The House of Pleasure

The House of Pleasure

I arrived home from work that fateful Friday evening to be greeted at the door by a huge grin on her face and a wicked gleam in her gorgeous brown eyes. She was wearing her nightgown all pulled up around her and different but gorgeous makeup job when she met me at the door.
“Uhh… Hi, Babe…what’s up?” I asked in a rather puzzled tone. She said nothing as she took my arm and ushered me into the living room still just grinning at me and not saying a word.
Once we arrived in the living room, she stood me in the middle of the space. Finally, she spoke. “Close your eyes Baby,” she said in a semiconductor tone, “I have a surprise in store for you,” I did as instructed and felt hands removing my sweater and T-shirt. I cooperated enthusiastically. “Okay, good!” she squeaked. “Now, I’m going to teach you a Command word,” she mentioned as she stalked off behind me, trailing her fingers across my abs as she went, heightening the mood. When I say the Command wd ‘Hands’, you will present your hands to me wherever I am. If I’m at your back, you present them to me behind your back. If I am at your front, you present them to me a your front. Do you understand?”

“Okay?” I replied, still somewhat at a loss but still willing to play along.

“Perfect!” she said in a smug tone. “‘Hands!’” the order came. I slid my hands behind my back and instantly recognized the feel and sound of a pair of handcuffs being applied. “Close your eyes, Baby. You’ll enjoy this,” she whispered into my ear. I compiled with her direction.
“To your knees!” she said sternly giving the cuffs a sharp jerk downward. I stumbled and involuntarily crashed to the carpet with her still holding the cuffs so I was bent forward on my knees.
“Open Your eyes, now!” she demanded. As my eyes opened, I beheld my lady’s tender feet wrapped in black patent leather thigh high boots. As I looked up and, as my eyes cleared the boots, I noticed black stockings being held up by garter belts attached to a black bustier with red ribbon accents and black, see through and already damp, cropless panties. Her huge, triple D breasts were held up and out in cups built into the garment with holes in the tips fit for her luscious nipples. At her left side was one of my belts bent in double hanging on a loop, obviously her chosen instrument of dominance. Dark and smokey shadowing around her chocolate brown eyes coupled with her mascara made them look large and mysterious. Just the twinkle that was always there remained of my sweet wife. Now, she was a mistress with deep red nails and deeper red lipstick to round out the ensemble.
“I am Mistress Felicia,” she said imperiously as her gorgeous, thick auburn hair flowed about her shoulders like something alive. “Welcome to The House of Pleasure. You may address me only as Mistress, Mistress Felicia or Ma’am. I understand you wish to be trained to serve. If this is true, lick my boot.” She raised the cuffs, naturally diplomang my face towards her gorgeous black boot. I was a little bewildered but decided to play further as I looked up into her eyes to be sure. They glinted as I compiled with the instruction, stuck out my tongue and licked her lovely boot with long strokes.
“Very good!” she purred looking down on my activities. “There is a Command Word for this activity, and that is ‘Worship’. When I say the word ‘Worship’ and extend a body part or object to you, you will lavish adoration that part or object. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied, beginning to submit to her will.

“‘Worship!” she commanded, indicating her boot.

As I bought myself with my appointed task, she leaned down and brushed her fingers over the back of my neck. “Is this what you were expecting, Baby? Is this what you want?” she enquired in a soft, caring voice. I feel my will begin to collapse in on itself faster and faster as she touched me.
“Yes,” I said looking up into her big, beautiful brown eyesNot understanding the ramifications of my answer and action. Her belt was off the hook at her waist and in her hand in an instant. It came down sharply on my still clothed ass. I winced, yelped and jumped as the blow landed; but, at the same time, a delicious thrill ran through my entire being.
“You will address me only as Mistress, Mistress Felicia or Ma’am!” she repeated severely. “The correct response to any question from me is ‘yes Mistress Felicia’, ‘yes Mistress’ or ‘yes Ma’am’. The correct answer to any other woman is ‘Yes Ma’am’. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Mistress,” came my immediate response. My body was alive with excitement about what she had planned and where this was leading. “I wonder what brought all this on?” I thought.
“Good!” she cooed. “I think you’ll train very nicely! However,” her voice darkened, “you have also contrasted one of the first of the rules of the House. ‘The slave will never look directly into the eyes of his Mistress or any other woman unless directed’. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied, suddenly generally more subdued and regarding the belt now swinging menacingly in her left hand.

