The Hunt Ch. 03

Her moans grow louder, heading into the screams that Nick could always pull from her and he stopped. She cried out in disappointment and looked back at him where he knelt over her on the bed. He pulled out of her aching and suddenly so very empty pussy and stepped the short distance to the bathroom, returning with a washcloth rolled up. He held it to her mouth and she looked up at him, confused. “Much as I love your screams love, we don’t need the management knocking on the door. Hold this tight in your mouth. Don’t let go, or I promise you won’t like it.”

Amy had never been gagged before, but she opened her mouth and let him push the clothes between her teeth as his palm slapped her ass hard for her slowness. She started to yelp then bit down on the roll and the sound that escaped was a whimper. Nick’s strong hands pulled her cheeks apart and her eyes grew huge as she felt his phallus press against her nether entrance. She closed her eyes tight and groaned into the gag as he pressed into her, forcing her sphincter to relax around him.

“Such a good bitch, my sweet love, you feel so good around my cock. I know how you like it sweetness. I’m going to fill this ass of mine. My sweet bitch, everybody wants my love but she’s mine. This ass is mine, nobody else gets you here, my sweet, sweet love.”

His hands tightened around her hips and her whine grow to a muffled scream as she bit hard on the clothes, feeling him drive his huge cock deep inside. Amy’s hands clenched in the sheets, the long muscles in her legs taut as her body fight the sensings surging through her. Her breath whistled through her nostrils as he pulled back and drive into her again, relentless. She came, suddenly, hard, arching up off the bed to meet him, shaking, dripping sweat. The sounds of her pain and pleasure were muffled through her jaws clamped tight around the roll of clothes.

Nick fucked her hard, continuing through her spasms until she was nearly limp with exhausted accepitance of him. Suddenly he slammed his hips hard into her, filling her ass and surging his seed into her, groaning loud in her ear, arms wrapping tight around her. She arched her head back and screamed again, only her teeth locked in the clothes kept her sounds from filling the night as his orgasm exploded through her and brought her with him once more.

“That’s it, that’s it, yes sweetness, cum for me again, yes my sweet bitch.” Nick held her close, rolling with her to their sides as they Shook. “Let me hold you, yes, just like this, yes sweetness, let me stroke your back, easy now, easy love. I’ve got you, right here with me. That’s it, calm down now.” His low voice pulled her mind slowly back from wherever it went when he went when he drove her so far. Her body Shook, hard tremors rolling Through it, tightening around him deep in her bowels from time to time. She lay limp in his arms, letting his voice and his touch be her world for as long as they would.

He took the gag from her mouthand reached to kiss the corner of her lips. She worked her jaw a bit, realizing how hard she had been biting by the ache she felt there. Slowly her mind began moving again, in spite of her desire to just remain in the circle of Nick’s warmth. She shifted a little, farther back against him, then gasped as he slip out of her. She was aware of a slight sense of wonder at herself as her body tried to curl tighter as though in loss, her hands clinging to his arms around her.

“It’s ok my love, I’m here, I won’t let go. You’re mine, sweetness, my beautiful beautiful love. I won’t let you go.” He pulled her tighter to his chest and she trembled, beyond analyzing the emotions she felt, only wanting him closer than he could be. She whimpered softly, no idea why. “Shhh…shhh love. Hush my sweetness. Nick’s got you now.” The warmth of his body holding her close slowly relaxed her and brought her down until she rested quietly against him.

“OK love? Better now?” Nick whispered to her,kissing her ear lightly.

“Yes. Yes Nick, I’m ok.” Speaking seemed hard for a moment, then her mind was suddenly back. “I think we need a shower.” She snuggled closer to him again, enjoying his arms around her, smiling softly to herself. She felt his low rumbling laugh against her back.

“Yes, we do.”

He took her to the shower and washed her, his touch and voice full of the tenderness that was the other half of her reason for being with him. The warmth inside her left her floating behind a soft smile as she pulled on her clothes. Nick wrapped up in a robe and played with the TV as she stepped out the door. She hoped the managers were still up, a change of sheets would make for a much more comfortable night.

