The House of Louve 05: The Third Tale

House of Louve that all persons and participants are of legal (over 18) age of consent. No individual named below is of a real person; understand the Author fictionally creates the names.


The coach bounded and shook traveling the road back to Castle Dijon, Bernadette fidgeted in her seat facing her brother and Master. His head was leaning back resting on the back of the coach wall, his eyes closed. Juliette, Evette, and Grace were quietly sitting whispering amongst themselves about how their Master treated them while having relationships. It was a matter of time before Bernadette’s punishment. They had about five to six hours of travel back home. She looked at Grace, Juliette, and Evette when she suddenly felt sick, her stomach was not right. Bernadette opened the window of the coach, put her head out, and heaved her stomach on the ground. Grace moved to be by her side.

“Mistress, what is the matter? What ails you? “Grace said, grabbing Bernadette’s long flowing blonde hair. Bernadette leaned back against the seat and Grace handed her a drink.

“Grace, I do not know. Suddenly I must have eaten something wrong, my stomach is wretched, and I feel weak in my body. I have missed my curse three times since we left Dijon. I was late getting into the coach because I heaved my breakfast. I do know what is wrong. I hope Master does not get sick like this…OHHH…” She leaned out the window and heaved again, but this time nothing came out of her mouth. Grace slide back to the other side of the seat pulling Bernadette’s head into her lap.

“Mistress, rest we will be home soon and will call the Midwife to come to take a look at you,” Grace said with concern. Paul was not sleeping and heard the entire exchange between Grace and Bernadette. Opening his eyes, he looked at Bernadette.

“Bernadette, how will I to protect you if you do not tell me when you are sick and feeling poorly,” Paul said looking over atHis sister. Paul still needs to punish her for her lateness, but in light will see what the midwife has to say. Grace looked out of her window holding Bernadette’s head in her lap worrying about her sister slave and what might ail her. Grace looks up and sees Paul’s concern on his face; Bernadette is sleep now from the rocking of the coach. Paul calls to Barbos asking him how much more they have to go.

“Marquis, we are more than halfway to the castle. Do you want me to stop?”

“No, keep going. Have you seen any questionable sightings? Have you seen anyone on the road?”

“No, Marquis, it has been quiet so far, but Highwaymen usually follow far behind us until we reach the woods. We are closing on the woods soon, Marquis.”

“Barbos make sure you protect yourself up there, I would hate to lose you.”

“Yes, Marquis, I will do my best to keep safe.” The woods he referred to blanked the road on both sides. It was thick with underbrush and big trees, suitable forhiding for an ambush. He knew that Barbos could handle himself in a fight, but he worried about his sister and slaves. The coach abruptly stopped. Paul picked up the crossbow and locked an arrow into the receiver.

“What is it?” Paul called out.

“Marquis, a man is standing in the roadway, he is armed, but I do not see anyone else around. I believe it is a trap. Paul moved the curtain slightly to one side to view the surrounding area and saw three men dash for cover against a tree. Paul’s adrenalin kicked in high and he was aware of five more on the other side of the coach.

“Hail driver. I would like to know who you carry in the coach.” The man in the road yelled.

“Barbos did not tell him I am the Marquis. I believe these are ruffians from Monitimere. He wants me dead to claim my castle and lands.” Paul said quietly to his driver.

“He is just a merchant bringing slaves to the market. We have one that is sickly and must get her to a midwife to determine her ailment.” Barbos yells. Paul takes off his coat, not wanting these men to see he is the Marquis, and dons a tattered shirt from his bag. Suddenly a man pokes his head into the window of the coach.

“Well, what have we here? Four whores to entertain us. What’s wrong with that one?” The man asks, looking at Paul.

“My suspicions are the Plague, but right now I do not know.” The man’s face shows concern and leaves the window.

“Hey, Monty; This one has the plague they are infected with. Let them pass.” The man waves to the man standing in the road. He moves out of the way and Barbos starts the coach walking the horses slowly past the man that was in the road. Barbos keeps the horses at a slow pace so they will not alert the highwaymen. After several hundred meters away, Barbos kicks the horse to gallop and they speed away from the highwaymen. Paul leans out of the coach to watch and sees a man following on horseback about fifty meters or so behind. As the coach speeds off sodoes the rider trying to keep pace. Paul knows instantly that he will keep following. Picking up the crossbow and aiming it at the rider waiting until they round the bend in the road. When the coach is more than halfway around the bend Paul sighted the man pulling the trigger and the bolt flies, it hits the rider in his throat stopping him from calling to his companies. He slumps forward and the horse keeps running off to the left until the rider falls off deep in the woods.