She considered me for long moments. I learned then that time loses meaning in the House of Pleasure. It could have been thirty seconds or ten minutes. I could virtually hear the sweat beading on my browser when she finally said “You are new so I will only give you fifteen lashes of the belt instead of twenty that you deserve through your clothes to cushion the blow,” she giggled. “This is a good opportunity to start teaching you more Command Words as well,” she mused.

“More Command Words?” I considered “How far down the rabbit hole did you go?” I thought as my appreciation began to rise.

“When I say the word ‘Present’, you are to either to spin on your hands and knees and present your sweet ass toward me; or, if you are standing, turn around and bend over, presenting that sweet ass to me to do with whates me. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I uttered, now feeling thoroughly subdued. “My adorable little wife is about to give me fifteen lashes with a two inch leather belt for infections of rules I didn’t even know existed!” I pondered. The ideas rammed and smoked in my head. I could no longer believe what I was experiencing.

She let go of the cuffs and squeezed off her shot. “‘Present’!” she demanded authoritatively.

I squirrelled around on my hands and knees and did my best to obey the command. When my ass was pointing up at her, she mentioned “Very good, my new Submissive! Now, you are not allowed to move, slave. That would be another infection. Oh, now you have learned two rules for the price of one!” she giggled. “You count!” she Commanded as she brought the belt down hard against my jutting ass.

This was my first experience of pain at the hands of my wife, now Mistress. “One!” I gasped as the pain reverberated through my body. It was adelicious new sensing, and I could very quickly become addicted to it. My cock stirred and actually began to harden. “I’ll have to be careful!” I thought.

“What?” she yelled, bringing he belt down across my still singing ass.

“One… Mistress!” I said a little louder.

“What? I want my full title!” she roared, bringing the belt down across my backside again.

“Yes, Mistress Felicia!” I yelled as the pain began to mount.

“Excellent!” she said softly. “You have had one to count towards your punishment, the other two were just to help you along!” she giggled evilly and brought the belt down again and again as I counted and uttered her title out loud as the blows landed. I was virtually weeping when she stopped. “Have you learned your lesson?” she asked gently.

“Yes, Mistress Felicia!” I panted, blinking back tears.

“When you receive a beat, you thank the Mistress. Do you understand?

“Yes, Mistress Felicia! Thank you, Mistress Felicia!” Ibreathed.

She extended the belt in front of my face and uttered the Command Word “‘Worship’!” On order, I lavished love and affection on her instrument of my discipline.

She giggled, sat on the couch and regard me. “I am going to teach you two more of the commands in the House. They are very important for you to know, so pay attention.”

“Oh, marvellous!” I thought. “I wonder how much pain these ones are gonna to cause.”

When I utter the word ‘Submit’” she began, “and point to a spot, you are to immediately move to that spot with all due haste and knee. Do you understand?

“Yes Mistress.” I said, my submission growing deeper.

“‘Submit!” she commanded, pointing to a spot in front of her. After I was kneeing on the spot she indicated, she beamed down on me. “Very good” she gleefully squealed. “I know you are a quick study!” Now I am going to teach you another very important command: ‘Rise’. Upon mention of this word, you will stand up and face me with your head bowed in proper submissive posture. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” came my response, a little more appreciated of exactly how far she wanted to take this.

“‘Rise’!” she commanded. I rose up to full height being careful to avoid looking directly into her in the eyes . She quickly stripped off my pants and underwear. “You will no longer be allowed to wear clothes in the House of Pleasure unless directed. Do you understand?”
“Yes Mistress,” I replied.

“You will go in and take a shower, shake your neck, brush your teeth and report to this very spot naked as the day you were born for inspection. You have 15 minutes to accomplish this task. Do you understand?”

“Yes Mistress,” came my immediate response.

“Turn around, back to me.” she said nodding her head. I compiled with the instruction and she produced a variety of keys that dangled from a chain around her neck. She selected one, unlocked the cuffs and removed them. “Now do as you have been told like a good little slave!” She intoled as I turned. She slapped my bare ass with the flat of her hand to speed me on my way.

