The Humiliation of Miss Tits-a-lot Ch. 04

Had she really called her “Miss Tits-a-lot” or had Fiona imagined it? She didn’t have time to speculate, as she rushed down the corridor to the waiting plane. Stumbling into the first class cabin, she attracted everyone’s attention. The other passengers whispered, and a few pointed. She ignored them and made it to her seat. She had the aisle seat, and there was already a woman dressed in a navy pinstriped business suit Sitting in the window seat. The woman glanced up and Fiona smiled. Giving her a cold look, the woman returned to the papers in front of her.

Fiona began kicking at her bag to shove it under the seat in front of her. The flight attendant approached her and said, “I’m sorry, that bag is too big to fit under the seat. You’ll have to stand it in the overhead compartment.”

Fiona had been afraid of this. Pulling the bag up by its strap, she reached up to put it in the overhead, which was already crammed full of luckage. As she reached up, she felt her skirt rising in the back. The passengers sat in the rows behind her got a clear view of a pair of reddened ass cheeks peeking out of her skirt. Fiona reached to the side to move another bag out of the way, and the passengers still watching her progress wondered at the gold ring protruding from her asshole that was now visible. The passengers on the other side of the aisle were getting a different view. When Fiona raised her arms, the tiny t-shirt crept up so that the bottom globes of her huge tits hung out. Almost the entire first class cabin was mesmerized.

Once she secured her bag, Fiona quickly pulled her skirt and t-shirt down and took her seat. The businesswoman sitting next to her looked over and said, “Are you a stripper?”

Fiona turned scarlet. “No, I’m not a stripper.”

The woman pushed her glasses back up on her nose. “Hmmmm.”

Since Fiona had rushed for her flight, she hadn’t had time to use the bathroom before boarding. Once the seatbelt light went off, she stood up to make her way down the aisle. Just at that moment, the flight attendant began the drink service and had her cart in the aisle.

She smiled as Fiona approached. “I’m afraid you’ll just have to squeeze by.”

Fiona stepped to the side and turning her body sideways, facing the cart, she squeezed by. As she did so, she felt someone pinching her ass. She swung her head around, but the two men in the seats she just passed were both looking down reading.

She finished in the bathroom and started down the aisle again. The flight attendant hadn’t moved the cart one inch. Again, Fiona had to squirm through. This time she placed her back to the cart and faced the two men. Her tits came close to hitting the man in the aisle seat in the face. Just as she was about to draw back, she felt someone pulling at the ring on the dildo. She gasped and smoked her tits in his face anyway. Looking around, she saw the flight attendant smiling benignly.

Once she shimmied past the cart, several napkins fluttered down in front of her. The flight attendant surprised. “How clumsy of me. Could you do me a favor and pick those up for me?”

Fiona stared into the hard, bright eyes for a moment and realized what was required of her. She turned and bent over at the waist to pick up the napkins. This time, her thoroughly spanked ass was fully exposed to anyone behind her, along with the ring on the dildo.

The flight attendant giggled. “Oh my, someone was a bad girl.”

Fiona handed her the napkins, and before she had a chance to pull down her skirt, the flight attendant smiled sweetly and handed her two drinks. “Something’s wrong with my cart. I think the wheel’s stuck. Could you help me out, and hand these drinks over to the couple in the next aisle?”

With her skirt still hiked up, Fiona bent forward to deliver the drinks. She leaned low over the man’s tray table, brushing his arms with her tits. The woman in the seat next to his hooked her finger in Fiona’s neckline and pulled her down until her tits were resting on her tray table.

Inspecting her cleavage, she asked, “What size are those?”

Fiona whispered, “36 double D.”

The woman raised her voice. “I can’t hear you.”

Fiona repeated, “36 double D” in a louder voice.

The woman snorted. “I think your surgeon gave you a little bonus.” She turned to the man seated next to her, “What do you think, Maury? You think her surgeon gave her a little extra for her money?”

Maury reached over to where Fiona’s tits were still resting on the tray table and gave them a squeeze. “I think so. You got a good deal there, honey.”

The woman explained to Fiona, “My husband and I are both cosmetic surgeons, and those are definitely bigger than double D’s. I’ll tell you what. You keep running around without a bra, and those big melons are going to be sagging down to your navel pretty soon. I’ll give you our card, and when those tits are flopping around down your wait,give us a call and we’ll tighten them right up for you.” She turned as she stuck her card in Fiona’s cleavage. “We might even give you a little extra. Now be a good girl and get me a cup of ice.”

As Fiona stood straight, she became aware that quite a few passengers had been listening to her conversation with the cosmetic surgeon. A few were eyeing her tits speculatively. She stumbled back to the cart, which still hadn’t progressed any further down the aisle. The flight attendant had obviously been listening, for she held a cup of ice out for Fiona to take back to the woman.

