The Housewife's Journey Pt. 03

The usual disclaimers apply. This is not a realistic story. It’s also a bit slow, but feel necessary.

If you have forgotten:

Madison and Andrew are the younger, submissive couple.

Bill and Naomi are the older, dominant couple.

The Housewife’s Journey – Part 3

Andrew sat next to his Mistress, talking about all the things they wanted to do during their vacation. They had the next week together with no distractions whatsoever.

He had looked forward to this since she instructed him to take the time off work. She told him they would be going somewhere but had refused to say where.

He wouldn’t have guessed they would be headed to a destination like this, but he was by no means disappointed. This was exactly what he needed. Naomi had a knack for knowing things like that.

So here he was, looking out over a beautiful lake. Their cabin was behind them. There wasn’t another soul or sign of civilization in sight.

Well, other than his wife and her Master, that is. He looked up to see his wife swimming in the lake. She was naked, of course, but it was hard to tell in the water. Bill was chasing her. It was hard to picture him exercising, particularly cardio, but there he was.

This was part a workout for Madison, part a game. When Bill caught her, she had to follow him to shore and let him have his way with her. As her Master, he could do that any time he wanted, but he had been shockingly good-natured since arrival. Maybe the placid scenery was getting to him.

Either way, Andrew couldn’t picture the epitome of a dad bod catching his wife. He assumed that she would get bored and let him catch her at some point. Once, that would have upset him. Now, he enjoyed seeing Madison having a good time.

He was happy for her. How Weird was that? It still seemed strange, but he couldn’t deny his happiness was at a level he had never known was possible. There were four people here, all far happier than they had been befor them met. As un-traditional as this was, they must be doing something right.

The world was a better place because he and his wife were slaves. He chuckled at the thought.

Naomi cocked an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny?”

Andrew explained it to her. She found it as amusing as he had. “I’m glad this is working out so well. I knew your wife would adjust. I have never seen a woman with such a deep need for this, at least not one so well-adjusted.”

“I was less sure about you. I could tell you were submissive, a real submissive, not the type that just gets off on kinky sex. I am less demanding than Bill is, but I don’t sense the same need from you that I do from your wife.”

“That’s well and good. That wasn’t what I was looking for. That isn’t my thing. But I wasn’t sure that someone without that need could deal with knowing what my husband does with your wife.”

Andrew smiled. “I wasn’t sure I could either. But I love my wife, and I can see how happyhe makes her, even if I don’t always understand why.”

That earned him a smile from his Mistress.

“To your point though, I don’t think I do have that need. I mean, you know I’ve always had submissive fans. I still can’t believe my wife and I both did and never knew it.” Andrew laughed. “I guess we have you guys to thank for helping us get to know each other.”

“Anyway, I don’t have her need. I don’t think she could live without being a slave. I think I could. This could all end tomorrow, and I would be fine.”

Andrew saw the disappointed look on his Mistress’ face and quickly clarified. “Don’t misunderstand me. I’m grateful to be here. I’m not looking for a way out. And I will never try to take this from my wife. I just mean…”

He took a deep breath. “I could live without being a slave. I could live without kinky sex. I could live without all that stuff. I couldn’t live without you. My wife can’t quit the activity. I can’t quit the person. I … “

“I love you. I…I think I am actually IN love with you. I know I should have said something before now. It’s just…I wasn’t sure.”

Naomi beamed as he continued. “Or maybe, I guess I was sure, but it felt wrong. I’m married. I can’t be in love with someone else. Or at least that’s what I thought. But now, it … I guess it doesn’t feel as wrong. And honestly, there is just no denying it.”

“I don’t care what our relationship looks like. I don’t care what you demand or don’t. I just need YOU. I just want you to be happy, and I want to be the one that makes you happy.”

“Honestly, I’ve known for a while that if I forced Madison to choose between Bill and I, she would leave me. So I don’t know why I’ve had trouble accepting the fact that the reverse is true as well. It is true though. If I had to choose between the two of you, I would choose you. I am grateful that you guys haven’t forced us to make that choice.”

A still-beaming Naomi got up and moved to sit on Andrew’s lap. She kissed him deeply for what seemed like forever.

