The House-Warming Party

“Babe – did you finish washing the floor?” Steph called from the kitchen.

“Yes hun,” I replied.

Sitting cross-legged, my back resting against the lower part of the couch, I surveyed the living room floor earnestly. It seemed clean enough to me. Hearing movement, I looked towards the living room entrance. Steph appeared, stopping to take in the scene. She was a petite little thing, but from my vantage point on the floor she seemed to tower over me. Her wavy brunette hair caresed the bottom of her white crop top, revealing a slim but toned waist. My eyes traced down her sculpted legs towards her bare feet. Steph loved the gym, and in her current pose it really showed. She walked forward a few steps.

“Seems pretty good.”

She pivoted on the balls of her feet, arching one foot up slightly to reveal a soft pink sole. A small silver anklet swwayed against her pale skin. She glanced at her feet, then looked to me for a reaction. I tried as best I could to act casual,Even as I felt my face turning slightly red. It was moments like these I wished I had the courage to reveal my secret desires, rather than keeping them hidden in my sub-conscience. I peaked nervously at the arch of her foot, it’s curvy shape, the colour of her carefully painted toes and couldn’t help but feel a longing within. I looked up at her, still in disbelief that a woman like this was interested in someone like me. I was… well me! But Steph was a goddess. Suddenly acutely aware that she was watching me, I shrugged with as much feigned nonchalance as I could muster.

“Looks good to me”.

“I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be picky. It’s just that when the girls get here, and everyone is walking around it’s embarrassing if their feet end up black from a dirty floor, that’s all.”

Steph paced around the room, before eventually setting on the couch beside me.

“They’re still clean right?” She asked again, this time pushing the soles of her feet towards my face.

I made a show of looking closely, which made her giggle, before nodding and looking away sheepishly. This topic of conversation really had me feeling awkward. I couldn’t shake the feeling that Steph was purposely trying to push my buttons. I had made a point not to confess to her that I had a “thing” for feet, and indeed many other kinky things like bondage or domain/submission. Just like I had with every girlfriend before. But the way she was talking (or rather taunting) really made me wonder if she had figured it out somehow. As much as that might be a relief, ultimately it terrified me. I had decided long ago that these things were the realm of fantasy – never to be truly truly truly realized. This was my status quo. I decided to play it cool and change the subject.

“So who’s coming tonight again?” I asked.

“Well Katie of course. But Alejandra and Abigail as well. Michael and Sean might swing by later, and Jess is coming after dinner.”

Steph’s brown eyes looked tothe ceiling as she listed off names. My eyes wandered for a moment down her incredibly toned legs, a quick glance at her feet, then back up to her small wait. My God she was stunning. Our relationship had moved quickly, from an arranged meeting at a pub (thanks to a work colleague), to our first proper date, a few intimate nights and now this – moving in together. I snapped back to reality at the mention of the boys’ names.

“Who’s Sean again?” I asked casually, trying not to portray any jealous boyfriend vibes.

That’s the last thing I wanted to do. The decision to move in together (Steph’s decision that is) was hasty, and yet I struggled to say no to her. There was some kind of connection between us I was keen to cultivate and the last thing I wanted was to add tension at this cruel juncture

“Oh, he’s the guy who helped find this appartment remember?”

I nodded, but didn’t recall hearing the name before.

“I just hope the girls like the place. It’s stilla bit sparse I suppose – but it’s getting there. Oh that reminds me. I need your help with something. Follow me.”

Steph sprung from the couch with a twinkle in her eye. We left the living room behind and headed down the main hallway to a storage closet by the front door. Steph opened the door and started dragging out something heavy.

“Well don’t just stand there, help me you dummy!” She exclaimed.

I squeezed myself into the corner, crouched down and lifted one side of what appeared to be a large wooden box.

“What the hell is this thing?” I asked, as I shoved my end forward.

“Isn’t it cool! It’s some kind of vintage trunk or luggage of some kind – I guess the previous tenant left it behind. And it’s huge! I thought we could use it as a coffee table in front of the couch! Come on – let’s move it into the living room.”

It was indeed a large and strdy oak box with brass fittings and clasps. Each side had intricate panels – rectangles with artistic designns carved out. It felt solid and heavy. Too heavy for a single person to manouvre anyway.

“Sweet!” Steph exclaimed, once it was finally in place in the living room.

