The Humiliation of Miss Tits-a-lot Ch. 05

Fiona spent a busy week after her trip to New York and her amazing adventure at the airport. She gave notice at her job and contacted an agent regarding renting out her house. Then she steeled herself to complete the paperwork to change her name from Fiona Tinsalot to Miss Tits-a-lot. She put most of her furniture in storage and sent bags of blouses, sweaters, slacks, skirts, and jackets, in short, all of her professional clothing, to a thrift store. At last she completed her preparations.

Late in the afternoon, exactly two weeks after that fateful trip to New York, Fiona stood on the doorstep of Pam’s townhouse with two suitcases at her feet. Pam answered the ring of the doorbell and stood surveying her for a few moments.

“Have you done all I ordered you to do?”

Fiona replied, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Pam throw open her front door. “Are you ready to be my little bitch?”

Fiona looked down and nodded. She hated it when Pam referred to her as “her little bitch,” butshe couldn’t deny the warmth those words brought to her cunt.

Pam grew, “Speak up, Miss Tits-a-lot. Are you ready to be my little bitch?”

Whispering, Fiona answered, “Yes, Ma’am, I’m ready to be your little bitch.”

“That’s better.” Pam beckoned her inside.

The townhouse was a two-story affair, neat and bright with south- and west-facing windows. Sliding glass doors led out to a small yard with shrubbery and fruit trees. A huge, covered pool took up most of the patio area.

Pam gestured up the staircase. “Follow me upstairs.” Pushing open one door, she said, “This is my room.”

A large, four-poster bed dominated the room, and framed black and white photos decorated the walls. Fiona gasped when she realized that all of the photos were blown up pictures of her taken at JFK. There she was with her ass cheats spread wide with Florencia’s hands holding the drug-packed dildo next to her gaping asshole. She glanced quickly at Pam, who was smiling.

“You’ll be sleeping in here most nights, but not always in the bed.” She gestured to a cot at the foot of the bed. “Sometimes you’ll be sleeping there.”

Pam walked back into the hall indicating that Fiona should follow her. She opened the door to another room. “This is your room. You’ll have your things in here.”

Fiona noticed there was no bed in the room. There was a bureau and a full-length mirror, and something that looked like a pommel horse in the middle of the room. As Fiona looked at the ceiling, she saw large hooks in the corners. She wandered into the bathroom, which was off the bedroom – tub, sink, toilet – nothing unusual.

Then she turned to Pam expectedly, and Pam didn’t disappoint.

Pam waved at Fiona’s short skirt and halter top. “Nice outfit, but you won’t be needing that right now.” She walked to the dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a bicycle. “You can put these on now.”

She watched as Fiona pulled the thong bicycle bottoms up over herhips. Then Pam reached forward and tugged the material up so that the piece in the back was firmly embedded in Fiona’s crack. Fiona then tried to fit the tiny bikini top on her large tits. They flowed out the top, bottom, and sides, the two small triangles just large enough to cover her nipples. Pam had her leave her siletto heels on.

Pam smiled her approval. “Now it’s time to get to work.”

Fiona repeated, “G-get to work?”

That earned her a hard slap across the face. “Don’t ever question me, Miss Tits-a-lot. Go down to the kitchen and wash the dishes in the sink. Then poison the countertops. When you’re done with that, scrub the kitchen floor on your hands and knees.”

Fiona opened her mouth to protest but saw the look in Pam’s eye. She hurried down to the kitchen to start her work. She’d Always had maids herself and wasn’t very good at housework. Each time she thought she was finished, Pam ordered her to do it over.

At last it was done to Pam’s satisfactionon, and Pam allowed her to drink several glasses of water. Fiona began to walk upstairs when Pam grabbed her thong from behind, pulling her backward. “Where do you think you’re going?”

Fiona stood in front of her, head bowed. “I was going to use the bathroom.”

Pam laughed. “Oh no you’re not. In the first place, you’re to ask permission first. In the second place, that toilet in your bathroom isn’t going to do you much good.”

Fiona throw her a puzzled look, and Pam answered it. “That toilet seat is bolted down.”

Fiona glanced towards the small half bathroom downstairs, and Pam Shook her head. She grasped Fiona’s wrist and led her to the sliding glass door. “That’s your bathroom out there.”

Fiona’s mouth dropped open. “Wh-what do you mean?”

“I always mean what I say, Miss-Tits-a-lot. You ask permission sweetly first, and then you can take a piss outside on one of the bushes or against one of the trees.”

