The House of Correction Ch. 17

Chapter Seventeen

There was a barrier of questions from the other three women when Hannah returned to her dormitory although they were cut short when they had to rush off to breakfast. She managed to answer a few throughout the day but it was when they were all in bed that evening that she suffered the real inquisition. Faith, having slipped out of her cuffs easily, cuddled into Hannah and stroked her gently as she related what had happened with Lord Belvedere.

“Trust Miss Lah-Dee-Da to find herself a lord,” muttered Flo before she shut up as Faith snapped at her, “At least, he wasn’t a complete and utter bastard for her first time, Flo. Young and handsome too but there is no way he’ll keep his promises… like all men though that is.”

“And ‘e certainly left ‘er arse looking well striped,” chipped in Gwen. “Wish the half dozen I ‘ad to entertain were more interested in smacking my arse rather than using it for other purposes!”

“And me,” added Flo before she gave a little cheat as she finally managed to tease the lock open on her cuffs.

“So where is his card then, Hannah?” asked Faith, hands caresing the girl’s nipples into erecting.

“Under my chamber pot. I had to roll it up and shove it inside me because I thought Miss Stern might search me. It’s a little wet but still legible. His estate isn’t too far away, I think, as he mentioned that it only took him an hour or so to get here yesterday in his carriage.”

“Right, well, whatever lover boy said he’d do, we can’t just wait around here. We need to take the first opportunity to get out of here. Gwen, have you succeeded in getting out of those restraints yet?”

Silence was enough of an answer and, after satisfying Faith with her tongue and lips, Hannah drifted off to sleep, dreaming pleasantly about being opened up by Alex’s thickness while he rained kisses down on her lips. Waking up bring the harsh reality of another day in prison back home to her and she groaned and waited to be released from her cuffs by a sour-faced Jackson.

“Governess’ blue-eyed girl, aren’t you, Miller? Lord Bloody Belvedere going on about how pleased he was with you hasn’t done you any real favours though as Miss Stern is going to make you enter a few more gentlemen in the next week or so. After breakfast, you go off to the doctor to get some cream to heal up that arse of yours and then another lord can whip it bloody again!”

Face flushed, Hannah squatted and used the pot, hearing the now familiar tinkle of her pee splashing down into the china. The thought of being used again and this time by someone different, maybe an old man who would grunt and groan on top of her, made her feel sick. She only wanted Alex’s cock inside her, sliding in and out beautifully and making her come again and again. Dispirited, she followed Jackson to the doctor’s after breakfast and stripped, standing there obediently as Miss Dawson examined her carefully after dismissing the guard.

“Hmm, not too bad. These should heal up in a few days so that somebody else can have some fun with this peak of a bottom instead. Now, up onto the couch and put your feet in the stirrups and let’s have a look at that little pussy of yours!”

Hannah compiled, swallowing hard as her ankles and wrists were restrained and then staring up at the ceiling as fingers began to prod and poke at her intimate area.

“A little bit swollen and puffy still and that anus is sore inside, I see,” murmured the doctor, hearing Hannah hiss as she slipped a finger up inside the tight orifice. Miss Dawson applied a cold cream, rubbing it in to the crinkled flesh and making Hannah’s clip throb with pleasure at the sensitive feeling.

Hannah’s pleasure suddenly evaporated as the doctor wheeled over the enema equipment again, remarking with a giggle that she needed to wash all of his lordship’s sticky seed out. The rubber tube slipped in easily and was connected up to the large demijohn of water and Hannah waited for the tap to be turned only to be shocked when another tube appeared and was inserted deep into her pussy.

“May as well clean out both holes, mightn’t we?” chuckled Miss Dawson, smiling wickedly as she pushed the second tube onto another bottle and then turned both taps on at once. “I’ll leave you for a bit while I get on with some paperwork, I think.”

A few minutes later and Hannah was groaning out loud as water flowed remorselessly inside her body. Her stomach swelled swiftly and she tried to resist the pressure to relieve herself as cold seen into her pussy. She was glad when the doctor returned, looming over her abruptly as she turned the taps off.

