Amy woke and stretched, enjoying the pull of well-used muscles.
They had needed a nap after last night. She smiled remembering. The hike this morning with the other group had been loved. Since they’d all filled their tickets early, they strolled along the river in the crisp air, enjoying the sounds of the forest and talking quietly. It was a nice morning. So was the afternoon, before they did off. She grinned and stretched again.
She had barely walked in the room before Nick had been on her, pushing her against the wall while he stripped her roughly from behind. His hand in the middle of her back pushed her hard into the rough textured paint as he dragged her shirt off her shoulders. She gasped for breath and he yanked her jeans down. She felt his hardness press against her ass, his voice grew in her ear. “Whose bitch are you? Whose pussy am I going to fuck? Say it…”
“Yours Nick, your pussy, your bitch, I’m yours Nick…” she told him over and over, knowinghow he loved to hear it, knowing better than to stop as his rough fingers opened her lips and he shoved his massive cock inside her. She groaned as he filled her, slammed her against the wall. One arm circled her hips and pulled them back to him, the other pressed her shoulders hard, held her there. “Your bitch Nick, fuck your bitch, please Nick, fuck your pussy, your bitch Nick, oh fuck yes I’m your bitch Nick.”
He drove himself hard into her. She moaned loud as he stretched her open, slid through her tight walls. It felt so good, being able to forget about anything but him. She had no choice but to just feel him, nothing to do but to tell him and absorb the shocks of his hard thrusts. Her breathing was fast and harsh as she talked to him, moaned louder between words, begged him to fuck her. It wasn’t long before she was screaming, writing against the wall. He ground into her again and grunted, stained, his cock deep inside her pulsed and she shook as he came in her. His breath was hoarse in her ear as they leaned there, still.
She smiled as she remembered, and her fingers found herself wet all over again. Nick must have gone on down to the restaurant, or tavern she supposed it was. It was nearing dinner time, so she cleaned up and headed out to find him. The place was quiet as she entered. She spotted Nick sitting with Stanley. Another table of early diners was talking, and the jukebox played classic rock on somebody’s quarter. Nick spotted her, smiled, and motioned her to join them.
“Hi sweetness, come here, come here, come here, come and sit down.” He pulled the chair next to him back for her. She bent and kissed him lightly as she sat. “How was your nap, my love? Did you sleep well? You looked so lovely when I left, I just couldn’t disturb you, lying There, with your hair spread around you.” He kissed her again.
She smiled, enjoying his attentions, as always. “Hi Nick. Yes, I slept very well, thank you. Hello Stanley.” She smiled across the table and Stanley unaccountable blushed. She wondered what the two of them had been talking about, then had the feeling she didn’t want to know.
“Hi Amy.” He looked past her and smiled. “Here’s Marge now.” His eyes held a strange mixture of worry and fire as he looked at his wife.
Amy turned to greet her as she walked around the table to sit beside Stanley, who said, “Hi Marge, sweetheart. What would you ladies like to drink?” He looked back and forth between them, and Amy noticed him started to blush again.
“Just coffee for me, please, Stanley. I need to wake up a bit.” Marge asked for the same, looking more relaxed then she used to in their company, although she sent a puzzled look at her husband. Stanley went to the counter to get the coffee. The evening waitress was setting up tables for folks who were starting to wander in for dinner. Amy grabbed a couple of menus from the stand, while Marge watched a group head towards the pool table in back.
“Marge?” Amy smiledas Marge faced her again. “Don’t know about you, but I’m getting hungry.” She handed Marge a menu and keep the smile from her face as she looked down to read her own. The woman was unlikely to appreciate the thought that she was probably on it.
Dinner was good, as the home cooked meals here generally were. Marge even joined in as the discussion ranged far afield. Amy felt stuffed afterwards, and the folks in back were getting a bit noisy, along with the jukebox. “I think I’ll take a walk. Anybody else?” She scooted her chair back.
Nick looked up from his discussion with Stanley, something about sports, of course. “Don’t go too far, sweetness. I would hate to lose you to a bear.” He smiled at her and pulled her down for a quick kiss.
“I think I’ll join you. I Need to get out of here for a bit.” Marge glanced back at the noise coming from the back and kissed Stanley on the cheek, and then walked out with Amy.
Stanley’s eyes followed them out. “You really think coming over tonight is a good idea?”
Nick smiled. “Sure. Nobody will make Marge do anything she doesn’t want to do. You watch, I bet she wants to do a whole lot more than you think, or even she thinks.”
