The Humiliation of Miss Tits-a-lot Ch. 06

Fiona faced an evening of one of her least favorite obligations as Pam’s slave – dinner out. When she and Pam were alone, she could easily lose herself and become Pam’s sub, completely subjugating her own person to the desires and whims of her Mistress. Even with Pam’s friends, who were mostly in the lifestyle, Fiona felt comfortable in her subservice. However, when they were out in what she considered the “real world,” her position was harder to embrace perhaps because most people who saw them together assumed they were a lesbian couple. This embarrassed Fiona.

For these dinners, Pam dressed as she always did: Dockers or Wranglers, a button-front shirt with a collar, and cowboy boots. Occasionally she sported a tie, her blond hair always pulled back into a swinging ponytail. And Fiona dressed as she always did: short skirt or dress, tight, skimpy tops to show off her huge tits and high siletto heels to keep her mincing behind Pam. They always frequently fashionable, upscale restaurants. Pam enjoyed a good meal.

This evening, they dressed their parts. Fiona squeezed into a tiny black skirt with a tight, plunging halter top encasing and showcasing her tits. Her nipple rings were clearly visible through the thin material. Before they left, Pam looked her over with approval and ordered, “Spread your legs.”

Fiona compiled, and Pam reached forward, pushed up Fiona’s skirt, and attached a vibrating clip to her clip. Grinning, Pam slipped the remote to the device into her breast pocket. Fiona knew she was in for some fun and games, and shivered at the prospect.

Pam parked her own car behind the restaurant, and as they walked to the entrance, Pam gave Fiona’s clip a little buzz. Pleasure shot through Fiona, as she clamped her legs together. She hoped her Mistress would be generous tonight.

Pam made reservations, so they were seated immediately. Heads turned as the women walked towards their booth, as always, Fiona a few steps behind her MiStress, her high heels thrusting out her tits and ass, and everything jiggling along. Fiona slide into the booth opposite Pam and got into the correct position. This entailed hiking up her skirt so that her bare ass met the cool leather seat, and spreading her legs out. If anyone cared to peer under the table, they’d be rewarded with an eyeful of Fiona’s shaken, glistening pussy.

Their waitress approached the table, wrinkling her nose at the two lesbians. She eyed the woman with the gigantic tits, whose nipples seemed to be practically poking through her top. “Would you care for something to drink?”

Pam, perusing the wine list, looked up. “Yes, we’d like a bottle of this cab.”

The waitress was soon replaced by a bus boy who almost poured water all over their table when confronted by Fiona’s massive cleavage.

Pam knew the look well, and whispered, “You play your cards right, and I’ll give you a peek.”

He stammered something incoherent as he stumbled away from the table.

The waitress returned with the wine, and Pam sniffed the cork, smelled the bouquet, and took a little taste before approving. The waitress filled the two glasses and asked, “Would you like to order now?”

Pam spoke up, “I’ll have the crab cakes to start, followed by the tomato with Buffalo mozzarella. Then I’d like the prime rib, rare, with the garlic mashed potatoes.”

The waitress glanced at Fiona, but Pam answered for her. “She’ll have the small dinner salad with vinaigrette. You can bring that at the same time as my entrée.”

The waitress looked back at the woman with the big tits, her eyes lowered to her empty plate. She shrugged. What a strange couple.

Fiona wasn’t surprised at Pam’s order. Pam limited her food intake, keeping her slim and her wait tiny. This only emphasized her tits, which is the way Pam liked it.

The bus boy obviously saw to their needs with a hopeful look on his face. Pam finally took pity on him. “Do you want to see her jewelry?”

The young man nodded vigorously, and Pam flicked her fingers at Fiona, who pulled aside her skimpy halter to reveal one huge milky white title with her rosy nipple pierced with a big gold ring. The bus boy gawked and swallowed hard.

Pam leaned in. “Another thing – I’ve got her wired for pleasure.” She pulled out the remote and pressed it slowly. The bus boy watched as the big-titted woman gasped and squirmed in her seat. Pam told him, “You keep coming back to watch her get more and more excited.”

So the bus boy found any excuse he could to return to the table. Each time he came back, the blonde turned up the power, and the redhead began bouncing in her seat, taking those marvelous tits along for the ride.

He couldn’t keep it to himself any longer. He ran off to find His buddy working in another section and brought him back to the table. Together they stood guard at the table and watched the redhead withdraw her title from her top and start humping the seat.