Fiona bent over to deliver the ice, and feel a tug on her dildo ring. She turned around to two men pointing to their glasses for refills. And so it went. Fiona curried up and down the aisles of the first class cabin delivering drinks to all the passengers. They grow bolder and bolder, commenting on her body, bouncing her tits in their hands, pinching her ass. With each new insult and humiliation, Fiona’s pussy got wetter and wetter.

At last the drink service ended and Fiona was allowed to return to her seat. As she sank to her seat, her seatmate glanced over at her. “So are you finished making a spectacle of yourself? You may as well have been naked for all the good those clothes did in covering your body. You must be incredibly horny right now. Tell me, are those pussy lips of yours swollen and hot?”

Fiona looked down and nodded.

The flight attendant approached and asked the woman if she preferred salmon or steak. The woman indicated her preference and the flight attendant turned to Fiona. Just as Fiona opened her mouth to reply, her seatmate spoke for her. “She won’t be eating anything.” She patted Fiona’s belly. “She needs to watch her weight.”

The flight attendant accepted this and turned away. The woman looked over at Fiona. “Instead I’ll let you touch yourself.”

Immediately, Fiona reached between her legs and started masturbating. It felt so good,but the woman grabbed her wrist. “Don’t you cum until I tell you to.”

Fiona nodded and continued pleasure herself. The flight attendant delivered the meal, hardly giving Fiona a glance. The woman ate her meal, and then unwrapped a breadstick. Handing it to Fiona, she said, “Here, fuck yourself with this.”

Fiona took the breadstick from her and began shoving it into her vagina. Her skirt was hiked up around her waist now, as she humped the breadstick furiously. She looked at the woman with pleading eyes, and she nodded. Fiona’s orgasm exploded as she manipulated the breadstick in and out. The flight attendant walked up in the middle of her climax, watching her finish.

She smiled brightly. “Well, some of us have better uses for food.”

The pinstripe suit laughed. “That’s right, but I think she deserves a little snack now, don’t you?”

The flight attendant agreed.

Fiona’s seatmate ordered, “Take the breadstick out of your pussy and eat it.”

Fionagasped. How far was she willing to be pushed? She looked into the woman’s eyes, and just as with Pam and Florencia, she felt compelled to obey. She pulled the soggy breadstick out of her pussy, holding it in front of her face for a few moments. Opening her mouth, she shoved it inside. She chewed it quickly, tasting her own juices. The act was incredibly erotic, and she felt her pussy heat up again. Her eyes straighted to the second breadstick on her seatmate’s tray, and the flight attendant laughed.

“I think she enjoyed her snack. Would you like another, Miss Tits-a-lot?”

Licking her lips, Fiona nodded. Her seatmate unwrapped it for her, but snatched it away when Fiona reached for it.

Her eyes glinted. “I think it’s my turn this time. Open up.”

Fiona spread her legs wide, while the woman probed her with the breadstick. Fiona sucked it in as if it were a prick, and began fondling her clip with her fingers. Again, her climax rocked her. The woman pulled out the breadstick and presented it to Fiona, who gobbled it up.

The two women laughed, and the flight attendant remarked that it was a shame that her ass was plugged with the dildo, because she was sure Miss Tits-a-lot would enjoy a treatment from her own asshole too.

After the meal service, the lights on the plane were turned off. Some passengers were positioning themselves for sleep, others began watching movies on Their individual screens. When her tray had been taken away, Fiona’s seatmate asked her to retrieve a pillow and blanket for her from the overhead.

Fiona reached up and got her the pillow and blanket. The woman flipped up the armrest between them. She smiled a little apologetically at Fiona. “I know it’s quite silly of me and quite childish, but I love to suck on something when I go to sleep, especially on an airplane. I’ve decided that your right title is just the thing.”

Blushing, Fiona, raised her t-shirt over her right title. Her seatmate plucked off the nipple clamp, sending shirvers of pain through Fiona’s breast. She then positioned the pillow on Fiona’s lap, put her head down on it, and grabbed her title.

“Recline your seat a little, so I can reach it.”

When Fiona got positioned, the woman took her title in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around her nipple before clamping onto it. Fiona groaned with pleasure. The woman sucked contentedly until she fell stay. Although her grip slackened when she fell asleep, she still had her mouth on Fiona’s title. Fiona must have slept as well because the next thing she knew the flight attendant was tapping her shoulder.

“Wake up you sleepy heads. We’re starting to descend.”

Fiona’s seatmate woke up and drowsily gave Fiona’s title a few more sucks before letting go. She re-attached the nipple clamp, and Fiona straightened her clothes.

As the plane landed, the woman looked over at Fiona and asked, “Is your Master or Mistress meeting you at the airport?”