“Right, girl, I am going to remove the tubes now but any leak while I stick in a couple of buns and I am going to whip these pretty little tits hard,” she announced, fingers beginning to pull out the tube in Hannah’s pussy. It was almost impossible to resist letting the water flow out but somehow she clenched her pelvic muscles and gritted her teeth as the doctor pushed a large cork inside her labia. The next tube was eased out and another cork, equally large, rammed in hard, making Hannah cry out at the pain which sliced ​​through her delicate flesh.

“Learning to control yourself, aren’t you, Miller?” remarked the doctor, making Hannah cry out again as she pressed down lightly on her swollen stomach. “Well, you didn’t leak so I will have to find something else to do with those breasts rather than whip them.”

A moment or two later and the doctor was back with a candle. She found a vesta case on her desk, extracted a match and lit it, setting the wick lightly before blowing the match back out. Smiling slightly, she leaned over Hannah and gently tilted the candle. The Flame guttered for a moment then burnt brightly before a bead of clear wax dropped through the air and splashed onto Hannah’s breast. She hissed out as the firey substance burnt into her skinBefore it solidified. More followed, raining down steadily and covering her nipple with white before the woman switched to the other breast and tormented that too.

Hannah gritted her teeth and clenched her muscles tightly as the pain flashed through her whilst the disappoint from the water inside her body mounted apace. A scattering of white wax over her breasts as the doctor shook the candle and then Hannah watched in fear as it moved away, heading down towards her pussy. A moment of respite and then came the storm of pain as Miss Dawson directed the flow of wax directly onto Hannah’s soft folds. She jerked and squealed at the lightning flash of agony and the cork inside her slit slipped slightly, easing out whilst water seen out gently. Another rain of wicked wax and Hannah felt the cork move again. Suddenly, it shot out and water sprayed everywhere, soaking her thighs and calves and even reaching her toes.

The leather surface of the couch was soon awake with water andshe heard it drip down onto the floor as the doctor moved the candle back up until it rested against her lips.

“Suck on this, Miller, while I whip your tits as you have failed to keep one of those corks in!” snapped Dawson, grinding the end of the wax down into Hannah’s soft lips. Opening wide, Hannah felt the candle slide inside her mouth and then she gripped it with her teeth as the doctor found a light whip and started to use it to flick fiery pain into her soft mounds.

“I am going to use this between your legs if the other cork comes out,” added Miss Dawson, making Hannah grunt in anguish as the lash struck hard across her pale breasts and left a red stripe behind.

Hannah tried to concentrate on squeeze her anal ring tightly to retain the cork even as the whip continued to strike her soft skin, turning the paleness into dusky red. A sudden surge of pain in her lips made her realise that wax was dribbling down the side of the candle but there was nothing that she could do but bear it as the lash rose and fall with monotonous regularity, beating the arousing pain into her body. She longed for someone to be stroking or kissing her cliporis as it vibrated with delight at the harsh kiss of the whip on her soft breasts. She imagined Alex’s thickness gliding in and out of her soaking pussy lips, stretching and filling her completely as it had the previous night.

Her excitement grow until Miss Dawson stopped whipping her bare breasts, pulled out the candle and straddled her face instead, skirt up around her hips to bare her pussy. Hannah licked away eagerly at the wetness, savouring the scent and taste as more candle wax splashed down onto her vulnerable slit. She poked her tongue up inside as far as she could and twirled it round before dabbing it onto the hardness of the woman’s bud time and time again. The doctor’s thighs trembled as password built up within her flesh and Hannah repeated her efforts, rolling her tongue round the pulsing clitoris and exhaling hot breaths of anguish as the wax covered her labia like icing on a cake. Heat enveloped her abruptly as Miss Dawson ground her soft flesh down hard, sweet juices leaking out coronavirus out violently as she climaxed.

Wearily, Hannah eased her body off the couch a few minutes later and bent down to clear up the mess on the floor that she had made. It was only when she had sponged and dried the tiles that she was allowed to squat over the bucket and explore the cork from her anal ring. It shot out and clanged loudly against the bottom of the pail and a torrent of water followed immediately. Squirt after squirt of liquid emptied her bowels and left her feeling as if her insides had been pulled out before she was told to get dressed and then taken back by her torqueor to where the other girls were training.


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