CH 1: A House Tale
The rush of brilliant white light abruptly woman him.
“Shut the curtains, woman” He screamed.
“But Sire, the Marquis, your father said to wake you.”
“I don’t care shut the curtains. I don’t need light to wake me, just a gentle nudge will be appropriate.”
“Sorry, Sire. I did Not mean to anger you.” She closed the curtains and turned to face him. She thought he was handsome for a man; of course, she was younger than he was by a year. She had been working for Master and Mistress for over three years now. Grace’s father sold her to the Marquis for back taxes owed, as an indentured service and she had two more years before she could leave, if she wanted too. She started working in the lower part of the castle, and over the years, she had moved up to the upstairs, to clean and wake Master and Mistress’s family. They have three children, Sweet Bernadette, Sophie, and of course the handsome Paul; there was a foura son, but he died three months before the birth of Paul. Today was his birthday; he was now 21 years old and fresh for the taking as she thought. In her limited 20 years of life, she was still a virgin, although many have tried, none succeeded, she was waiting for Master Paul to take her. She had deliberately not defeat any underwear in hopes that he would force himself on her. She dreamed of him Taking what he wanted from her. Stories around in the castle of what went on in the lower reach of the castle, stories that made her wet and aroused when she heard them.
“What can I do for you, Master Paul?” She said looking at his steel blue eyes.
“Bring me a carafe of coffee and crepes with strawberries and whipped cream. What is your name again? Grace? Is it?”
“Yes, Master Paul. I am Grace, your upstairs chambermaid. I’m at your request day and night, Sire.” She had put the emphasis on the night. She thought he caught on, but sometimes men can be so dim witted.
“Yes, Grace. Off with you and get what I requested for my breakfast. I will have it here in my chamber.” Grace curtsied and ran off to do his bidding. She arrived in the kitchen as Mrs. Durand, the cook, was just finishing up with the strawberry crepes and a carafe of coffee. Grace took a tray and set up for coffee and strawberry crepes for Master Paul.
“Grace, dear. What are you doing?” Mrs. Durand asked.
“Oh, I am taking some coffee and crepes to Master Paul. He requested his morning meal in his bed chamber.”
“No, Master Remi instructed that his children attend with him in the Grand room for their morning meal. Go tell Master Paul that his father requests he attend the morning meal in the Grand room. Take the carafe with you.”
“Yes, Mrs. Durand.” Off she went back upstairs with the coffee, but no crepes. Knocking on his door, she entered. He was lounging in his chair with only his underpants on. Embarrassed by his sight Grace set the coffee on the small table infront of him.
“Grace, why so red?”
“I apologize, Sire. But I have not seen a man in his undergarments.”
“Does my sitting here, in my under garments exciting you Grace?” Looking into her emergency green eyes, he gathered by her Stance that she was excited. Moving back and forth, not looking at him directly, but indirectly, and lightly flushed face and neck. His father had told him, a couple of years ago, that when a woman, any woman, is aroused she will start to fidget as he called it, avoid eye contact, and maybe milkly red if not full flushed. He saw every indicator that she was aroused.
“Come here Grace.” She stood there, but did not hear him.
“GRACE, come here please.” That woman out of her daydream. She walked over to stand in front of Paul.
“Where are the crepes?”
“Sire, Mrs. Durand stated the Marquis requested that you and your sisters join him in the Grand room for your morning meal. I have brought you coffee, Sire.”
“Grace, what is your full name?”
“Grace Elizabeth Monteiro, Sire”
“Have you been with a man Grace Elizabeth?”
Her eyes went wide with shock that he would ask such a question of her. It was very risqué and rude to ask this question. She stood there in stunned silence; she could feel the heat of her blushing running through her body. Staring into his blue eyes, she could not fathom to answer him. She could feel herself getting wet and her juices were definitely running down her thighs, she could feel the coolness of the liquid slowly making its way down towards her knees. Still looking at him with shock and humiliation, she finally answered him.
“No, Sire. I have not laid with a man or boy before nor since I have been in the Marquis employment.” Her head bowed and looking at the floor.
