not lost on her. His voice was soft, smooth and soothing to hear and she desired noing more from Him except to hear him speak.

Day five found her resolve crumbling quickly but she knew she could not seek Him out; she was forbidden to call or contact Him in any way. There was almost a sense of dread as she opened the box. She quickly read the card that, like the others, was merely a single word, the word was Learn.

That word was like a slap as she read it. She had thought she had grown and learned so much but within the box were pictures of Xs and racks with subs bound in ways she had never conceived possible.

Day six the gift was on her door before she left for work. It was a large box and contained a black leather corset with black leather cord for lacing the pieces together. The word on the card was, Grow.

Day seven arrived and she had expected more of the same and indeed there was another gift and other card. It was the card that caught her eye. The others were plan white stock like someone would use for notes or giving a lesson. This one,However, was jet black with gold veins running across it and the single word was stamped in raised gold letters. MINE.

Seven days, seven hours and seven seconds had passed since she first danced in the fire that was created by the kiss of the ice knife. She ached for it once more. The passage of time without word from Him would have been more bearable than the excisite torque that He unleashed upon her now. The only gifts she desired were His touch and to know by the look on His face that she exceeded what He demanded of her.


Respect, control, listen, obey, learn, grow, and MINE. The words and the gifts that He selected were not haphazardly chosen. In the seconds, hours and days that past, He left her to wonder what if anything would still be between them. His smile took on a wicked cast as He looked at the sawhorses, chains, leather straps, electrons and newly formed ice toys which were all in place. They were only the beginning of what the night would hold./p>

Tonight she would be reborn, reformed and bound to Him as she never dreamed possible. Before the night ended, His touch; His words and even His silence would cause her to tremble. Perhaps His silence would make her tremble more than the others, which would be perfect as far as He was concerned. Light and dark, pleasure and pain, hope and utter hopelessness would live in His silence and she would hunger to feel them all.

Slipping on the leather gloves, he checked once more that the levels were correct for the electrons. Then he went upstairs and opened the door. As expected she was kneeing holding the box containing the candles and clamps on top of the paddle. The silver whip was hanging looped over her neck, and the black leather corset was revealed by the neckline of the black silk dress she wore. The dress had slices up either side to show her legs and tights to their full advantage.

Taking the box, He smiled down at her and as He prepared to turn she spoke.

“Master, if it pleases You may one enter?” her voiced trembled as she spoke—she hated that she could not hide her nervousness.

“Enter,” he replied with a small smile that she could not see. He was pleased that she was not taking anything for granted because to do so at this point would have been a severe miscalculation.

She followed him as He led the way down the stairs and into the basement, being amazed by what met her eyes. A single slightly oversized high-backed wooden chair was bathed in a pool of light that would not allow her to see beyond it to determine what else might be in the room. The chair was fitted with leather straps and buckles for the arms and legs, and others that fit through the back of the chair

Lying on the seat of the chair was a single fire and ice rose, which stood out in stark relief against the dark highly, poisoned wood of the chair. The long piece of neatly folded black silk was camouflaged until He picked it up and moved it.

“Sit.”The command was given in a soft neutral voice—he was not about to have her trying to anticipate what was to come. The fact that she jumped at the sound of His voice was all that He needed to confirm His suspicions that her thoughts were chasing down the many tangents that the sight of the chair triggered.

It was time to bring her back to the here and now.

She bit her lip to keep from swearing aloud, as the sound of His voice jolted her back from the silent thoughts of what He might have planned. He must have seen her start, but all she could do was focus and obey as she quickly made her way to the chair to sit.

Taking the rose in hand, she slid back in the chair, bowing her head but looking up through thick, dark lashes. He approached her in absolute silence, and she was reminded of her promise that He would scream her name. As He moved closer, she felt the steel of that promise to herself begin to melt in her desire to please Him.

Once he was close enough, hewhispered in her ear, “What was the first word?”

“Respect, Master,” came her immediate reply.

“And do you know what it means to respect Me?” The second question was asked as softly as the first, but some how it carried much more intensity and she was uncertain as to how to answer Him, but she knew she had to.

“To respect You mean that I trust that Your decisions are best. Although I may challenge the reasons for them, I can do that only if they do not cause others to question our positions… for You are Master.” The reply was made in a breathy whisper. She caught her breath realizing that she had been holding it because of His intensity inspection of her. And now, it was becoming no easier for her to control her breathless state. He had begun to buckle the padded straps in place about her wrists and Then her ankles.

“Well said for respect and trust are hand in glove. The amount of respect you give Me will always be a result of the amount of trust you have in and for Me.” The last was stated as His eyes met hers and the last of the straps were placed around her neck.

