The Hunger and the Taste Vol. 01

“I just don’t know how I can trust him anymore,” Lucy spat out at her long time fiancé’ as her therapist looked on. “I’m always going to wondering what he’s doing when I’m not around.”

William sat back into the leather sofa. “I told you when we first met, I didn’t believe in one man, one woman.”

“But an open marriage? How could you even think I would be open to that with my catholic upbringing?” Lucy grabbed another tissue from the table, drying her eyes as Will just shook his head.

Dr. Sell got up from his chair and walked across the room to his work desk. “You know, I’ve listened to your dilemma for a while now…and it’s quite obvious that the two of you have different ideas about this relationship.” Dr. Sell opened a file drawer and pulled out folder. “What I usually tell people if they want to rectify their relationship is to go away for a secluded weekend somewhere to see if it’s worth saving.” Dr. Sell sat back down in his chair and placed the folder on thetable next to the tissue box. “I have sent several couples to this resort and it has always solved their problem.”

“The Villa-Lobos Spa Resort?” Will read.

“It’s secluded…I mean off-the grid secluded…you’re literally in the middle of California desert no-where. You two will be away from your normal distractions. You can work on what it is you want your relationship to be…and if you Don’t agree by the end of the weekend, you can go your own ways. What do you have to lose?”

“I could use some time to get away from wedding stress,” Lucy surprised.

“And I guess you will always know where I am.” Will smiled, as Lucy gave a half-hearted chuckle.

“Then it’s settled. I will contact to let them know you are coming and set the reservations for tomorrow- Friday, through Sunday.” Dr. Sell then stood up and walked the couple out, like he didn’t want them to change their minds.

It took a while, but Will drive up the long driveway in his red convertible, Lucy inthe passenger seat, gazing out behind dark sunglasses. The dust was flying through the air as he slowed down and spun to the front of the resort, stopping by steps. Will got out and looked around. “What do ya think, Luce?”

“It looks a little rustic,” Lucy shot, “…but a better word would be old.” She got out of the car, her white capris all dusted up. She immediately felt out of place as she stood in her siletto shoes on the dirt driveway.

“Ah…you must be the soon-to-be Mr. and Mrs. Wendt,” the beautiful, middle-aged black woman appeared as she walked down the steps. “I am Maria Villa-Lobos. Dr. Sell said you would be coming.” The words smoothly sliding out her mouth with her heavy Jamaican accent.

Will took a second to not appear too flirtatious. “We Almost didn’t make it all. When Dr. Sell said ‘off-the-grid,’ he wasn’t kidding. I haven’t had cell service for hours.” Lucy looked on as she took off her head scarf, her hair partially wind-blown, seeing Will playthe same games he always does.

Maria smiled. “Our clients like their privacy. We’ve had celebrations, politicians, lots of wealthy people stay with us to improve themselves.”

Lucy felt like she was being played. If so many famous people stayed there, why did everything look so out of date? “What’s with the dogs and the kennels over there?” Lucy bitchly said as she pointed to the side of the main building where a line of dog kennels stood with several dogs staring and panting at them.

Maria obviously didn’t like to be questioned, but bit her tongue in response. “We’re so remote, people leave their dogs out into the desert. We rescue them, train them, and send them back into the world. If you would like, we could arrange for one to return with you after the weekend if you want.”

“We’ll see.” The thought unnerved Lucy. She looked at the two wild dogs sitting at attention, tongues hanging out. The look of them gave Lucy a chill.

“Very well. Now I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of ordering a spa massage for each of you right away. It usually helps our clients unwind after such a long drive. I will have someone take your bags to your rooms.”

“Our rooms? You mean we’re not going to be in the same room?” Lucy was further uneasy.

Maria smiled. “For couples in your situation, we find it best to start out in separate rooms so you can work on yourselves, before working on each other. Now if you don’t mind.” Maria extended her arm to usher them inside. They walked into the main lobby which looked like a huge hunter’s cabin. All around the walls were stuffed animals in various poses, most being attacked by other animals. The room itself was intimidating.

“Wow,” Will interjected. “The wolves attacking that doe look almost life-like.”

Maria smiled, like it was just the response she was hoping for. “We do like being natural here. If we are going to encourage you to be your natural selves, then we should display nature as it is.” The words gave Lucy a chill as she looked at the doe, her heel steps echoing through the empty room as they walk through.

