Throughout the story of the House of Louve; all persons and participants are of legal (over 18) age of consent. No one or individual named below is of a real person all names created by the Author. Copyright ©2021 — expressed written permission must be given to use, copy, print, and display must be in written format. The author has sole authority to grant or deny said permission.
Three weeks had passed since Paul and the slaves arrived back at Castle Dijon. It was a week before the Countess’ decade would be in effect and Paul had taken a trip to Castle Compte, he wanted to review the renovations. Paul was returning to Castle Dijon, accompanied by a noble from Chateau de Dammartin, Samuel Johan.
“Marquis, it is a pleasure to accompany you on this trip. I would like to discuss my particular situation. Marquis, I am reluctant to discuss business in the enjoyable countryside. I have an issue that needs your special intervention.”
“Samuel, please tell me what you would like to discuss. It is best since we are alone traveling home,” Paul said looking at the man beside him sitting atop of his Throughbred.
“Marquis, as you know that over a year ago my daughter had relationships with the Count. He says that my daughter provoked him to lay with her. She tells me that he forced himself upon her. Their union produced a healthy boy, which I cannot and will not announce as my heir.” Sam said with malice in his heart and voice. Paul picked up on his tone.
“Samuel, I do remember reading a letter from you about this situation. I sent a letter to the King. The King’s reply was and I state in his words ‘It is a matter between your nobles that you oversee. The King does not provide judgment in local matters. Unlike the killing of your father, he was a friend of the King. Do what you feel is correct and honorable for Count Johan and his daughter.’ Samuel, what will restore your daughter’s honor? Will you allowher to marry Count Rodney? In addition, acknowledge him as an heir or duel with the Count? Tell me Samuel what will be fair and honorable for your household?” Paul said with feeling. He felt for his noble and the daughter.
“Marquis, at this moment I should challenge him to a duel, but he is a treacherous scoffrel. I fear if I should lose as he did with your father, Joanne will be homeless and alone caring for an innocent child she was forced to carry.” Sam said with bitterness. Paul was silent for a while, thinking of a solution. Sam came to him with this situation and Paul needed to remedy it or his nobles would not respect his authority. Paul saw this as a test to his nobles.
“Samuel, I have a thought, and hear me out before you disagree or agree with this solution.”
“Of course Marquis. I will listen.”
“Samuel, you and your daughter with her child come to Castle Dijon and I will invite the Count to a discussion over this situation. Be mindful that the Count will try to see the monetary benefit in this situation rather than the ethical benefit. However, since I rule this area and Count Monitimere is under my rule then I will set up the meeting at Castle Dijon next week. Samuel is that agreeable?” Paul explained.
“Marquis, I accept and hope that the Count will agree as well.” Unknown to Sam at that moment Paul was going to marry the Count’s sister, saving her home and property from her sadistic brother. They traveled together for more than an hour until Samuel went south towards his home. Paul kept traveling until he came upon Eglise Notre Dame de Assomption, a church where he visited with the priest and received a bed for the night. The next morning, Paul sat with the Priest and other clerical staff for breakfast before heading back to Castle Dijon. Paul discussed the current situation with Catherine and his wedding but left out that she was his slave. He asked the Priest to marry them at his Castle, the Priest agreed. They set the datefor the wedding a fortnight away. It took another full day of riding at a leisurely pace to reach the Castle. The sun was setting behind Paul providing an elongated shadow towards the Castle when he spotted another shadow behind him. He ducked just in time as the sword missed his neck. Paul pulled his sword, turned his horse, and charged the man who attempted to behead him. The man turned his horse charging back at Paul raising his sword towards Paul’s head. With a quick series of parries and blocks, Paul severed his sword arm, the arm falling to the ground screaming in pain. Paul spun his horse around as the man tried to get up. He dismounted his horse and stepped over the man placing the tip of his sword at the man’s neck.
“Sir, I do not understand why you possess the need to end my life?” Paul said angrily.
“Mi’Lord, my apologies I thought you were one of the highwaymen robbing people on this road.” Said the man as his arm was bleeding on the ground.
“Do you thinkthat I believe this line of response? Do you think that I could be a highwayman dressed in the finest French garments? Now, let’s get down to business shall we.” Paul said compassionately.
