The House of Correction Ch. 18-20

Chapter Eightteen

Hannah lay there in the pitch-black darkness later that night, heart thudding away as she wondered whether they would be able to put their plan into operation or not. She was excited yet appreciated, fearing the consequences if they failed but eagerly anticipating the freedom that would come with success. Three of the four in the dormitory had managed to slip out of their restraints and only Gwen had had to be helped, easily released by Faith with a few twists of the hairgrips.

After an hour or so, they all lay down on their beds and waited apart from Flo who knelt by the door and listened out for footsteps, ear pressed to the heavy wood. After a while, she was replaced by Gwen and it was her whisper that made Hannah’s heart skip a beat as she realized that they were actually going to do it. She took a deep breath and started to moan loudly, adding a shriek or two as Gwen curried back into her bed like a frightened mouse. One more shrink cry and then Hannah heard the unmistakable sound of the key turning in the lock and she started to groan and thrash about in her bed.

“What is all this noise?” snapped a guard, holding a lantern up high to illuminate the dark dormitory as she peered in.

“It’s Miller, miss. She seems to be ‘aving a nightmare or something,” squeaked Gwen.

“Does she?” muttered the guard with a sniff. “Perhaps a taste of my strap will quietly her down!”

It was Miss Jackson, Hannah realized, recognizing her voice in the darkness. She cried out again and watched the lantern swway from side to side as the woman stepped inside and headed towards her. Another second and the dormitory door slammed shut and the guard was pushed forward hard, dropping the lantern and colliding painfully with the metal bed frame. Her squeal was cut short as her face was pushed roughly into the coarse grey blanket and then the weight of three women pinned her down. Hannah snatched the strap out of the guard’s belt as she slid off the other side of the bed and then helped to push Jackson up on top of the mattress where her wrists were quickly cuffed together whilst the blanket was pushed over her face to muffle her cries.

“Strip her, Hannah and Flo, and get her keys!” hissed Faith in the darkness, pinning the guard’s thrashing legs down with Gwen’s help. Roughly, the two women ripped off the guard’s clothes then used her stockings to bind her ankles to the bed before Flo picked the lantern up from the floor to shed some light on the scene whilst Hannah held onto the vital bunch of keys.

“That fat white arse should take some punishment,” Flo opined, slapping the pale flesh hard and making the guard jerk helplessly and utter a muffled cry. “Where’s her strap, Hannah?”

“Give her a dozen and then we shall ask her a few questions and see if she is cooperative,” stated Faith. “Gwen, go and listen at the door just in case another guard comes along and wonders where Jackson is.”

Twelve hard strokes of the strap while Faith pushed the guard’s face down hard into the blanket to stop her screams echoing round the room left her buttocks striped with red although she still refused to answer any questions afterwards. Faith stroked her chin thoughtfully for a few moments then went and collected all the chamber pots and poured all the contents into one. She yanked Jackson’s head up by her hair then slide the pot Underneath her face before pushing her down into it, making her gurgle as her nose and mouth sank into the cold pee.

“Another dozen, Flo, and make them harder!” she ordered and, grinning with delight at getting her revenge, Flo swung the strap through the air and landed it on the target again and again.

This time, Jackson conceded defeat and provided the information that Faith wanted, telling her that there were Two more guards, Adams and Andrews on duty that night but they were on shifts.

“I’m doing the ten till one then it is Adams next,” she hissed out.

“Where do you meet to change over the shift?”

“Outside the dining room about five minutes before,” responded Jackson after Faith ducked her head back into the pot for a few seconds.

“Upstairs in the staff quarters apart from the kitchen staff who come in from the village early in the morning.”

“Now because you have helped a little, I am not going to let Flo keep whipping that big arse of yours, Jackson. Open wide for these dirty drawers of yours!”

Faith shoved Jackson’s own underwear into her mouth and made sure her bonds were secure before she gathered the others together and held a whispered conversation, refining their plans in the light of the information she had received from Jackson.

“Gwen, you are going to be the decoy as You have the same build as Jackson and the right hair colour too. Get dressed in her clothes quickly as, according to her watch which I liberated just now, we have about twenty minutes before the next guard, Adams, comes down to start her shift. Enough time to get some things we need from the training rooms and find the best place to ambush her.”

