The Hunt

The Hunt


The mist lingered among the trees, the soft morning sun had yet to reach the depths of the bush as it rose over the horizon. The hunter pulled his hat a little lower over his ears and slung his small pack over his shoulders adjusting it until it was comfortable. He was hunting…but to capture not to kill.

In the early morning before in the half light of dawn his prey had escaped her bonds and disappeared into the bush. All that remained was the loops of rope pegged to the ground near where she slept. She was wearing little, a long shirt that barely covered her bottom and hiking boots, no bra and no panties he didn’t allow those. She would be rather chilly, he smiled thinking of how the cool morning air would be causing her nipples to harden painfully. This was a new game. He had slipped a narrow band around her ankle before they left of their adventure, containing a GPS tracker. Not that he would be using it justNow it was only for emergencies. He opened a snack bar and took a bite chewing thoughtfully, she would be getting hungry by now too. He surveyed the campsite taking time to stack a little more wood near the fireplace and haul the food bag into the tree to keep it way from scavenging animals. Also, he wanted to give her a little more of a head start. He stood, adjusted himself in his warm olive-green trousers thinking briefly of what he was going to do with her when he captured his little slut.

He walked the boundaries of the little clearing of their campsite searching for the sign of which way she had gone. After almost walking three quarters of the circle he saw it. A fresh boot print in the softish soil. The hunt began.


She shivered in her sleeping bag. The shirt was not nearly warm enough Though her toes were toasty in her socks. The small band hidden beneath, and the rough rope tied on top and threaded through a small opening in the side of her bag.The bird song began as the darkness of night began to lighten into dawn. She saw her chance as the Hunter still slept soundly neary. She slipped her foot out of her tether and slide silently out of her sleeping bag. She had no other clothes so would have to go as she was. She found her boots and put them on quietly lacing them tight before tip toeing across the clearing and into the forest. Though the sun had yet to rise she could see clearly enough to move through the trees. She had a vague idea of ​​her direction. As she walked, she pondered the merits of trying to outrun the pursuit of the Hunter or finding a hiding spot to wait him out. He had promised to allow her to wear more clothing if she could evade him until dusk. Though she knew the odds were against her and she was sure she would more than enjoy what he would do to her if she was found. She was determined not to make it easy for him.

She looked up from her thoughts and realized her mindless wandering meant she was lostt. In this case though she was certainly not going to wait quietly until she was found.

Her nipples ached with hardness from the chilly air and the small bumps on her arms and legs were testament to the temperature. She plodded along further into the bus taking care to step over fallen logs and roots. She tried not to break branches or make too much noise. Every now and then something invisible in the undergrowth caught her boot and sent her hurtling forward onto the damp ground. Leaving smells of dirt and green stains on her bare legs.

In the distance she could hear the tinkle of water, listening carefully she walked towards the sound. Thinking to cross to perhaps throw the Hunter off. As she stepped out of the bush, she was disappointed to see how large the stream was, wide and deep this was a dead end. She had to decide quickly to head upstream or down.

She choose up. Picking up a fallen branch she dragged it behind her to muddy her prints as she made her way upstream. A crashing up ahead alerted her to a small waterfall. As it revealed itself to her as she walked, its beauty took her breath away. This place felt almost magical. Following the edge of the pool she noticed a small cave off to the side, merely an indentation in the rock face but enough. Looking around she also noticed a huge tree presiding over the scene. She looked at it in wonder, she walked its girl finding a nose filled with leaf little big enough for her to hide in. She snuggled in and despite trying her hardest she fell asleep.


He followed her path through the bush carefully. He was a skilled hunter and while he could tell she was trying extremely hard to leave little sign he could see where she had been. A faith boot print here and there, broken twigs and freshy disturbed leaf little. She appeared to have no direction initially and simply wandered almost aimlessly. He could not wait to find the wench. Every now and then a larger area of ​​bush wasdisturbed, and he could see where a knee had impacted the ground causing davits, or a hand a reached out to save herself had crushed moss and exposed the dirt beneath. He heard the stream before he could see and knew instinctively, she would have headed towards the sound so he set off in the direction rather that continuing to follow her bush path he would be able to find it again easy enough. Emerging from the bush he saw the size of the stream and hoped she had not tried to cross he didn’t want to lose his prey permanently. He pondered a moment deciding which way she went. There was no evidence nearby. He decided to first head down stream a way to see if he could see her path. After about 100 metres he turned and headed upstream, he had seen nothing of her yet and then, a weak boot print just emerging from the trees. He looked further upstream and noticed the brush marks on the stream bank. The wily little minx had tried to cover her tracks, very clever. He picked up his pace. It was just past noon and he would have her for lunch, he felt she wasn’t far away. The beauty of the pool struck him, and he knew she was here. Noticing the depression in the rock near the fall of water he quietly approached peering in to see an empty space. He stepped back to think and look around again. Eventually he spotted the tree. As quietly as he could he stalked around the huge trunk and there she was, curled up attend. Perfect.