“I hope you know that I love you too. I am IN love with you too,” she said as she finally broke away. “And for the record, we would NEVER do that to you. I give you my word.”

Andrew smiled up at her. “I know you wouldn’t. And I love you for it. Thank you.”

To his Surprise, Naomi laughed. It was his turn to ask what was so funny.

She reached down and stroked his cheek. “I was a little worried about a conversation that we needed to have today. I guess I didn’t need to.”

“Mistress, I’m sorry if I made you think I wouldn’t be open to whatever it is. Please tell me.”

“It’s not even a conversation, more a statement. Since you are our slaves, and everything you own is ours, my husband wanted to get some work done on your house. I agreed with him, mind you. I want this too. I just thought he would wait longer to push this particular button.”

“Anyway, he wants it to be a surprise for Madison, so he gave someone your phone number. They are going to call you at some point today and ask you to confirm that you do in fact want the work done.”

She laughed. “Honestly, I kind of want you to be surprised as well, so please don’t ask what they are doing. Try to agree to the project before they can give it away, okay?”

Andrew was surprised but unfortunate. “Of course, Mistress. Is there anything else I need to do?”

She leaned in and kissed him. “Nothing. It is all arranged. They have all the details about the work. I’ve arranged for someone to let them in. When you get home, you will have a surprise in store.”

Andrew leaned forward, trying to get as much of his body in contact with his Mistress as possible, longer for another kiss. “I can’t wait.”

Madison could not believe the week was half over already. The week had flown by, and now the week was going by even faster. A part of her wished they could all stay up here forever.

For the first timein a long time, she felt herself relaxing. She wasn’t running between home, work, her Master’s house, and the store. She wasn’t getting home late at night, exhausted, and needing to go immediately to bed, only to do it all again the next day.

What’s more, her Master had been friendly, both to her and to Andrew. It was almost as if everyone here were friends, rather than Owners and slaves. It reminded her of some of the double dates she and her husband had gone on when they were young. Only now they were each ‘dating’ other people – and those people owned them.

She had been a bit worried about the trip, but it had turned out well so far. Everyone was having a good time. Everyone was getting along.

The cabin wasn’t large, just two small bedrooms, one bath, and an open living room/kitchen. As a result, sound traveled quite well. Madison had sex with her Master regularly, but unlike back home, there were no real orders.

The man actually flirted with her. She flirted back. That first day, the flirting had turned into kissing and groping. She had glanced up at Andrew but hadn’t seen any anger or frustration there. When Bill had asked if she wanted to retire to the bedroom, she had vigorously agreed.

She had followed him into the bedroom, where the two had sex knowing full well everyone could hear them. It hadn’t been their typical sex. The man didn’t just “have his way with her”. The two were more like horney teenagers that were fucking each other for the first time. Madison was more the enemy than he was.

It had all felt very dirty somehow, but Andrew hadn’t shown the least bit of jealousy. When the pair rejoined Andrew and Naomi, they found them sitting there watching a movie, hand in hand.

After that, Madison relaxed. She and her Master had sex so Often that she wondered if he was getting help from little blue pills. Sometimes they retired to the bedroom, sometimes they didn’t.

Even when they had fucked in the main room, right in front of their spouses, no one had gotten upset.

At one point, Naomi and Andrew had joined in and had sex feet from where Bill and Madison were doing the same. It was a shock to Madison that the two fucking couples could talk to each other without it seeming strange.

Yes, this had been a nice surprise. It was a welcome and very-needed break for the young housewife. It was good to see this side of her Master as well.

But a part of her couldn’t wait to get home and go back to being more of a slave again. Feeling like she was having a love affairs was fun. But the more the week went on, the more she found herself going through withdrawal.

She would enjoy this vacation, but she looked forward to her old, demanding Master using her again.

The week had been the most relaxing that Andrew could remember. It was a shame that it had to end. Still, there was always a certain comfort to going home after a trip. Wherever you roamed, it was nice to know there was somewhere you belonged.