“Mi’Lord, I live over the next hill to the west. My farm is not a quarter league away.” He said to Paul trying to sound convincing. Unfortunately for the man, Paul knew of the farm and he was not any one of the hands or owners of that farm. Paul reached down grabbing the man’s tunic picking him up until he stood. Paul holding the assassin’s tunic caught a glimpse of a blade closing in on his throat. Paul grabbed the hand, dropping the assassin on the ground with a loud thud, pointing his sword over the man’s right thigh, pressing the point into the assassin’s skin.
“I will ask you again. Who are you? And why are trying to kill me?” Paul said as he shoved his sword into the man’s right thigh. The man grunted until Paul twisted the sword. The man screamed and begged for mercy.
“Tellme who hired you,” Paul said pulling the sword out of the thigh.
“I was hired by the Marquis Compte to kill the young Marquis. He stated that I could easily kill you. The Marquis lied to me you bested me, Mi’Lord. I ask for mercy.” The man groaned blood slowly flowing out of both wounds. Paul looked down at him.
“What were you paid to kill me?” Paul asked.
“He paid me two hundred francs, Mi’Lord.”
“He paid you two hundred francs to murder me. I will help end your pain and suffering.” Paul said as he shoved the sword through the assassin’s heart killing him instantly. Paul stood up and thought to himself as he mounted his horse, “It seems that our dear Grand Uncle George needs me dead. What reason would he have to kill me and is he responsible for my father’s death as well? I will have to ask Claudine some questions about her Uncle George. Paul kicked the side of his horse setting off in a gallop towards the Castle. Twenty minutes later he was inside the safety of his Castle. Jorge came out and collected the reigns from Paul as he dismounted. Paul walked into the Castle doors calling for Jasmine and Grace. Turning to look at Jorge, he instructed him to take Philip and collect the assassin’s body and to bring the body into the stable where Paul will further investigate the assassin’s clothing. Jorge nodded and ran off to find Philip.
“Yes, Marquis, you called for us?” Jasmine and Grace said together.
“Find me Claudine and bring her to me in the library. Then find Bernadette and Sophie tell them to meet me there as well.” Paul said sternly. He turned and walked into the library, opened the drawer pulling out a glass, and poured himself a deep glass of cognac. Lifting the liquid to his lips Paul swallowed in one gulp feeling the liquid heat flow down his throat. He poured Another glass and downed it once again in a single gulp, closing his eyes savoring the feeling of the liquid, and collecting his thoughts.
“Master, you summoned me?” Claudine said falling to her knees in front of her son. She only wore a collar as punishment for not performing her duties as instructed by Paul.
“Why would Uncle George try to kill me? Is there something you have failed to tell me? Why am I the last to know that my family, I, and my lands are in danger?” Paul said gripping her chin tightly with his left hand.
“Master, I do not Understand. Uncle George would never harm you, your lands, or us. Why have you accused him of trying to kill you?” she asked.
“Sweet Mother of mine. Lying to me will get you more punishment and banished from this Castle and my lands. Tell me what, where, when, and why Uncle George is trying to kill your only son.” Paul said holding her head still with his forefinger and thumb digging into her jaw. Claudine had never seen this side of Paul; he had a darkness in his eyes that signed to her that her son was not to trifle with at the moment.
“Master, my best guess would be to take Dijon, your slaves, money, and your title. From what I have learned these last few weeks, he is in league with Count Moritimere to kill you, enslave his sister and your sisters, hand me over to George to be his pleasure slave, and breed me to provide an heir. He is a ruthless and sadistic man. He is in concert with Count Rodney to take his sister’s property at the end of next week. That is what I have heard.” Claudine said.
Paul looked at her, trying to figure out if she was lying or not. He looked at his mother, now his slave. His thoughts darkened, his mind confused, and then in clarity, he bellowed for Grace.
“Yes, Master how may this slave be of service?” Grace said on her knees in front of her Master.
“Grace, bring Catherine to me immediately.”
“Yes, Master,” Grace, said bowing to her Master, Bernadette waddled into the library with Sophie behind her.
“You summoned us, Master?” Bernadette said.
