This story is NOT meant to be realistic. Many things that are fun and exciting in stories are far less enjoyable in real life. And some of the activities that take place to make them exciting are morally wrong.
I think most of us (on the submissive side at least) have fansies about being forced to do things, but that does NOT mean we condone actions that would lead to that. We aren’t stupid, just a bit odd. So please be SSC out there in the real world.
Also, I know most people hate these big, long multi-part stories. There were people who asked for this, however, so I throw something together.
If you have forgotten:
Madison and Andrew are the younger, submissive couple.
Bill and Naomi are the older, dominant couple.
And since I screwed up the naming, this series goes:
A bored housewife
A housewife owned
The housewife’s journey
The Housewife’s Journey – part 2
That first night had gone better thanAndrew had anticipated. He had expected to feel some very strong, very unpleasant feelings upon seeing his wife leave home, knowing she was going to have sex with another man.
For some reason, that hadn’t happened. Maybe he was still in shock from finding out what his wife had been doing. Maybe it was because he knew that this wasn’t something new, that she had been doing it for so long. What did a little more matter?
Neither of those excuses seemed to ring true. The fact was, once she left, Naomi kept his mind on her. Sure, his wife was going to be with another man, but Andrew got to be with someone else as well, someone painfully attractive.
He still didn’t know what he was getting into, agreeing to be her slave. But he was honest enough with himself to admit that he had Always had a crush on her and that he had always had submissive fans. So despite the fact a part of him was anxious about what was to come, a larger part looked forward to finding out.
This was something he had always wanted to experience. He had believed that he had missed his chance to explore this side of himself, but he had been wrong. Here he was.
So as much as he loved his wife and wanted her to be happy, his lack of anger at the situation wasn’t altruism, it was selfishness. He wanted this experience. He wanted this woman. How could he begrudge his wife for wanting the same thing? If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t be here, with the woman of his wet dreams.
So despite the fact there had been no more sex that first night, it had flown by, with Naomi explaining what his future was going to look like. He listened with rapt attention, growing more and more excited the more he learned.
The rest of the first week also went well. Everything was new and exciting. Sometimes Bill called Madison over to the house he and Naomi shared. Sometimes Naomi called for Andrew. Whenever one of the Owners was called their slave over, the other one would go to Andrewand Madison’s house to be with theirs.
After the first week, things began to change. Naomi had a busy week and Bill began to call on Madison while his wife was away. Andrew had nothing better to do than sit at home wondering what the man was doing with, or to his wife.
He tried to keep himself busy, but it didn’t help. He found himself upset about the situation. Oddly, however, he Found that the majority of his disappoint was jealousy that Naomi didn’t have time for him.
He wasn’t angry with her of course. He had no doubt she had things she needed to do. And she was a very kind person, far more thoughtful than he would have expected someone with a slave to be, and FAR more compassionate than her husband.
When Naomi did have time for Andrew again, she proved just how right he was about her. Yes, they had sex. Andrew looked forward to any chance to learn to better please her. He worked hard at it. But Naomi was always asking about his thoughts and feelings, and she proved to be an excellent sounding board.
Any time he felt overwhelmed, she put his mind at ease. Any time he questioned his decision to support his wife’s desire to be a slave and to become one himself, she made him grateful that he had. He wasn’t sure how, but she gave him courage. She showed him that he had the strength to accept who he was and face any new situation that might present itself.
Madison proved to be supported as well. She had been through this before, not long ago. And besides caring for her husband, she had a vested interest in wanting his relationship to be successful. They didn’t really talk about specifics of what the other did with their Owner, but Madison was more than happy to talk about the general experience. And she had nothing but good things to say about Naomi.
It was good Andrew had all that support because as he had suspected and been told many times, things would get challenging. There would be bad days.
Andrew wasstarted awake. His brain took a few seconds to figure out why he was awake. There was a noise in his bedroom! He looked up and saw Bill, his hand on Madion’s shoulder, shaking her awake. She had always been a sound sleeper.
Bill saw that Andrew was awake. “Sorry to wake you, I just need to borrow your wife.”
