Disclaimer: I was informed that my previous disclaimer did not absolve me from being a horrible person. The person then informed me of the proper “safe, sane, consensual” way to conduct blackmail. I fully believe everyone should be SSC, however, I don’t acknowledge that there is a way to do blackmail in such a manner. Even if someone agrees to something ahead of time, if they want to stop, and you don’t, it is illegal and immoral — as it should be.
I can’t think of much that would be more wrong than capturing someone, selling them into slavery, and making them fight to the death. That didn’t stop me from enjoying the Spartacus TV series on Showtime.
The great thing about stories is that they let us explore parts of ourselves in the safety of our imagination that wouldn’t be safe to explore in real life. Many people have fans where they are kidnapped or coerced in some way. They enjoy reading stories or watching shows with those themes. That doesn’t mean they condone those things or are stupid enough to let some stranger shoes them into a van.
So to be clear: blackmail is bad. If someone tries to do that do you, go to the police. Stories are make-believe, and this one is not meant to encourage bad behavior.
I side with Dee Snider, not Tipper Gore.
That ends this PSA, my apologies.
Chapter 1
The next few weeks saw Madison start to fall into a routine. She still felt guilty about letting this man use her body. But despite that, she found herself looking forward to her time with her Master.
At times it was humiliating. Other times it was painful. On occasion, it was quite inconvenient. Sometimes it was all of the above. But something about it filled a hole in her that she now realized had always been there. Visiting her Master made her feel wanted, useful, like she had a purpose.
She was surprised to find that after a hard day at work, her trips to see her Master were often more helpful thangoing home to complain about her day to her husband.
She loved her husband dearly. He was a great listener. He was always supported. But there was something about just turning her brain off for a while that was cathartic.
Madison and Naomi had turned into good friends. The older woman was a great resource. Madison had never had a friend that she could talk to about the feelings she had spent so many years ashamed of.
Naomi proved to be very supportive and even more patient. Madison had more than one minor breakdown. She found falling into her new role as a slave much easier than she had expected, but every so often she was struck with a sudden attack of guilt.
The woman she now saw as a sort of mentor always calmed her down. She encouraged the young woman to try to separate the two parts of herself, at least until she adjusted. Unfortunately, Bill didn’t always cooperate. He seemed to enjoy humiliating the young woman.
Still, she talked to the beautifulredhead often and was always open about her feelings. At some point, Naomi’s talks did convince her that there was nothing wrong with her feelings. She wasn’t sure when that had happened.
The older woman had insisted that her need to turn her brain off for a bit was normal and that she shouldn’t feel bad about it. She said that many people felt the same way she did and that it was natural. The young woman believed her. She felt better about her feelings, but not about what she was doing to her husband.
Then, about two months into her new life, Madison surprised her Master, Naomi, and even herself when after a particularly long day at work she contacted Naomi to ask if she could see her Master.
Madison wasn’t sure why she contacted Naomi instead of talking to her Master directly. Maybe she was too shy. Maybe she wanted reassurance it was OK. Or maybe it was just because it felt wrong to contact him and ask for something. That wasn’t how this worked. He contacted her with instructions, not the other way around.
Naomi had been more than happy to talk to her husband on Madison’s behalf. Within minutes he had texted instructions to Madison. And so after leaving work two hours late, she didn’t go home to her husband. She drove straight to her Master.
She pulled into his garage, stripped naked, and when he answered the door, begged him to use her.
And use her he did.
First, he had again taken her lipstick and this time wrote “property of Master Bill” across her chest while telling her how thoroughly “his” she was.
Then, he had carried the smaller woman upstairs and thrown her on the bed. Him pleasure her orally was quite a rare occurrence, but he began doing his best impression of a predator trying to devour her. When she feel herself getting close he stopped.
He flipped her over and then proceeded to paddle her off and on for what seemed like forever. It had felt different, not being restrained, knowing nothing was keeping her there except for her desire.