“I just don’t want to ruin what’s started here. She’s so confused, but opening up, too. I want her to let go and be the woman I glimpse from time to time.” Stanley finished his beer and signed for more drinks for the two of them.
“I think she wants that, too. She just doesn’t know how. Let her watch Amy. She’s learning to trust Amy, and maybe she’s even a bit jealous of her. Let that pull her along, and enjoy the trip. She’s a strong woman. She’ll find her way to where she wants to go; she just needs to know where the road is.”
“Maybe,” Stanley was interrupted by a burst of noise from the back of the room as a game ended. Apparently it did not end to the satisfaction of the redhead who cussed loudly at her opponent and headed to the bar. The man waved her off grinned and shook his head and turned to the next game.
Stanley and Nick returned to their conversation, and Nick considered bringing a bottle of wine up to the room later. “I don’t want anybody drink. No blaming it later on the alcohol, but a glass of wine does make things more sociable sometimes. People relax; it gives them something to do with their hands, and something to distract themselves with while they think.”
“That’s true. Marge likes a glass of red wine from time to time.”
“That figures. Amy likes white. I guess we get a bottle of each.” The two men were grinning at each other, both growing more eager for the evening. Their eyes turned to the game on the TV up in the corner as the bartender turned it up and conversation drifted back to sports.
They were caught off guard some time later by the arm dragged across Nick’s shoulders. “Well, aren’t you a fine-looking big guy!” The redhead from the pool table slide onto his lap. Her heavily lip-sticked mouth pouted then smiled at him as her eyes wandered over him.
Nick grinned a little and adjusted himself under her. “Why thank you, Red. You aren’t so little yourself.” He looked straight down her ample cleavage, obviously displayed for the purpose, then looked at Stanley and laughed at the expression on his face. “She is an armful, isn’t she Stan?”
“Um…well…yes, I guess she would be.” Stanley swallowed hard and grinned weakly, watching Nick and the tipsy woman in his lap. She wore a short tight skirt that rode up even higher as she wiggled. The sweater clinging to her form left little to the imagination. Stanley had no trouble guessing just how well she filled Nick’s arms.
“Did those women go off and leave you all alone? I’d never let a big strong man like you get away from me!” She ran a hand up his chest, leaning closer to him, obviously waiting for a kiss. Her body was tight, firm and warm against him.
Nick grinned wider. “I don’t think Amy’s going to like you much, in spite of your obvious charms.”
“Hey Rhonda!” The shout came from the back of the room. “Come on! Need you for doubles!”
“Oh go blow yourself, Johnny!” She yelled back over her shoulder, “I’m busy!”
“Aw Rhonda, not again…” the man turned back to his friends in disgust.
“Don’t mind my brother, I’m more interested in you.” Rhonda leaned in and smoked Nick on the lips, leaving a smear of bright red lipstick behind.
“Now, why would an armful like you be after a man like me, with all these young studs around?” Nick reached for his drink, and Stanley offered him a napkin instead, using his eyes to motion at the red stain on his mouth. Nick turned off and wiped it off, crumpling the napkin.
“Ahh, they’re all useless. No idea how to treat a woman. Most of the time, they can’t even afford to buy a girl a drink.” She pouted, glancing towards the bar.
Nick laughed and motioned the bartender to bring her a drink.
“Awww…I knew you were a real man. You know how to take care of a girl!” She turned into him and kissed his neck, rubbing her front against his chest. Nick buried his face in the lush red hair, and whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. The she gasped as his teeth moved along her neck. He sat back up as a round of drinks was delivered, and took a long pull on his.
Nick saw Stanley’s eyes widen as he looked towards the door. Nick just grinned wider. Amy stopped near the doorway, surveying the scene. Marge almost ran into her, and then gasped and covered her mouth, big eyes looking to see Amy’s reaction. The floozy on Nick’s lap grinned maliciously at her over his shoulder and went back to sucking on his neck. Amy smiled slowly, and headed for the table.
“Hi, Nick.” She bent over to kiss him on the cheek, ignoring the woman on his lap, and took her seat next to him. “Hello, Stanley.” She smiled across the table, eyes flashing a little. “I think I could use a cup of coffee.”
“Hi, sweetness. Enjoy your walk?” Nick smiled at Amy, laughter in his eyes.
“It’s a beautiful evening out there. Marge and I had a very nice walk, didn’t we?” She smiled at Marge as the other woman took her seat slowly, confusion on her face. “Going to introduce your new friend, Nick?”