The waitress approached the table, wondering why two bus boys were parked in front of it. As she drew close, she saw the redhead with one hand grazing her big title, her fingers pinching her extended, pierced nipple, her head thrown back, lips parted. She slammed the crème brulee on the table and hisssed, “What is going on here?”

Three pairs of eyes turned towards her. The redhead was oblivious. She was now grinding into the seat and moaning, obviously cumming. The waitress snapped at the bus boys, “You two get back to work. I’m getting the manager.”

She had a difficult time explaining to the manager what was going on, so she led him back to the table. The woman was finished with her orgasm, her breast back in place. By this time, the table had attracted the attention of much of the restaurant, a few of the patrons even catching sight of an exposed breast.

The manager barked, “You two…ladies are creating a disorder. I’m going to have to ask you toleave.”

Pam looked at him coldly. “This is discrimination. Miss Tits-a-lot can’t help it if she’s over-sexed and had an orgasm in your restaurant.”

The waitress gasped, and the manager spluttered, “Get out before I call the police.”

Pam grabbed her bag and jumped up. “You haven’t heard the end of this.”

Fiona slide out of the booth, yanking her skirt down, leaving a big wet spot on the seat behind her. Pam stalked out of the restaurant with Fiona in tow. All eyes were on them now, wondering what they’d done to get ejected from the restaurant. Right before the entrance, Pam dropped her wallet. She turned to Fiona with a hard star and said, “Pick it up and do it right.”

Fiona felt a slow flush creeping over her body as she realized what was required of her, but she couldn’t refuse Pam now and she didn’t want to. So she spread out her legs and bent over at the wait to retrieve the wallet. Her short skirt hiked up as she mooned the entire restaurant with herass cheats spread wide. There were gasps of shock and shouts of laughter. The manager rushed forward, incensed at the display in his restaurant, and gave Fiona a push forward. Since she was so top heavy, she topped over and fell to her knees, her skirt still hiked up. The manager aimed the toe of his shoes at her bare ass, sticking it in her crack, and began prodding her out of the restaurant. By this time, Fiona’s tits escaped From her halter top and were almost grazing the floor. Thus was Miss Tits-a-lot unexpectedly kicked out of the restaurant, amid the jeers and cheers of the other diners.

Pam was waiting for her on the sidewalk, laughing. “You made quite a scene in there, Miss Tits-a-lot. Now get up.”

As Fiona stood up, Pam scratched her hard across the face. Fiona blurted out, “What did I do?” That impertinence earned her a sharp slap on the side of her breast.

Pam snarled, “Don’t talk back to me. We won’t be able to go back there, and I like their crab cakes.” She grabbed Fiona’s bag and dropped the remote inside. She checked Fiona’s wallet to make sure she wasn’t carrying any money, and then she stride down the street.

Fiona called out, “Where are you going? How will I get home?”

Pam ignored her, and Fiona trotted after her for a few steps, her tits and ass jiggling, but her high heels made it impossible for her to catch up with Pam. She told and resigned herself to walking home, or perhaps hitting a ride. She trailed down the street, sticking her thumb out. She elicited lots of catcalls and whistles, but nobody pulled over until a black and white cruised up to the curb.

A lone cop whisked down the window on the passenger side, leaned forward and yelled, “You working the street here?”

Fiona retorted, “No, I’m not. I’m just trying to get a ride home.”

The cop stopped his car and got out, looking her over from head to toe. “Yeah, right. You girls aren’t supposed to be working this area.”

She repeated,”I’m not working any area, just trying to get home.”

“Where’s your car?”

Fiona answered, “My friend and I got into an argument. My friend took the car and left me here.”

He stared at her tits. “What were you doing out here?”

Fiona waved behind her. “We had dinner at that restaurant back there.”

He looked back. “That restaurant?”

She nodded, and then wished she’d kept her mouth shut, as he continued, “Well, let’s just see about that.”

He took her arm and led her back to the scene of her recent humiliation. They entered the restaurant, and the manager rushed over.

The cop said, “Did this woman recently have dinner here?”

The manager sniffed, “Yes, she did, officer, and we were going to call you. She and her ‘companion’ caused such a ruckus. This one actually had the effrontery to moon my customers with her bare ass.”

The cop shook his head and laughed. “Thank you, sir.” Then he propelled Fiona outside and back to his car. “Justhaving dinner, huh?” He grabbed her wrists and cuffed them behind her, causing her tits to thrust forward even more. He pulled her over to the curb. “Have a seat here.”

