Caged — Day Two
Natasha awoke feeling no better than when she fell asleep. The muscles in her arms and legs hurt and her joints feel out of place. Her asshole and her pussy were tender and when she tried to move, she winced despite herself. She desperately did not want to draw his attention if she could help it. But on looking around, she realized her efforts were in vain. Sitting comfortable in an antique black velvet chair, Gabriel was watching her. The moment their eyes met, he unfolded his long legs and stood up. She watched him walking towards her while her heart raced inside her chest. He wore no shirt and his muscles flexed as he moved, reminding her of a tiger. When he came to the cage and started to unlock the door, she whimpered. Please do not hurt me anymore. Please. But even as she thought this, she feel herself growing wet between her legs.
He did not speak, but grabbed the chain attached to the collar around her neck and pulled. Half choking her, he dragged her body out of the cage. She saw him attaching the chain to a metal hook that he lowered from a ceiling. She did not understand what he aimed to do until she heard the whir of the winch and saw the hook moving upward.
“No…” it came out as a whisper on account of all the screaming she had done the day before. “Please no…”
He did not hang her, though. He just won her by her neck to her feet. She stood swaying on the balls of her feet with the metal collar pressed into her throat. The effort caused her legs to shake. Maybe she should let go. Just go limp and let him catch her. Then some silly sense of pride stopped her. As cruel as he was, she could take whatever he chose to do to her. Yes, she could, yes she could.
Gabriel watched the young woman as she struggled to stay upright. She was clearly Uncomfortable, and her little asshole was red from the treatment it had received before. Apart from this though, she was unmarked. It was a state he aimed to rectify. He turned around and selected a cane from the collection on the wall. The long slender object was not the harshest one he could use but it was a good start. Mentally he marked a spot on her ass and swung the cane hard.
Natasha’s throat was too constricted to produce a proper scream, but she cried out all the same. A gurgling sound issued from her mouth as she swung her body away from the cane, inadvertently choking herself. He did not wait for her to be still again — he just struck her again, hitting the top of her thigh this time. At the third stroke Natasha tried to put her hands in the way. He stopped for as long as it took to tie her wrists together at the front. Then he went back to caning her. Multiple times her knees buckled, and she choked, but each time he grabbed her around the wait and helped her relative balance. And each time he did this, she felt his enormous erection pressing against her. There was no doubt in her mind that he would fuck her again when he was finisheded. As it happened, she was right about that.
Gabriel could have Natasha’s ass and thighs until they were criss-crossed with angle welts. Some of the marks were bleeding which made him particularly happy. He decided to stop when she failed for the second time, as it was getting tedious having to hold her up. Lowering the win cable, he took the chain off the hook and let her fall to the floor. Though she trembled at his feet, he Did not take goal on her but made her get up on all fours. He then led her to the spanking bench and bent her body over it at the waist. Her wrists were tied already, and he simply secured her ankles in place. This done, he knelt on the cushion behind her and stuck his giant cock in her pussy. She was wet as expected, but she would still be sore from the caning, and it made things that much sweeter.
Natasha cried helpfully when he started fucking her: his hips rubbing painfully against her throbbing skin and his cock practically splitting her in half.She felt each thrust deep inside her stomach, feeling as though she was being spitted. The thought turned her on and horrified her at the same time: but whereas in a normal situation she might have felt guilt about it, today she was clearly the victim, and it freed her mind in ways she never could have imagined. Tied to the base securely and with Gabriel’s cock positively pounding her from behind, Natasha squeezed her eyes shut and screamed. She had not thought she had much voice left, but he had extracted it from her with his brutal treatment. With his cane and his cock. Staring at the chain hanging from her neck, Natasha Shook and screamed… and when he leaned forward and started pinching her nipples, she came so hard she almost passed out.
Gabriel could not believe how turned on he was. For months he had fantasised about This moment, but none of that compared with the real deal. The young woman’s pussy was divine, but what really got him going were the vocals. She made suchwonderful drawn-out screams, and her crying was… well it was indescribable. She did not enjoy everything he was dishing out to her, but she submitted to him all the same and her tears of shame were the ultimate proof of it. Gabriel loved nothing more than dominating women and humiliation was a big part of it. He fucked her hard and long while thinking about it. Her red ass cheeses shook before him, her crying drifting pleasantly to his ears. Yes little girl. Take that… and that… and that… He squeezed her breasts and prepared he was milking her and with this thought in his head he released a mother load of sperm straight into her tight little pussy.
