The House of Louve 04: Other tale

It is understood throughout this series of tales of the House of Louve that all persons and participants are of legal age (over 18) of consent. No one or individual named below is of a real person all names are made up by the Author.

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The morning had not yet brought the light of day and Paul along with Melody, Bernadette, and Grace were set to travel to the Castle Compte, his other house. He had not been to the Castle in several months and with the work he commissioned for the restoration, he needed to see to the progress. Paul mounted his Black Arabian Stallion, Maximus, Philip had saddled him, and the carriage packed ready for the slaves to enter. Jorge would be the driver and he knew the way to the castle.

“Master, the slaves are ready, shall we proceed to the Castle Compte” Jorge said in the driver’s seat of the carriage. Paul nodded and the carriage rolled away to the entrance of the grounds. Paul stayed back to address Philip.

“Philip, please take care of this house while I am away. You may use any of the slaves for your pleasure, not Sophie however. She is not to be touched until my return. She is not to participate in any pleasure activities that may happen with my slaves. If she inquires, tell her Master has forbidden it until his return. You may need to shade her arms behind her back to combat this issue. Sophie is not to have relationships with anyone. Take my Mother and pleasure her with whips, paddles, and the crop; her punishment is to endure while I am away and she is to remain naked unless guests arrive, she may dress but must remain naked underneath. Philips do not have relationships with her, she is not to have relationships with anyone at the Castle man or woman, only what I explained to you. I expect any Missings will be address and brought to my attention when I return.”

“Yes, Marquis, I will do your bidding and keep the house and occupations in order as you suggest. Have asafe trip Mi’Lord.” Paul nodded and set to catch up to the carriage already past the gate and on the road to his house.

Two hours into their travels, Paul told Jorge to stop the carriage. He instructed the slave to get out, stretch their legs, and disrobe. Melody pulled her gown over her head instantly naked, Grace did the same as well as Evette, although she was appreciated in doing so which caught Paul’s eyes. Reaching into his saddlebag Paul pulled out a length or two of rope, walked over to Evette grabbing her from behind pulled her wrists to her back and secured them. Then tied the other rope to her wrist ran the rope under her legs and up her torso wrapping it around her neck; pulling her head down and tying the ends together in front of her. He pulled up on the rope pulling it tight into her open womanhood and her love button causing Evette to groan and moan in pain.

“Slave, I have bound you in this manner to teach you a lesson. Do not hesitate to do my bidding orcommand. You hesitated to remove your garment as I instructed. I do not tolerate this action and have bound you for punishment; you will ride on top of the carriage with Jorge. Jorge you will protect her, but do not touch her. Understand?”

“Yes, Mi’Lord. I will make sure she is well protected during the time.” He said to Paul while Paul attached his horse to the back of the carriage.

“Slaves in the carriage, we must be going.” Melody, Grace, and Bernadette climbed in naked and Paul followed in. He tapped on the roof and off they went for the remainder of the ride to Castle Compte.

“Bernadette, sit beside me, Grace on your knees in front of me, Melody on my other side. Grace show me how you pleasure my manhood with your mouth.” Grace opened his pants and pulled out his semi-hard manhood, opening her mouth she sank down until her nose met his lap, swallowing him in one move. Paul put his arms around Melody and Bernadette pulling them closer to his side. He groaned and grabbit Melody’s left nipple and Bernadette’s right nipple and pinched them. His slaves moaned their approval and he twisted and pinched them. Grace had learned how to provide her Master with pleasure using her mouth and bobbed up and down taking him deep into her throat. Feeling joy and excitement Grace lowered her hand to her naked womanhood beginning to rub her love button. Paul noticed this

“Did I give you permission to pleasure yourself while pleasure me Slave?” Grace squirmed as Paul grabbed and pinched her title flesh and lifted her head off his cock.

“NO, Master, forgive me Master.” Paul release the title flesh, he so wanted to enjoy playing with these three slaves. Lifting his hands from around the sitting slaves, he grabbed Grace with both hands and forced her down on his manhood lodging it into her throat. He kept her pinned with his cock in her mouth.

“Melody when was your last curse?” Paul said looking into her eyes.