“What about releasing the others to help us?” asked Flo.

“No, we discussed this before. There will be too many running around and things will get out of control. Some will want to get revenge before making sure that we can escape from This place and that might let someone raise the alarm earlier than we want.”

It was a nervous few minutes for all the women as they got ready to carry out phase two of their plan. They found the right keys to unlock the doors in the corridors so that they could reach the training rooms and soon picked out some useful items to restrain any more prisoners that they captured. Armed with their equipment, they made their way quietly down to the dining room and positioned Gwen, wearing Jackson’s clothes, in the darkest part of the room while they all hid nearby, crouching down behind the heavy wooden tables as their ears strained to hear any sound from the door at the far end that they assumed led to a staircase to the staff quarters.

The unmistakable sound of a key turning in the lock sent nerves jangling and Hannah steadied herself, getting ready to spring into action. The door clicked shut and then football steps echoed on the polarized floor and she saw a shadow moving up the room as she peeped Between the legs of the table. Gwen walked slowly towards the other guard, almost crabbing sideways as she tried to keep her face abused and then Faith was moving, springing out and tackling Adams, pushing her forward hard so that she lost her balance and smoked into a table. Shocked and surprised, the guard never had a chance to cry out as the women descended on her swiftly like lions savaging their prey, cuffing her hands and ramming a gag into her mouth before they carried her back to their dormitory and throw her onto the bed next to Jackson where they removerved her clothes.

“Two down and several more to go, ladies,” murmured Faith after interrogating Adams in the same way as she had done to Jackson. “She tells the same tale as Jackson there so hopefully it is reliable. Now we have to capture the others one by one. Adams says that Andrews is sleeping in the first bedroom next to Davis then comes the doctor whilst Miss Stern has the largest room at the far end of the staff quarters. So we will take them in that order. It has got to be quiet though so don’t hesitate. Into the room, punch in the stomach and then ram the gag in before we cuff them and tie them to their beds…okay?”

“Yes, Faith,” they all replied nervously, trying not to think about what would happen if they failed.

Andrews was easy. After creeping up the stairs to the staff quarters silently, They listened outside her door and could hear her snoring heavily. Flo opened the door and Faith slipped inside followed by the others. Before she could do anything,woken from her pleasant dreams, Andrews was cuffed, gagged and stripped and they moved onto Davis next door. Also wait, she still put up more resistance, landing a couple of blows on her attackers but Hannah managed to ram a clothes gag into her mouth before she could call out and so, after a hectic struggle, they managed to subdue her too.

“The doctor next then,” whispered Faith and they crept along the carpeted landing and listened carefully again for any sound. It was deathly quiet and so they smelled in once more then rushed up to the bed and found it empty. A quick glance round the room revealed that she wasn’t there and they looked at each other in puzzlement in the straight fingers of moonlight that filtered through a gap in the curtains.

“Let’s do Miss Stern and worry about Dawson later,” muttered Faith and They moved back out into the corridor and stood, hearts pounding outside their main torqueor’s door.

On a nod from their leader, they opened the door and rushed inside, smoking all over the couple on the bed, surprise relegated to the back of their minds as they fight to restrain them. Flesh met flesh as the fight became savage in the darkness but gradually the four women overcame their opponents, finally managing to cuff them both and wedge gags into their mouths.

“Bloody hell, Faith. Clearly, these two ‘ave been enjoying themselves tonight,” hissed Gwen, picking up a bottle of champione from a side table.

“In more ways than one, I think, Gwen, as they are both stark naked,” added Faith with a grin, tweaking the Governess’ nipples hard and enjoying the pained response. “Right, it is half past two so that leaves us a little time to enjoy ourselves with this pair before we leave. Let’s get them downstairs into the room where they make us entertain their gentlemen and see how they like being the entertainment for once!”