Before he could say anything, Madison woke up and saw the man above her. She was confused for a few seconds, but quickly replaced her composition. “Good morning, Master. Wait, is it morning?”
“It’s about 2 am. I think that qualifies. I need you. I know you have work in the morning, so I will try not to take too long.”
“Of course, Master. What can I do for you?”
Andrew was shocked that she adjusted to seeing this man in their bedroom in the middle of the night so quickly. He knew the couple had a key to their house, but still. And it was strange hearing how normal she sounded answering him. Her tone was the same polite, accommodating “of course I will”tone she might have used if he had asked her to pass the salt.
“Undress,” the man said, beginning to undress himself. “Andrew, you are welcome to stay and watch. But if you don’t want to see what I am about to do to her, feel free to excuse yourself. I will understand if you want to wait outside.”
At first Andrew was offended. This was HIS bedroom after all. Then he remembered what Naomi had taught him. She owned him, completely. That means that everything that was his was hers, and she could use it as she pleased. The same was true for his wife and Bill. Between the two, this couple controlled everything about the younger couple. There was nothing off-limits to them.
A part of him was tempted to stay. A part of him wanted to watch, to see how his wife reacted to the man. But he knew himself well enough to know it would cause hard feelings, so he exhausted himself and went downstairs.
Unfortunately, the sound traveled quite well. He heard Bill order her to lay back on the bed and spread her legs. He heard the man asking who her body belonged to. He heard his wife telling Bill that it was his, asking him to use it however it pleased him.
The man asked if she wanted to be fucked. He heard her say that she did. He heard her beg for it. Then he heard the unmistakable sounds of sex. He heard the bed creaking and briefly wondered if it made that sound when he and his wife made love. He heard them moaning. He heard Bill’s dirty talk. And when it was done, he heard his wife thank the man.
The way Bill smiled at him as he came down the stairs depressed him more than it angered him. It took him several minutes to work up the courage to head back up to his room. He wanted to make sure to give his wife whatever time she needed to clean up.
After a few minutes, she came downstairs, her pajamas once again on. “I’m sorry. Did you hear all that?”
He could deny it but knew she wouldn’t believe him. “I did.”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” Andrew appreciated her concern and wanted to say more, but nothing came to him.
“I’m sorry. I hope you know that I love you. I know this is hard for you, and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you supporting me, and letting me do this.”
“I know you do. And I know what I was getting into. You and Naomi both made it clear that it wouldn’t be easy. I accept that.”
Madison leaned in and kissed him. “I don’t deserve you. Now let’s go back to bed.”
Andrew followed his wife back to the bedroom and got in bed. He knew sleep would be impossible. He was probably laying in the sweat of the man who was fucking his wife. She hadn’t shown. He could still smell Bill’s cent on her. His cum was undoubtedly still inside her.
He felt a strong urge to get up, to wash the sheets. He desperately wanted to talk to Naomi, to get her reassurance. He didn’t do either. He just lay there restlessly for an hour or two until he saw the sun come up.
That was whenMadison suggested they get up and start getting ready for work. She hadn’t slept either. Andrew didn’t know whether that was because she was struggling with the same feelings he was, or whether it was just difficult coming down from the excitement of her middle-of-the-night fuck. He couldn’t bring himself to ask.
They went through their morning routine in relative silence, only speaking when it was required, and then awkwardly. Since they had gotten up earlier than normal, it made for a long morning. By the time they finally took off for work, Andrew was just beginning to feel the fatigue from the stress and lack of sleep of his night.
It was going to be a long day.
Andrew was exhausted, physically and mentally. When lunchtime rolled around he decided to go out to his car and call Naomi. Their conversation was short. She was very sympathetic and promised him that everything he was feeling was normal and healthy and that he would be OK. She told him that she would stop by later tonight to discuss things further.
Somehow, that made him feel, not good, but much better. Naomi always knew what to say. She always had the answers he needed. And just knowing that he would get to spend time with her later was enough to get him through his afternoon.
That evening, Andrew and Madison ate dinner together. It was still slightly awkward, but much closer to normal than the morning had been. Neither said anything about the previous night, they just acted as if everything was normal.