“Master, it was three days hence.”Paul smiled still holding Grace down on his manhood. Panicking a little Grace felt like she would pass out from lack of air when Paul released her head. Grace cought and gasped for air. Paul let her breathe for a few seconds then forced her back on to his manhood thrusting deep into her throat. He felt he was ready for release and pulled Grace off him. Turning to Melody he lifted her above his manhood and dropped her on him speaking her warm wet core in on mighty thrust. Melody gasped from the sudden intrusion and started to raise and fall on her Masters wonderful manhood. Her arousal started to peak when she felt Master spent his seed into her causing her to release screaming her orgasm to the world. Paul sent several thick ropes of his seed into his slave hoping he would improve her, he succeed. Once he finished he pulled Graces head back to his manhood and told her to clean him. Bernadette watched the coupling and moaned while she rubbed her private parts. As she watched the coupling, her arousal peaked when Melody screamed her release causing Bernadette to scream her release as well.

“My little pleasure slave pleasured herself without my permission. I will have to punish you when we arrive at the Castle.” Paul said with menace in his voice and a sultry smile. Grace finished cleaning her Master’s manhood and raised to get in the seat. Paul looked at her and pointed to Melody’s dripping womanhood signaling her to clean her of his seed. Grace slide over and lifted Melody’s legs to her shoulders, for better access to her womanhood, and licked Melody clean. Melody started to squirm in her seat while Grace licked and sucked her Master’s seed out of her womanhood. Melody released during Grace’s cleaning. Grace finished and Melody was basking in the afterglow of her release. When she had finished Paul indicated she could sit.

“Grace when was your curse?” Paul said looking into her eyes with lustful thoughts.

“Master, my curse was seven days hence.”Paul smiled and knew he could not impregnate this time, but for future reference, he would remember. Looking at his beautiful sister, his pleasure slave, he asked the same question. She told him it had been a fortnight since her last curse. Unknown to them she was already with child, his. Paul smiled and thought about the possibilities of having many children with his slaves.

The rest of the ride went by quietly, he slept a little and the slaves slept as well. Suddenly the carriage came to a halt. Jorge the driver said

“Marquis we have arrived.” Paul looked out the window and saw the castle grounds indeed looked far better than when he was last here, it looked like a new castle. It impressed him and sought out the groundskeeper he hired some months back.

“Francis, you have out done yourself, the grounds look magnificent. Did you have any troubles or concerns?”

“Marquis, it is good to see you. No, no troubles, some concerns but we can discuss them later after youhave settled inside. Barbos, Marshall; See to the Marquis and his party, take the luggage inside and …..” His words stopped short when he saw three beautiful naked women exit the carriage. His jaw opened when he looked at the woman next to the driver naked and tied. Paul smile and laughed inwardly at the man’s lack of words.

“As you were saying Francis.” Looking at the man.

“Mi pardon Marquis. I mean no harm in my staring at your lovely ladies.” Francis said still looking at a naked Evette.

“Francis, I will let you have that slave, pointing to Evette, for a night if you wish, but the other slaves are not available to any men here. I am punishing this slave and her punishment will be to service you and only you for the night. Do not mark her, do not cut her or Harm her in any way. If I should see or hear of such things, I will not be pleased and you will suffer my wrath in this matter. Are we in agreement, I want to reward you for your success in making the groundslook grand again. This is my reward to you with a warning. Agreed?” Paul said as Jorge helped Evette climbed down off the carriage and led to Paul. Evette still naked and tied, her head down and her blush encompassed her body.

“Slave, you will be serving my grounds keeper for the night. You are to remain shackled and will perform as you do for me; you are his reward for doing such fantastic and incredible work.” Evette resigned the fact; a slave to the Marquis and would obey him, learning her lesson sitting on top with the driver. The rope between her womanhood rubbed her raw from the carriage ride.

“Yes, Master. I will service him as I serve you.” Evette said bowing her head.

“Right, now my Cheries, we will take this inside and discuss my reward.” Francis said with a lecherous smile. Paul walked into the main entrance way and called for his Castellan; the head of house staff.

“I am here My Lord.” Said a thirty something tall gentleman dressed in a tight fitting regular suit

“What is your name Castellan? ” Paul asked.

“My name Sir is Guillaume D’Aboville. I go by Gilly or Gill, or you may call me what the Marquis would like.” Gill said with a smile.