“Of course, sweet. This is Rhonda. Rhonda, say hello to Amy.”
Rhonda glanced over her shoulder at Amy, dismissing her with a glance. “You don’t need her, Nick. I’ll take care of you.” She nibbled on his ear.
“Oh, now that’s just rude.” Amy stared at her. “If Nick wants to play, it’s his choice, though I really don’t see the attention. But to just shut me out like that.” She told a little dramatically and shook her head.
“Shut the fuck up, bitch! If you can’t keep your man happy, leave him to somebody who can!” She plastered herself to Nick’s front again, not seeing his grin at watching the byplay.
Stanley and Marge were just staring in shock. “Amy, how can you…I mean…don’t you…aren’t you…?” Marge couldn’t put together a cooperative question.
Amy smiled calmly, looking at Marge. “Nick is free to do what he wants, of course, because I trust him. I trust him implicitly. If he wants this tramp, he’ll do her, and then come back to me. I do have serious doubts that he’s getting anything but some wicked enjoyment out of the situation, though. One reason I trust him is I that know he has decent taste. He also knows if he wants to get rid of the bloated baggage on his lap, all he has to do is say so.”
Rhonda drew a breath to say something, but Nick spoke first, “I think I’ve had about enough fun with this one. Time for you to go back to your friends, Rhonda.”
“What! Just because this bitch opens her big mouth with a bunch of high-toned bullshit?” She wiggled a bit on his lap. “But handsome, you haven’t seen what I can do for you yet!”
He caught her by the hair and held her mouth away from his lipstick smeared neck. “Whatever you can do, I guarantee my sweet one can do better. Now go play.”
“Let me show you, baby! I’m better than that little prude.” Rhonda’s hand slide down his chest to his crotch before he grabbed her wrist. Somehow her sweeter had managed to pull down from one shoulder, a lacy bra not doing much to cover an ample breast.
“Amy, be my good little bitch and get rid of this for me, will you?” The redhead’s eyes widened as Amy smiled.
“Don’t think you’re going to do an…” Rhonda screeched as Amy stood, grabbed a fistful of red hair and walked past Nick. She walked on and pulled Rhonda off balance and off his lap. Amy dragged her to the door, never giving her a chance to get her feet under her. Opening the door with her free hand Amy continued right through it. The redhead shrieked all the way and grabbed at Amy’s wrist to try and get loose.
Amy dropped her in the dirt and walked back in, letting the door slam behind her. She knew the woman would be right back in. The bartender moved toward her, and the woman who owned the place and cooked came out the door in answer to the noise. The guys back by the pool table were laughing. The door groaned on its hinges and Rhonda screamed as she charged. Amy was turned to meet her, ready to side step and send her flying past.
The bartender caught Rhonda with an arm around her waist and let her own momentum swing her off her feet. He then grabbed one swinging arm as he set her back down, still cursing. Amy stood calmly watching.
“Enough!” The owner’s voice cut through the noise, veteran of hundreds of barroom brawls. “Rhonda, I’ve warned you before! Get out of my place and don’t come back. You aren’t allowed in here any more. Jim, take your sister home.”
“Oh, man! Why do I have to leave, Emmie? I didn’t do no fighting!” One of the guys at the pool table slammed down his beer glass in disgust.
“She’s your sister. You brought her here, I know damn well she’s got no license any more. Take her home! You and yOur buddies and your sister have cost me enough of my good paying guests, I won’t have no more of it! Out! All of you!”
The woman, Emmie, wiped her hands on her apron and watched as the bartender shoved Rhonda back through the door, the brother and his friends followed sullenly to take charge of her.
“I’m sorry folks. Local kids who are way too bored. I do try to keep them from bothering my guests. It’s folks like you that come here to my lodge every year and tell your friends that keep me in business. Rhonda and her friends just drink a few beers and shoot pool. They’ll be back though. Really no place else for them to go ’round these parts.” Emmie stood at the table as Amy sat down. “Can I get you folks anything else tonight?”
Nick glanced at Stanley. “I think we’re ready to head up to our rooms for the night. Could we get a couple bottles of wine and some glasses? A Cabernet, and a Chardonnay, I think.”
“Of course! Let me get that ready for you. You folks havea wonderful evening.” She hustled off to wrap wine bottles and glasses and put them in a small box.
“Shall we?” Nick stood, taking Amy’s hand. She smiled and stood with him, and watched Stanley offer his hand to Marge. Amy looked away when she saw the woman blush, not wanting to embarrass her further.