I stepped back for a moment and huffed. Steph was right – it did function nicely as a makeshift coffee table, with a smooth wooden top. It was almost as long as the couch from end to end, and the scuffs and scratches from a lifetime (or two) of use gave it a cool rustic look. I leaned over and unlatched the clasp to open it, but surprisingly the lid wouldn’t budget.

“Oh right, you need these to open it,” said Steph.

She reached into the pocket of her shorts and retrieved two small silver keys. She hesitated for a moment.

“I was going to save this for later tonight. But…”

I had no idea what Steph meant so I just stared at her blankly.

“Well,” Steph continued, “remember the night we met, two months ago?”

“Two and a half,” I corrected her.

“Right,” Step smiled and touchedmy arm lovingly.

“Well, you mentioned something that night which stuck in my memory. I remember you completed my little silver anklet – this one actually.”

Steph lifted her foot with the silver anklet up to show me.

“You said it looked like a rope tied around me and I asked why you liked that and you quickly said not to worry, you didn’t want to tie me up or anything – which was a weird thing to say but a relief honestly.” Steph laughed awkwardly.

I did remember that conversation actually. My attempt at being flirty had backfired quickly, and instead I felt myself coming off as… Weird? Why was it so hard for me to act normal around pretty girls? In fact I remember thinking that I had just completely ruined any chance of holding Steph’s interest with such an odd comment. It seemed it only took a few drinks for me to hint at my kinky desires – much to the chargrin of my sober self!

“I’m not sure I remember,” I lied, “I guess I’d had a couple drinks bythat point,” I said, choosing my words carefully.

Steph leaned over and inserted a key into the trunk, unlocking the right side, then the left side with a separate key. Why on earth it needed two locks was anyone’s guess. To dissuade luggage theft I suppose. Of course I didn’t fail to notice Steph’s toned butt as she bent over.

“Well, I remember what you said. You told me, that whilst you didn’t want to tie any girls up – you did think the idea of ​​BEING tied up was pretty hot. Although you quickly changed the subject and said you really just mean to say that you thought my anklet was pretty…”

Steph opened the trunk.

I felt my face getting turn red. To be honest, I did remember saying that, but I had thought maybe Steph hadn’t heard me. It was quite loud in the pub, and frankly I figured that the off-handed comment would never come to anything. Yet here I was, standing next to my stunning girlfriend and a trunk containing several coiled lengths of rope and duct tape and the implication that she means to tie me up tightly with them. I was speechless. Steph smiled.

“So I thought with tonight being a big night – your first night in our new place and all, maybe I could make this little fantasy of yours come true. But I WAS supposed to save the surprise for..”

I leaned in to kiss Steph deeply. Never had I felt so utterly consumed by someone in that moment. Was this really happening? I brushed my hand against the side of her face, and felt her hand slip down the front of my jeans. Steph laughed as she realized the extent of my excitement. I wasn’t even aware myself that I could get that hard.

“You know, the girls won’t arrive for another hour or so. What if we… practice a bit. It’s not like I’ve done this before after all. Um.. Kneel down and put your hands together, behind your back” Steph commanded.

In an instant I was on my knees looking up at her.

“Oooo so obedient. Good boy,” Step purred and I felt myself melting inside.

She grabbed a coil of rope and wrapped it round my wrists two or three times, then cinched it in the centre before tying it off. Then she grabbed another coil and quickly bound my arms behind my back at the elbow. I tested the binding and found it firm but not so tight as to cut off any circuit. The restriction felt good, just as I had always imagined it would.

“OK stand up,” said Steph.

I compiled and she bent down to tie my ankles, but stopped.

“If I tie you here, then you can’t get your pants off. Hm, see this is why we practice! take your pants off.”

I hesitated for a moment. It suddenly felt awfully bright in the room. I was having fun for sure, but wasn’t used to being so exposed. Steph saw the hesitation and frowned.

“What happened to my good obedient boy? Here, how about I do this – so we will be equal. Well… sort of.”

She giggled, and slipped her top over her neck, exposing her perfectly round breasts and erect nipples. I let out a small sight of pleasure. I had seen them before, but my current predicament heightened my senses ten-fold. I wanted desperately to reach out and touch them, but my bound hands made it impossible. Instead I squirmed my way out of my pants as instructed (much to Stephs amusement) and then stood naked while Steph kneeeled to begin tying my ankles. She paused again.