“Gill, I am Paul Reginald Louve, Marquis du Compte du Dijon and Master of this house. I assume that the affairs of the house are in order and I can be received by the entire staff and slaves.” Paul said with authority.

“Mi’Lord, yes certainly. Let me gather the staff and slaves for your viewing and inspection.” Gill turned and called for the staff and slaves to come to the main room. A portly old woman came bounding out of the kitchen yelling insensitive words until she saw the Marquis.

“Mi’Lord, please pardon my language. I did not know you had arrived.” She said.

“What is your name woman?” Paul said critically.

“I am Antoinette D’Aboville, my son is the Castellan Sir.” Paul smiled for she curtsied and almost fell over on her face.

“Then I take it Antoinette that I will be served a grand meal this evening.” Paul smiled.

“Oh, Yes, Marquis.” Antoinette said nervously. Looking at her son for reassurance. The rest of the staff presented themselves in front of Paul, Melody, Grace, and Bernadette; the latter three dressed. Paul stood in front of Gill and Antoinette and asked for the names of the rest of the staff and slaves. He remember the black hair beauty, Juliette and her sister, Arielle, a brunette, and now a fair skinned Scottish woman a little shorter than Melody. Intrigued by her red hair, short status, and cute little face Paul walked in front of her.

“What is your name little flower?” He said

“Mi’Lord, my name is Ella.” She said meekly.

“How did you come to be in my Castle little Ella?”

“My Father owed money to the Count and he did not want me, so he gave me to Master George as payment for another bad debt that the Count received from Master George.” Paul looked up and saw Grand Uncle George descending the stairway looking at him. Working with Count are we George, he thought. I must play my hand carefully, something is afoot.

“Grand Uncle so please to see you. How is your health?” Paul hugged George and George hugged him back. Paul felt the tension in George’s hug.

“Are you well, George?” Paul said as he released the hug.

“Yes, Yes my boy. Everything is fine.” George said trying to play off his tension.

“Have you been training any new slaves?”

“No, I recently acquired a Scottish wench from her father for not payment of taxes he owed me.” George said with a smile.

“Uncle George, the father’s debt is under the Castle or Marquis du Compte?” Paul said quietly, formulating a plan. Leary of Uncle George’s statement, Paul knew that George signed title and land to him, then why the debt?

“OH, I believe to the Castle and du Compte.” George said walking up the stairs to the entrance. Paul smiled behind his Grand Uncle’s back, he knew the older man would be different, but to harm his family after the gift he gave him not more than two months hence.

“George, I will train the Scottish Wench, so that you may rest. I will train this wench in the manner of The House of Louve and the Castle Compte.” Paul said with authority, knowing full well that she indeed is part of the Compte lands.

“Grand my boy more practice. Who these lovely ladies?” George not recognizing Melody and seeing Grace and Bernadette for the first time, addressed Paul. Paul smiling replied

“Oh, well Melody, the slave you gave me, this is Grace a slave my father gave me, and Bernadette, my sister.”

“I see you have kept busy Paul. Melody, you are vision to see. Can we go to my chamber if Master Paul is agreeable?” George looked at Paul. Paul nodded his head to Melody. George took Melody by the arm and walked to his chambers.

“Bernadette takes Ella and settle in a room close to my chambers. Grace, you will stay in the staff quarters located asuitable bed and then report to me with Melody’s private bag. You have until the changing of the watch to be in my chambers. Ella, after you have settled my sister, you will come to my chambers and wait.”

“Yes, Master” Ella and Grace said. Paul looked at Arielle and Juliette in their wound garment. He motioned for the slaves to go inside.

“Juliette go fetch Gill and Francis and tell him I need to see the books for the castle.” Paul shoed her away. Turning to his left and walked into the library to a large desk with an overstuff leather chair, Grand Uncle George likes his comfort. Paul sat down in the chair admiring the soft firmness of it. Pulled up to the desk and the height turned comfortable to write. Gill and Francis walked in

“Yes, Mi’Lord.” They said in unison.

“The books for the castle where are they?” Paul said from behind the desk.

“Top drawer, I have kept the earnings on one ledger and payments in the other ledger.” Gill said pointing to the redand black ledgers, that Paul had pulled out of the drawer. Paul read through the pages and did some mental math.