“Yes, it seems that our Uncle George is trying to have me killed before the ceremony next week. In addition, the same day I will be setting down with Samuel and Joanne Johan, and Count Rodney Monitimere about a private issue that I hope to resolve. However, in light of the attempt on my life, I believe Count Rodney will more than likely try to kill me before the ceremony. You and Sophie will ride to Samuel Johan’s Chateau until I feel it is safe for your return.
“Master, please do not send us away. We need to be near you. We can help you with Uncle George and the Count.” Sophie said. Paul knew she was an accomplished swordsman and deadly with a crossbow. Bernadette had mastered the whip, practicing on her mother from time to time during the three weeks she had been home. That was another one of Paul’s punishments for His mother to suffer the whip from her elderly daughter. Bernadette also accomplished with a rapier and lance.
“Sophie, my little slave, I will think upon it.”
“Brother, Paul, Master. I hold inside my bellyOur child. I will defend our home, our property, and our lives with my own life. Leaving would put each of us in more danger than staying here and protecting what we hold dear to our hearts. I do not trust Claudine, it seems she may have other notions about who and what she is, but I assume you, Master. That we will fight to the death; please do not send us away.” Bernadette said standing in front of her older brother and her Master.
“Very well, prepare your weapons. Sophie, keep the crossbow in your chambers, Bernadette, keep the whip, and rapier with you always.” Catherine walks into the library and falls to her knees. She was naked except for the collar he attached to her neck when they arrived at the Castle three weeks before. He so loved to see her naked and marked by his crop, paddle, and whip.
“Master, how may I serve you?” She said with her head bowed looking at his feet. Paul extends his hand pulling her up to face him. Catherine has been training as his slave since she came to Castle Dijon. She has perfected her duties as a slave and is looking forward to their wedding in a week.
“Catherine, my lovely slave, we have an issue with your brother and my Uncle. It seems they want me dead to take over my Castle, slaves, staff, and property which will include your home and property too. An event on the road here from Compte provided me with many answers to my questions. Now, this is what I need from you, my slave.” Paul said holding her hands in his.
“Master, how may this slave serve your needs?” She said looking into his eyes with lustful desire.
“Catherine, write a letter to your brother inviting him to our wedding next week. Do not tell him whom you are marrying, that the wedding is at the Castle Dijon as a gracious gift from the Marquis de Dijon. You will tell him that you have found a suitable man to be your husband. Tell him that the date of the wedding will be one day before your decade. That will prompt him to show up a day bEfor the wedding, which is exactly what I would like. Samuel Johan and his daughter will be here the same day. Then I will facilitate a meeting between Rodney, Samuel, and Joanne about her child that he fathered with Joanne.” Catherine looked at Paul confused.
“Master, innocent son? I did not know that Rodney got married.” She said surprised.
“Oh, he didn’t get married; he Raped Joanne about a year ago and denies the baby is his. He claims that Joanne came on to him during a trip to Paris. Her father claims that your brother raped her. Now I will facilitate an honorable end to this madness with him or he will suffer for it.” Paul said angrily. Catherine saw the darkness reach his eyes while discussing the issue. She felt fear for her brother and Paul. She knew of her brother’s Reputation as an excellent swordsman, she did not know of Paul’s abilities.
“Master, my brother has excellent in the use of swords, rapiers, and cutlasses. I do not know if you would be able to beat him.” Catherine said with concern for her husband to be.
“Catherine, let me worry about my sword-fighting skills. He has not seen me with my sword but I have seen him, I have studied his moves and I know I will defeat him. Do not doubt your Master. Do trust me when I say that I will defeat him and exactly my revenge for killing my defenseless father.” Paul said crossly.
“Master, I did not mean to imply, only to inform, and be concerned that you and I will marry.” Paul looked at Catherine putting his emotional state at rest.
“Catherine, sit down here write the letter to your brother. Then we will have a courier deliver it to your brother’s home. Since we will marry in six days, he will be here in five. I will allow you clothes when he arrives so that you may enter him.” Paul tenderly kissed her on the cheese. Catherine sat down at the desk pulled out purchasement, dipped the quill, and started to write her brother as he Master told her. Twenty minutes later, CatherineHanded the letter to Paul. Paul read it.
“Catherine this will get him here a day before the wedding. Now I need to write Samuel and have him show up before your brother and set the meeting.”