Fiona awkwardly sank to the curb, her short skirt rising up on her thighs as she tried to keep her legs closed. The cop dumped her pursuit out on the hood of his car. He looked in her wallet, and then glanced at her quickly. “Is This your real name? Miss Tits-a-lot?”

Fiona nodded, and he laughed. “Yeah, you’re not a hooker or a stripper with a name like that.”

He yanked her up by her cuffs. “Okay, Miss Tits-a-lot, you’re coming with me.” He shoved her into the back of his police car.

She protested, “Where are you taking me? Please don’t arrest me. I’ll do anything you ask.”

Eyeing her in his rearview mirror, he echoed, “Anything?”


He drove a few blocks and turned down an alley. He parked the car and pulled her out of the back seat. Pushing her down to her knees, he said, “Okay, show me what you got.” With that he reached out and ripped her halter top off and throw it to the ground. Her tits bounded forward, and he grinned. “You got a fine pair of hotters there. You know what I like to do with a fine pair of hotters? I like to fuck ’em.”

He gathered her tits at the side and shoved them together, creating a deep cleft. “Now I’m going to pump my prick up Through your tits, and you’re going to open your mouth real wide to take it in.”

Fiona opened her mouth and caught the head of his cock between her lips each time it rose up through her cleavage. He then released her tits and fucked her face until he spewed down her throat.

He pulled her up again, now topless, and shoved her into the backseat. She said, “My top.”

“You won’t need that. I’m taking you in.”

Her eyes grew wide, “But you said…”

He laughed. “All I said was I wanted to fuck a big pair of hotters.”

Fiona slumped back in the seat, as he drove to a small police substation. The cop strutted into the station, pushing Fiona ahead of him. There were two officers behind the desk, one man and one woman. They stared with open mouths as their fellow officer came in with the topless woman with huge tits.

“Whaddya got there, Deano?”

He snorted, “Whaddya think? A hooker. Caught her working the street in the nice part of town. Then she tried to bribe me.”

The male officer laughed, “Which you, of course, refused.”

Deano grabbed at his crotch. “Of course.”

The woman came forward and said, “Come on over here for your booking photo.”

She had Fiona hold up a board under her chin and took her picture from the front and side. Then she turned and grinned at the men. “Now another photo, just for our private collection.” She shoved the board under Fiona’s tits and took the picture from the front again, this time capturing her tits. She led her over to another table and fingerprinted her. The male officer called out, “I thnk she needs a title print too. Those things look like lethal weapons.”

The female officer shoved Fiona’s face towards the table, grabbed her title, and pressed it on the ink blotter. Then she smoked it against a piece of paper. She repeated the action with the other title. She held up the title prints in front of her own chest. “How do I look, boys?”

Fiona interrupted their laughter, “D-do I get to make a phone call?”

The female officer shoved the phone towards her, “Sure.”

Fiona called Pam, but she wasn’t answering the phone. She left her a message, asking her to bail her out and bring her a top.

The male officer turned to the female officer and said, “I know you hate to do it, but it’s time for the strip search, Louise.”

Louise pushed Fiona ahead of her into a small room with a large mirror. Fiona figured this was a two-way mirror. Louise had her face the mirror and stand with her legs slightly apart. “Now pull up your skirt.”

Fiona pulled up her skirtrt, and Louise whistled at her shaken pussy. She croouched down and peered between her legs. “I see you have a little toy down here. We’ll let you keep it. Now turn around, bend over, and grab your knees.”

Fiona bent forward, exposing her bare ass to the two-way mirror. Louise snapped on a rubber glove and inserted her thumb into Fiona’s asshole and her index and middle fingers into her pussy. She probed the two orifices and wiggled her fingers around inside until Fiona began to squirm. She couldn’t help it. It felt just like the inspections Pam gave her at home. Louise grinned back at the two-way mirror, as Fiona’s ass wiggled. She pulled her fingers out and told Fiona to sit on the edge of the chair with her legs spread, and then she left the room.

Louise returned to her fellow Officers. “How’d you like that? She’s such a slut. She has a vibrator clipped onto her clip.” She fished through Fiona’s purse and held up the remote. “Eureka!”

She pressed the remote, and thethree officers watched through the two-way mirror as the redhead began to quiver with excitement. They kept increasing the power and watched as she twitched and squirmed in her seat. Soon she was bouncing up and down on the chair, her legs played out to the sides. They heard her cry out and saw her thrash her head back and forth as she came.