“Barbos, get us to Countess Burroches, it is to the east of the road at the next bend. We need to get there fast.”

“Yes, Marquis,” Barbos spurs the horses to go faster and in a short time, Countess Burroches mansion comes into view. Not slowing until safely in the courtyard when Barbos pulls back on the reins to stop the carriage. From the doorway out comes a man.

“Who goes There?” He said. Paul stepped out of the coach taking off the tattered shirt and donning his royal coat.

“I am the Marquis Du Dijon, Paul Louve and I have come here to ask Lady Burroches for safety and to have a midwife look after my ailing sister.” The man bows down

“My apologies Marquis, We were not expecting you. I will get the Countess and call for our midwife. I am Caesar, the Countess’s Castellan. Please, you are welcome here. Janet, Christina, and Havier come to help the Marquis and his charges. Janet, go fetch the Countess and inform her the Marquis Du Dijon requests her presence. Marquis, please follow me and I will set you in the library.” Caesar said, leading them to the library. Paul carried his sister in and placed her on the couch in the library motioning for his slave to find a place to knee. Juliette, Evette, and Grace knelt beside the couch next to Bernadette. The Countess walked in wearing an elegant dress full of spring colors providing a very nice view of her cleavage.

“Marquis, it is a pleasure to receive you. What is the nature of your visit?” the Countess inquiredas she curtsied in front of Paul. Inwardly, she hoped it was for her benefit until she saw the woman on the couch. She looked sickly and worried she was contagious.

“Countess Burroches, I require your midwife. It seems my sister has fallen ill and we would like the Midwife to examine her.” Paul said with concern in his voice.

“Of course, Marquis, Christina, go fetch Medina and bring her to the study.” Catherine said.

“Mistress, Janet has been dispatched to retrieve her,” Christina said and as if called the Midwife shows up at the door.

“Medina, please check the Marquis sister,” Catherine stated. Medina curtsied at Paul and he nodded his head.

“Yes, Countes, I will need to examine her in a more private setting. Come child we will go somewhere more private. Can you stand?” Medina asked. Bernadette Shook her head no and looked to Paul. Paul walked over to the couch; picked his sister up and looked at the midwife.

“Show me where we will go.” He said. Median led them out of the library up the stairs to the first room in the mansion. Paul lowered his sister onto the bed and stood back.

“Marquis, if we could have some privacy. It would make it better for all.” She said Paul, not wanting to leave her side, looked at Medina and then at his sister. Bernadette looked at him with fear and uncertainty in her eyes.

“Midwife, I will stay. She is my sister and I will know what you know.” He said with authority.

“Marquis, please I will not harm her. I must have her remove her garments to examine her thoroughly. You should not see your sister naked, Marquis. It is improper for a brother to see his sister naked.” Medina said not knowing about Paul and his sister. Paul nodded his head leaving to return to the library. He saw the look on his slave’s faces one of worry.

“Juliette and Evette go assist the Countess’s staff to prepare a meal for us. Grace Elizabeth, go up the stairs and the first room, and assist the Midwife with your Mistress. Report back to me when she has been diagnosed.”

“Yes, Master.” They said in unison. Paul turned to the Countess. He finally saw extraordinarily beautiful she is and his manhood stiffened. Catherine, Countess Burroches, looked at Paul with concern in her eyes.

“Marquis, would you like a brandy? Whiskey? Cognac?” She offered.

“Cognac would be wonderful. Did you know that just a few kilometers northwest of here are highwaymen trying to rob passersby’s?” Paul said annoyed. He was fuming in his mind. Catherine poured out the cognac in two glasses. Handing one to Paul, she kept the other and sipped the fine homemade liquid.

“Marquis, I did not. However, my brother, the Count, has posted many men along that road to intercept his enemies and some of my guests are complaining. I have written a letter to the King about his stationing men along that road. I have not heard from the King about what is to be done.” She said with disdain in her voice. She looked atPaul and felt she could confirm in him about her situation. Catherine walked to the doors of the library, closed, and barred the doors. This surprised Paul and his defenses were on alert putting his hands on his sword. Catherine saw and put her hand up to let him know she did not mean any harm to him.