Around 7:00 pm, Madison got a call and left to go serve her master. Andrew kept expecting the feelings from the night before to come rushing back, but they didn’t. Tonight he had something to look forward to.
A few minutes after Madison left, Naomi arrived. She let herself in and went straight to Andrew and gave him a long hug. “How is my slave doing this evening, any better?”
Andrew smiled. “Yes, just knowing I was going to get to see youhelped. I’m sorry for being so needed. I didn’t mean to both you while you were working.”
“Don’t be silly, you know you are required to tell me when things are bothing you. I’m glad you called. I’m sorry I couldn’t talk more, but it was a busy day, and it gave me a chance to think about things before talking to you.”
“I know you are a busy woman. Thank You for taking the time for me, Mistress.”
Naomi leaned in and kissed him. It wasn’t a password kiss, but she let it linger. “Of course, of all the things I own, you are my favorite. You have seen how I take care of my home and my car. You’d better believe that I will take care of my slave.”
All thoughts of the night before were gone. It felt wrong, but the only thing that mattered was the woman in front of him. He loved his wife, but if letting his wife be fucked by another man in their own bed was the price for being with Naomi, he would gladly pay it. He felt slightly disgusted with himself for feeling that way, but when she was near him the situation he was in felt like exactly where he belonged.
“All that being said, I wish I had a better solution for you, but this is just something you are going to have to get used to. I know that it won’t be easy. Don’t feel bad when it doesn’t happen overnight. Just know that it’s natural and shows that you love your wife.”
“Your wife loves you, trust me. But for whatever reason, my rather obnoxious husband makes her happy. She enjoys being treated the way he treats her. You know that you could never compete with him being a self-centered ass.”
Andrew chucked as she went on.
“And you love her so selflessly that you let her meet those needs with him. You shouldn’t be ashamed of that. You should be proud of yourself. Everyone claims they want to make their spouse happy, but very few are willing to give up even an ounce of their own happiness to do it.”
“You are willing to give up a great deal to make her happy. That’s part of what impressions me so much about you. And you have proven that you are also willing to give up a great deal to make ME happy. I have had a slave before, but most people that claim to want to serve still think that everything should be all about them.”
“I think that it makes you happy to sacrifice for others. I am going to take advantage of that. I don’t mean that in a manipulative way. But I am going to give you plenty of chances to sacrifice for me. I am going to let you prove yourself.”
“I know that sounds selfish of me, and to a degree it is. But I hope that it makes you generally happy. I think that it will, but I expect you to tell me when it doesn’t.”
“I am hoping that if we can communicate openly and honestly, I can be your reward for being so understanding with your wife. Your needs are a bit different than hers, but I know that she could never fill them. I hope to fill your unmet needs just like my husband does for her.”
Andrew smiled. “You do makean excellent reward, Mistress. You told me this wouldn’t be easy. I don’t expect it to be. I don’t know if I will ever fully accept what Madison does with your husband, especially not when it’s rubbed in my face. But I’m happy that you and I have this relationship.”
“It feels weird to say, but I am glad that I am your slave. I’ve always wanted to know what it was like, and with someone else it would probably be scary and miserable, but somehow with you it isn’t scary at all.”
“Anyway, I know that it is only fair if I get to do this, my wife can too. And I would have never met you if not for her. So I hope you know that even if I am not thrilled about the things that go on sometimes, I am thrilled that this happened.”
Naomi leaned in and kissed him again, this time with more feeling. Andrew felt her tongue and welcome it. She squeezed him as she kissed him, and he returned the favor.
That went on for what felt like several minutes. When Naomi pulled back she cotinued. “So here is my plan. I have been considering putting you on a schedule. I was going to wait a bit longer, but I think that it is time.”
“You might not like this at first but think of it as exposure therapy. I am going to force you to see things you won’t enjoy, but I will try to limit how often that happens. Hopefully, as time goes on, you will get more and more used to my husband rubbing your nose in the fact he sleeps with your wife.”
