You May Call Me Gabriel

The night was cold and stormy and the underground shelter in which the young woman was caged was isolated. There would be no one passing by any time soon and if they did, they were unlikely to spot the carefully hidden entrance. The woman’s host had made sure of that when he started work on the dwelling months ago. He did not rush it and he spared no expense either. With his wealth he could afford to be extravagant and as a result the large concrete room was fitted out with an impressive array of equipment. Besides the furniture included for his comfort, there was a St Andrews cross and a stretch table and a rotating wheel that he could tie his victim to. From the ceiling there hung a proper industrial strength winch, and in the floor, there was a deep hole in which an entire person could be stood away securely.

Then of course there was the cage. The size of a large dog kennel, its thick wide spaced bars were strong enough to contain a wolf, let alone a slender young woman. LEaning against the wall watching her, the man reflected on all this with dark satisfaction. She was his at last and there was nothing she could say or do to change that. Well, almost nothing. His rules were simple: once you agreed to participate in his game, the only way out was by using the safe word. In which case, the game came to an end, and his guest would have to leave on foot. That was one of the reasons he had chosen such a remote location for the dungeon. The mountains were a harsh place for a lone naked woman, and she would be naked for sure, because he had burned all her clothes, the day he brought her there.

Right before he locked her inside the cage.

The poor little thing did not know it yet, because she had passed out along the way from exhaustion and whatever it was, she had consumed at the party. She did agree to come with him, however, and he had the paperwork with her signature, to prove it. The fact that he never told her when the game would start, was deliberate on his part. He had always enjoyed the element of surprise and the very thought of her finding out made him smile. Tired as he was, he would not rest without seeing the look on her face when she woman up. Idly he wondered if she would scream. It would not make any difference of course, except that he liked hearing women scream.

He was a sadist, after all.


Natasha had never felt so groggy. Her consciousness was tenuous at best when she first began to emerge from her alcohol-induced supor and for a long time she was content to lie perfectly still, while attempting to gather her thoughts. The process was slow because she was hurt out from all the partying she did the night before. It had started the same as all end of school year parties did: with raucous laughter and way too much vodka, that Always got people’s tongues wagging. At some point during the night someone suggested they visit a local BDSM club for fun, and it was there that she told a group of almost perfect strangers about her secret fantasy: of being tied up and dominated and maybe hurt as well. Whereupon one of the girls came up to her and said,

“There is someone here I think you should meet.”

Natasha’s limbs twitched as she released her first meeting with the mysterious stranger the girl introduced her to. The moment she laid eyes on him she had found him attractive — irresistibly so. He was tall and very muscular, and his hair was cropped short like a soldier’s. But it was his eyes that truly caught her attention. Pale blue and almost glowing in the darkness, they reminded her of the eyes of a wolf. He watched her just like a wolf, too. As though deciding whether to shake her hand or have her for dinner that night. Natasha found his aloof self-confidence intotoxicating. It made it difficult to say more than two words to him, so in the end it was the girl that introduced them who did most of the talking. Natasha did not hear everything she said, but she saw the mystery man gazing at her with ever increasing interest.

When at the end he came up to her and took her by the hand, she could not resist the raw sexual energy he exuded. Without a moment’s hesitation, she followed him to a private office, where he sat her down and placed both hands on her thighs, observing her silently for a moment. At such close proximity, Natasha felt his gaze piercing her, his masculine scent filling her nostrils with each breath she took. With her heart racing, she listened to him as he began to talk. He wished to invite her to a game, he said — a game that he would be hosting, at a location so secret, no one know about it. This alone made her excitement shoot to a new high, even before he added, darkly,

“Now, a word of warning. I am a true sadist, and once you choose to submit to me, I will hurt you. I won’t maim you or break any bones, but believe me when I say, I will hurt you enough to make you scream. And I will do this, probably every day while you are with me. Nod if you understand.”

How he knew that she would struggle to reply in words, was a mystery, but the fact was that he did. Dumbly, she nodded, whereupon he produced a written agreement setting out the rules. He was very serious when asking her to read it and to sign it.