“Grace, you will come to my chamber tonight, after your duties are finished, remain as you are dressed. If someone should ask for you tell him or her you will attend to him or her but I have requested your presence. We will be discussing some disturbing issues I have with you. Now, go and tell Mrs. Durand that I will be down.”
“Yes, Sire. Sire, may I ask what issues are they?” Looking into his beautiful deep blue eyes, causing her nether region to wet herself and wishing he would command her to strip, so he could fuck her senseless.
“Grace, we will discuss it when you return tonight. Not before, is this understanding?”
“Yes, Sire. I will be here after my duties are finished. May I take my leave Sire?”
“Yes, go.”
Grace turned around and walked out of Paul’s bedchamber turned to the right to go to the kitchen, but stopped short to feel under her skirt, she was soaking wet, running her fingers into her slit. She inserted her finger into her virgin hole and then brought it to her lips, tasting herself as she has done for the last couple of years. She likes her taste and wonder what he will taste like; she can only hope she will find out tonight.
As Paul dressed, he thought of Grace Elizabeth; her constant blushing with him in the room, he assumed that she would do anything for him. She was the prettiest thing standing over one and half meters, nice looking bust, but it was the ass that got his cock standing. Of course, he was to get his father’s permission before anything would happen tonight, she did not know that, but he did. It was his birthday today, so he would have unlimited opportunities this day. His father, Remi Maximillian Louve was a Marquis, serving the borderlands with Comte, thus his title Marquis du Comte. He has been serving as Marquis for longer than I have been alive. His Mother, Marquees du Comte, Claudine Gabrielle Cabanas, she married my father some twenty-five years earlier.
Ok, so by now you are wondering who we are, right? Well, I am right! Ok, so I am Paul, 21, son of Remi and Claudine Louve, I am the elderly living child, had an older brother, but he died a year before I was born, and then there are my sisters Bernadette, and the youngest Sophie. Bernie — as I call her — will be 20 in three months; Sophie will be 19 in five months’ time. Both of my sisters are very good looking, based on the number of young suitors showing up at the door, only to be turned away by our father, life for my sisters is really rough. No land, except by marriage, no anything else unless they marry. Me, I am Paul Reginald Louve — Oh, and it is pronounced like “Love” — the heir apparent to my father’s fortune, land, and title. I stand almost two meters high, solid build and handsome — according to my mother and sisters at least — and several young society girls, along with the local girls. I know my father has some important things to show and tell me today, he stated last night that I would be with him learning about the family history for the next two weeks. Some I know one place I have yet to get to; it is down the back hallway towards the rear of the castle to a locked heavy door. I have heardd strange things coming from that room late at night, when the father and mother visit this room. Well, hopefully I will find out what it is and learn more about what it means to be Marquis Louve.
Paul dressed and descended to the Grand room, father seated at the head of the table and mother beside him on the right side. His mother looked flushed and disheveled — kind of out of sorts — I looked over at her.
“Mother, are you alright? You look like you have a fever.”
“Your mother is fine, son. She has been over exerting herself this morning, but I told her to rest for the day while you and I are together. Maybe later, she will enhance you about the formal history of our family.”
“I look forward to it, Father. Where are my lovely sisters this morning?” Hearing the footsteps of my sisters entering the grand room I turned around facing mother on the left side of father. Bernie sat next to me and Sophie sat next to mother.
“Sorry, we are late father and motherer. Sophie has had some troubles this morning that I helped her with it; Mother before you go and rest could Sophie and I talk to you?”
“Yes dears. We can discuss anything in my sitting chambers upstairs. Grace!” She bellowed. Coming from inside the kitchen, Grace came into the Grand Room.
“Yes Mistress? How can I be of service to you?” My sisters giggled at that statement earning a stern look from father.
“Girls, quiet yourselfves. It is the proper way for a service to address your mother.”
“Yes, Father.” They giggled some more, but started to eat the food placed in front of them.
“Grace, please go upstairs to my sitting chamber and make sure it is cleaned and tend to a fire. The girls and I will be there shortly. Also, make sure there is some wine with three glassed on the table.”
