You May Call Me Gabriel Ch. 04

Caged – Day 7

On her seventh day in the cage Natasha awoke alone. In the early hours of the morning Gabriel had left her to go hunting, both because he liked it and because they needed the meat. Figuring he might be a while he had placed a bowl of water in her cage, and it was this that gave her the first clue when she opened her eyes and looked around. She did so Carefully, feeling fragile beyond words. The heavy shackles on her wrists and ankles discouraged her from moving at all, but at length she pushed herself onto her elbows and from there into a semi-sitting position with her head bowed under the bars. The cage was not tall enough to allow her to sit up properly, but after a week inside it she no longer cared. She had far better things to worry about, such as how to survive the Sadistic games her sexy captor put her through.

No matter how much she wanted to, Natasha could no longer deny the truth to herself. She was Gabriel’s prisoner just like he said. Addicted to the mixture of pain and pleasure he gave her, which at times seemed overwhelming yet which she could not force herself to give up. While ever she was with him, she was his plaything. A helpless victim on which to live out his sadistic fans. A toy. She witnessed heavily and hung her head. The angry scars on her breasts leaves out at her and she gazed at them for a While fighting back tears. She had avoided looking at them before, but now she did so quite deliberately, trying to come to terms with her many confusing feelings. After a few minutes she distinguished the shape of an angel with a whip in his hand.

“You bastard,” she said realising what he had done. She tried touching her skin, but as she raised her hand her heavy iron shadow caught on the piercing in her nipple causing her a sharp burst of pain. Ouch, she thought and then she realized she did not flinch. She dismissed it as weariness, but the truth was she was getting used to the pain.


Gabriel returned around midday. Opening the door to the shelter, he let in a burst of sunlight as well as fresh air, alerting his captive as to the fact. He saw her lift her head and look at him and he smiled. She made such a pretty sight to come home to. Her eyes were huge in her pale face, with her black tresses cascading across her shoulders all the way to the floor. The effect was pleasing to him and the more so, because she was not wearing make up. With difficulty he tore his gaze away and went about his next set of chores. The two hares and the partridge landed with a soft thud on the tiles where he tossed them. Seconds later his large hunting knife sliced ​​into the hare’s skin, splitting it open from its groin to its neck.

Natasha watched Gabriel handle the long blade with Surgical precision and she felt the hair stand up on her arms. He was enjoying skinning the hare, of that she had no doubt. Did he also know how intimidated it made her? How it made her shake inside her cage to imagine him doing it to her? She tried closing her eyes, but the sound of ripping skin intruded in her consciousness, so that she continued to visualise the action regardless. Fists clenched miserably Natasha trembled where she lay. She was cutely aware of the shadows on her wrists and ankles and how much more vulnerable they made her. If only she could make up her mind and say the safe word.

Lost in thought with her eyes shut, Natasha did not see Gabriel watching her from across the room. As always, he was reading her body language much like an open book and as always what he saw made him smile. He had been right to chain her arms and legs, he thought. It was adding to her terror and terror was what he was all about.

Some time later Natasha heard a footfall outside the cage, and she looked up to find Gabriel standing next to it. Startled she flung herself backward, rattling her chains.

“Hello Natsha,” Gabriel said. Squatting down he gazed at her naked body before fixing her with one of his wolfish stars. “Miss me?”

Natasha’s lower lip trembled. She wanted to hide from him so bad, but she had nowhere to turn. The bars of the cage were the only thing standing between them, placing her on permanent display. Until he felt like pulling her out, that is. Suddenly she could take it no more.

“Just get it over and done with,” she said, and she burst into tears. Gabriel watched her in silence for a while, letting her cry. He was not perturbed by the emotional display and saw no need to stop it. Let her get it out of her system… he had plenty of time.

Through her tears Natasha was aware of Gabriel watching and waiting and it made things that much worse. Eventually, however, her tears dried up as tears inevitably did. Collapse on the floor, she saw Gabriel’s feet move and a second later the door to her prison opened. He pulled her out by the chain between her ankles and she felt like one of the hares. She trembled before him in absolute terror, not realising how aroused it made him.

“Look at me Natasha,” Gabriel said, extremely helping her comply. She felt him tilt her chin up and she did as he asked, looking him in the eyes. His star was calm and steady, and she felt herself sinking into its depths.