“If you want out before the two months are up — he said, referring to the period specified in the agreement — all you have to do is say the safe word,” here, he pointed to a word at the bottom of the list. “Once you do so, however, it is game over, quite literally. I will take you to a safe location and you will never see me again. Do you understand all this, Natasha?”

Gazing into his pale eyes, she said yes, and he took her hand and kissed it.

“I will be seeing you again soon,” he promised and then he ushered her out of his office and left her with her new-found friends. Natasha wished he had warned her not to take anything they offered, because her night sure took a turnfor the worse after that. As a matter of fact, she did not remember who took her home at the end of the night — or even if she made it home.

It was at this point that Natasha finally decided to try and wake up properly. Trembling with the effort it took, she moved one leg experimentally. She was lying on her side on the floor and her hips rolled easily so that she sprayed on her back. As her bare skin registered cold concrete, Natasha’s eyes flew open, and she saw the bars of the cage for the first time. She opened her mouth and screamed.

“Mmm… such sweet music,” the man said, laughing. He did not move from where he stood but enjoyed the show from a distance. Smugly superior. In control. A predator toying with his prey.

Natasha heard the deep male voice and recognized it instantly. It gave her cause to pause and turn her head towards him. He was dressed all in black, looking even more attractive than she remembered, and for a brief moment she simply stared at him in silence. But then awareness of her naked and vulnerable position took over and she started whimpering softly. Watching her cry, the man thought how beautiful she looked and how much like a beast. It fueled his desire, so that he moved towards the cage.

Seeing the man approach caused Natasha’s excitement to rise sharply. Without taking her eyes off him she scrambled to her hands and knees and waited for him to come and let her out. She was gazing at him expectedly, when he came and squatted before her. That was when she had her first rude shock. He observed her in silence for a few seconds longer before reaching casually inside and grabbing her by the hair. In a single brutal move, he pulled her towards him until her head struck the bars. Then he started speaking to her. Quietly. Calmly. The way he did when they first met, back at that BDSM club that she could not recall the name of.

“Hello Natasha,” the man said, “I’m so glad to see you awake. I was beginning to get worryd.”

His tone suggested nothing of a sort, but she did not dare conflict him. He kept hold of her hair, pressing her face firmly against the bars, and she moaned quietly as she felt the cold metal dig into her cheek. The sound seemed to please him, because he reached inside the cage and began to stroke her face with his free hand.

“My little lamb,” the man went on. “Tell me, how are you feeling?”

Natasha’s heart skipped a beat. The way he was talking to her… it was demeaning in the extreme, yet she found it strangely arousing. Blushing wildly, she struggled to answer, until he pulled her head back, forcing her to look at him.

“I said: how are you feeling?” he repeated patiently.

“I… I’m hurting,” she mumbled. Her captor reached in with his free hand and resumed the gentle stroking of her face.

“And where are you hurting exactly?” he said, running his thumb over her lower lip.

“Mmm…” she began, and he moved his thumb away to allow her tospeak. “Everywhere.”

It was a true answer, and it made the man laugh.

“How unfortunate,” he said, adding, “I guess I should’ve warned you not to take anything at that party… Still, as long as you remember agreeing to come here and signing your name on the piece of paper I gave you, that’s all that matters. You do remember, don’t you?”

Natasha felt sick all of a Sudden. Averting her gaze, she swallowed hard and said,

“I… You never said anything about a cage.”

Still keeping her gaze abused, Natasha felt the man’s hot breath on her cheek as he replied, in a decidedly smug tone,

“You never asked.”

His voice was silent smooth in her ear, but for all that it sent shivers down her spine. Robbed of speaking ability for the moment, she closed her eyes, allowing him to continue uninterrupted,

“Here’s how it is, Natasha. You’ve agreed to come here and to let me hurt you. As you know, you may choose to opt out at any time, but hey… this iswhat you’ve always fantasized about, right? So, for all intents and purposes you’re my prisoner now.”

By the time he had finished speaking, Natasha was shivering violently all over.