This time was a bit different. Before, home had always been a building. It would be nice to sleep in his own bed again, but home was more than just his house. He had begun to think of Naomi and Bill’s house as a second home, and felt he belonged there as much as he did in his own.

So what was home if it wasn’t a place? It was the people in this car. They were his family now, a closer one than most people would ever know.

Home was also the routine that he was used to. Coming home had always been partially falling into familiar patterns. His patterns were far different now, but they brought even more comfort.

Next to him, Madison was bantering with her Master as he drove. Andrew had no doubt that his wife found comfort in her routine as well. Now that their vacation was over, Bill would probably revert to being far more demanding and degrading with Madison.

Bill wasn’t as bad as he had once been, at least when Andrew was around. Maybe being so accepting of his wife’s choices took the joy out of using him to try to humiliate Madison. Maybe the two men were getting used to each other. The older man certainly seemed friendlier, some of the time at least.

Still, Andrew knew Bill and Naomi were correct when they said his wife enjoyed, even needed humiliation. Before, she got at least some of that from Bill using every synonym for “whore” he could think of in front of her husband. Andrew knew something had to replace that. It was probably best he didn’t know what.

Before Madison knew it, they were pulling into her driveway. Bill parked and he and Naomi went in with their slaves.

She noticed her husband looking around. She was confused for a few seconds, trying to figure out what he was looking for. Finally, he stopped looking around. She followed his gaze and saw a camera in the corner of the room.

Naomi laughed. “Well, that didn’t take long.”

“No, I guess it didn’t,” Bill laughed alongWith his wife. “Well, I hope you two had a nice, relaxing vacation, because we decided that it’s time for the next stage of your journey. If you look around your house, you will see cameras in every room.”

“When he says every room,” Naomi interjected. “He means it. There are cameras in your bathrooms as well. Since those would be hard to explain to guests, I convinced him to make Those wireless. If you are having company, remove them. But we expect them to be put back as soon as they are gone.”

“Also, those run on batteries and will need to be charged from time to time. You can remove them to do that as well, but I don’t want you taking advantage of that. Is that understand?”

“Of course, Mistress,” Andrew answered. “I have some power banks. I could recharge them in place if you prefer.”

Madison’s Master laughed and turned to his wife. “What wonderful slaves we have.” He turned to address Andrew. “Yes, do that. Always charge them in place.”

“Yes, sir,” Andrew answered. Madison wasn’t sure if that was her husband’s normal politeness or if he had been instructed to address her Master that way.

Bill continued. “Good, well anyway, these cameras connect to a server at our house. We obviously can’t monitor them at all times, but they will be stored for us to review.”

“So at any given time, we could be watching you. Even if we aren’t, we will periodically review the footage, so we can make sure you are obeying us at all times. If we find you are misbehaving, we will find a memorable punishment to make sure that you don’t do it again. Do you understand?”

He was looking right at Madison when he asked. “Yes, Master”, she answered.

There was a few seconds of silence, then Naomi turned to address the slave couple. “OK, that was a great explanation of our expectations of you. But let me take a step back.”

“You are our slaves. Slaves have no privacy from their Owners. We do trust you both. I know you wouldn’t disobey us.But as I said, the lack of privacy is part of being a slave. I know you both have the heart of a slave, and we want you to get the full experience. I know you are ready for this step and it will bring you each closer to your Owner.”

“This way, you can know that we are with you, even when you are at home. When you are in the shower, using the restroom, when we allow you to make love, know that we will almost certainly see it.”

It was strange for Namoi to do more of the talking about this. Usually, talk of “rules” and things of that nature came from Bill, he seemed to take great joy in them.

Naomi continued. “You see, we have software at our home that lets us know when there is activity in front of one of the cameras. So at the end of the day, we can get a quick rundown of what you two were up to. It will show us only activity, and we can watch it sped up a great deal, so we really will see most of what you guys do in your home.”

Bill laughed. “I probably should have mentioned that, huh?” He smiled lovingly at his wife. “Thanks for clearing that up for me. I guess I got a bit ahead of myself.”

“You certainly did,” she answered with a laugh. “But I know how distracted you get when you haven’t fucked your slave all day. I’m surprised you can speak in complete sentences. Do you want to go over the rest of the changes or should I?”