“I know this might surprise you, and I hope you don’t think less of her, but that is one of the things that she really gets off on. Again, she does love you, but she loves feeling used, embarrassed, and humiliated. So for her to truly experience what she wants to experience, you will need to get used to it.”
“I understand, Mistress. I will try. And I do believe you, but it is hard to believe that my sweet, innocent wife enjoys that. At least I always thought she was sweet and innocent.”
Noami smiled. “Oh, she was every bit as sweet and innocent as you thought. You’d be surprised how often those are the ones that most want to feel dirty and used. And honestly, my husband has a type, and that’s it. That’s what makes her so perfect for him. She is one of the sweetest and most innocent girls I have ever met.”
She chuckled. “Maybe slightly less so than she was when this started. An outside observer might think she isn’t remotely innocent anymore, but that will always be a part of who she is, just like her need for degradation is. Her need to feel like a sexual object to be used was always there, even if she didn’t act on it. It was always a part of who she was, even when everyone thought she was the epitome of innocence. Even if she hadn’t admitted it to herself, it still would have been There.”
“Now that she is a literal sex slave, people might say there is no innocent there. They might think she isn’t an amazing wife and daughter, that she wouldn’t make a good mother. But that isn’t true either. She is still all of those things, and she always will be.”
“Anyway, back to the schedule. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I expect you to come straight to my house after work. You will serve me. Sometimes my husband will be here. Sometimes he won’t be. Hopefully, you can get used to his warped humor a bit while serving me.”
“Tuesdays and Thursdays Madison will be expected to come here straight after work. She will serve him. I might be home, with you at your house, or busy.”
“Friday, you will BOTH come straight here after work. You will BOTH serve us. I know that this won’t be easy, but it will only be for a few hours a week. And this way, afterward you will know that you don’t have to endure it for another seven days. Hopefully, that will help you adjust.”
“At midnight, your wife will be allowed to return home, but you will not. You will serve me all day Saturday. At midnight on Saturday/Sunday, you will return home, and your wife will come and serve my husbandall day Sunday. Since Monday is a workday, she will not come home that night, but will sleep and leave from here Monday morning.”
“Mondays might be rough for her. Luckily she likes it rough,” Naomi laughed.
Andrew saw her looking at him, clearly to judge his reaction to her comment. He had nothing to say. He didn’t know what to think about the arrangement, but it seemed like a solid plan. He knew that he had to learn to accept his situation or it would drive him crazy.
“I understand, Mistress. I will do my best to get used to the things they do together. Thank you for letting me ease into it. I really do appreciate it.”
“You are more than welcome. Just remember, serving doesn’t necessarily mean anything fun and exciting. We are going to come up with a schedule for chores, you will take care of our home as well as yours, which accidentally is also ours as long as you belong to us.”
“Also note that with this schedule you will very rarely see your wife. Maybe we will give one of you a day off once in a while, but for the most part, the only time you will see her is on Fridays when you are here serving us together. You might see her for a few minutes before work, or a few minutes before bed some evenings, but that will be it. Do you think you can handle that?”
“I think I can, Mistress. Thank you for asking. I am your slave either way though, so if you order me to do something, I will do it whether I like it or not. I know I will frustrate you at times, but I agreed to this and I will do my best.”
“Oh, I know you will.” Naomi flashed the smile that Andrew was quickly falling in love with. “That is what I love most about you. You are a very dedicated young man. I promise that it is appreciated.”
Not knowing what to say, Andrew looked shyly at the ground. The words touched him. It was scary how much her approval means to him.
“Well, now that we have that out of the way, would my slave like to pleasure his Mistress?” She removed her shirt without waiting for an answer. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and her voluptuous breasts bounced into place after being lifted by the shirt as she removed it.
“Of course, Mistress. Nothing would make me happier.” Andrew knew he was telling the truth. He had never imagined being with a woman so well-endowed. He loved his wife and her thin, athletic body, but this woman was on another level. Yes, she carried quite a bit more weight than his wife, even proportionately, but she wasn’t fat. No, her weight was in all the right places, and he wouldn’t have had her any other way.
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