Fiona’s cheats burned redBecause the woman seemed to know what was going on more than Fiona herself did.

She thought of Pam and said, “My Mistress.”

The woman nodded and rubbed her hands. “I’ll deliver you safely into her possession.”

They got off the plane and Fiona told the woman where her Mistress was likely to be waiting. As they walked up to the security room, Fiona saw Pam in her uniform with her blond ponytail swinging behind her. Pam’s eyes widened slightly when she saw Fiona’s outfit, including the nipple clamps visible through the Miss Tits-a-lot t-shirt.

The pinstripe suit shook hands with Pam. “Here she is. I just wanted to let you know that your girl performed very well on the plane.” She patted the side of Fiona’s title as she turned and walked away.

Pam looked her up and down, and then propelled her into the security office. She shut the door.

“So, you obeyed even when out of my sphere. What a different picture you present from when you first sashayed through my line a week ago. You were a hatty piece of ass then, weren’t you? Now you’re my little bitch. Aren’t you my little bitch?

Fiona thrust her tits out and answered, “Yes, I’m your little bitch.”

Pam nodded her approval. “Do you know what’s shoved up in your asshole, Miss Tits-a-lot?”

Fiona replied, “Drugs?”

Laughing, Pam said, “Sometimes a dildo is just a dildo. There are no drugs in your ass now, Miss Tits-a-lot. Do you believe me?”

Fiona whispered, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Pam spread the pictures from JFK out on the table. “Of course, I do still have these.”

Fiona glanced down at the pictures of Florencia standing next to her spread out ass cheeks holding the drug-filled dildo.

Pam swept up the pictures. “I’ll tell you what, Miss Tits-a-lot, you’re free to go. You can walk out of this airport and never see me again. These pictures,” she waved them in her hand, “will be for personal consumption only.”

Fiona suddenly felt depressed. What would she go back to? How could she continue her meaningless affairs? She would only have her memories of this one week where she felt more sexually aroused than she ever had before. She met Pam’s eyes.

Pam chuckled. “Or, you could continue your training with me.”

Fiona’s eyes shined with anticipation.

Her eyes narrowing, Pam said, “I won’t be an easy Mistress. You’ll work hard for me. However, I won’t be stingy with your orgasms. As long as you perform adequately for me, you’ll be allowed to cum often. I won’t coerce you though, Miss Tits-a-lot. You have to enter into this willingly. I hold nothing over your head. Do you wish to continue your training?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

Pam smiled again. “I thought that would be your answer. I had you figured out the moment I laid eyes on you. This is what I will require of you. You have to quit your job. You’ll give up your own place and move in with me. I will have total control over your life. I’ll tell you when and what to eat. I’ll tell you how to dress and buy all your clothes for you. Hell, I’ll even tell you when and where you can take a shit. Is all that understand, Miss Tits-a-lot?”

The idea of ​​being under this woman’s command both frightened and excited Fiona, but her brain was being controlled by her cunt, which was now throbbing and twitching. She answered again, “Yes, Ma’am.”

Pam nodded. “Good. Now strip off your clothes and bend over that table, spreading your legs.”

Fiona compiled like she knew she would. Pam grasped the gold ring of the dildo and pulled it out of her ass. “Now turn your head around and watch me.”

As Fiona twisted her head around, she saw Pam open a black bag. Pam withdraw a huge double dildo with a belt attached to it. She then, over her uniform, buckled the leather belt around her waist and positioned the two dildos in front of her.

Fiona had never seen a straw-on before, but she knew this was one. Pam was going to take possession of her by fucking both her holes.

Pam took some oil from the black bag and lubricated both dildos. She stood between Fiona’s spread legs, placing the dildos at both of her openings. She grunted, “Open up, bitch,” as she nudge the dildos into the holes.

Fiona cried out as both big cocks pierced her and Pam began humping her in earnest. Pam reached forward and grasped Fiona’s tits in both hands, squeezing as she Hearing the door open behind them, Fiona looked around. The black, female security guard, Malika, walked into the room. She grinned at Fiona.

“I see you brought her to heel, Pam.”

Pam was too busy to respond. The strap-on was obviously stimulating her clip, and she gasped as she gave huge thrust into Fiona, almost lifting her from the table. She recovered and stood up, still impaling Fiona with the double dildo. She turned to Malika and smiled. “The bitch is mine.”

After Fiona got dressed in her tiny outfit and Pam put the strap-on away, she stood in the center of the room awaiting her next instructions.

Pam faced her holding out a card. “Here’s my address. Quit your job, give up your place, and report to my townhouse by the end of the week. Pack only your slutiest clothes, and I’ll fill out the rest of your wardrobe.”

Fiona took the card and began leaving the room.

Pam grasped her wrist. “Just one more thing. You need to legally change your name to Miss Tits-a-lot.”


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