The older man had seemed to know exactly what she could take. Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more he gave her a bit to recover, only to start again. And of course the entire time he told her in no uncertain terms what she was and who she belonged to.
Eventually, the man stopped. He had her rise to her hands and knees, then took her from behind — her long hair firmly in his grap and hurting as he brought himself to orgasm inside of her.
Her Master having ‘finished’, Madison, who had forgotten all about her day, her entire life outside these walls, assumed it was time for her to go home.
Bill had other ideas. He handcuffed the young woman and attached her hands to a hook in the ceiling. There was just enough slack that she could stand if she stood on her tiptoes.
He left her there for what had seemed like forever before returning with a vibrator. The vibrator worked on her clip as the man tightly squeezedand pinches her breasts. Several times he reached in to kiss her hungrily.
She would never forget how she had felt — the ecstasy and the awkwardness of it. Her ass burned and was a constant distraction. The sensings course through her made it impossible to stay on her toes. She alternate between standing on her toes and hanging there by her arms like a rag doll.
When she finally came, she came hard. As she started to come back to herself she realized that the stress and anxiety from her day at work were well and truly gone.
When he told her it was time to leave she went back to the garage to dress. Just as she was opening her car to get her clothes, Naomi entered the garage. Had she was home this whole time? The younger woman hadn’t seen any trace of her.
Naomi gave her some wet wipes, making sure to tell her not to use them Until she was out of sight of her Master. Madison had been grateful. She had forgotten all about the writing on her chest, though obviciously as she put her bra on she would have noticed it. It was kind of the woman to solve that little problem for her.
That wasn’t the only problem she had solved for the younger woman. Madison had been shocked to find out it was 11 pm. Naomi had found her phone in the unlocked car and texted Madison’s husband, saying that she was still working and that she was going to help her friend Naomi with something on the way home.
By this point, her husband had met Naomi several times. The two got along well. When she arrived home her husband had food waiting for her. He had felt bad she had to work so late, but didn’t think anything of the work or her stopping to see Naomi on the way home.
Madison couldn’t help but feel like the worst person in the world for what she had done, but she found that she was glad that there was no backing out. The past few months had taught her just how much she needed to feed this other side of herself.
It was almost like there were two Madisons now. The more she experienced, the harder it was to imagine her life without her slave alter ego. It started to feel less and less like a part she played for her master, and more and more like the real Madison.
Chapter 2
Now, here she was. How long had it been? 8 weeks? 10? The time had all started to blend together. Either way, in just a few short weeks she had gone from a fairly typical suburban wife to someone who knew full well just how added she was to being treated like property.
Her husband had a business trip coming up. She had talked to Naomi and Bill and everything was all planned out.
Her husband would leave Friday morning. Madison would take the day off of work. She would go over to her Master’s house and stay there until her husband returned on Sunday.
Naomi would keep Madison’s phone in case her husband called. Missing a call wouldn’t raise any red flags, but not answering it all weekend certainly would. Naomi would run interference and bring her the phone if and when it was necessary.
Madison felt that odd mix of anticipation, anxiety, and longing that she was getting so addicted to. Her big adventure was less than 24 hours away.
Naomi had joined her and her husband for dinner. As bad as it made her feel, something about it turned the young woman on.
The dinner was going well. Madison’s husband, Andrew liked the older woman. He was glad her wife had found such a good friend. She had drifted apart from her college crowd over the years.
“So do you two have a big weekend planned?”
Madison had been taking a drink of wine, one advantage of having put off trying to have children, and had trouble keeping it in. Fortunately, before she could think of a proper answer Naomi stepped in for her.
“Oh, nothing concrete, but I am sure we will find a way to stay busy and entertained.”
“Well, my wife has been working hard lately. She needs a chance to blow off some steam. I hope you come up with something fun to take her mind off of work for a while.” He laughed. “Just do me a favor and don’t let her get in too much trouble.”
Naomi laughed and looked directly at Madison, who could feel herself blushing. “I am sure we can find something to take her mind off of things. No promises on keeping her out of trouble though.”