Bottles of wine collected, they headed to their rooms. Amy stepped in the door as Nick opened it for her and had turned to say goodnight when she saw Stanley gesture Marge in the door too. Marge stopped and looked at him, a puzzled frown on her face, uncertain.
“Nick invited us over for a glass of wine, and a chance to talk where it’s quieter.” Stanley guided her in with a gentle hand on her back. Amy turned to hide her expression. She stepped farther into the room before she turned back to gather coats and hang them up. Marge frozen like a deer in the headlights, unable to figure out where to run.
Amy sprayed on the bed, aimed the remote at the TV and looked fora channel with decent music. Stanley sat next to her as they discussed the merits of the available options. Amy decided the country music channel, while they both rejected MTV and VH1 as too raucous for the evening.
Amy heard a quiet pop as one bottle opened, and Nick ask Marge to get the glasses ready. She smiled. With Nick on the hunt, Marge didn’t stand a chance. She could guess what Nick wanted from her, and Leaned companionably against Stanley’s hip and tigh as they talked, her elbows propped on the end of the bed near his knees. His hand came tenatively to rest on her far shoulder. She rolled it under his touch, welcome. His fingers squeezed slightly and he began a mass. His gentleness was refreshing and she smiled while she flipped through the channels.
She heard a quickly drawn breath and then she looked up to see Marge holding two glasses, one white and one red, staring at Amy and her husband. Amy reached for the glass of white and smiled. “Thanks Marge. That looks like just the thing.” She let her fingertips care Marge’s fingers slightly as she took the glass from the unresponsive hand.
Stanley’s hand on her shoulder still, but didn’t leave, as he took the other glass from his wife. His eyes locked on hers, he said, “Thank you, my love.”
Marge reached for the remaining glass of red, while keeping her eyes locked on her husband. Nick placed it in her hand and leaned against the counter directly behind her. His hand fell on her wait while he lifted his own glass. “To new friends, new experiences, and fun in the woods!”
They all clipped glasses. Even Marge seemed to wake from her daze as glasses clipped into hers. She slowly brought it to her lips and drank. Her eyes never left Stanley’s as she slowly leaned back against Nick, breathing hard as his arm slipped gently around her waist, loosely resting on her hips. He moved his lips near her ear, not touching, whispering to her, “Do you like to watch, Marge?”
“I…I…” she swallowed some wine. “I don’t know.”
“Shall we find out?” He rested his chin lightly on her shoulder, and turned at Amy.
Amy smiled at Marge, unsure if the woman even saw her. She rolled over, looked up at Stanley, and ran a hand slowly up his chest. He gasped, finally tore his gaze from Marge, and looked down at her. A strange mix of fear and hunger and excitement filled his eyes. Amy gathered a handful of his shirt and pulled him down until he shifted to lean down and kiss her. They tasted each other slowly, electricity born of his nervousness and pen desire and the knowledge of Marge watching played between their lips.
Amy liked Stanley well enough, but the idea of helping Nick seduce Marge, and even more the idea of helping Marge open up to her own Desires was incredibly erotic. She wanted to see Stanley and Marge realize what they had in each other, wanted to see the birth of the trust that could take them so much farther than they had gone before. The kind of trust she had in Nick, and he in her.
She felt Stanley’s hand slide over her breast, and he groaned deep into her mouth when she arched her back to his touch. His mouth slide down her chin and she rolled her head to whisper close into his ear. “You can have anything you want, do anything you want to me, except my ass. Nick doesn’t share my ass.” She felt his shudder as her hands slide around his sides, and he shifted around to lie alongside her. Then he propped himself on one elbow and ripped her shirt open.
She felt the change in him as she heard the gasp from above them. Then his mouth closed on her breast through the lace of her light bra, and she felt his teeth. He wasn’t gentle anymore as he bit her and his fingers dug into her sides. Stanley was letting go of limits he hadn’t known he had. She cried out in surprise and responded, unable to help herself.
Her body compromised and she pressed into his touch as he bit his way down her torso, his hands clawing her flesh. He moved to yank her pants off while she lifted to let him. Her fingers dug into his back and wound in his hair as he breathed her musk and bit her thighs apart. He ripped her panties away and she let her head fall back over the end of the bed, opened her eyes to look at Nick and Marge. She caught a glimpse of Marge’s wide eyes and Nick murmuring in her ear before Stanley’s mouth closed on her pussy. Then, she noticed nothing else as her body arched up off the bed and she let out a groan that was almost a scream as he bit her lips and grew.
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