Bill laughed and motioned for his wife to continue. He then moved behind Madison and began groping her.

Naomi rolled her eyes as she continued. “These are important. Madison, do try to pay attention if you can. If you do miss anything, Andrew can fill you in later.”

“We own the two of you. We control you, completely. The cameras are part of that. You will Also note that we had them installed at your house, as it is ours for as long as you are. Since this was a surprise, I talked Bill into letting us pay for the changes. But in the future, if we tell you to have something done to your house, it will be up to you to pay. Understood?”

Andrew agreed right away, Madison a second behind. She felt one of her Master’s hands move down the front of her shorts and start rubbing around her lips.

“From now on, we control your finances. If we tell you to spend money, you will do so. We won’t rob you, but we may ask you to make more changes to your house. We may decide you need a new car. We might order you to buy sex toys for us to use on you.”

“What you will NOT do is spend money without our permission. We will allow you to pay any bills for utilities, insurance, or medical expenses. But you may not go to movies, buy new clothes, or anything of that nature, without permission.”

“If it’s not a need, you need permission. Even if you are supposed to go out to eat for work, you need permission. We will try to be prompt with our reply. Text your Owner first. If they don’t respond in ten minutes, text your spouse’s Owner, got it?”

Once again Andrew agreed rightaway. Madison was starting to breathe heavily and just nodded her agreement. She was getting close far faster than normal. Something about these rules was turning her on.

Naomi continued. “Now this next part is a bit awkward, but I know that we can trust you two. For every day expenses, if you don’t hear back, you can go ahead and assume that you have permission.”

“If you can wait twenty minutes, that is how long we expect you to wait. If you can’t wait, like for a work lunch that comes up at the last minute, you can assume you have permission quicker. It will be up to us to tell you otherwise.”

“For everything else, we expect you to wait until you have heard from us. Buying clothes, replacing an appliance, going to a movie, they all require you to wait for an answer from us. Do you agree?”

“Of course, Mistress,” Andrew replied.

“Yes Maam,” Madison replied. She had been given a chance to recover by her Master. He had to remove his hands from her body so hecould disrobe.

She wanted to hear all about these new rules. Something about them appealed deeply to her. But at the same time, she couldn’t wait for a fast and furious fuck. She had missed them over the past week.

A now naked Bill laughed. “Ah ha! You forget something this time! Speaking of food, all of your groceries will be chosen by us. We will decide what you need every week, and Order the food online for store pickup. We might not choose what you eat every day, but we will choose what you have available to eat.”

Naomi smiled. “I was getting there.”

“Sure you were,” Bill replied as he began undressing Madison.

Naomi just rolled her eyes again. “Anyway, to make sure you are complying, you will give all bank and credit card statements to us. We expect to see them unopened. You may have them when we are done.”

“Since we do trust you, we are not demanding your bank and credit card passwords at this time. We have every right to do so, however, and may at some point.”

“You will give us the passwords to any and all non-work-related email accounts you own, as well as to any social media. Like we said, you have no privacy from us.”

Andrew voiced his approval. Madison wanted to, but her mouth was busy with her Master’s cock. She was doing her best to please him, hoping to avoid exposing her husband and Naomi to the awkward gagging sounds that would result from her Master getting bored.

As Bill fucked her mouth, Madison saw her husband go to the computer with his Mistress and start writing down accounts and passwords. She wished he would just throw her on the ground and fuck her.

After a few minutes, Bill pulled away from her. After taking a few seconds to recover, he addressed his wife. “Does she have Facebook? Do you have the password yet?”

“Yes, dear, on both counts,” she answered.

“Sweet. Maybe she should take a selfie while she sucks my dick! I bet everyone would love to see that!” He looked downat his slave. “What do you think, slut?”

Ah yes, Madison thought to herself, vacation is over. Her old Master was back. Before she knew it, she would be run ragged, no time to so much as think, only to obey.

“I think that you know best, Master,” Madison replied, knowing full well he would never do that to her, and that Naomi would never let him in any case. “…and either way my body is yours. As you just pointed out, everything I own is yours.”


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