“Wait, please,” she whimpered, as he took hold of her chin and tilted her face upward.

“Poor little lamb,” the man said, staring her in the eye. “You said you wanted someone to hurt you, but Now you’re scared, is that right?”

Natasha gasped. He was right, of course, yet she was upset at the way he spoke to her. Like she was too young and naïve and possibly, not fit to be there. Of course, she was young and relatively inexperienced, having only ever slept with a couple of men from her class. Yet she felt a mutual attraction between them, a kind of sexual energy that was hard to describe. Silently, she wondered if he planned to fuck her, as well as hurt her. He seemed to read her mind, because he produced the piece of paper with her signature on it and presented it for her inspection.

“In case you need a reminder,” he said, with a wink.

Reading through the agreement for the second time, it all came rushing back to her. She felt herself blushing as she came to point number five, namely: “I consent to sexual intercourse, including oral, vagina, and anal, with and without foreign objects and implements.” She had not thought to clarify any of the finer details at the time — all she knew was, she wanted him to have his wicked way with her — but now her mind was full of questions that she badly wanted answered.

“Implements? W-what implements?” she asked in a shadow voice. He laughed indulgently and it made her want to swear at him. That was when she realized she was missing something. A piece of information she ought to have and yet, did not.

“W… what is your name?” she asked, quietly. She stared into his eyes trying to see into his soul. His look was as cold as ice as he leaned in close and said,

“You may call me Gabriel.”


Caged — Day One

During her first night in the cage, Natasha was sick. The combined effect of the alcohol and whatever else she had consumed at the party was extensive and did not take long to set in. Within hours of arriving at her new abode Natasha’s body started convulsing. Minutes later the vomiting started.

Gabriel was a light sleeper. At the first sound of retching, he was awake, but he did not rush to the girl’s aid at once. Instead, he lay in his comfortable bed cursing her. He had a low tolerance for stupidity and taking drugs at a party certainly placed her in this category. He had a good mind to let her suffer on her own, but ultimately decided against it. For one, he needed to make sure she was still alive come the morning. Secondly, he had to shut her up so he could get back to sleep. Irritably he throw aside the covers and sat up. The shelter was warm, and he was naked. In the darkness he reached down and stroked his erect cock for a moment. Then reluctantly, he got up and strolled over to the cage.

Natasha could not see her host approaching and would not have cared if she did. The violent cramping of her abdomen had absorbed her completely, with her eyes closed tightly against the pain. She did not even react when Gabriel reached in and placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Feeling sick, ha?” he murmured softly. He did not expect an answer. The feel of Natasha’s hot clammy skin told him all he needed to know. Without another word he straightened and went over to the medicine cabinet. Under the light of the night lamp, he selected a needle and syringe and filled it with the drug of choice: one that would stop the nausea and convulsions and put her to sleep more or less instantly. He was not a doctor by profession, but in his line of work he had had sufficient training to allow him to administrator medicines as needed. She may never thank him but to hell with it. It had to be done.

Natasha was convulsing so violently she could not think straight. Through a haze of pain, she felt Gabriel’s hand close around her right wrist and pull her arm straight and out of the cage. She let out a small moan as the needle pierced her skin in the crook above the elbow. He was very quick about it, and she was in no state to resist. Seconds later her head rolled back, and her body went still. The drug had done its work.

Still holding the girl’s wrist, Gabriel nodded to himself. Her pulse was strong despite the sedative he gave her. She would be out for ten hours or so, but she would be fine. There was still the vomit to clean up, however. How inconvenient. Fetching the key from the bedside table, Gabriel unlocked the cage and dragged her unresistant body out. It did not take him long to mop up the mess and wipe the vomit from her mouth with a wet towel. He bent down to pull her back inside then he paused. As always when handling a helpless female, he had become aroused and now his cock was poking into his abdomen stressly. He wanted to save his come for the next day, but he simply could not help himself. Swiftly he picked her up and carried her to the bed. He laid her face down and spread her legs. Her ass was perfect, and he kneaded her ass cheats before taking hold of his cock and masturbating furiously over it.