I washed quickly but thoroughly, not knowing what the rest of night would bring. The anticipation was killing me. I got out of the shower, dried off and walked quickly to accomplished the published set of tasks before worrying back to the living room, naked as a jaybird as instructed.

“Submit!” she said in a soft tone and pointed to a spot on the floor directly in front of where she sat comfortably on the couch. Obediently, I strode across the room and fell to my knees before her.

“Another very important command is ‘Display’,” she said solemnly “You thrust your hips and pelvis forward giving me complete access to your prong and balls. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied.

“Great! You are moving along so very well in your training!” she bubbled. “‘Submit’!” she commanded. I performed the command as she picked up aone inch wide leather collar from the nightstand with the word “My” on the back and “Slave” on the front, slipped it around my neck and buckled it into place. It was tight, but I could still breathe.

“Whenever you enter the House of Pleasure, you will have your collar put on you. It is a gift from your Mistress and is the only thing in this world that is yours. Punishment will be severe,” she snapped the belt down on her boot, “for loss or disobedience. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I answered looking at the belt as she returned so easily to the hook on her waist and remembering the feel of it through my jeans. I had no such armour now, and had no wish to feel that sting on my bare flesh.

“Good slave! Now ‘Worship’!” she said casually extending her Delicate hand. I heeded the Command Word and began to lick, suck and massage her hand and fingers. “‘Rise’!” she commanded when she tired of this activity. “Turn around, back to me.”

I compiled with the order,and the next directive was shortly on its way.

”Hands!” came the following directive. I obeyed her stipulation, heard a slight click and again felt the bite of the handscuffs at my wrists. “Turn around, face me!” she commanded. I turned to see an array of acouterments on the side table beside her. She selected some shaving cream from the assembly and proceeded to later up my crotch! At this point, I became rather alarmed.

“No, wait! What are you doing?” I asked in a rather distresses tone.

She smiled up at me wickedly. “You’ll see!” she laughed. “You have just contrasted another Rule of the House of Pleasure,” she said rising to her feet. The slave will never utter the word ‘No’ in the presence of his Mistress’.” She looked at me with the face that she would give a reccalcitrant child. “‘Present’!” She commanded. I turned around and bent over as the command directed. She gave me the full penalty afforded by the rule. Ten quick lashes, then five more “for announcement.” she explained. I had learned my third hard lesson about the ‘Rules of the House of Pleasure’. There were many more to come. I was stumbleing around in a minefield blindfolded, and we both knew it. She proceeded to take a razor and shake my crotch smooth. She used her lips and tongue to check her handiwork. I immediately began to get hard.

“This will not do!” she exclaimed as she viscously flicked the head of my prong. The pain and surprise immediately made me go soft just as fast.

“Good slave!” she into snapping a lean to the collar and rising. “Come along… you’re mine now and I want to make sure to keep you mine!” She laughed. The Command Word for this is ‘Follow’. Upon utterance of the word ‘Follow’, the slave will follow where his mistress leads, maintaining modernate tension on his lean. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I responded immediately.

We both rose and she led me on the lean to the stairs that led up to the bedrooms. “Wait here,” she said. She reached over and drew a shade over my eyes and tightened it into position. “You must trust me in everything. Very important concept, especially at the start.” She rattled the leash and I felt the collar at my neck tighten lightly as we started slowly up the stairs.

Carefully mounted the stairs and maintaining my balance with my hands cuffed behind my back was hard work behind the blindfold. I stubbed my toes on the faces of the steps and stumbling up the stairs behind her with her laughing and giggling softly at my efforts.

“You you would have a hard time even making it to the bedroom without me!” she chided, slapping my ass cheek hard with the flat of her hand as we stood on the upstairs landing. The pain and surprise caused me to jump. “Oh, how delightful” she giggled and then gushed as I flushed critic, “That was so cute! Your feet lifted right off the ground! So sweet… how I know you are brand new to this. A virgin slave to break in… mmmm,” she cooed and smiled as she tugged the leash again. She turned me around and around until I was dizzy and led me stumbling off in one direction while she kept me on my feet with the leash held short.

She eventually led me to the bed in our room and bent me over the edge. I heard the rattling of keys as she unlocked my handscuffs.