“Yes Mistress.” Bernadette and Sophie were still giggling.
“Bernadette and Sophie, you stop this independent laughter or I will take you over my knee and wallop your pretty little behind. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Father.” Bernie said through close to giggling voice. Father just shook his head and mumbled something about young girls and women, I really did not understand his words, but got the meaning of the statement. We ate our morning meal in relative silence. Father is rambling on and on about this being my 21st birthday and reaching that age. The girls wished me a happy birthday and my mother produced a single red rose that she attached to my jacket laptop. It was beautiful and a sweet smelling fragment touched my nose; it was a good addition to my clothes. Finally, Father stated that he and I were going out for a bit and would be back after the midmorning meal. Mrs. Durand stated that she would leave something for him and the young master for the noon meal. Father thanked her. Took me around my shoulders and said
“Paul, are you ready to learn about our history my boy?”
“Yes, Father. I am looking forward to this entire day and the rest of my life here.”
“Good then let us get on the horses and ride a little.” The Horseman — Stable man — had our horses saddled, and ready to ride. Lifting my left foot into the stirrup, I swung my right leg over the back of my horse, a beautiful light brown chestnut about 16 hands tall. My father’s horse a beautiful White Arabian stand 18 hands and 2, very majestic animal as well as being high strung. Father always had his hands full while riding. We took off down the stone road towards town. During the walk, my father explained our lineage from his great, great grandfather to me; it was impressive to say the least, 10th in line to be the Dauphin, but knowing we never get there.
“Paul, there is one more thing I must instruct you and show you this day. It may shock you, repulse you, I had to witness it, and have been practicing it since I turned your age. It is a family tradition that I hope you will continue; I already see signs of it in you this day. Theway you talked to your sisters this morning being firm and direct, tells them very explicitly you will be the head of the house when I pass this earth. I like the fact you take control of the women that is what us Louve Men do, we take control of our women, should the women get out of line, and we punish them. We are on our way to an old friend’s property, so that you may learn the proper way to punishment and pleasure our women.”
“Pleasure our women? Do you mean that you punish and please every woman in the house?”
“No, only certain women on our grounds Evette, Jasmine, Melinda, and Mrs. Durand; Grace has not been touched by me or any other man from our house. I purposely hired her for your pleasure, now that you are age; she is yours to take at any time.”
“Father, I requested that she show up in my bed chambers after her duties were finished this evening. She was wearing a mid-length frock that showed her ample breasts, I am sure she was naked underneath her outfit.”
“Very good son, then this training will benefit you this evening with her.” After riding for over two hours we stopped in front of a large obtuse mansion, overgrown with ivy and looking in some disrepair. I looked at father; he looked at me and said,
“He has no heirs and I have been trying to get him to sell to me for years, but he still insists to keep it. It needs some major repairs as You can see. The gardener is getting well on in years and is unable to keep the proper upkeep on the property. Hopefully, he will decide soon as to what do with the place.”
As father dismounted, an elderly gentleman came out to meet us. He looked to be in his late sixties; with a gray bear, slightly bend posture and a limb on his left side.
“George, it has been too long my friend.”
“Yes, it has been Remi. This is your son and it is his birthday today. I suppose we are going to train him to the family secret?”
“Yes, George, this is Paul.”
“Paul this is Nicolas George Lansac the Marquis du Dijon. He is my mentor and confident in matters concerning our family. He is also your great grand uncle. We are here to teach you the ways of pain and pleasure. George, are you ready?”
“Oh, yes, I am ready. Come, let us go inside, and have a drink of Cognac before we begin.” We walked into the mansion as the aging butler opened the door for us. I looked at the grand entrance to his home. The entrance was high reaching to the third floor of the mansion. There was a kaleidoscope of light dancing around the floor at my feet. I looked up and viewed the glass ceiling of painted glass adorning the domain at the top. A spiral staircase leads to the top of the entrance. The day’s sunlight was making the vision of dancing light on the floor from the ceiling. We walked into the parlor walking up to the decanter George poured three glass of the finest Cognac in the land. Raising our glass George toasted to a good training session. We downed the contents and set the glasses down.