“Master, may I take my leave. I have tasks to complete for my Master.” Catherine said promptly.
“Yes and one other task. You will come to the library after the evening meal and show me what you have learned since you have arrived.” Paul said forcefully. Catherine knelt at his feet, kissing his shoes.
“Yes, Master. I look forward to showing you what I have learned.” Catherine crawled to the entrance of the library before standing and leaving Paul to think. A short time later, Melody knocks on the library door.
“Master, may I enter?” Melody said hopefully.
“You may come in.”
“Master, may I understand that Samuel and Joanne Johan will be visiting soon?”
“How did you hear of that? Have you been spying on me, slave?” Paul said assertively.
“No, Master. I have not been spying on you. Melinda the Midwife mentioned his impending arrival to the Castle within the week. I know Joanne has given birth to a son, but her father refuses to accept the innocent boy as an heir. He has claimed that Count Moritimere raped Joanne. Master, I have some evidence to prove who the father is and would like to present it to you. This will secure Joanne and the innocent a place of security and a home to live.”
“Do you know who the father is of her son?” Paul quizzed her.
“Oh yes, Master. The Count Monitimere is the father.”
“What evidence do you have to present to the Count with regards to this event.” Paul looked directly into her eyes. Melody was three months along with his child and looked as beautiful as ever in Paul’s eyes.
“Master, I am the evidence. I witnessed him forcing himself upon her. I heard her tell him to stop and he slapped her throw her down onto the bed tearing off her petticoat while he had his guards secure the door. After he finished his guards took turns violating her. I now understand why he disowns the boy because he claims she was a whore for the taking and asked him to impregnate her. “Melody was near tears from explaining what happened.
“Master, I could not stop him.”
“Where were you to witness this rap?” Paul asked inevitably.
“I was in the dressing room at the request of Samuel Johan to help His daughter around Paris. He knew from our previous visits that I lived for a couple of years in Paris before arriving at Castle Compte. Count Rodney nor his guards saw me or heard me. I witnessed the entire event in front of me. After he left Joanne asked that I say nothing to anyone about what happened. She wanted to keep her secret until the child was born. Master, the child looks like Sir Rodney. There is no doubt in my mind nor the Midwife’s mind that he is indeed the father of the innocent.” She let out a long-held sight relieving the tension in her body.
“Melody, I willKeep you in the back during the meeting. Do you remember what he wore that day? He will rarely say that you are fabricating this event for her father. I know differently and trust your judgment. Be aware that he will say very mean and nasty comments about you and the way you dress. I will counter any comments and character defaults directed towards you.” Paul said tenderly.
“How are you doing and our child?” Paul asked appreciatedly.
“Master, I am not far along. The sickness of the morning is tolerable and some smells do make me what to heaven, but overall I am fine and according to the Midwife, I am progressing nicely. Master, I will not put our baby nor myself into harm’s way.” Melody said assuredly. Paul was relieved of his worries about their child. He held her hand for a time. Then he let Melody go, she walked out and Paul loved to watch her butt sway back and forth it made him hard watching her walk away.
Paul passed away the hours reviewing the Castle’s accounts and writing a letter to Samuel. Paul stood up and stretched his legs. Walking into the kitchen, he saw Mrs. Durant cradling her infant son; Jasmine, Evette, and Catherine were assisting with the evening meal preparations. Mrs. Durant looked at the door.
“Master Paul, what a pleasure to see you. Come look at your baby brother.” She said while turning the boy towards Paul. Paul walked up to the infant, Mrs. Durant handed him to Paul carefully placing the infant into his arms.
“Very good, Master. You are a natural holding him correctly. Well, it seems that we will be having some additional villas here shortly, Master.” Mrs. Durant said chuckling.
“Yes, Elaine we will be. It appears that in a short time we will have three if not four young villas to take care of. Now, what is his name?” Paul said. While watching Paul with his half-sibling, Elaine was daydreaming. She envisioned herself tied spread wide, gagged, and stretched while her Master played with her.Her nether region started to drip and she snapped out of the dream when Paul handed her the innocent boy.
“Elaine, he is a very handsome boy. Keep him well. I would love to teach him when he is older.”
“Yes, Master,” Elaine, said with a smile on her face knowing that Paul would indeed teach him.
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