Mmm… the sex they would have, was nothing compared to the rest of the things he had in store for her. Thinking about it, he felt his balls constrict and a second later he was coming all over her pale, rounded ass cheats. When he was finished, he slapped her cheat out of habit before lifting her up and tossing her across one should like a ragged doll.

“Back into the cage where you belong,” he whispered with a smile. Minutes later his guest was locked up again and he was in his bed, fast wait.


When Natasha next came to it was almost midday. On account of being in an underground shelter, she did not know it until Gabriel pointed it out to her.

“You sleft half the day away,” he sounded annoyed, and she felt a ridiculous urge to apologise. Apologise for what? Her friends had tricked her into consuming some dodgy party drugs and then he had brought her here and locked her in a cage. Her muscles still hurt from sleeping on cold concrete. With a shaking hand she rubbed her ass cheek, noticing how sticky it was for some reason.

“Oh yeah,” he said, watching her. “I covered your ass in sperm last night while you were out.”

He smiled at her from across the room and she wanted to murder him with her eyes and wipe the smile off his face. But she was in a cage and naked and her ass was his and short of ending the game, there was nothing she could do to change that. She shivered involuntarily and rolled slowly onto her side, pulling her knees to her chin. If only she had taken the time to talk over the finer details of the game properly, before signing on the dotted line.

“Well don’t look so offended,” he teased her. “Or next time I won’t give you anything to help with the pain…”

Next time. She did not think there would ever be a next time, where someone would convince her to try taking drugs again. Gabriel, of course, had his mind on other things. Placing his mug of coffee down on the kitchen benchmark he walked over to the cage and poked her through the bars with a toe of his boot. Feeling exhausted and not in the mood for talking, she tried her best to ignore him, but when she feel his hand on her head, she remembered the treatment he gave her the night before and she spoke up quickly.

“What do you want from me?” she asked.

“I want to hear you scream,” he said. Natasha trembled at the words, not knowing what this means exactly. A moment later, she felt his hand on her breast, and she moaned.

“Please…” she begged. “Please don’t…”

He only squeezed harder, pinching her nipple between his fingers and making her cry out in pain. Still, she did not try and fight him. She was feeling too weak to argue. As though reading her mind, he stopped abruptly and said,

“You must drink something.”

Leaving her alone for a second, he soon returned with a large plastic bottle filled with orange liquid. He shoved it through the bars at her.

“Drink this,” he said. “All of it.”

Blindly, Natasha did as she was told. Had she any idea of ​​the torture that awaited her, she would have refused. Though it was not torture in the true sense of the word, but more of an initiative into a twisted new world: one that she had only dreamed of until now.

When she was done, Gabriel took the bottle away.

“That should help keep you going,” he said, and she knew he spoke the truth. Her dehydrated body was feeling better already, but it was a feeling that would not last long. For the fact was he had provided her with the necessary succession to keep her going for the next few hours and that was all. Stepping lightly around the cage, he reached for the chain hanging on the wall.

“Come here Natasha,” he called her while unlocking the door to her prison. On her hands and knees, she shuffled towards him slowly. She did not know what he intended to do, but the chain in his hands gave her a clue.

“Please, Gabriel…” she said, referring to him by name. Looking up at his face she saw it made no difference.

“Hurry up,” he said, and he slipped the collar around her neck.

For twenty-four hours Natasha had been wishing to leave the cage but not like this. Gabriel pulled her out by the chain like she was a dog, and she was too scared to fight him. She was also aroused by the humiliation of it, but she refused to admit this to herself.

“Stay on your hands and knees,” he instructed, and she saw no choice but to obey. The chain was thick and heavy, and it weighed her neck down as she shuffled around trying to keep up. Her only relieve was that she did not have far to go.

He stopped before the stretch table where he bent down and grabbed her around the wait. She squirmed in his arms, and he cussed at her as he laid her on the wooden surface face down. He did not let her lift her head but pushed her down at once and began to strap her arms above her head.


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