“Mmmm… I enjoyed that,” Gabriel said. He stayed inside her while his cock twitched, and the last drops of sperm drizzled out. Even now he was partially erect, selling her most effectively, so rather than stop he continued to tweak her nipples. Thinking up ways to torture them. This made him so excited that he grew hard againright inside her. As he started to move once more, she let out a desperate cry and he knew it was because she had thought they were through. He grinned to himself as he pulled her head up by her hair and whispered in her ear,
“I’m not through with you yet, little lamb. Your ass is mine and I’m gonna fuck it for as long as I like. Which just happens to be a very long time.”
If she knew how much her screams turned him on, she would have kept her mouth shut.
Bent over with the blood rushing to her head, Natasha wanted to fail into oblivion but could not. As a result, she had to endure Gabriel’s hard cock fucking her and his large hands squeeze her breasts and nipples for the longest time. Dimly she registered that this time he was lasting longer than the last, if that were possible. He Must have gotten truly turned on caning her. In real disappoint now, she moaned helpedlessly as he thrust faster and harder, varying the tempo for a while. Then he returned to the steadyRhythm, splitting her more slowly and deliberately. It caused her pussy to get wet again, letting him know just how turned on she was.
“You bastard… bastard… bastard…” she cried out hoarsely, safe in the knowledge that he would not stop unless she said the word. That one word, that she had promised herself she would never say.
So instead, she swore at him over and over in time to his thrusts. Judging by his reaction it only spurred him on.
When at long last he finished she was silent once more. Fucked so thoroughly that her pussy gaped open well after he withdraw. Her eyes flickered as he untied her from the spanking benchmark. Other than that, she gave no sign of life. He carried her back to the cage and locked her in securely, feeling well pleased with himself.
Caged — Day Three
Having finished with Natasha late in the afternoon of day two, Gabriel decided to give her until the next day to recover. To his mind it was an extremely generous gesture, since he still had plenty of energy himself. He decided to work some of it off by going for a jog and a climb up the large boulder he knew of nearby. Picking up his climbing gear he glanced down at her briefly. Oh, but she looked beautiful all messed up like she was! Her long black hair sticking to her face and the metal collar around her neck made the perfect frame for her pretty face. Her perky breasts Still wore the marks of his hands, and her ass and tighs were a mass of angry red lines. She was lying on her side so as to keep them off the floor, giving him a clear view of her swollen ass and pussy. He wanted to torture her again so badly, particularly when she felt him watching her and looked up at him. The dark excitement in her big, blue eyes was clear as day, and he was the one who put it there. With great reluctance he turned and left her. The round-hole entrance to the shelter shut heavily behind him sealing her in until his return.
Alone in the dungeoninside her cage, Natasha shuddered delicately. When she saw him looking at her through the bars of the cage, she was convinced he was about to pull her back out for another session straight away. The look on his face told her so, but then perplexingly he walked away and left her. She saw him pull down a ladder at the other end of the big room and climb out through an opening in the ceiling. The quick burst of sunlight made her want to weep, but she was too exhausted to even move. He had tortured her and fucked her so thoroughly she did not really need to be caged. Or collared or chained. She swallowed painfully, feeling the steel move against her neck. Gabriel: angel of darkness. She felt the name suited him perfectly. She shuddered once more and closed her eyes. For once he was not there watching her and despite the emotions coursed through her, she fell into a deep and relatively restful sleep.
Gabriel woman her up in the morning. As before, she felt disoriented and weak. She did not get sick during her second night with him, but the lack of food was taking its toll. If he kept going the way he had been, she would die of starvation before long. On cue, he interrupted her thoughts by turning to her and saying,
“You are going to eat today.”