“I know you’re scared and confused,” he told her, a slight smile curling his lips. “And that’s ok. I like it when you tremble and beg and cry. But Natasha, I want you to know… I’m not trying to break you. I very much want to look after you and I want to teach you something. All you have to do is keep your wits about you and I know you can do that because you’re strong. Your fighting spirit is what attracted me to you in the first place, Natasha. If you were to lose that… well, I’d be very disappointed let’s just say that. In both of us.”

Natasha lay very still. She did not understand everything he said, and she was not sure she could believe him either. The things he had done to her so far… He was not just trying to teach her things. He was testing her – of this she was certain.

“You’re toying with me,” she said, quietly and with great conviction. “You say you don’t wanna break me, but you keep looking for new ways to do exactly that. You’re a sick, crazy sadist and I have no idea why I’m still here.”

She fully expected him to slap her, and she flinched when he brought his hand to her face. But he only laughed as he stroked her. Indulgently like she was his pet.

“That’s the spirit,” he said, and he leaned down and kissed her on the lips.


A hundred times during that day and for several days thereafter, Natasha Relived the kiss Gabriel gave her, wondering about her reaction. She could have bitten him or spat in his face, or at the very least she could have turned away. His hand on her chin could not have stopped her if she had beenso inclined. But she did not. She just lay there and let him press his lips against hers and when he moved away a second or two later, she found herself savouring the sensing that lingered for some time. She had thought it quite pleasant if truth be told, and it was this aspect of things that disturbed her. For crying out loud he was a sadist! There was nothing sweet or affectionate about him and she would do well to remember that.

But as many times as she told herself this, the memory came back to Natasha of that brief first kiss. For it was not every day that a young woman got to meet her true sexual match. The kind of man that her body chose quite independently from her heart and mind.

Gabriel meanwhile had no such thoughts and since he was the one in charge, the day progressed as usual. According to his special plan.

“Open up,” he said, holding the contraction in front of Natasha’s face. Kneeling before him in shadowles and chains, she saw no recourse but to obey. The metal slide inside her mouth, its sides pressing against her cheeks. He strapped it tight over her head before pressing on the levers at the side. The two metal pieces separated, pushing her jaw apart in a series of quiet clicks.

“Aaaa…” Natasha moaned as her mouth was forced open to a point where her jaw began to hurt. Her tongue flicked over the metal wedged between her teeth, in a vain effort to ease the Discomfort that she knew would soon turn to pain. Of course this was what he wanted, she thought gazing up at him helplessly. The excitement and the arousal were written on his face, and she shuddered as he leaned towards her and lifted her onto the benchmark.

“Since this is the seventh day and the end of your first week here, I’m going to treat you to something special,” he said.

Placing her in a kneeling position he unlocked the shadows from her ankles and guided them into place before locking two new pieces of metal over each one. Natasha was puzzled by ths, until she discovered that she could no longer move. The new shades were drilled into the wooden surface, locking her into position with her knees slightly apart. She felt her heart start to race, particularly when he began to push her onto her back.

“This will only hurt a little,” he said, pushing her all the way down. Soon she was lying flat on her back with her legs bent beneath her and her thigh muscles protesting at the stretch. She moaned, but he paid her no attention, instead bringing her arms above her head. He closed another set of shades over her wrists. Having thus immobilised her completely, he paused to run a hand over her torso, which was stretched taut like a drum before him. Her pierced nipples were sticking up invitingly and he tweaked them idly for a moment, making her cry out in pain.

“Mmm… I’m going to enjoy this,” he said, eyeing her up and down. “And so are you, my dear.”

Gazing up at him open mouthed on account of the stainless-steel gag, Natasha had absolutely no idea what he meant. She did not have to wait long to find out.

Gabriel disappeared for a moment. He returned holding a large candle that had been burning for some time. He lifted it above her torso saying,

“One candle for one week.”

Then with customary lack of warning he tilted the candle and dribbled the hot wax over her breasts. He was using a low heat candle and holding it some distance away so as to allow the liquid to cool on its way down. To the uninitiated, however, the viscous fluid would seem scalding hot, and he readied himself for a dramatic reaction.