“You know What, why don’t you get in the trunk?” Steph motioned to the open wooden box.

“In there?” I asked sheepishly.

“Yeah – actually… that’s a great idea! I pretty sure you will fit – it looks big enough. Hop in for me and then I’ll finish tying you up real good.” Her voice dropped low and I needed no further convincing.

I lifted one leg and stepped in the box.

“Come on, in you get!” Said Step forcedly, and pushed me down on to my back.

With my hands tied, I fell down awkwardly, twisted slightly to one side. As I squirmed to get comfortable, my ankles were tied suprisingly quickly, followed by my knees. Steph stood back to admire her handiwork. She looked down her nose at me and I peered up at her. She looked so strong, powerful and confident towering over me. It felt right.

“Just one more piece,” Steph mused, reaching down out of view and retrieving the roll of duct tape.

“Oh actually I know what you might like. Don’t go anywhere.”

Steph disappeared from view giggling to herself realizing the irony of her last comet. While I waited, I once again tested my bonds. I could squirm and move a little but getting up to get out of the trunk seemed near impossible, especially with my elbows and knees tied, which really limited my movement the most. Steph reappeared above me.

“This is pretty hot hun,” I spoke to her from Below.

“Oh so you can talk can you? I was beginning to wonder why you weren’t saying anything. But that’s OK. From now on no talking without my permission. Got it?”

I nodded. Where was this newfound dominance coming from?

“Now, close your eyes and open your mouth” Step commanded.

I did as instructed, only to immediately feel something soft and slightly fuzzy being stuffed in my mouth followed by the ripping sound of duct tape being pulled off the roll, and wrapped tightly two… no three.. no four times around my head holding my mouth shut.

“There you go. I’ve literally put a sock in it.”

Steph seemed amused at her joke. Her eyes ran over my body, pausing on my cock. I gulped.

“You certainly seem to be enjoying yourself. What is it? The constriction? The powerlessness? My tits?”

I went to speak but no sound came out on account of the sock in my mouth.

“Oh right. But now what am I supposed to do with you. Hm?”

Slowly Step lifted one leg into the box, and placed her foot on my chest Then flexed her bicep in a hero pose for my benefit, looking to ensure my reaction. The weight of her foot felt firm and confident, holding me down. Slowly Steph eased the pressure, then traced her toe lightly down my chest towards my cock. She drew a circle around it before bringing it to rest against my shake – pressing down with her full weight and trapping it between her soft sole and my bound thighs. I closed my eyes, and an absolute wave of pleasure surged from deep within, welling up quickly. I struggled against my bonds to try to make it stop, but this only made things accelerate. I resisted the urge to thrust against her foot, as much as I wanted to. I knew that even the slightest movement would cause an esupplication. I strained against the ropes again, shuddering slightly and before I realized what was happening, Steph gasped loudly and removed her foot quickly from my crotch. I felt a wetness, and realized I was cuming, but now that Steph had removed her foot my orgasm washed away quickly, and instead of a pleasant ejaculation, I simply felt the pool of wetness growth and growth, as it dribbled out endlessly.

“Oh my God! I barely even touched you, and look how much you’ve cum I’ve never seen that much from you before!” Steph exclaimed.

I looked up with pleading eyes. Did she realise that she had completely ruined my orgasm? That I had cum but without any pleasure and now desperately needed to feel her touch again? Even the slightest contact would be heaven right now.

“That must have been the best orgasm of your life! And all because of my feet? That’s… interesting…”

I looked at Steph, hopelessly embaressed, yet my heart pounding with excitement. Any hope of continuing to hide my foot fetish seemed to be evaporating. Although she didn’t seem as grossed out as I had initially feared.

“I do wish we could have played a bit longer though! In fact, I think you deserve to be punished. I didn’t say you could cum yet – Maybe I should lock you in here!” Said Steph forcedly.

I couldn’t tell if she was actually angry, or just being a little tease to try and get a reaction from me. Surely she wouldn’t lock me in here? I shook my head furiously and tried to talk, but the now soggy sock in my mouth absorbed all sound.

“Don’t give me that look. You’re getting locked in for cumming before I wanted. And now I need to go wash my toes. You can wait in here and think about your behavior!”