“Ok, young Master Paul, your father and I need to show you the history of this family. We value discretion and keep this meeting and every meeting here a secret from everyone present company excluded. Your mother and sisters are not purely to these meetings. It is a tradition that the elderly male will be responsible for keeping these meetings within his heart and never divulge to anyone but your male children. This document states as much which you must sign and swear an oath to keep the secret. One more thing the men of the family will bind this with our blood as your father did with his father and his father before him. Take time to read this document before we commence.”
Grand Uncle George handed me the document titled “The history of the Louve Family.” It took me 30 minutes to read and Comprehensive the five-page document detailing every aspect of our lineage. It describe in detail what my training was to consist of, which items I would be trained on and how and where to use them. It also described the proper care and maintenance of these instruments. I signed the document and handed it to father. Uncle George then took the document placed it into his desk. Then he handed me another document and stated.
“This is the deed to my mansion and the lands that I hold. When I leave this earth, you will be Master and the Marquis du Dijon. I am old and this will be my last training session of our family. I entrust this land and mansion to you and your future family. I will allow you and your father to find new servants to train and keep this mansion. I understand that it is in need of major reparations that I cannot fathom to complete. One thing, I ask is that you keep my butler and gardener on staff as consultants for the new servants. I would also request that they be buried near this place or on the family cemetery because they are my family and brothers, if not by blood but by deeds.”
I looked at father, who had a big smile onhis face. Shocked, excited, joyous, and a few other words I could not fathom to say or think of at that moment. I looked to father, then to Uncle George.
“Marquis du Dijon many thanks and I am humbled beyond imagination for the gift you have bestowed upon me. I will cherish this place until my dying breath.” George just laughed one of those deep belly laughs that come from either a good place or a place of knowing deep down I did not know what I was getting into yet. We followed father and uncle through the kitchen into a damp hallway meeting up with a large heavy planned door. Uncle pulled out a key turned the lock with a click and swung the door towards us with a grunt then handed me the key; I pocket it in my waistcoat.
“Fucking door gets heavier and heavier each year I open it. Maybe some young nobleman will fix it and make so it’s not so hard to move for this old man.” He said with a wide smile on his face looking directly at me. Stepping through the door waiting for my eyes to adjust to the bright lights within the room I noticed several things immediately. The biggest one it was more than just a large room, but a massive dungeon fitted with many different types of torture devices. A padded rack with arm and leg irons, head and neck stock, a seated stock with a bar seat behind it, chains form the ceilinging full of arm irons, a large wooden cross with arm and leg irons, a broad smooth table with irons as well. Looking further back into the room, I saw whips, chains, wooden bars, more irons, and several other devices I just could not describe for there were many. Along the right side were three cages but not just cages there were naked women in the cages. They were around my age maybe a year or two older. They had gags in their mouths, wrist and leg irons, completely bald nether regions, and their hair tied in a tail off the top of the head. I was hard since I walked into the place I guess father and uncle were too.
“George, he had it.”
“Yes, he does!”
“Have what?”
“Your cock was hard as soon as you looked around”
“Well, sorry father but WoW.”
“That’s what George and I mean. Every male in the family has gotten hard viewing the dungeon for the first and every time they walk into it. There are three cages with three naked wenches, one for everyone and here is your first lesson. Play with the wench make her scream for her release; make her beg you to fuck her no matter the hole.”
“How do I create this effect on this young wench?”
“Using the whip in various places, varying strengths, and a little bit of good fortune. Let me demonstrate.” His father said with a smile. He pulled one of the wench’s out of the cage, she was about Paul’s age, naked, blonde, and a rather nice set of breasts. Her areolas their coloring a mixture of reds and browns and her nipples stand out about 2 inches. She was aroused we could see her nether region was wet and slick. Father put her into the T-shape stand thentied her hands and arms to the top cross bar, and tied her legs to the points in the floor. She was spread eagle standing up her clean-shaven nether regions glistening in the limited light, her nether lips red and swollen.
“Melody” Father addressed her.
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