Silently he took he backpack from his shoulders and removed the items he had hoped he would need — a coil of rope, a thick blindfold, a tube of lube (not that he thought it would be needed hot little slut that she was) and his favourite cane.

Quickly so as not to not give her a chance to fight he slipped the blind fold over her eyes, grabbed her wrists and dragged her to her feet. He pushed Her and pressed her against a nearby tree significantly smaller and easier to tie a rope around than the one she slept under. Arms around the tree he secured her wrists together. Pressing her breasts hard against the rough bark. Using more rope, he wrapped it around her waist and the tree forcing her to lean against it harder, standing. He kicked her legs apart further standing in close behind her he whispered.

“Keep them apart or I will tie them, my wee slut.”

She whimpered.

Using the small blade, he always kept on him the Hunter sliced ​​and tore the shirt off and tucked it into his backpack. Her smooth back was exposed to his view and he liked it. He began spanking her, hand first to warm her up making her bottom blush red and heat. He enjoyed her soft moans and occasionally cry before picking up his cane. Her scream had him hardening to stone as he carefully decorated her bottom with long angry red lines.


She started awake with a cry; she could Not see. Strong hands encircled her wrists and dragged her to her feet. She was nudged forward, and her hands wrapped around the rough bark of a tree and she felt a loop of rope circle one wrist and then the other, they were quickly tied together. Her cheek pressed against the trunk she whimpered and knew the mood was already forming in her kitty. Using his foot her legs were spread wide. Her nipples impossible hard, the thin shirt no real barrier to protect them from the bark.

She let out a deep sight after he spoke to her, reassure it was her master playing the game with her. She relaxed into the tree. The cool touch of metal caused her to shiver as it slide down her back, her shirt sliding apart to expose her back and bottom to the warm afternoon air and her Hunter, her Master.

His large slightly called hand stroked her back stopping to cup her ample bottom. Then it was gone, she held her breath know what was coming next, the sting and slap of her Hunter’s hand impacting on her soft skin. Her breath was explored in a sudden gush. Her kitty began to fill with her wetness. The Hunter settled into a rhythm, she relaxed into it and slowly sunk into her mind. She whispered not caring if she was heard.

“Thank you, Master”.

The spanking stopped she listened intently hearing a slight swish. Another swish before a line of fire burned across her bottom. She cried out loudly before dragging in a big breath of air, hissing through her teeth as her brain and body processed the sensing. Less than five seconds passed Before another swish and another, more lines of fire. He never struck the same place twice. She counted silently in her head in case she was asked how many were delivered.


His warm hands felt cool on her burning hot bottom as he stroked her, soothing her heat. She could feel her wetness sliding down her thighs. Her Master’s fingers slipped between her lower lips she let out a long low sight.


The Hunter stood back and admired his decorations, gently struggling her bottom he felt its heat radiating into his palm. He smiled to himself noticingthe wet shine on her thighs. His little slut was loving this.

With his finger tracing her pussy lips he leaned in and said


He unzipped his pants and released his hard cock stepped up behind her and let it rest between her slick thighs.


Her Hunter whispered to her; his lips were so close to her ear she could feel his breath. He stepped in close behind her and she felt his hardness in the slick between her legs.

“Where would like me to put it my slut?” He whispered in her ear, his breath caressing her cheek.

“Wherever you choose Master” she said breathlessly.

“Right answer,” her Master replied before splitting her lower lips with his hard cock, opening her kitty wide and deep, slowly sinking into her. She was so slick with moisture it felt wonderful. His body pressed against her striped and tender bottom enhancing her pleasure.

After long filling strokes, pressed hard against the tree her Master slipped from her pussy and nudged her tighter hole. She took a deep calming breath as he began to push into her. Breathing through the sting and burn as she stretched to take him all. Once fully seated she had a moment to get used to being so full before her Hunter began fucking her tight hole, slowly at first then so hard each thrust took her breath. Her nipples rubbing roughly against the tree. It feel like forever and like no time at all at the same time.


He closed his eyes in pleasure as he slid his cock into her. She was divine, slick and wanton. He could feel her pressing back as much as she could to take more of him.

After his taste of her delightful pussy he pushed up into her anus, stretching it wide and fucking her hard until he filled her full of his cum. He rested briefly against her feeling the heat of her hot bottom. He reached into his shirt pocked and found the small plug he had put there, before slipping out of her arse. He quickly forced the plug inplace to keep his cum deep inside her.

“Don’t let it fall my slut, squeeze it tight” he whispered to her.

Leaving the blindfold in place he untied her waist and her wrists and guided her a step back from the tree. He retied her hands in front of her leaving a lead for him to hold. Having pulled up his trousers he tied it to a belt loop before reaching for a second length of rope to wrap around each breast. He wrapped the rope three times around each breast secure the end of the rope to her tied hands.

He picked up his backpack ensuring he had everything. Due to the risk of tripping and since she was secure, he slipped off the blindfold and popped it in his pocket and began leading her on the long walk back to their camp site for some more fun, his prize for catching his prey.


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