Natasha had never been subjected to wax play before. As the molten wax splashed over her soft skin, she screamed through her metal gag and struggled desperately to escape what she perceived as a terrible burning sensing. She achieved only the tiniest of movements, for the shades held her in place most securely, allowing her no leeway in any direction at all. With Gabriel continuing to pour more wax onto her torso, her panic grow correspondingly, and she broke out in a sweat. Stop please stop, she thought as the burning trail crept across her body, cooling down far too slowly for her liking. By the time her breasts and abdomen were covered, Natasha was ready to fail, her eyes rolling in her head.

“Honestly, honey, this is nothing…” Gabriel said, adjusting his grip on the candle. A second later the first driblets of wax hit Natasha’s sensitive pink labia. Predictably she howled and then howled some more when the warm rivulets started trickling over her soft core. With her legs folded and spread apart, she presented the perfect target and no amount of straining and twitching and screaming could help her escape. The sensing might have been lessened had she had any pubic hair, but he had shaved Her clean a few days ago and now the wax was sliding down unrestrained. The effect was pleasing to the eye but the price she paid was high.

“Aaaa… aaaa… aaaa…” Natasha’s howls were getting longer and higher pitched and still the wax kept coming, coating her pussy extra thick. Only when her entire shaft was covered and glowing a lovely deep red did Gabriel shift his attention to her thighs and knees. He made sure to cover every square inch, before finally setting the candle down at one end of the wooden benchmark.

By the time the wax had hardened Natasha’s screams had subsided, though the tremor remained in her limbs. With her head lolling weakly to one side, she watched as Gabriel pulled out his Polaroid camera and started taking pictures for his file. The reality made her terribly self-aware, and she closed her eyes when he came to her face – an action that he immediately corrected, as was his way.

“Look at me Natasha,” he said, and she obeyed. She felt a trickle of drool spill out of her mouth and saw him focus the camera on it. When he was done, he ran his hand over her again. She felt his touch throughouth the coating of wax, and she prayed he would scrape it off before long. Just then he turned to her and said,

“What do you say we take the wax off now?”

In her uncomfortable position Natasha could not lift her head, but she managed the most minuscule of nods. He smiled delightedly and reached behind him. She could not see what he was holding until he brought it up before her face.

It was his large hunting knife.

“Aaaa! Aaaa!” she screamed in a panic. Gabriel just smiled at her as he flicked the blade left to right before lowering it to her public shaft.

“As I said, the hot wax was nothing,” he told her, watching her eyes widen with fear. Then slowly he pressed down at the substance coating her skin. The finely sharpened edge sliced ​​through the wax like it was butter and he saw her flinch as the metal touched her skin.

“Don’t move, little one. Or I’ll end up slicing you open like a wild hare,” he said, remembering her fascination with the skinning process earlier that day.

The innovative and exhaustively terrifying method of wax removal was one of Gabriel’s favourite quirks. He had always enjoyed wax play but found it too tame for his liking of course. By adding a sharp knife to the equation and slicing the hardened coat straight off the skin, he had transformed it into mental and possibly physical torture, depending on the circumstances. In Natasha’s case he had no intention of cutting her, but she did not know that. Eyes glowing with excitement he drew a nice straight line across her torso.

Natasha started whimpering the instant the tip of the knife touched her clip. He had coated her entire front thoroughly and now he was cutting it off much like a second skin. A single false move on her part and she would be hurt. Thinking this she did her best to keep absolutely Still, but when he came to her chest, she made the mistake of breathing in sharply. In that instant the razor-sharp blade sliced ​​into her skin – not deepply but enough that she could feel the blood trickle out. It was the final straw for Natasha’s already anxious mind and with a short guttural scream she throw back her head and passed out.

Gabriel brought her back by splashing water over her. He was quite deliberate about it, splashing all of her lightly scalded skin over and over. Stretched out before him shivering uncontrollably, Natasha cought Through the metal gag. The ice-cold water was giving her goose bumps but at least her ordeal was over. To her surprise her skin no longer felt scalded, though her joints a lot more than before. Certain that she could not take another second in the uncomfortable position, she kept expecting him to release her. Her eyes following him as he moved around. Gabriel, however, had other plans. Having hurt her just the right amount he was satisfied with her state. She had screamed beautifully for him. Now it was time for a little reward.