She hurried back from the office, her arms full of sheets. Rounding the end of the stairwell she heard a sob, and spotted Marge huddled on the stairs out of the cold night breeze.

“Ah, Marge…are you okay?” She paused, knowing she was probably the last person the confused woman wanted to see, but unable to just brush past her.

Marge started, shoving herself back farther on the narrow stairway. “You!” Her face flushed from misery to a sort of aggressive bewilderment. The emotion suited the ruined perfect make-up that ran down her face out here in the late evening cold. “How can you do…that? How can you let that awful man treat you that way? It’s…disgusting, that’s what it is. No woman should be made to act that way for some man!”

Amy laughed slightly, silently, and sat down near Marge, hugging the linesens to her chest. “I think you have the wrong idea about how Nick treats me, Marge. He is the most wonderfully supported man I’ve ever known. He does nothing to me that I don’t allow him to do.”

“Bu he’s abusive! He calls you names, he makes you do those things with other men! How can you call that supports?” Marge looked at her in some sort of horror.

“He’s not abusive, Marge. I’ve been abused, I know thedifference. What he is, is dominating. He is that way because I want him to be. Let me see if I can explain a little to you.” She collected her thoughts while Marge wiped her face on a kleenex.

“I’ve always been a very strong woman, believe it or not. A bit like you I think in that regard. I’m the one who fixes things, who makes sure things happen, who take care of things and people. The one who’s always in control, even in a crisis. It gets very old being the one who’s always taking care of things. Doesn’t it?” She glanced at Marge who nodded a little, unwillingly it seemed.

“I was always in control, even in sex. Oh, I don’t mean I controlled my partners, but myself. I never felt that I just let go and let my body take over. No matter how good the sex was, it felt like I was allowing it. I always thought there had to be something more. Nick gives me that something more. He takes away my control, and makes me feel it, deep inside. He forces me to let go, and just let thingss happen to me.” She peered at Marge, trying to see if the woman understands at all.

“But, why does he have to be so mean about it? And why does he make you go to Rob? Make you do those things in public, like that. It’s just so…degrading!”

Amy smiled softly. “I told you I don’t give up control easily. It’s not just a matter of saying it. He pushes me, pushes my boundaries, make me do and endure things I wouldn’t on my own. If I truly said no, truly told him to stop, he would. There are certain things we have agreed will never happen, but within those hard limits, he takes me where he wants me to go. He watches me carefully, listens to me, knows exactly how I’m reacting and how to pull back or change direction if it isn’t working. There is much more to what we do than is obvious, Marge.”

She looked at the woman who obviously had no idea how to react to any of this. “Why are you out here, Marge? I have a feeling you are going through some changes, yourself, with no idea what they are. Maybe you need to rethink the role society has placed you in, and just relax a little.”

Marge opened her mouth a few times, her face trying to object to this. She couldn’t do it, and folded into tears again, curling over her lap.

“Come on, it’s cold out here. Come inside and actually meet Nick for a few minutes. I promise nobody will touch you.” Amy wrapped her one free arm around Marge and pulled the woman up. Marge gave her a token resistance, then went along, and soon Amy opened the door to the room and ushered her inside.

“We have company for a few minutes, Nick.” Marge stopped dead still just inside the doorway. Amy nudged her forward a step and closed the door softly behind them. “Marge is a bit upset and needs a warm place to relax for a bit.”

Nick raised an eyebrow at Amy, then smiled at Marge and got up. “Perhaps I’d better put on something besides the robe, then. Welcome Marge, make yourself comfortable. Can we offer you a drink? Amy,can get you something and I’ll be right out.” He stepped into the bathroom with an armload of clothes while Amy stepped around Marge and deposited the linesens on the bed.

“Some wine Marge? Or something stronger, we have some vodka and cranberry juice or bloody mary mix if you like.”