Maria escorted them down the spiraling staircase. She got to the desk at the bottom, reached around, and handed Lucy a robe, and a room key.” I ordered a reflexology massage for you. It’s where all your muscles are tied to your feet, so our masseuse relaxes you by rubbing pressure points in your feet…I’m sure you’ll love it.” Maria opened the first door as Lucy reluctantly walked by.

Before closing the door, Lucy turned around and shot out. “What about him?” pointing to Will.

Maria smiled again. “You sir, will have out general back massage. I know it’s not as extravagant as the reflexology, but most men don’t care. They Just want their backs kneaded out from driving all this way.” She handed him a robe and key, as Will starred giddily enthralled with Ms. Villa-Lobos. “Your room is at the end there. I will let your masseuses know you’ll be ready shortly.”

Will gave a polite “Thank you,” before going over to give Lucy a kiss. Lucy looked and just slammed the door in his face. Will walked down to his room and slammed the door behind him, hoping Lucy heard.

Will sat in anticipation on the table wearing only the robe. The table looked like something at his chiropractor’s office, with parts you can extend out, take out, and recline. Will looked around the room. If he didn’t know he was in a resort, he would have thought he was just in some rundown wooden shadow somewhere. The lighting itself was old kerosene lanterns giving the room a yellowish glow.

“Relaxing, isn’t it?”

Will spun around. There in the shadow of the corner stood a female figure. A light from a lighter glistened her face as she lit a rolled up joint.

“Yes, it is,” Will muttered back. “You scared me…I didn’t see you there.”

“Of course not.” She took a long exhale letting the smoke flow out into the room. “If I wanted you to see, I would have announced my presence.” She then stepped out of the shadow, as she pulled the joint out of her mouth. She stared at Will emotionally, strategically, like she was sizing him up. Will stared back at her arousingly. Her long black hair and Latin tanned skin only accentuated her bright green eyes. She was dressed in a light tan brown leather skirt going to her knees, and a similar colored top that crossed her young, firm breasts, revealing her cleavage. She stood barefoot with an anklet on her left foot. There wasn’t a thought in Will’s mind as she slowly went about the room lighting stalks of dried grasses that were tied together in small vases throughout. The smell was intotoxicating as Will took a deep inhale. The twitch of his cock was the only thing bringing him back to the present as he tried to conceal his growing erection.

“Ummm, what’s your name?” Will sheepishly muttered.

She continued to glide through the room unphased, as she pulled her joint to her lips to take another long drag, the glow at the end like a hypnotizing candle flame. She took another long slow exhaust, again blowing the smoke on the floor as she sexually pulled it from her lips.

“My name is Luna. And I’m here to relax you.” Will’s cock grow harder underneath his robe. “Take off your robe and lie face down on the table.” Luna’s words were the perfect combination of a suggestion and an order. Will spun around immediately, untied his robe revealing his muscle physics, and flopped on the table before she noticed his cock. He adjusted himself, fitting his face in the opening, and the rest of his body so it feel like he fitted perfectly into the formed table pads. He took another deep inhale, picking up the fumes from smoke in the room, relaxing him fall deeper into the table.

Will feel the oil dripping along his back, followed by Luna’s long fingers tracing his back like she was writing with the oil. As she moved her finger across his back, he feltall the tension in his body collapse. Her finger pressed harder into his skin like she was reaching into him. Will couldn’t feel anything anymore…not his back, not his erection…only Luna and her fingers spreading the oil.

She stopped and walked to the head of the table. The bottom of her skirt and her bare feet in Will’s line of sight. She lightly petted the back of Will’s head like she was struggling her favorite pet.

“How do you feel, my Will?” she whispered separately in his ear.

“Wonderful, my Luna,” Will mindlessly responded.

With that, as the smoke in the room covered the floor like a fog, he saw Luna’s leather skirt fall down out of sight into the smoke. Luna stepped to the side as she continued to stroke Will’s hair. She then lifted it up out of the table hole and guided his head to rest on his right ear. He blankly stared directly at her pussy, adorning above it a small tattoo of a new, crescent moon pinching what looked like a pentagram.

“Do you like my pussy?” Luna stroked his hair above his left ear, lovingly.

“Yes.” It was the only thing in Will’s mind. His entire body was like a vast emptiness.

“Would you do anything to taste this pussy?”