He said it matter-of-factly. You will do as I say. She smelt the food he was cooking, and it made her stomach rumble, which she hated. Eating mean bowel movement, and she could not imagine a worse humiliation than having him watch her do that. Already, she had been forced to piss inside the cage and that was bad enough. The solution to her quandary was simple. She would not eat while she was with him.
As yet unaware of Natasha’s thought processes, Gabriel walked up to the cage. He took one look at her face and in a split second he read the situation and read it correctly. She could not have known that his job was to interrogate people, or how good he was at it. He had years of practice, and he knew how tobend a person to his will. Bigger stronger people than she was. So, she wanted to resist? He had ways of changing her mind.
With her stomach protesting loudly, Natasha watched Gabriel turn away and stroll back to the kitchen with the bowl of soup he had been carrying. For a moment she felt puzzled, because he did not even offer it to her. She had an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach and when he turned back towards Her, she saw that her premonition was correct. He had some kind of a hose in his hand, and she cringed against the floor of the cage like a wild beast, determined to resist him. As he moved to the door and began to unlock it, a familiar tremble beset her limbs, but she pushed her fear down and glared at him with all she had.
“You can’t keep me locked up the whole time I’m here. If you want me to eat, you should let me out,” she said through gritted teeth. She expected him to answer back — to yell or to slap her. But he merely picked up the chain andpulled her towards him.
Natasha grabbed at the bars with wild determination. In spite of the pain in her arms, she succeeded in resisting him for a while. He did not seem bothered by it in the slightest. He only chuckled as he braced his long legs against the sides of the cage and pulled at the chain with all his might. She watched his powerful arm muscles bulging out and then she felt her fingers slipping one by one. She groaned Misserably as he pulled her out of the cage and straight into his arms.
“Silly girl,” he said, slapping her hard across the face with the back of his hand. Natasha, however, was feeling too rebellious to cry.
You cannot break me, she thought, and she saw his eyes narrow in response. But any delegation she might have had as to winning the battle was dispelled over the next few minutes. To begin with, he kicked her in the back of her knees, causing her to collapse before him. Dragging her by the chain, he then took her to a corner of the room, wherere a special chair was located full of wide leather straps. Before she could so much as scratch him, he had manhandled her into it and strapped her arms down. He did not seem to care that she kicked out at him but caught her ankles mid flight and brought them against the chair. He strapped her legs across the thighs and ankles, smiling at the way she squirmed. It hurt her to sit down, but she had brought it on herself. He slapped her once more across the face when he was finished. Then very slowly and deliberately, he pushed her head back against the headrest.
Natasha broke out in a sweat as she felt him tighten a straw across her forehead. She knew she had lost when he paid her mouth open and inserted a funnel between her teeth. She wanted to spit it out, but he pushed it down her throat and held it there while he threaded the tube down its centre. The rubber material grazed her throat, making her retch, but he just kept going. Soon, the whole of the tube was down her throat reaching into her stomach. She felt more helpless than when he had her strapped to the stretching table. He had not violent her mouth until now.
When he began to pour the food into her, she had nothing to do but watch. His cold blue eyes gazed at her contemplatively and she knew he was gauging her reaction. Naked and strapped down she could not bear the humiliation of being force fed, so she closed her eyes. The sound of his laughter haunted her even then.
The mind of a sadist is a creative one. Seeing Natasha tied up in his favourite chair, Gabriel decided to leave her there. There were a lot of things he could do to her in that position and once he was done force-feeding her, he set about organising his tools. When finished, he turned back to her, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“Bastard,” she spat, burping at him as he added a stick over her chest, immobilising her completely. He nodded graciously, as though she had paid him a compliment. Next thing she knew he was pusing a piece of leather between her teeth.
“You might want to bite down on this,” he said, staring her in the eye. She understand he was willing her to obey and that it was for her own good. She did as he suggested while trying desperately to look around. With her head strapped down she could not see the portable table that carried his instruments, but she heard the wheels as he rolled it towards her.
“This is going to hurt, but you shouldn’t worry. I’ve done it plenty of times before,” he told her, and still she did not know what he means until she feel the cold steel against her breast. She bit down on the leather, already screaming inside her mind.