Madison wanted to speak, but couldn’t manage. She knew that normally she would have had a witty retreat here. She suddenly realized that after the first few minutes of dinner she had been unusually quiet and worried that staying silent like this would give her secret away.
Her husband didn’t seem to notice though. He just bantered back and forth with Naomi.
When dinner was over Naomi insisted on helping clear the table and washing the dishes with Andrew While Madison relaxed in the other room. From the living room, she could hear the two talking and laughing but couldn’t understand what they were saying. She wanted to join them butfelt that it wasn’t her place.
Eventually, they finished and joined her. The three sat relaxing and talking for another hour or so before Naomi excused herself for the evening.
That night Madison laid in bed beside her husband trying to sleep but found that she was too wired. At some point she drifted off into a fitful sleep, drifting in and out of consciousness, all of her dreams about trying to fall sleep.
Chapter 3
The next morning Madison woke up grggy. She fixed breakfast, got dressed, and drove her husband to the airport. She kissed him goodbye and stayed there until the plane took off.
Then it was time.
She drove over to her Master’s house and pulled into his garage, wondering what he had in store for her. They had never spent this much time together. That made it both exciting and scary. She knew he would have something up his sleeve. She had a feeling she would both love and hate it, something that wouldn’t have made any sense to her a few months ago.
She undressed in the garage, as had become her custom, then knocked on the door. The wait for an answer probably seemed much longer than it was. When the door finally opened and she saw him, she felt an odd relief.
“Are you ready, slave?”
“Yes Master, I am all yours for the next two and a half days.” Madison found that she was glad that she had become more comfortable saying these things to him.
“Well then, let’s got started — shall we?” He took her hand and led her through the house. He opened a door she had never been through before and led her down to the basement.
When she got low enough to see the lower level of the house, her eyes went wide. She saw all manner of kinky things throughout. The only thing that looked familiar was the odd compilation of pipes.
Beside it was all manner of other bondage equipment. Her eye was instantly drawn to some sort of a padded sawhorse with platforms running along the sides, apparently for handsand feet, with the obligatory restraints.
She found that she desperately wanted to try it.
Beside it was a large wooden “X” along the wall. Beside that was some sort of wooden contraction that looked like an old-fashioned stock, just like you would see in an old western.
She turned her head and saw a pegboard, but instead of normal tools, it held all manner of whips and paddles. She felt a twinge of fear. She didn’t mind a little pain, but those looked like more than she could handle. Part of her hoped she would never experience most of those implementations, but another side of her wanted to try them at least once, just to see what they were like.
There was also a large metal cage in the corner, some sort of table with built-in restraints, and a host of things whose purpose she couldn’t begin to imagine. Namoi had clearly not been lying when she said he had owned girls like her before.
Madison felt like she should have been offended by that, to not feel nearlyas special at being chosen. Instead, she felt an intense need to prove herself, to show that she was better than all those other women she would never meet.
Bill led her to the odd bondage table. It looked almost like a normal, rectangular table — but had metal rings attached every few inches all along all four sides of it. He guided the woman onto the table, having her lay on her chest.
Madison knew what that meant. She felt dread and excitement building in equal measure as her master restrained her hands and feet using the strange metal hooks in the table.
When that was finished he somehow put some sort of leather strip over her upper thighs and another around her chest. The young woman found herself wondering how the strips attached to the metal rings, but couldn’t get her head at the right angle to see.
As her master finished and stepped out of her sight she considered her prediction. She wasn’t going anywhere. She couldn’t move a muscle. The table was padded, for which she was grateful. Whatever covered the table was quite smooth, but felt like it was gripping her skin. If she did end up able to wiggle around it seemed like the friction of skin on the pad would burn.
Her thoughts were interrupted as her Master returned. “Are you ready, slave?” He was behind her. She couldn’t see what he might be holding.
