The Humiliation

Kourtney, Mary Grace and Caprice crossed Buttermilk Boulevard over to Scarne Avenue, continuing their months long argument about which store is better-Betsy Johnson’s or Ann Taylor?

“My mom fucking goes to Ann Taylor.” Mary Grace said heatedly. “Why would”

“Who’s that guy, that’s Birdie, right?” Kourtney said, staring.

“He’s kind of cute, BIG.” Kourtney smiled apparently. Most of the guys at BSU were doormats or dicks, but she’d talked to Birdie a couple times.

“You know, he looks a LOT like a fat girl, just as big, like a lesbian in miniskirts she shouldn’t be wearing?” Caprice said. “In my Trig class last semester.”

And Caprice, who was a sales associate at the Furnam Beauty Company, had the strange feeling but Kourtney was walking across the street. Caprice and Mary Grace exchanged rolled eyesRebound time! Kourt couldn’t deal with Seth leaving her, not for a second. Mary Grace followed, annoyed, and Caprice, after a look at her Facebook on the Iphone, wandered after.

“I never see you at any of the parties” Kourtney was saying animatedly to Birdie. “Or even after school for more than like, a second. Do you have a job or something?”

“Um, I have an early bedtime I mean, I have to be home a lot” Birdie was saying, with a friendly wave at the other two girls.

“Dude, that’s so bogus.” Kourtney said reasonably, stroking Birdie’s arm. “You should come over to my house, see my little brother’s Xbox, get to know me–I could be good for your career!” She smiled flirtatiously and Caprice and Mary Grace exchanged another eye-roll.

Suddenly they heard clicking high heels, and looked up. Caprice’s eyebrow raised it was a dark haired older woman, not quite Mom’s age, Jesus, Wearing a fur stole politically incorrect but it did look good. Fox. Damn.

The old chick came up to Birdie and put a little white hand with long red nails on his arm. “Birdie, darling, you’re late coming home I think” She pulled out a REALLYold watch on a chain, and looked at it. “Three forty-five. I believe we’ve agreed that you be home by three-thirty, haven’t we?” The woman laughed briefly. “You know the last time you signed in late, I tied you naked to the bed, and we had a session with Mister Tawse”

Birdie blushed, Kourtney laughed nervously, and Caprice, a nursery student, wondered if this was some early Alzheimer’s deal.

“Auntie Marigold, I’m just talking to some friends from school” Birdie said. “I’ll be home. We’re”

Kourtney interrupted him shrilly. “Yes, we just you know couldn’t we um, borrow Birdie to go to Mickey Dees, for a while. I’ve always been impressed” Then she paused and looked at Birdie curiously. “This lady is your aunt?”

The lady looked up the street at McDonald’s and shuddered. “To think that used to be the Wolstenholme Arms, and it’s torn down to provide a den of iniquity for pimple-faced junk-food worshippers.”

Caprice took a call from her mother, who couldn’t be boThered to learn texting and by the time she hung up, things appeared to have gotten weird between Birdie and his aunt.

Dude was arguing with the little dark haired woman, and he was like a foot taller than she was you’d think it would be a brief argument.

“C’mon Auntie M” the callow youth was protesting heatedly. “You never want me to go out at night, why can’t I just have um, coffee with the girls for an hour.”

Birdie pointed to a Starbucks. “We won’ even walk over to the Golden Arches, just”

“Alas, Birdie, I knew your rebellious attitude would reassert itself and you were doing so well” Auntie M finished wildly.

“And now you want to show off for the young ladies, I imagine.”

“Look Miss um, I’ll drive Birdie back” Kourtney said, using the reasonable tone she used with her grandparents and small children. “But he’s like twenty years old, and old enough”

“Twenty-four, actually, dear. Why don’t you pipe down and button your blouse, the entirestreet can see your bosom.” Auntie M said with a freezing glance at Kourtney.

“I am aware that Birdie thirsts for a social life indeed I am the one who pays his child support for the little bastard he fathered in his adolescence. Birdie shows the girls what a little man you are! Take out your little pecker for them.”

Mortified, Birdie stepped back, looking for help from Kourtney, Caprice and Mary Grace.

“Really, dear if you won’t show them how unremarkable you are, I will.” Winking at Kourtney, Auntie M. smiled “Now your all but exposed mammaries will enjoy a bit of company.”

Leaning forward in her tight black dress (which Caprice noted, Auntie showed a bit of cleavage herself.” And unzipped Birdie’s pants with her long red nails.

Kourtney gasped as Auntie M pulled Birdie’s penis, his naked penis out of his Levis.

“Dude, I am pre-law and this is a sexual assault. Quit, you old bag!” Kourtney shrieked at Auntie M, who calmly backhanded Kourtney to the street, and smiled up at Birdie, who was standing with his hands at his sides, weeping quietly.

Auntie waved Birdie’s cock around as Kourtney, wiping a bloody lip, stood again unexpectedly on her high heels.

“Not very big, is it, girls? This shriveled worm is responsible for seven abortions, very expensive ones for Birdie’s daddy.” But as her sharp nails stroked and clawed Birdie’s member it was growing, but to Caprice’s experienced eye, it didn’t exceed four inches.

“You see?” Auntie M said disdainfully.

A passing cop looked at the group, and, spotting Birdies indiscretion shouted. “Hey! This is instant exposure and in front of young girls too!” The flatfoot was enraged as he came over. “I’m a daily communicant, you know, and”

“Uncle Seamus, take a chill pill” Mary Grace said, tossing her curly red hair.

Uncle was appalled. “Oh you poor Mary Grace, this fiend has exposed your virginal eyes to”

“Uncle Seamus, you put the siren on to take me to get all three of MY abortions.” Mary Grace said, giggling.

But the patrolman was cuffing Birdie’s hands behind his back. Auntie smiled.

“Before you remove Birdie to jail, I’m going to give your giece and her friends a lesson in post-modern feminism.”

In her hand was a leather policeman’s sap. Uncle Seamus gasped as he recognized it. Was this woman a pickpocket?

“This Saturday Night Special will encourage you girls to stay away from this creation all evenings, believe me.”

With that, Auntie swung the lead tipped sap hard on Birdie’s waving penis as it cracked, Birdie howled, and with his hands still cuffed fell to his knees.

Auntie drew back her foot and slammed it into Birdie’s cock and balls, which were hanging outside his jeans like a gobbling turkey head.

“Now get up!” Auntie said, dragging Birdie up by his ear. She grabbed Birdie’s penis and dug her sharp crisis thumbnail into the glans, and he screamed in ago.

“So you think youcan control your destiny, Birdie well, I’ll leave you to it. Officer, take him away!”

The girls stared as Birdie, his birdie hanging out still, was hauled off by Uncle Seamus as Auntie M walked off in the other direction.


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