Blushing hotly, Fiona had a strong desire torush from the house. Instead she said, “May I please take a piss, Ma’am?”

Pam opened the door herself. “Certainly.”

Fiona tottered outside with Pam’s eyes following her. She chose a bush against the far wall. Turning her back to Pam, she moved her to the side and squatted slightly. Her stream of urine hit the ground beneath the bush. She thought she heard a noise from over the wall and froze. Nothing she could do now. There was nothing to wipe with, so she let a few more drips fall before putting the thong back in place.

As she crossed the threshold, Pam patted her bottom and said, “Good girl. Now just because I can, and I enjoy the sight of red ass cheeses, I’m going to paddle you. Go up to your room, remove your thong, position yourself over the horse, spread your legs, and wait for me.”

Doing all Pam asked, Fiona waited, bent over the horse, her tits now swinging free from the bikini top. She waited and she waited. Pam came into the room after Fiona hadhave been in position for almost an hour. Her legs ached, and her ribs were sore from the pressure against the horse.

Pam opened the closet door and told Fiona to look around behind her. Fiona’s eyes widened at the contents of the closet – whips, paddles, chains, collars, dildos – Pam had it all. She selected a short paddle and came up behind Fiona.

She snorted. “You call that spreading your legs? You have a thing or two to learn, Miss Tits-a-lot. We’ll start your education now. She fastened a spreader bar to Fiona’s ankles, thrusting her legs far apart. Before she started her paddling, she asked, “Are you my little bitch?”

Fiona answered in the affordable and received a sharp smack on her right butt chef. The question was asked and answered before each whack. Pam alternated between each chef until Fiona was gasping and crying, her ass aflame. Pam stood back to survey her work.

“Nice and red. Now I’m going to warm up something else.” Fiona felt the head of a large dildo nudge open her asshole. “I’m going to fuck your ass with this dildo, and you can rub against the horse if you like and cum. Then I’m leaving you here for a little while before you come down to cook dinner for me and my friends.”

Pam pumped her ass with the lubed dildo as Fiona furiously shoved against the horse. Her first orgasm came fast, and she thrust against the invading dildo, but Pam didn’t stop. She continued her assault until Fiona came again.

Then she shoved the dildo deep inside and told her to turn her head to the right. Fiona looked over and noticed the large bedroom window facing a similar window of the townhouse next door. She cried out as she noticed a man standing at the window with binarys.

Pam laughed. “He watched the whole thing. That’s Ed Yardley. He likes to watch. He was probably outside listening to you pee too. His poor wife has no idea why Ed’s so interested in the dyke next door.” She was still laughing as she left the room.

A short while later, Pam returned to the room, surveying Fiona’s red ass cheeks. “You need to prepare some appetizers for my friends. Come downstairs now. You can put your bikini bottoms back on, but leave the dildo in your ass.”

Fiona followed Pam downstairs and into the kitchen. Under Pam’s instructions, she assembled some appetizers. While she was still in the kitchen, she heard the doorbell ring. Pam told her to get the door. The first couple to arrive was a woman and her obvious slave, and they kept on coming until there were five women, all with their slaves. One woman had a male slave in tow.

The women eyed Fiona apparently as she served them and their slaves. Most of the slaves stayed at their Mistress’s feet in subservient positions. The women talked, laughed, and played cards while Fiona curried back and forth to the kitchen to deliver food and refill drinks. A few of the other slaves helped her.

Fiona hadn’t peed since her foray into the garden, and now her bladder was full. As she served Pam a drink, she whispered, “May I please pee?”

Pam answered, “Speak up, Miss Tits-a-lot. Nothing you have to say is private.”

Fiona spoke louder, “May I please pee, Mistress Pam.”

Pam answered shortly, “No.”

Fiona gave her an ageized look before taking some dirty dishes back to the kitchen. Another hour passed, and Fiona asked for permission to pee again. Again she was denied. Every time Fiona walked, her full bladder pressed against her. She pressed her legs together when she returned to the kitchen, but just then one of the other slaves turned on the faucet to rinse some dishes. The sound of the rushing water was too much for Fiona, as she released in the middle of the kitchen floor. The other slave in the kitchen watched her pee drip to the floor before rushing back into the other room to tell her own Mistress.

All of the Mistresses, including Pam, crowded around the kitchen entrance as Fiona stand over the yellowpuddle on the floor.