Bound as she was she could not see Him as He melted into the shadows and retrieved the lamb’s wool covered electrons. But she could hear the soft buzz as He came closer. He stood directly behind the chair and began a silent count; once He reached 35, He ran the electrons over her long shaped legs, which caused the first of many screams. The charge was set so the cares of the electrons would be a tiny series of pulses not unlike a mass.

“What was the second word?” The question came as one of the electrons caresed her clip and the other glided over her nipples causing them to become hardened pebbles that ached for more.

He knew she was attempting to stifle the moans of pleasure, so he pressed the electrone between her tights while turning the rate up so the pulses came harder and faster.

Stepping around so she could see His face, He grewled andThen cared her nipples with the free electronede once again, “I asked you a question, little one, and I want the reply now.”

“Control, Master, the second word was control.” The panted and moaned reply came with an urgency to release what stirred within her.

With her reply, He removed the electronedes and heard her soft scar of need escape her lips.

“And what does it mean to be controlled by Me?”

“It means that –”The rest of the reply was shattered by her scream from the unexpected smack of His gloved hand upon her clip.

“It means that you have to expect the unexpected because I am always going to push you to discover new places where you have no control…My control will be absolute where you are concerned.”

Whispering softly in her ear as He continued; “Whether I scream or whisper, I need to know that you respect My wishes even above your own desires. Now, what were the next two words?”

Biting her lip – she had only expected Him to ask what the next word was. She knew that it was listen, actually she knew the entire list but the words seemed to slip from her mind like water through a sieve. Her body was craving to be used by Him.

Taking a deep breath as the wanton thoughts and raging desires flooded through her, the words listen and obey clicked into place in her mind like the tumblers of a safe that had been unlocked. The words came out in a rush.

The cracking of the whip caused shivers through her as the sound of His voice followed – “Listen and obey.” The words are so simple to say. He leaned into the pool of light so she could see His face and she knew it was no mistake that the whip’s end teased her inner tigh as He leaned forward.

“Such simple words to say but have you learned what they mean in the past few days. Can you respect Me, so I can show you the beauty in giving up control to Me?” As she began to reply, He placed a finger upon her lips.

“In order to give Me those things you must listenn and be willing to obey.”

Undoing the buckles and straps of the chair, he then guided her lithe body so her head rested upon the seat cushion and her arms were stretched out between the slats, where her wrists could be cuffed.

God, she still wanted to make Him scream her name but as the word obey began to sink in, she heard the soft tap of something against the slats of the chair. It appeared to be a loop of the whip but as the tapping continued and she had time to study what was before her, she realized that the whip had been fashioned into a noise. Her heart started to race.

He had never done anything like this before and the thought alone caused her to shiver. He had made it clear that she would have to earn all that He would give her, but what could the noise mean?

His fingertips down her back caused her to purr without thinking. She Missed His gentle cares far more than she realized; without hesitation she spread her legs as wide as she could to open heself to Him.

Standing out of the pool of light, He smiled at her reaction to His touch. There was so much more to come and what awaited her would prove that He would be her Master completely or not at all.

Slowly He glided His gloved hand over her tights. The soft moan that accompanied the brush of His leather-clad fingerprints over her clip was all the encouragement He needed to continue.

The slap of His hand upon her clip caused her head to snap back against the chair. He checked her to make sure that she had not been harmed. He caresed her legs and lifted them to his shoulders smiling at her.

“And what came next?” The question was asked as she felt the rope tighten about her ankles. “Learn was next, Master.”

As He stepped back into the shadows, she heard Him repeating the word learn and then the electric while of a motor that caused the noise to tighten around her ankles and lift her from the chair until she was suspended so her head was level with HisWhen he stood before her.

“And what could you have possibly learned in so short a time?”

The question was almost like a like a physical slap because of the way He gripped her hair. She could see the fire in His eyes as, whispering, each word was carefully, curtly repeated.

“I have learned that I am nothing without Your hand to guide me, Master,” came her almost sheepish reply.

“My hand to guide you?” His laughter was like a frosty blast that cut straight to her soul.

“No you do not wish to be guided, you want control. Or have you forgetten so quickly why our seven days of absence happened?” Walking away in what could only be described as disgust, He returned to the shadows and the motor sounded again bringing her head mere inches from the ground.

“So you have learned, have you?” The question was accompanied by a series of singing blows upon the cheeses of her ass.

Her cries and whimpers were ignored as He moved once more into the shadows. A metallic squeak echoed in the room before she felt the leather cuffs being placed upon her. Her arms were raised over the large hook, which He moved into place to support her.