“I don’t know, Master. I suspect I will soon find out.” That wasn’t something she would have said a few weeks earlier. Madison still remembered that this man owned her, but the past few weeks getting to know him helped her feel more comfortable being herself around him.
Bill laughed. “Well, at least you are honest.”
“I try, Master. I am scared. But, well, I suppose that doesn’t accomplish anything. You are going to do what you are going to do. There isn’t anything I can do about it.”
“You are adjusting well. I know right away you would make a good slave, but I hadn’t imagined that you would fall into yourrole so quickly. It’s like you were born for this.” Her Master sounded pleased. For some reason that pleased Madison.
“Thank you, Master. I am trying. I don’t always like what you do to me, but…somehow I am still glad you are doing it. Or at least once it is over I find that I am still glad I belong to you. Does that make any sense?”
“It does. You realize that being a slave means giving up control to your Master. If I always did what you wanted me to then really you would be in charge, not me. You would be kinky, but you wouldn’t be a slave.”
“And the more time I spent with you, the more I realize just how much you thrive on that. I am lucky to have found you. You are a once-in-a-lifetime find. I don’t see how I will ever be able to let you go.”
Madison felt like the glow she felt inside should have been physically visible. She was flattered. She felt valued, almost important somehow. She felt pride for getting to this point, exploring who she really was, andbeing found worthy.
His comment about not being able to let her go didn’t both her. Once upon a time, it would have caused a great deal of anxiety. Now that she knew him better she was pretty sure it was just a compliment, nothing more. And she trusted Naomi with her life, literally since with all she knew she could easily ruin the young woman.
And honestly, if how she felt after a couple of months was any indication, Madison wasn’t sure she would be able to leave when the time came. Fortunately, that was a long way off.
“Thank you, Master. Your words mean a lot to me, more than they should I think.”
He laughed. “I mean them, but while you are here you can leave the thinking to me. Now, as pleased as I am with you, this weekend is going to be a test for you. I am going to push you. It might seem cruel at times. I might not seem like I appreciate you.”
“But this is another step in your journey, and it’s one that I think you are ready for. I know you canhandle it, and I know it is something you will thank me for when it’s over. It’s something you need, even if it scares you.”
“Good. You’re mine for the weekend. You have no idea what you are in for. But I need to hear you say it. Ask me to use you. Ask me to push you, to test you.”
“Please Master, use me. Teach me to be a better slave. Let me prove that I am worthy of you.” Madison found that words like these came easier these days. She didn’t know how much of it was playing the part and how much of it was her real feelings about her prediction.
Bill seemed pleased by her answer. He smiled. “Are you sure? This is your last chance to run along home and have a nice boring weekend. Do you want to run along, or experience the little adventure I have planned for you?”
Madison hadn’t expected to be given a choice. It made her feel a bit uncomfortable, but the feeling passed. She had already taken the day off. She had already planned withNaomi to free up her entire weekend.
Naked and retrained next to a huge variety of tools of punishment and pain, she was worried about what might be in store for her. But despite that, she wanted to know what he had planned. As much as she might hate pain, she needed the feeling of being used that she got from this man.
She didn’t know what it said about her, but she longed to feel him inside of her.
“Master, I don’t want to go. I submit to whatever you have in store for me.”
The man smiled again. “I knew you would. Ok, let’s begin.”
He began running his hands up and down her back. After a minute or two, he climbed up onto the table, placing his knees on either side of her. She felt the weight of him as he laid down on top of her, pressing her down onto the table.
Thankfully, after a few seconds, he rolled onto his side, taking most of his weight off of her. She felt him reach under her, a finger slipping into her already damp pussy.
“What isThis, bitch?”
Madison paused, wondering if the question was rhetorical.
He wiggled his finger around inside of her. “Answer me, slut!”
She wondered if he was referring to her wetness. “My pussy, Master. It is wet, feeling you on top of me.”
“Excuse me? YOUR pussy?” He sounded angry.
“Sorry! No, my pussy belongs to you, Master. It’s your pussy. My body is yours to do with as you please.”
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