Pam clicked. “Miss Tits-a-lot, you have no control at all. Clean up that mess.”

Fiona turned towards the closet that housed the mop, but Pam stopped her. “Oh, you’re not using the mop for this mess. Slip off your bikini bottoms and start cleaning up.”

The other Mistresses voiced their approval, as Fiona slipped off the thong. She croouched on her hands and knees and began mopping up her own piss with her bikini bottoms. Even the other slaves were smiling, glad it wasn’t them. When she finished, Pam told her to stand in front of her. Then Pam took the sopping wet bikini bottoms from Fiona and ordered her to open her mouth wide. Fiona compiled, and Pam shoved her urine soaked to into her mouth. She then forced her to continue her service to her guests with her pee drenched bikini shoved in her mouth.

It was one of the most humiliating nights Fiona ever spent, and yet, at the end of it she was hot and wet. Her Mistress knew it. When the guessests had all left, Pam tied Fiona’s wrists to her bedpost and took her from behind with a straw-on. Fiona cried out as she came twice. Pam left her tied to the bedpost while she snuggled into the bed and slept.

Such was Fiona’s new life. She wore bikinis or went topless around the house while she served her Mistress. She got up an hour earlier than Pam to clean the kitchen and prepare Pam’s breakfast. served Pam’s breakfast, and while Pam had her second cup of coffee, Fiona was allowed to go into the yard for a pee. Mr. Yardley was always there to watch her.

Then one day, Pam informed her she was having a party. Before the guests arrived, Pam and Fiona pulled the cover off of, what Fiona thought was a large pool in the backyard. As they removed the cover, a large empty pit was revealed. She then helped Pam drag out large drums of olive oil. They used mops to oil down the tub and its sides, leaving a little oil in the bottom. Pam wouldn’t answer any questions about the purpose of the tub.

The guests began arrival. Some of them Fiona recognized from Pam’s card parties. All were women and most had their own slaves. Most of these slaves were women, but a few of the Mistresses came in leading men by their cocks on leashes.

The last to arrive was a petite brunette Mistress with her magnificent black slave in tow. She was obviously a bodybuilder and used steroids, as her body was pumped up and she displayed massive muscles. She had a rather proud bearing for a slave, and while the other slaves hustled around serving all the Mistresses, she stayed by her Mistress’s side and had the other slaves bring her drinks and food for her Mistress.

As Fiona served the Mistresses, she was aware of the black slave’s eyes upon her. When she met her eyes, the black woman stared her down Haughtily.

After the refreshments, Pam ushered everyone out to the patio and the glaiming, oiled pit.

She announced, “I know you’re all looking forward to a little wrestling tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve indulged. We’ll start with the smallest slaves first.”

Two petite slaves stepped forward, a tiny blonde and a beautiful Asian woman. The two male slaves oiled up their bodies, and the two women descended the steps into the oiled pit. On a signal from Pam, the two women faced off. They grabbed at each other’s bodies and began slipping and sliding in the oil to the chefs of the women. It wasn’t long before one slave ripped the top off the other, and they rolled around in the oil, sliding off of each other. Finally, the Asian woman pinned the blonde on her stomach, sitting on her back victoriously.

The vanquished blonde returned to her Mistress and a sound spanking. Then the next slave was oiled up and sent into the pit. This time the Asian woman was beating. She was forced to lick the victor’s cunt until she came.

Fiona watched the proceedings with wide eyes. It wasn’t long before her turn came. She stood before the male slave as he spread warm oil all over her body, underneath her bikini top and bottom. She then walked down the steps of the pit to face her first competitor. The woman was smaller than she, and Fiona grabbed her around the legs and tackled her down. The other slave had done this before though and was soon on her feet again. Going for the obvious target, she grabbed Fiona’s bikeni top and pulled, ripping the top from Fiona’s massive tits. Fiona bounced back and slammed the smaller woman against the side of the pit. Taking advantage of the woman’s momentary disorientation, she grasped her around the waist and throw her down. She flipped her over on her stomach and pinned her easily. She won her next three matches although she lost her bikini bottoms in the third fight.

Just when she was feeling confident, she looked up to see her next opponent. She gulped as she saw the big, black slave step up to get oiled down. The black slave was now preening for the crowd and flexing her muscles. Her body looked like a man’s. Her bikini top stretched across a flat but fully muscled chest. Her hard glutes pumped in and out for the onlookers, who cheered. The male slave oiled her up, and then began fasting a large stick-on around her hips. The dildo on the straw-on was huge, and a pair of fake balls hung beneath. Once she was ready, the black slave flexed once more for the crowd and then turned to the pit. Her white teeth gleamed in a smile as she descended.