“What would you do to taste my pussy?”

“Annyy…Thhinngg.” The words droolingly parting past his lips as he could barely move in his relaxed state.

Luna floated through the clouded floor over to a dresser drawer against the wall. She pulled out a couple of items as Will starred blankly at Luna’s tan, perfect ass. She turned around holding a straw-on harness and dildo as she floated back to the table. She set the dildo next to his face, as she stepped into the harness, and buckled herself in. She then picked up the dildo and buckled it into place so that one end lightly grazed her pussy. She strided to the side of table, pulled out a pin collapse it down as his arms and leg fell with it. She walked over to the other side dropping that side the same way. She then removed the back of the table so that his ass hung over the side. Luna took some oil and lubricated the dildo.

“Just relax.” He felt her hands grab his wait as she slide the dildo inside him. Will feel it as she did. It was the first time in a while he could feel anything. He felt his cock come to life again. It felt so good. Luna gave another thrust. Again, more arousal sprang through His body, his cock growing harder. Another thrust, again. What once felt empty felt now like it was filling up with arousal with each thrust. Another thrust, harder. Another, another, speeding up.

Will arched his back, his strength returning as he pushed off against the table.”Yes, that’s it my Will,” Luna panted. She reached around and began stroking his engaged cock with each thrust. “Don’t cum until I tell you.” His hand came down and clutched hers squeezing his cock. She removed her hand then as he continued the stroke.

“Yes, my Luna.”

She began to moan as she felt the dildo rub harder against her clip. He moaned as he felt it against his prostate. Faster he stroked. The arousal flooding his body like air being pumped into a flat tire.

“Let me take you, My Will.” She began petting the back of his head again.

“Yes, My Luna.”

Faster, thrust after thrust.

She clutched the back of his head as she thrusted. “Are you going to be my bitch, Will?”


“Give me your will?”


“Now!” As she commanded, she released his head and took her fingerprintnails from both hands, and scratched his back starting at neck down to both hips, as she leaned back, screeching in orgasm.

He felt everywhere in his body exploit as he came. It was like Everything negative spurted through his cock over and over again, and only positive things Luna inserted coated his interior.

When he opened his eyes, he was fully dressed sitting on the table. There was no smoke in the room.Luna stood by the door fully clothed. “How do you feel, Will?”

“I feel really good,” a confused Will replied. He stood up from the table and walked over to Luna. She opened the door. “Ummm…Thank you.”

“My pleasure.” He politely walked out and went back to his room. He laid down on his bed and tried to rest but Luna and her last words echoed through his brain, as His scratches on his back throbbed.

Lucy paced in the room. She hadn’t changed into the robe. She felt uneasy ever since she arrived. The thought of maybe she should just call off the whole thing went through her mind more than once. One leather reclining chair on raised wooden floor sat on one side of the room, and another chair on the opposite side of the room. One wall was a large wine rack full of different bottles, and a few glasses hung from the ceiling. The room looked more wine cellar than spa. Candles burned throughout the room giving off a pleasant smell, but it was anything but relaxing.

The door opened and in walked with Maria with a cute, athletically fit, young man in a tight white, T-shirt and black jeans. “This is Cody. Cody’s family lived in these parts long before any white man settled. They know more about doing this than we will ever know. It’s like they just know how to be this way.” He smiled and gave a little nod before swimming away his long black hair. “I will Stay in here with you so I can watch him and make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable.”

“What makes you think I’m uncomfortable?” Lucy snapped.

“Um, because you haven’t even changed into your robe. How about I open a bottle of our locally produced wine, Cody can give you a small sample of his skills, and if you wish to continue we can situate that for you.”

Reluctantly, Lucy replied, “Sure.” Lucy sat in the raised leather recliner crossing her legs as Maria walked over, pulled out two glasses and a bottle of wine.

“I’m sure you will like this red. I’ve been told that once you’ve acquired a taste for this, nothing else will satisfy any other thirst.” Maria handed both glasses to Lucy. “I hope you don’t mind if I have one with you…no one should ever drink alone.” Maria pulled a corkscrew from her pocket, opened the wine, and poured the two glasses. She left the rest of the bottle next to her chair before sitting in the chair across the room.

Lucy sniffed the wine critically before swirling the glass. She sipped it as she looked at Maria watching. She swished it in her mouth before swallowing. “Oh, that’s really good. I don’t think I’ve tasted anything like that before.”