Butter-soft thin leather straps were slowly coiled about her ample breasts and then drawn down her body and placed so they rested just outside the lips of her swollen pussy.

“What is the sixth word?” He asked.

“Grow,” she moaned softly without any hesitation, as the straps brushed against the swollen lips of her pussy.

“Remember this?” The question was accented by the cares of the ice knife being. He rand the blade over her swollen nipples and down to her clip.

“Yes!” came the hissed reply from her lips as the caresing of the knife continued.

“He will scream – ” she thought silently, but her thought was shattered by His voice.

“You give only what you choose to give to Me. That will not do any more; it shows a lack of trust”, came the soft whisper in her ear.

Shewas tempted to protest, but His words made her repeat inside her mind – respect, control, listen, obey, learn and grow.

She shivered more at the thought of what he means than from the desire that the icy blade set aflame within her. As she shifted, she could tell the leather straps were growing slick from her nectar.

“What are the first six words?”

“Respect,” she said as the handle of the knife slide over her clip and down to the hot, wet lips of her pussy. She moaned.

“Control.” Now the tip of the handle was forced inside her as the moan was transformed into a cry of hunger.

“Listen.” Half the length of the handle was plunged inside her and her wanton body wrapped around it aching for more as she whimpered.

“O-Obey.” Was stammered as the remainder of the handle slid in and she whimpered.

“Learn.” Now the handle was a piston that rammed inside her, causing her to pant and gasp for breath.

“Grow,” came the ragged and harsh whisper that shebarely was able to speak.

“Fuck me, Master! Fuck me now!!!” The knife was now deep inside her almost evaporated because of her wantonness.

She was stunned by how quickly he lowered her to the ground and her hair was seized in his iron grip as He forced her head down.

“You forget yourself too quickly already. You wish to call Me Master and yet you still wish to give commands. There was no please, just a demand for Me to take you and give you what you desire.”

He did not speak another word as He almost dragged her to the sawhorse and bound her legs to one end then stretched her so her back lay against the top of it.

She was still trembling with the need hear Him cry out her name, but the soft tender cares of his tongue over her swollen pussy caused the Thought to be banished like a shadow in sunlight.

She moaned and compromised on the sawhorse, as He continued to lick and suck. Then she suddenly felt the wonderful sensing of what at first appeared to bethe head of his cock.

But the sound of His footfalls and then His face above hers made her heart race.

“Oh God!! He wasn’t going to give her to someone else.” The thought caused bitter tears to roll down her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Slowly at first, she felt the cock slide inside her. Her mind told her to scream or try to escape but her body was already betraying her.

Her eyes opened as she felt strong and gentle hands on each side of her face wiping her tears away. His voice was strong and gentle as He spoke.

“Trust above all is the most important thing. It is a toy called a fuck machine. Again, I have given you what you demanded but what has it cost you this time?”

A sight of relief was accompanied by the shuddering of her body as more tears flowed. The machine continue to pound her body and the moments gathered like autumn leaves, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour then an hour and a half. The machine went faster and then slower, never lettering her fully surrender to what she long for.

Her body was coated with sweat and her silican mane was matted to her head. He knew the fuck machine had been torturous for her because He had controlled it the entire time. He freed her so she could sit up and sip from a glass of water that He held to her lips.

“Please, let me cum Master,” she rasped as she shivered.

He smiled as He took the water from her and laid her back down on the sawhorse. Tenderly, He slide His fingertips over her, admiring all that she was. Then His fingertips brushed over her still aching pussy.

“Master, please!” The words were a whisper as His fingerer found the rough spot just inside her pussy and began to tease it.

“Oh, Master please!” She screamed the words as two more fingerers joined the first in the assault on her body.

“To Whom do you belong?” It seemed that time frozen as He waited for the answer, while His fingers continued to care and tease her as gently as He possibley could.

His first words in hours were not lost to her as she moaned her reply.

“You! I belong to You! I am Yours to use as You please. Oh! Please, Master, may I cum for You?”

“Yes, cum for Me.” His voice was an almost breathless hiss.

He had to wrap His other arm under her neck to steady her body as she surrendered to Him, bucking wildly against His fingers as she moaned “Master” and shivered in the bliss of giving herself to Him.

Waiting for the waves of password to subside He scooped her into His arms and laid her gently on the bed so the firm chefs of her ass were still exposed. He then placed the last card with the gold embossed word Mine in her delicate hands.

Watching her still floating in an orgasmic fog, He took the paddle and branded her ass cheek with a single blow before He lay beside her and traced the burning letters that had formed on her silken skin.



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