“Hmmmm… very good Gill. I will take over the ledgers starting today. Is there any other discrepances I need to be aware of?” Paul said looking into the man’s eyes.

“Yes, Mi’Lord. Master George takes a few francs for his trip into town. I ask him about it and he says he will enter his expenses when he returns. I have not seen any of his writings in the last two months Mi’Lord” Gill said to Paul, Paul looking at him and nodded his head. Trustworthy, he knows I am the Marquis and will count for missing silver francs.

“Thank you Francis and Gill. Francis is my slave rewarding you. Is she treating you, well? I hope you have received your reward in fair stride.” Paul said with a gleam in his eye and smile on his face. Gill and Francis left the library for their duties; one to be acquainted with a slave and the other to his house hold duties managing the staff.

“Mi’Lord she is a fine specimen of a woman and surely knows her way around a man’s body. You say I have her till the morrow?” Francis said. “Could I take the rest of the day for my pleasures, unless of course Mi’Lord needs me for urgent matters?” Paul smiled nodding to Francis to go enjoy Evette and her wonderful body. Paul finished looking around the library and reviewing the affairs of the house. He found that over one hundred and fifty silver francs missing from the accounts, mostly from Grand Uncle George. He would inquire later, now he had to see to the Scottish wench and punishment Bernadette in the dungeon. He called for Grace. She came scampering into the library and knelt in front of Paul

“Yes, Master how may I serve you?” She said kneeing to his right side.

“Go tell Mrs. D’Abonville that I will be entertaining in the dungeon this evening and will send word where I wish her to serve the meal. Get Melody’s private bag, gather Ella, Arielle, Juliette, and Bernadette. Tell Bernadette to wait by the kitchen for me and tell her nothing.” Paul said standing and motioned for Grace to get done with her instructions. Paul went to his chambers and changed into his dark leather vest, dark leather pants, and his dark leather-riding boots. He did not put on the white dress shirt. He walked to his chest, opening it taking out the riding crop, the bullwhip, and his specialty item three sets of a wonderful design by a merchant who dabbled in restrains and bonding. These new devices would clamp the breast buds of his wonderful slaves. He left his chambers took the back stairs to the kitchen and found Bernadette talking with Mrs. D’Abonville.

“Dear sister, please join me for a little stroll through cellar.” Paul said extending his hand to her. Bernadette smile and took Paul’s hand and walked out the kitchen and to the dungeon. This surprised her but she was Paul’s pleasure slave and he must want some pleasure, she thought to herself. They reached the bottom of the stairs turned right when he stopped her.

“Disrobe, Slave.” Paul said with authority. Bernadette unbuttoned her tune, the loosened her skirt and petticoat, and under garments dropping them to the floor. He took the iron shackles hanging on the wall behind him and bound his sister’s wrist and ankles, then blindfolded her.

“My slave you are to be punished but you will be blindfolded so that it will heighten your arousal before I plunder that sweet center core with my manhood. Bernadette moaned as he talked to her as he led her to the cross. The cross was different from the Castle Dijon; it was more of a rack, but slightly different. On the bottom was a narrow board support the back, arm hold outward with wrist and elbow straps made of heavy leather, the head could be secured down to hold the occupations head from moving, shackles attached to chains at the bottom, each leg could be secured at the ankle and tigh with or without the attached chain. A unique design of the cross where the legs could move outwardly opening the occupation’s legs wide and tilted upwards to a standing position; Paul secured his sister into and it made for wonderful possibilities. The other slaves were still dressed as he secured his sister to the device. Then he removed the blindfold lying on her back she could not see the other slaves; Paul could see the shining glimpse of woman’s dew dripping out of his sister’s smooth mons causing his manhood to twitch and become harder. Paul was amazed that every time he entered the dungeon his manhood stiffened to painful erection.

“My sweet pleasure slave. You pleasured yourself on the ride here from Dijon I did not allow you the luxury to do so. I told you punishment would follow. We have Ella; she is new to my Mastery, Arielle; an old slave under Uncle George, Juliette; her sister and fellow slave. Ella will learn firstthand observing your punishment as will the others.” Paul looked at the three slaves.

“Disrobe everyone.” Paul said to the young wenches. Arielle and Juliette stood removing their garments and undergarments. Ella looking nervously stood but started out reluctantly removing her garment. Paul not being a patient man at this point.


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