“I told you.” Maria smiled before taking as sip herself. “Now Cody, what is the first thing I taught you.”

Lucy turned to look at Cody as she took another sip. Cody awkwardly stood there. His muscles flexed, stretching his T-shirt like it was painted on him. Cody extended his hand out, palm up. “May I?”

Lucy slowly nodded yes as she took a deeper drink of her wine. He approached and kneeled in front of her. He looked up at her, and she down at him. He gazed into her eyes as he took one of her shoes-covered feet and gently set it on his thigh.

“May I remove your shoes, Miss?”

His eyes pierced right through her. “Yes, please.” Lucy replied, already relaxing in the chair.

“That’s a GOOD boy Cody. Always ask permission before doing anything,” Maria shot from across the room. Cody unclasped the high heel on her right foot first, and set it next to the chair, never breaking his stare. He clutched her foot with both hands, his thumbs pressing against the middle of her foot.

Lucy closed her eyes and groaned in relief as she sat back into the chair. “Ohhhhhh… that feels soooo good.” It was like he could pull out any ounce of stress in her body through her foot. She took another a bigger gulp of wine before clutching her glass close to her chest. Cody continued to rub her sole, as she sank deeper.

“May I rub your calm, Miss?” Cody whispered.

“Please.” Lucy replied.

He continued to rub her sole with his left thumb, and began rubbing the back of her calm with the other hand. All Lucy could think of was how good this all felt. It was like not only the stress was leaving but every inhibition was too. His fingers felt like five different hands touching her from her toes to her knees.

She had fallen so deep, she hadn’t even realized Maria walk from across the room, and begin filling her glass again.

“Shall I have him continue?” Maria said, snapping her out of bliss.

A started Lucy looked down at Cody who was now only kneeing in front of her. “Um, yes…”

Maria looked down at Cody. “Why don’t you go and look away so she can put her robe on?”

Cody gave an obedient nod. “Yes, Miss.” He then walked across the room and faced the opposite wall. Maria handed Lucy’s robe back to her.

Lucy took a big sip of her wine again, never taking her eyes off of Cody. She could barely seehim in the shadows of the candle light. Lucy stood setting the robe on the chair. “I think I will be fine. There’s no reason for you to stay.”

Maria smiled. “As you wish Miss Lucy.” Maria then left the room.

Lucy stared at Cody as she unbuckled her belt and pulled off her capris, then her panties. She took off her shirt, her bra, only wearing her necklace. She looked down at the robe across the chair.

“You may return,” Lucy loudly spoke. He turned to see Lucy sitting erect in her chair, naked. She took one last gulp of wine before setting her glass next to the chair. He strode across room smoking, and knelt before her.

“May I rub your other foot, Miss Lucy?”

“Yes, please.” She extended her foot out. Before he could grab it, she sternly interjected, “Why don’t you take your shirt off first.”

Cody looked up at her, his eyes staring right into Lucy’s. “As you wish, Miss Lucy.” He took off his shirt, displaying his perfectly toned body. “May I rub your feet now, Miss Lucy?”


She stared at him as he massaged her sole. This was unlike anything she had normally done, but it felt so natural. She sank into the leather chair like it was another skin. She closed her eyes as she groaned in pleasure. “Mmmmmmmmmmm…oh that feels so good.”

“May I kiss your foot Miss Lucy?”

“Yes, please.” As she replied, she hadn’t even noticed she started rubbing his crotch with her other foot.

Cody began kissing the inside of her foot.

“May I kiss your ankle, Miss Lucy.”

Breathlessly…”Yes, please.”

“May I kiss your inner thigh, Miss Lucy.”

With each request she became more and more aroused. The higher up her leg he kissed, the more it felt like more than one person doing it. She reached down and could feel herself becoming wet. While she never masturbated in her life, she couldn’t help but touch herself now.

“Yes, please…” She rubbed harder and harder. He began kissing her thigh.

“May Ilick your pussy, Miss Lucy?”

“YES…Please!” she panted.

He grabbed her knees and began licking her wet pussy. His eyes fixed on her face. Lucy clutched the arms of the chair and reclined back as she felt herself getting closer to climax. He took a long, slow tongue into her pussy. She clutched his hair as she arched her back, trying to push his head in deeper. It feel like several tongues stimulating every inch of her pussy.


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