“Ah, yes, please, a blood mary would be very good I think.” With Nick out of sight, Marge thawed enough to take a seat in one of the chairs at the small table while Amy mixed drinks. Nick had found a blues concert on the TV and soft music played in the room.

“Feeling a bit better?” Handing her the drink, Amy sat in the middle of the bed cross-legged and looked at her.

“Yes, I think so. I just…I don’t know what’s happening to me.” Slow tears tracked down her face again.

Amy crawled off the bed and got her a warm wet washcloth. “It’s ok Marge. Nothing will happen to you that you don’t want, at some level. You’re just going through a learning process. You’ve spent your whole life carefully not looking at parts of yourself, because you grew up being told they were wrong, bad. Now they’re pushing into your attention, and it’s a bit much to try and deal with all at once.” She returned to her spot on the bed. “It’s all you though. It hurts nobody. It feels good, when you let it. Nobody’s pushing you to do anything you don’t want to do. So let yourself relax a little and learn about yourself.”

“But…I could never do the things you do. I just couldn’t.” Marge shook her head in denial, taking a big drink, almost guarding herself with the glass and her arms in front of her.

“You aren’t me, Marge. What works for me has nothing to do with you. There are no expectations for you to do or like anything in particular. It’s all about learning yourself, nobody else.” Amy sipped her drink. “Has Stanley asked you for more than you’re willing to give?”

“No! Oh, no. He made me stay at the pool, but that’s all. He would never make me actually do anything. But what happened, it just, it was…I just can’t face him until I figure out what happened to me. What if he doesn’t like me anymore?” The tears ran slowly down her soft smelled cheeses.

“Hon, I don’t know about you, but I saw no sign of him not liking what happened earlier.” Amy grinned as the bathroom door opened and Nick came back out. She watched Marge scrub at her face quickly and try to rake her hair back into some kind of order, and surprised at her sudden tension.

Nick paused to lean over and kiss Amy softly and run a gentle hand down her back before taking the empty chair and sipping his drink. “Thank you, sweetness. Just the way I like it.” He smiled and offered Marge a little toast. “Nice of you to visit us. I hope you’re beginning to feel a little better now?” He smiled gently at her and took another drink.

“Yes. I’m fine, really. Thank you.” Marge’s nervousness around Nick was patently obvious, but Nick smiled and ignored it. He was first of all a good judge of people, and their needs, or he would never be able to give her what she needed so well.

“I’m glad. I know it’s been a bit…startling for you.” He smiled at Amy and took another drink.

“How can you treat her that way?” Marge’s hand flew to her mouth as though to catch the words that escaped her, eyes wide and scared.

Nick laughed softly. “I can treat her that way Because she allows me to, and only because she allows me to, and I consider myself incredibly lucky and humbled that she does.” His smile to Amy was a soft, warming thing that she couldn’t help but return, and for a second Marge disappeared to them. Amy went to him and knelt at his feet, laying her head on his thigh as he stroked her hair, gazing down at her. “She is one of the strongest women I know, and intelligent, and capable, and so very beautiful. The fact that she is mine by her own free will sends a thrill through me every time I think about it. She is precise to me.”

Amy gazed up at Marge fromNick’s lap and watched her expression soften for a moment, then cloud over once more. She told, knowing it was just too much too fast for the woman to accept quite yet. Marge shivered and pressed her legs together, hugging her coat closer to herself. “I should get back to Stanley. He’ll be worried.” She rose abruptly and moved past them to the door where she paused, her head down and eyes on her hand on the doorknob. “I…I just…” She stopped, opened the door and stepped out. “Good night.” The door closed and the confused woman was gone.

“I want her.” Amy looked up at Nick in surprise. He smiled down at her, fingers tracing through the long strands of her hair. “I want to see that one emrithing and screaming in pleasure between us while her husband watches and learns how she needs to be treated.” Amy laughed softly and nuzzled her face into his thigh, thinking it was unlikely to happen in the next three days. Which means it was unlikely to happen, ever.


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