The four women manhandled the doctor and Miss Stern down the stairs and into the large room then left them there under Flo’s supervision while they checked the rest of the building, making an interesting discovery in the Governess’ office, and on their other prisoners. All were still secured so they unlocked all the doors in the corridors and found their way to the entrance, opening the heavy door and breathing in the chilly, fresh air in delight. In a store room, they found a mountain of clothing, clearly confiscated from prisoners, and found garments to fit They. The kitchen provided food and they snacked on some before finding a wicker hamper and struggling some in there before they returned to Flo and sent her to find some clothes too.

“Half an hour or so to extract a little revenge, ladies and then we must be off,” stated Faith firmly, looking at the watch she had pinched off Jackson. “Let’s have them strapped together, faces in each other’s pussies as they are obviously lovers.”

Despite struggle, Dawson and Miss Stern were soon bound together, gags removed and ropes round their necks tied to pull their mouths in closer to each other’s slots before being thrown down onto a benchmark.

“You can scream to your heart’s content as nobody is going to rescue you,” muttered Gwen, picking out a cane and whipping it through the air to test it. “You didn’t care when we screamed, did you?”

“You deserve it!” hissed out Miss Stern angrily while the doctor’s slim frame just shook with fear. “You are criminals!”

“And so are you, pimp!” snapped Faith. “Selling us off to any gentleman who paid you! Give her a couple of dozen, Gwen, and see how she likes it!”

The Governess didn’t! Being on the receiving end of the hard wooden rod as it lashed across her bare buttocks time and time again was definitely not to her liking at all and she squealed and screamed into the muffling flesh of her lover’s softness. The full twenty-four strokes left her bottom cheeses burned with red lines of fire and then the couple were extremely turned over and Flo wreaked revenge on the doctor, giving her the same number of lashes. Dawson begged for mercy but there was none forthcoming just as she had never had any for her victims and her tears dripped down onto Miss Stern’s labia, wetting the pink folds with sorrow and pain before the couple were flipped back over again.

“Your turn, Hannah,” said Faith, waving a hand at the bound couple. “Pick something else to use Though for a change!”

Hannah demurred, shaking her head as she decided that she had no need to take revenge. Escaping and a little bit of grand larceny was good enough for her! Faith grabbed a tawse and added another few strokes before she finished off by sliding a fat dildo without any lubricant up into the Governess’ pumpered anal hole. Her squeals echoed round the room as Faith shoved it in deeper and deeper Until only an inch or so remained outside. She then tied the pair to the benchmark securely before straddling them and relieving herself, soaking them in her golden essencefrom head to toe.

“Time for us to go, ladies!” she announced, smiling widely as she allowed the last few drops to splash down onto the bound bodies beneath her before standing up.

Chapter Nineteen

The pony and trap the women found in the stables rattled away at a fast clip along the road leading towards the nearest town. Before leaving the House of Correction, they had released the other prisoners, freeing one in each dormitory and then handing them the keys before hurrying outside to where they had already got their transport ready.

“Can’t look after everybody,” muttered Faith in response to Hannah’s question as the trap bounced along at a fast clip. “Hopefully, most of them will have the sense to make a run for it and that will keep the police far too busy to catch us. We are just four respectable ladies out for a drive in the countryside!”

It was broad daylight by the time that they reached the nearest small market town and Hannah felt quite tearful asshe and Faith said goodbye to the other two.

“Remember my old man’s address in the smoke now and write to me there,” said Flo. “He’ll know how to get in touch with me and Gwen and I should be safe back there, especially with all these lovely golden guineas you found in Miss Stern’s office, Hannah.”

“Well, she had to keep the profits somewhere, didn’t she? Lucky we got it before she had time to stash it in the bank. Spend it wisely!” Hannah replied with a twinkle in her eye as she thought that the pair of them would probably blow it all in a few weeks whilst having a good time.

“We will, Hannah. Got enough ‘ere to open a little shop and become respectable ladies,” answered Gwen, hugging Faith and Hannah tightly before she grabbed Flo’s hand and led her into the train station.

“They will be fine, I think. Straight to London on the train and then disappear into all those people. We are in more danger if you are determined to track down Lord Belvedere,” stated Faith as Hannah looked worriedly after them. “Where are we going to start? I know you have his card but it doesn’t give an actual address, does it?”