Gabriel made the initial incision swiftly enough to make a neighbor mark. He lifted the knife away when she jerked in her bonds, though she could not move much. She was still jerking when he leaned over her and began the second incision high on her breast. Her screams were somewhat muffled because of the leather between herteeth, but very audible all the same. The pitch was to die for — as it always was when a person was cut for the first time. One would think he was killing her by the way she reacted, but in truth he was merely cutting a pattern in her breast. It was called scarification and it involved slicing and peeling away the top layer of skin so as to leave a permanent scar in the desired shape. That way she would be marked forever and very clearly with his sign: the sign of an angel with a whip in his hand.
Natasha was in a state of shock. Of all the things he had done to her, this was the most extreme by far. For half an hour or more she screamed and cried while Gabriel made cut after cut, marking her with his knife. The pain made her nauseated, so that she sweated profusely while drifting in and out of consciousness. He could have paused to give her a break, but it was not in his nature to so act. Toward the end, as he wiped the blood off her, Natasha’s bladder gave way. He paused thento watch it and he ran his hand between her legs. Fingering her clip as she pissed. She knew he was savouring her pain, but she could not stop if she wanted to. Then, while biting down on the leather, she sank into oblivion at long last. Watching her, Gabriel’s eyes shone. Evidently, she would rather pass out from pain than use the safe word. She rose in his estimation considerably, that day.
After branding Natasha with his sign, Gabriel was so aroused that he could not wait to fuck her. It did not even both him that she was covered in piss and so without further ado, he unstrapped her from the chair and laid her down on the nearest flat surface. This just happened to be the wooden stretch table, which reminded him of her ass with the stainless-steel dildo sticking out of it. He groaned out loud as he slapped her to bring her back. The moment her eyes fluttered open, he pulled her towards him and inserted his cock into her soft warm pussy. He kept his eyes glued to her breasts, admiring his handiwork as he fucked her. Of course, it was not just a whim of his, nor was it the first time he had marked a woman in this way. His mark was well known within certain circuits and would protect his property from that day on, ensuring her safe return if found. He saw her eyes drifting shut once more and he sped up the tempo, hoping to make her scream.
Natasha felt her whole body shaking under Gabriel’s violent thrusts. The feeling of his hard cock inside her did nothing to distract her from the sharp singing pain on her breasts. She moaned at first, then when he pulled her head up to help her see what he had done, she screamed. In Natasha’s eyes the still bleeding marks were horrific to behold. Feeling she had been mutilated, she tried to strike out at him, but he trapped her wrists easily, pinning her arms down on either side. Throughout the dramatic scene, he never stopped pumping her and pumping her hard. Natasha’s legs twitched and trembled as he drilled her. Although the through fucking she had received previously, she could feel herself becoming aroused, feel her insides gripping him as he slid in and out of her with metronomic precision. To make matters worse, her ass cheeks were being squashed and rolled against the rough timber each time he plunged inside her, and the friction against her tortured skin reignited the pain along the welts he left there when he could her.
The Heightened awareness of all the injuries he had inflicted on her in their short time together was both a source of humiliation and excitement. The kind of dark excitement she had always craved. Before Gabriel’s merciless gaze, Natasha’s screams turned to sobs and then whimpers, as her arousal mounted, competing with the pain. Unable to admit this to herself, she trembled and moaned softly, trying to get him to stop.
“Please, Gabriel… Please… I can’t take it…”
Gabriel savoured the young woman’s suffering with savage satisfaction, never once stopping or slowing down. As always, his erection was long lasting and made even longer by the slippery wetness trickling out of Natasha’s pussy. Half an hour after he started fucking her, he had his first orgasm, but still he wanted more. Sliding the now limp body off the stretching table, he laid her on the floor and knelt above her head. Taking stock of her state he did not both giving her directions, but simply reached down and pulled her jaw open. He ran his finger along the inside of her mouth, making sure her throat was clear and her tongue would not get in the way. Then still holding her jaw open with one hand, he squatted down lower and inserted the tip of his cock into her mouth. Slowly he began to move, careful to time his thrusts so as to allow her to breathe. A little bit of choking was fine of course. A little bit of choking was fun.
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