She giggled a little which gave me some relief, then stepped out of the trunk and shut the lid with a thud. It closed easily, and plunged me into darkness. At least she didn’t lock it! I attempted to call out but Steph had really wrapped the duct tape tightly around my head and the sock in my mouth essentially muted all sound. I heard footsteps received as Steph presumably headed to the bathroom. All I could really do was wait. My eyes slowly began to adjust, and I realized There were a few slides of light entering the trunk from some small gaps and holes here and there. At least I wouldn’t suffocate in here. Surely Steph wouldn’t leave me too long. She had seemed to get a kickout of being dominant but she wasn’t outright cruel. Moments after completing that thought I heard a voice call out.

“Steph! We let ourselves in!”

“Stephanie, you left your door unlocked and we have come to party!”

I froze. Neither of those voices were Steph. One I recognized as Katie, Steph’s best friend. We had met one time shortly after Steph and I started dating. She was a short blonde with pale skin, and she worked with Steph but that was really all I knew. The other voice was foreign to me. What was clear however was that the girls had now entered the living room. I didn’t dare move.

‘Oh, I need to sit down, after walking up those stairs in heels, my feet are killing me” said the voice I didn’t recognize. A moment later I heard the couch creak, followed by a thud from above me. Someone was sitting on our couch and resting her feet on the trunk, not knowing I was trapped inside. I heard a sight as Katie sat on the couch and a subsequent thud as another pairof feet rested above me. My breathing quickly, and I felt my cock began to rise uncontrollable. What if they discovered me in here? The embarassment would be beyond reproach! How would Steph be able to continue seeing me if her friends hated me and thought I was some kind of pervert? No I had to lie still. Steph would return soon and find some way to distract them and let me out. Help me Steph!

“Oh hey, how did you get in here?” I heard Steph says from the far side of the room.

I could only imagine her standing there, looking at her friends and knowing I was in the box beneath their feet. If she had any concern her voice didn’t convey it.

“You left the front door unlocked. We knocked but you must not have heard, so we let ourselves in.”

“Yeah and now we are tired and want wine! But it’s OK because we brought some.”

I heard the rustling of a paper bag and a thud. Presumably a bottle of wine now rested above me. How could we have left the front door unlocked!

“Alright, well there’s glasses in the kitchen, why don’t you head in there and pour?” Suggested Steph.

My ears priced up. The kitchen was right next to the living room, escaping now seemed risky, bound as I was I couldn’t exactly move fast. Still – it was an opportunity.

I heard footsteps retreat to the kitchen and the glinking of glasses as Steps friends chatted amongst themselves. The lid of the trunk opened an inch. Steph crouched, her face close to the gap.

“We must have lost track of time! I can let you out but they will surely notice. I know how much that might embarrass you. Or… You can stay here – it’s your call – but you best decision quick. Do you want out?” Steph asked with some urgency.

My mind raced. It was sweet that Steph knew me well enough to understand how much I hated feeling socially uncomfortable. Hm – Freedom at the expense of facing a barrier of awkward questions and ridicule all night? Or stay confined where I was? Put it thatway the choice was easy. I shook my head. No, leave me here.

“Ok, but if you don’t want to risk being discovered, I’ll have to lock it. You’re sure?”

I nodded, chills running down my spine. Without any more hesitation, Step shut the lid, snapped the centre latch in place and locked each side with the keys. My heart skipped a beat. I was really trapped now! Just in time too it seemed, as I heard Katie talk excitedly as she re-entered the room.

“Sit down, Steph, you’re making me nervous standing there! Besides I haven’t seen you for ages! Your place seems cool. You’re really moving in with this guy? I thought you said he was kind of weird?”

I heard the couch creak as Steph and Katie sat down, as well as a soft thud from above as they rested Both their feet above me. My still aching cock from earlier throbbed at the thought of it.

“Well yeah, but he is sweet.” Cooed Steph.

I smiled. This wasn’t the worst thing to hear. I was a bit weird, even I willadmit that. But hearing Steph confess some affect for me made my heart flutter. I guess I was falling pretty hard for her.

“Does sweet make up for having a small cock?” Asked Katie bluntly. My eyes widened.


“What?! You’re the one who said it!”

“I didn’t say small, I said… average” replied Steph then giggled.


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