Natasha’s clip was throbbing hotly from the effect of the wax and when Gabriel ran the ice cube over it, she told with utter relief. He followed up with another cube and when it too had melted, he produced a third. He watched as Natasha’s eyes closed and her head fell back. As so often the movement inspired the sadist in him, and he paused what he was doing in order to fetch some gear. When he lifted her head with one hand, she looked up at him with those big blue eyes of hers, making his already hard cock even harder. Her mouth gaped open, her jaw stretched wide by the gag, and he opened up the pincers in his other hand.

“Stick your tongue our for me,” he said. He clicked impetiently when she failed to comply.

“It’s a perfectly simple order Natasha,” he chided. “Stick your tongue out for me now.”

He could see her reluctance as she obeyed, and he made sure to move quickly once she did.

“Aaaa!” she screamed as the heavy clamp closed on her tongue, the serrated metal edges digging in cruelly. She tried pulling her tongue back in, but Gabriel tugged on the little chain pulling it straight back out.

“That’s my good girl,” he crooned, smiling at the tears in her eyes.

He held her head a little way up while he connected the chain to the metal spikes in her nipples. There. Now if she moved her head back her tongue would poke out even more and her nipples would be pulled by the piercings. Satisfied with the arrangement, he let go of Natasha’s head watching as the desired effect occurred almost immediately.

“Aaaa… aaaa…” tears poured out of Natasha’s eyes as she fought to keep her head up. In the position she was in this was particularly hard, meaning she was not very successful. As a result, her tongue was pulled right out of her mouth and her nipples stretched towards it. The fine chain vibrated Between them, causing her breasts to move. It was almost too much for Gabriel, but with a supreme effort of will he restrained himself for the moment. He still had one thing he needed to do before he could let loose and fuck her brains out.

Natasha’s tongue was being pierced through, or at least that was how it felt. She tried to alleviate the pressure by sticking it further out, but it was as far out as it would go and still the chain was tugging on it. The pain it caused in her recently pierced nipples was almost as bad. Then there was the humiliation aspect, a specialty of his it seemed. Preoccupied as she was with her fresh predicament she did not see him place an object between her legs.

“As promised, here is the special treatment,” he said, smiling at her knowingly. She felt something smooth and cool press against her clip and a second later the object sprung to life, vibrating against her most private part.

“Aaaa… Aaaa…” she moaned with her tongue sticking out. The Vibrations were very fast, and her clip had just been iced. As the blood rushed back it caused the little appendage to swell, while the vibrator massed it oh so right.

Within seconds of being plugged into the vibrator, Natasha was coming against her will. With her entire body trembling uncontrollably, she arched her back throwing her head back at the same time. As she did so, the chain connecting her tongue to her nipples grow taut, but she was helpless to stop. As wave after wave of pleasure asaily her, she moaned long and loud, with her tongue sticking out of her mouth and her nipples stretched painfully. She felt Gabriel’s eyes on her, the humiliation adding to her arousal in some twisted way that she did not understand.

“That’s it… enjoy it…” Gabriel told her watching from a few feet away. In his hands the camcorder whirred, recording every moment for his subsequent perusal. He did not stop when she came because he knew it was not over. To Natasha naturally it would come as a surprise and that was the best part.

Natasha’s second orgasm came hot on the heels of the first and this time she was so shocked that she went dead quiet for a moment. Her body shook with such force that it matched the violences of the object between her legs. She lasted only a few seconds longer before the third orgasm hit her and then a fourth and a fifth. By then she was moaning again and crying and cursing his name. Her legs trembled, bent as they were, her hips gyrating through the air. She did not want to move like that, but her body was no longer her own. The vibrations caused her clip to spasm over and over again, so that soon her waves of pleasure turned to waves of pain. It was called overstimulation – a commonly used tool by sadists around the world. Natasha did not know it, but she was last longer than most. Ten, eleven, twelve times more her body exploded and still the vibrations continued, driving her steadily over the edge. At the last with an unearthly howl, she feel Her bladder gives way. The piss squirted out of her, and her body seized up. With the vibrator still going she failed dead away, escaping her torture atlast.


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