The two men grew hard at the display and soon left the room to jack off. Louise returned to the room, smiling at the redhead. “Okay, Miss Tits-a-lot, time for lock up.”

“Lock up? You’re locking me up?”

“Sure, did you think this was a hotel or something? Your pimp or whatever will be here soon enough to bail you out.”

“Can I have a top or something?”

Louise smiled. “I don’t think so.”

She led her back to the small cells. There were two cells on one side and two on the other, women on one side, men on the other. The few men there looked like drinks and most were passed out. The women looked like drinks or hookers and occurred one cell. Fiona was the only one topless. Louise shoved her into the empty cell next to the women.

The women called out, “What do we have here?”

Louise answered, “She’ll be spending some time in the cell next to you. Now remember, we’re watching you. Oh, one more thing. She comes with a remote.” She tossed the remote to the vibrator into the women’s cell.

Fiona retired to the far end of the cell with her back to the other cells. One of the women began calling, “Here Pussy, Pussy. Come here, Pussy.”

Fiona ignored her, but then she felt her clip clip vibrating slowly and she gasped. The vibrations grew stronger, and she had to hold onto the bars of the cell as her legs began to buckle. All the time the woman called, “Here Pussy.” She was on the verge of exploding when the Vibrations stopped. She cried out and sagged against the bars, while the women in the next cell laughed.

“Hey, Pussy, you wanna come? I’ll tell you what. You come over andsit on the edge of that cot, spread your legs nice and wide, and I’ll give you what you want.”

Fiona’s lips were engorged and throbbing and she heard the familiar note of command in the woman’s voice, so she obeyed. Seated on the edge of the cot, she spread her legs open.

The woman teased, “Oh look, she’s not a furry Pussy. She’s a hairless Pussy.” The other women laughed, and the vibrator started up again. She kept bringing Fiona to the brink and then pulling back.

“Tell me, Pussy, are you a little cum slut?”

Fiona nodded.

The woman continued, “I thought so. You’ll do anything for a good cum, won’t you, Pussy?”

Recent, Fiona nodded.

The woman said, “The next time I buzz your clip, I want you to gather your big tits in your hands, shove them up, and suck on them.”

Fiona felt the next vibration, and eagerly grabbed her tits, pulling her nipple between her lips. Now the men in the cells across the way were wide awake as they watched the woman sucking on her own tits.

The woman continued, “That’s real good. Now you can come over here and maybe I’ll give you what you want.”

Fiona stood up, and the woman sniggered. “You’re not walking over here, Pussy.”

So Fiona dropped to her hands and knees and again the woman stopped her. “Oh, you’re not crawling over here either. You get down flat on your belly and your big tits and you wriggle over here.”

By this time, Fiona was mad with desire and would have done anything the woman asked. She flattened herself on the floor, using her arms and legs to scoot herself across the floor of the cell. When she reached the other side, the woman told her to turn around.

“Fold your legs underneath your body, put your chest to the floor, your hands lacened behind Your neck, and squeeze your ass against the bars.”

Fiona compiled and was rewarded by a slap on the bulge of ass that squeezed through the bars. The woman positioned her so that one of the bars was almostEmbedded in her crack while her ass flowed over the sides. She smoked her ass cheats back and forth and then began stimulating Fiona’s clip again. The combination proved too much for Fiona as at last she gave way to her password and compromised on the floor with her orgasm. The cells erupted in cheeses and laughter as Fiona groveled on the floor.

Fiona’s torquer called for the female cop, Louise. She entered the cell and grinned at Fiona’s position. Of course, she and her fellow officers had watched it all on the closed-screen TV in the other room.

She asked her, “I know you confused my bag of tricks when you booked me, but could you bring me the blue dildo with the little nubs on it? I have a bottle of lube too. Bring that along, although our little Pussy has plenty of juice flowing.”

Louise answered, “Sure, as long as you give us a good show.”

She returned and handed the woman a blue dildo. Once again the woman moved Fiona’s ass, but this time she positionedher asshole between two of the bars. She started fucking Fiona’s pussy with the dildo while working the remote. Fiona accepted it all and came again. Another woman stepped forward, slid the dildo out of her pussy, and reinserted it into her asshole. All the time they manipulated her clip.

The women in the cell took turns fucking Fiona in both holes with the dildo while working the vibrator. Fiona lost count of the number of times she came. Finally they grew tired of her and her easy compliance. Since nobody told her to move, she remained folded over on the floor with her ass pressed to the bars of the cell. They left the dildo in her asshole and commented on what a well-trained who she was.


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