“No but he must live reasonably close as he hadn’t travelled that far to get to us the other day,” replied Hannah, stepping out of the cart and heading for the nearest shop, a tobacconist’s to enquire about the whereabouts of the estate of Lord Belvedere. It took three shops before a greenrocer’s lad, in between shouting out his wares to the passing pedestrians, remarked that he thought it was about a dozen miles further on.

“Seen old Belvedere a few times, miss, riding through in his carriage going in that direction.” His hand indicated where the women had come from that morning and Hannah realized that Alex’s uncle had probably been traveling to the prison to take his pleasure with some unfortunate girl. She thanked the boy with a smile and stepped back up into the cart then took the reins and urged the horse on towards the horizon.

It was just after noon that the impressive entry gates to Lord Belvedere’s estate came into view and by then, Hannah and Faith had asked several other people if they were on the right road. Reassurered that they were, they even stopped by a stream for an improved picnic on the food they had acquired from the House of Correction.

“My first meal as a free woman for over six months,” announced Faith, leaning back on the grassy bank of the babbling stream and allowing the cool water to bathe her toes before she bent over and kissed Hannah full on the lips. “And it tastes nearly as sweet as you!”

Giggling, Hannah kissed her back passwordately and soon they had vanished behind a screen of bushes as they enjoyed each other, fingers and tongues exploring everywhere until both were sated, bodies still fizzing with the delicious ripples of their orgasms.

“So are you still going to want me when his lordship has you?” asked Faith suddenly, a worry line creaming her forehead.

“Of course!” said Hannah firmly. “So stop fretting and come and join me in the stream as I want to get clean!” She grabbed Faith’s hand and pulled her into the cold water and they both squealed and splashed around, enjoying the sensing even as it frozen their flesh.

Smiling at the memory, Hannah steered the pony and trap into the entrance to the estate with one hand on the reins and clung on tightly to Faith’s hand with the other as she began to wonder whether she was doing the right thing. Had she read too much into what had happened with Alex? Had he just been leading her on? She swallowed hard and almost turned the cart around, fearing the crushing disappointment of being rejected but a gentle squeeze of reassurance on her hand kept her going.

“If he doesn’t want you then I always will,” Faith murmured in her ear. “We can go and find somewhere quiet to stay and live quite comfortable off all these guineas for a year or two but you need to find out first or you will always be wondering.”

She was right, Hannah knew. To turn back now would be cowardly and leave too many questions unanswered. She had to find out if Alex, Lord Belvedere, really wanted her or not. She stared ahead, steeling her resolve whilst Faith looked out at the rolling acres of farmland and commented, “Well, he wasn’t lying when he told you that he was rich anyway. Must be worth an absolute fortune all this land and…”

Her voice trickled away as the house, an old, mellow-stone Elizabethan manor, came into view suddenly, peeping out almost shyly from behind a screen of oaks. An immaculate lawn led down to a small lake in the distance whilst outbuildings were tucked away to the side of the main house. The drive curled past the trees sinuously then straightened up and Hannah halted the trap on a large expansion of gravel by the front steps, heart beating faster with every passing second.

“Should we go to the back door?” she inquired nervously.

“No, girl! You still have his card, don’t you?”

“Well, yes.”

“So that means that he has invited you as a guest, not as his service!” snapped Faith, stepping down from the trap and beckoning to Hannah to follow. She did so almost reluctantly then trailed after her friend up the steps to the imposing oak door.

“Ring or don’t, Hannah. Your choice!” Faith indicated the bell push at the side and waited patiently, wondering if the girl would actually have the courage to reach out.

Hannah looked down at the slightly curled and stained card she was clutching in her hand and made her decision. She had to know one way or the other. A nervous jab at the bell and she heard it jangling away merrily inside. Footsteps sounded and then the large door swung open and a tall, frock-coated butler appeared, face set and serious as he raised one eyebrow interrogatively.

“Lord Belvedere asked me to call if I was ever in the neighborhood,” stated Hannah quietly yet firmly, proffering thecard.

“Indeed? Then please enter and I will endeavour to find his lordship, Miss…? inquired the butler, taking the card and then raising his eyebrow even further up towards his recalling hairline as he saw the stains upon it.


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