She has a toy. It’s called a Silver Bullet. She bought it three years ago in a sex shop in Toronto. At the time when she made the purchase, she could not, in her wildest imagination, dream that it would lead her to this night. Here in the forest, she rans naked in the light of the full moon. Heart pounding with fear and excitement, her skin glistens with sweat from exercise and small lines of blood, scratches from the branches that she brushes by. Her mind races faster than her feet. She glances over her shoulder to see if He is there. The forest seems empty but then she feels the victory in her pussy and knows that He is close. She picks up the pace.
He’d put the Silver Bullet in her when she was in the passenger seat of His truck an hour ago. He had commanded that she remove all her clothes, which she did gladly, unsure of What was to come this night. The moon was full and the night warm as they drove the back logging roads. She spread her legs wide on the seat so that Hecould put the Bullet, a metal oval shaped egg about 2 inches in length and 1 inch in diameter, deep into her vagina.
She smiled at Him, loving the feel of His hands on her. He did not return the smile, His face serious and intent on His task. He picked up the remote control device that came with the Silver Bullet and turned the dial to the first setting. She instantly felt the victory of the metal egg inside her walls but only for a second before He shut it off. Satisfied with the effect, He then pulled the truck to the side of the dirt road. She waited, unsure of what to do.
“Get out and run” He said in a low voice. She was instantly confused.
When she didn’t move immediately He swung her naked legs from the seat to the floor mat and reached over her to open the passenger door.
“I am giving you a head start, Because I want it to be sporting. Now get out” He shoved her out the door into the dirt.
The passenger door closed when she got back to her feet. Her heart jumped with fear but the truck did not pull away. She peered into the window at Him, scared and confused. He lit a cigarette and slowly turned to meet her gaze. Her eyes pleased. He reached up and turned the ignition off, then turned at her. Relief washed over her and she knew instantly that He wouldn’t let anything bad happen to her. She smiled and spun around running deep into the foliage.
At first she didn’t think. She just ran. Darting this way and that to avoid the branches and trees. Her legs, used to a 2 hour jog every day, pumped fast as she sprinted her way deeper into the forest. Beams of moonlight sliced through the canopy of the trees, urging her on, like beacons in the night.
Her skin warm and moist with the beginnings of perspiration, she ignores the slight pain on the soles of her feet from the underbrush. The summer heat of the forest soon envelopes her as her mind begins to focus, catching up with her “flight” instinct. She slows, brain beginning to take over, tries to get her bearings. She stops to lean against a tree and catch her breath, listening for sounds behind her. All is still as she looks to her left and right, panning the forest for signs of Him. Suddenly her insides begin to vibrate as the Silver Bullet comes alive. She recalls that the remote device has a range of about 50 ft. Like a rabbit on the run from the Wolf, she takes flight again.
This time her brain leads her legs. She moves more stealth-like, weaving through the thick bush, under logs, heading in a more determined path, stopping every now and then to listen, the victory inside her stops but strangely, her pussy still pulses. Her sex is wet and swollen she but won’t stop to think of that now. He will take care of her need, she is sure.
Up ahead the moonlight seems to brighten. A clearing. Probably tall grass for her to hide. She swings left and hugs the edge of the forest circulation till she feels she has positioned herself far from the direction which she came. No movement from within her tells her she has time to hide. Her legs pump fast as she darts into the clearing at full speed then stops about 20 ft in the grass and drops to the ground. From here she can catch her breath and watch for Him to emerge from the forest somewhere to her right.
The grass is wet and quickly cools her sweaty body. Her long hair is matted and moist down her back. There are small bloody scratches all over her calves and arms. Her breathing slows but her heart still beats wildly. She waits.
Whe is He?
15? 20 minutes? She begins to wonder if she lost Him. Did she run too fast? She mentally wills the Silver Bullet to vibrate but it remains still. Panic begins to bubble up within her. She realizes that she has no idea which direction the truck is. For the first time she wonders what other animals there might be out in the moonlight. The taste of fear is in her throat. She scans the tall grass of the clearing and sees no movement.
Where is He? Did she lose Him? Never, He is too good a hunter. She reaches down between her slippery thighs to feel inside and make sure the Bullet is still in her. She looks up at the full moon and prays silently to the Goddess for courage. Please don’t let me cry, she begs.
Then she hears the low chuckle of laughter from behind her. She spins and He is standing not less than 10 feet downwind of her. He can smell her sweat. He can smell her pussy. He can smell her fear. Choking back the sob of relief, she stands and sees him hold up the remote, then turn the dial to the highest setting. She jumps with the sensing, turns and bolts for the center of the clearing, fear gone and the spirit of the game making her run again.
She doesn’t get more than 5 feet before he tackles her from behind, pounding hard on her back, knocking her to the ground. She fights with all her might but He is too strong. He grabs hold of her hair with one hand and roughly pushes her face to the ground while pinning her arm behind her back till she cries out in pain. His knees kick open her legs till she is stretched as wide as she her lower limbs will allow. She begins to whimper and He growls His disapproval. This subdues her.
She stops struggle and yields under His control. He lets go of her arm but keeps a firm hold of her hair, standing and moving along side of her prone body till He is at her head. She waits with her head down at His feet, her eyes lowered and posture colleague. His grapsp turns light as He pets her hair, turning down the Silver Bullet to a slow throb. Panting at His feet, she pushes her face into His crotch and licks the bulge there. He unzips His pants and pulls out His cock, hard and straining in the night air for her hungry mouth.
She sucks Him with abandon, saliva dripping from her lips while her tongue circles and cares and her teeth gently rake the skin of His shaft. He moans and thrusts deeper hitting the back of her throat. When she feels His cock swell He suddenly pulls out, grasps her hair hard again and spins her body around. He drops to His knees behind her and probes her cunt with His fingers. Slippery and wet, He slips into her easily and finds the Bullet that He scoops out. She groans with need.
Head down, body quivering, she waits for Him, her orgasm so close. When He thrusts His hard cock deep into her hole, she raises her head skyward, and howls her release at the smiling moon. Her pussy contracts around Him and the waves of orgasm sweep over her till her body is spent. He grunts and thrusts, wild and guttural to His own climax. He pumps His primary, liquid lust into her and she hears His howl ring in her ears till, He too, is spent and collapses on top of her. He rolls to His side, scooping her into His arms, pulling her into the crook of His shoulder.
She snuggles in close, her face buried in His neck. She nips gently at His throat. It’s what inferior wolves do to the Pack Alpha. It’s a sign of submission.
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