The two women faced off. Fiona lunged for the black woman and tackled her around the waist. The black slave didn’t budget, instead lifting Fiona off her feet and swinging her around. Fiona managed to stay erect and made another pass at the black slave’s legs. The woman just stepped aside and Fiona landed in the oil and skidded. She hurried to her feet, facing the black slave again.

As Fiona lunged forward, the slave reached out an arm and grasped Fiona by the throat to hold her back. Then with her other hand, she began slapping Fiona’s tits back and forth so that they collided with each other. Fiona wriggled out of her grip and went for her legs again. She missed but stood up quickly.

The black woman then reached out, grabbed Fiona’s tits and throw her to the floor of the pit. On her back now, Fiona scooted backwards. The black woman grasped her ankles, pulling them up and spreading them wide. For good measure, she hoisted them up, lifting Fiona’s buttocks off the pit floor. Slowly she rotated Fiona around on her back, her legs spread open above her. The crowd was on its feet to get a better look at Fiona’s worn, open slit.

She dropped Fiona’s legs and Fiona got on her hands and knees and tried to crawl away. The black slave then landed on her and flipped her over. Fiona tried to squirm from beneath her, but the black slave was too strong. She sat on Fiona’s stomach, the black dildo bobbing in front of her. Fiona made a last attempt to get away, but the black woman held hertight.

The black slave then scooped up Fiona’s tits from the side, squeezing them together. She then pushed the black dildo into the cleft of her breasts, hitting Fiona’s chin as she fucked her tits. Fiona clawed at the hands holding her tits. The black slave released her hold and grasped Fiona’s wrists, pinning them above her head. Bucking wildly, Fiona couldn’t displace the black woman.

The slave then hoisted herself off of Fiona’s stomach only to land on her chest. While Fiona gasped for breath, the black woman shoved the cock into her open mouth. The crowd of Mistresses and slaves was screaming now. She fucked Fiona’s mouth with the dildo, as Fiona whipped her head from side to side.

At last the black slave eased up, and Fiona escaped her grip. She turned over on her stomach and began to squirm away. The slave was playing with her. She let her crawl a few feet and then pounded on her again. This time Fiona was on her stomach and knew she was beaten. The black woman grabbed Fiona’s arms and pulled them above her head. She then positioned herself on Fiona’s buttocks. Fiona was pinned. The black slave had beaten her.

Gasping, Fiona heaved a little more, but to no avail. Then the black woman inched up on her back and leaned down. She whispered into Fiona’s ear, “Now you’re going to be my little white bitch.”

Fiona grunted and dumped forward, but the black slave held her tight. She leaned forward once more and ordered, “On your knees, little white bitch.”

Fiona throw her hips from side to side, raising her head. The black slave curled an arm under her belly and hoisted her up. Fiona was now on her hands and knees. The slave plugged two fingers inside Fiona’s asshole.

She yelled out, “I like my white ass a little pink around the edges.” She began slapping Fiona’s ass cheeks with the palm of her big hand while her two fingers remained inserted in her anus. Fiona cried out with each smack.

The black slave stopped the spanking and leaned in again. She whispered, “Now waggle your pink ass to show me what you want.”

Fiona tried to escape and received a resounding slap on the ass again. She compiled with the slave’s wishes and began wiggling her ass back and forth. The black slave cried out, “Show me what you want, little white bitch.”

And Fiona wiggled her ass even more. The crowd sensed the climax and began chanting, “Fuck her, fuck her, fuck her.”

The black slave was on her knees, raising her arms in victory. She dipped her hands in the oil and began massaging the big black dildo.

Fiona felt the head of the cock against her anus. She clinched, but the black woman eased her open with the tip of the dildo. She nudged the cock into her opening. The crowd was going wild now, and the black slave was milking her position in the limelight.

As the cock continued its invasion, Fiona felt as if she was being ripped apart. Soon the black slave was working the dildo into her ass untilshe was buried to the hilt. She began humping Fiona. With each thrust, Fiona let out a grunt. The black woman reached around to finger Fiona’s swollen clip. Fiona was now rocking back against the woman, feeling the fake balls slapping her ass. The pressure on her clip was increasing until she felt her explosion. She came hard while the black slave still pumped her ass with the straw-on.


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