“I am now going to teach you another Command Word,” she mentioned idly. “When I pronounce the Command ‘Up’, you will sit up straight if on you knees, or stand up straight if you are on your feet. Do you understand?

“Yes, Mistress,” I quietly submitted.

“Good! Your training is progressing so well!” she bubbled. ‘Up!’” she commanded. I stood up straight at the crack of the word. She spun me and pushed me down on the bed. I felt loops being slipped over my wrists and quickly realized I was being restrained! She moved to my legs and likewise slipped loops around my ankles. She grabbed a sash at the foot of the bed and pulled, pulling the rest of the restraint system tight. I was now firmly restrained in an X position on the bed.

I could hear her moving about the room, picking up and putting down objects. I felt her warm hands on my soft prong and then a cool sensing being slided down the length of my shaft. Her delicate fingers slipped my balls through the ring and placed it firmly behind. She slide other rings around my balls and the base of my cock

She removed my blindfold slowly. As the shade cleared, I saw that the room was dimly lit with candles but I could still make out the familiar surroundings. She held an object in her hand and a devilish look in her deep brown eyes.

“Know what this is?” She pursued as she stroked my chin and chest with the object.
“No Mistress,” I replied submissively.
“It’s what I am going to use to capture your manhood!” she cooled and smiled. She drew the item back and it came into focus. It was part of a male chatity device! “Since you are tied down, you are helpless to prevent me taking it!” She chuckled and laughed as I struggled in my bonds, but I was held secure. Indeed, she could do as she pleased and I was powerless to prevent it. She quickly put my cock in her mouth to lubricate it and then jammed it into the cap. Within minutes I was all locked up. I could not touch or play with myself. She informed me that my cock, balls and cum all belonged to her now and she did not want to see me wasting it. I accepted the condition almost immediately as she began to play, licking the slot and vents making me harder than Chinese algebra inside the device. I moaned softly as precum began to leak out the front slot in the cage.
She smiled a strictly wicked grin as she patted the plastic covering my penis. The keys now hung between her greous breasts and swung to appear in and out of the pleasant valley between. She rattled my cock cage. “That looks good on you!” she gushed looking up and catching me staring at the keys, “I may keep you in it for a while.” She tookthe key and dangled it in front of me. “Is this what you want?” she cooed. “Freedom for your poor abused cock and balls? Mmmmm… maybe later. I have other plans for the next little while. I own you now,” she said shaking the key. A shiver of fear mixed with excitement ran down my spine at this revelation.

“Kiss the key!” she demanded, dangling the key in front of my lips. I compiled, tenderly kissing the symbol of my confinement. “Oh, you are a natural slave!” she beamed, “You are going to be easy for me to train!” Her breasts were a fraction of an inch from my mouth. She looked down at me slathering for her magnificent chest. “‘Worship’!’” as all she said, but it was enough of an invitation to cares her soft breasts, lick and suck her cherry red nipples.

“Train?” I thought, “How long does she Intend to carry this on for?”

She saw the cloud of confusion cross my face, and gave a wicked laugh. “It might just go on for as long as this fantasy lasts, or it may become permanent. I haven’t decided yet,” she into blandly as she examined her bright red nail poison.

“Permanent?” I thought. Suddenly, appreciated turned into alarm as thoughts of what I’d seen and read online came flooding into my mind. Tales of virile men turned into simple slaves before the woman they serve. I began to struggle harder, but still to no avail. She laughed at my futile efforts as the restrains held me fast. I was caught, her love slave to do with as she pleased.

She approached me with a cup of fluid. The questioning look in my eyes prompted a response from her. “It’s just something to help you relax, Honey. Drink up,” she murmured in a soft voice. “I want you to enjoy. Is this what you have been fantasizing about? “

“Yes, Mistress,” came my immediate response. She smiled, tilted my head up and helped me drink the koolaid from the cup. She took her time and we didn’t spill a drop.

“Oh, awesome!” she bubbled, “I was worried that we may need a sippy cup, but you didn’t spill a drop. Now, if it gets to be too much for you at any point, your safe word is ‘Oranges’. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I replied, “my safe word is ‘Oranges’,” I told with some relief at the sounds of that. If this did get to be too much for me, I had a way out.


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