“Marquis, you and your party are safe in my house. I assume you that while I am here and still the Countess no one will harm you. I barred the doors so that I may confident in you a situation I need to resolve in a matter of weeks. The King has stated I must find a husband or lose my title and possessions within four weeks to my brother. He will misreat my staff and slaves; I will become my brother’s property and he is an evil and sadistic man. Marquis, I know you are unwed, you seem to be the most available to discuss my issue with.” Catherine fell to her knees in front of Paul, surprising him.

“Marquis, I request that I come under your protection and service in a manner to which we can agree.” Paul took hold of her arm and tried to raise her, but she stayed kneeing at his feet. Confused for a moment Paul looked down at the Countess.

“Countess Burroches what manner do you speak of? Yes, I am unwed, but I have not planned to marry so soon. What is your proposal, Countess? ” Paul said, questioning her motors.

“Marquis, my brother, the Count of Moritimere has stated to me that he wants your title, lands, and properties. This includes your sisters, slaves, and house staff. By Hades, he wants to be King, if he could get away with killing the King and claiming the right of a duel. We are not of royal lines as you and your family is he sees that you are close to the King and will stop at nothing to have you and your family under his control. He is working with someone close to you and within your castle to see that this happens. I know he has traveled to Compte several times, once with a red-headed woman that he did not return with several weeks ago. He has hired these highwaymen to harm your family. He is becoming desperate to have either or both of your sisters as his slaves. My proposal to you Marquis, if you are inclined to agree, would be for us to marry. I have not had a reasonable suitor since my husband died last year. I do not want anyone of the available men except you Marquis. If my brother is to have his way and he usually does then I will be out of my own home with nothing but my clothes or strapped to his bed without hope of release while he uses and abuses those I hold dear. I will be his vessel to plate his seed into possible producing an heir. If we were to marry, my possessions would become yours and he would not be able to take them from you. Marquis, my brother is a cruel man, a sadistic man, he has beaten me on many occasions because I will not lie with him. I would rather have an arrow through my heart killing me before I have him take me. Marquis, Please I will do anything for you if we come to this agreementnt. I do not want my brother to take possession of my house or me. I am on my knees begging you to accept my proposal I will become your service, I will do anything for you, I will be your sex slave if it means my people and property are protected.” Catherine said, lowering her head to the floor and crawling to Paul’s feet, she kissed his boot. There came a knock on the door.

“Countess, Marquis, may we come in? I have some news.” Medina said through the door. Catherine looked up at Paul, he helped her stand and motioned for her to get the door, and they would talk about it later. Catherine rose, unbarred the door, and opened them. There stood Medina and Grace holding Bernadette, they proceeded into the library where Medina helped Bernadette with Grace’s help Bernadette sat down on the couch. She Walked up to Paul and the Countess.

“Well, your sister is not ill Mi’Lord. She is with child.” Paul stepped back almost falling over onto the floor. He looked over at the smiling Bernadette.

“She has the sickness of the morning because her body is adjusting to the new life within her,” Medina states authoritatively.

“How far along is she?” He asked

“Mi’Lord as far as I can tell by the examination, she is in the early stages. She will have the wee one before Harvest time.” Medina said

“Did she says how she became with child? Who has she bedded?” Paul asked but knowing the answer.

“No, Mi’Lord she was silent on that subject stating she would only tell her brother who the father is, that is why I brought her to you and the Countess.” Medina cooperatively said. Paul caught the reference then looking at Catherine, he said.

“Leave us, I wish to talk to my sister in private to find out who has dishonored my sister in such away. Thank you, Medina. I have a way with my sister and she will tell me who is responsible. I will take full responsibility. Now, please leave us for a moment. Catherine, please stay.” Paul said. Medina and Grace turnedand walked out of the library and Paul closed and barred the door. He turned to Catherine, walking over to his sister and sitting next to her holding her in his arms.

“Countess, since you have confirmed in me, I am returning the confidence to you. If you say you will do anything to have my protection, then that protection will start today. I agree to our proposal that we will marry and your training as my slave wife.” Paul said sternly. Catherine’s heart was racing, the blood went to her face and she fell to her knees in front of Paul and his pregnant sister.

“Yes, Marquis, anything.” She looked at Bernadette, who was smiling at her. Bernadette knew her brother and Master. She knew what he was going to say.

“Countess Burroches, we will marry on the last day of your decade. However, you must first pass a test to prove you will be loyal and my slave, do you agree?” Paul said with authority looking into Catherine’s baby blue eyes.

“Marquis Du Dijon, will this test hurt me or cause undue harm to me? Is this test something I can do now?” She said from her knees. Paul smiled.

“No, this test will not hurt or harm you. Stand and remove your garments. I want to see what I have agreed to train and marriage. If you are to be my slave wife, I must inspect the goods brought to me. I do not purchase damaged goods, well at least lately I have not.” He said with a smile. Catherine, surprised at his request, looked over at Bernadette; she nodded and then looked into Paul’s beautiful sky blue eyes.

“Catherine, why do you seek her approval? If I am to be your Master and Husband, why are you seeking my sister’s approval? Her approval does not matter; my approval is what you should seek. She is my sister and my slave. NOW, if You wish to be my slave wife then remove your garments or accept my punishment which I administrator to naked slaves.” Paul said with authority. Catherine looked at him and nodded her head before she stood up and unbuttoned her tunic taking it off and placing it on the couch next to Bernadette. Then she removed her petticoat, her dressing gown, and finally her bloomers, placing them on top of her tunic. Standing naked in front of Him and his sister, she placed her hands behind her head and looked forward. Paul’s manhood was stiff and hard, looking at one of the most beautiful women in the area. He thought no wonder her brother wanted to lay with her, Hell he did too. Catherine felt aroused, her womanly juices running down her thighs showing Paul how exciting it was for her. She loved to be naked in front of people she wanted and dreamed of standing naked before him as she is now. Paul stepped closer to her naked body; he touched her cheek, rubbing the back of his hand up and down her cheek and across her sizable breasts, down her stomach to her dripping womanhood, he grabbed her womanly tuff of hair. This caused a small moan from Catherine.

“Catherine, you are a remarkable woman, you have beautiful features anda beauty that I admire. Your breasts have not fallen, your backside strong and pronounced your legs well-toned and your womanhood is leaking on the floor, however, one item that must be dealt with is your womanly hair, it must be removed before your training is to start.” Catherine blushed her body, turning a light red complexion.

“Do you want to be my slave? On the other hand, do you want to be my slave wife? If you want to be my slave then you will do as I command you today and until I release you. If you want to be my slave wife then you will do as I command you today until the end of our days.” Paul waited and watched as Catherine, her juices falling on the floor beneath her, unable to think of the answer. He saw her turmoil and smiled to himself knowing the answer already, but he had to hear it from her and not by him telling her. For long minutes Catherine thought. How she wanted to be his slave or his slave wife. He had his secrets and she had hers. Paul walked behind hergrabbed the back of her head tilting it back so that she looked into his eyes. Paul was aroused and needed some release and she wanted to be his, he could tell from the minute she looked at him.

“Catherine, tell me what your desire is?” Paul said, whispering in her ear. Still locked to his eyes she pleased with him to answer for her, but he would not. His hand squeezing, pinching, and twisting her nub caused the Countess to moan and whimper.

“Tell me or I will leave with my sister and my slaves allowing your brother to take control over you and his sadistic ways. Look deep into my eyes and tell me your desire.” Paul said, locked on her gaze. Catherine saw what she wanted to be his mind, body, and soul; she could see it in his eyes he wanted to possess her, to own her, to mark her as his and no one else.

“Marquis, Paul, and Master I want to be owned by you, I want to be your slave wife. I want to be a slave to you and only you and have no other man possess me; I wantyou to mark me as yours, to bear your child. I am yours Marquis Du Dijon.” She said breathing rapidly, her chest rising and falling with each breath she made towards him. Paul pulled her into his lips and kissed her with password. She melted into his kiss and his arms; she was naked and felt the intense password from his kiss and her password rising within her belly. Her muffled moans stopped when she felt lips on her nether region then they began again as the tongue flicked her love button causing her legs to give way, Paul put his arms under hers to hold her up. He let go of her head and she looked down to see Bernadette licking and sucking her nether region. Paul moved behind her letting her lean against his chest as his hands reached her breasts and nubs, twisting and pinching causing Catherine to moan louder. Bernadette was doing a fine job of arousing her towards a monumental release, one she had never had in her life. Her dead husband never achieved this much arousal from her.


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