The House of Correction Ch. 14

Chapter Fourteen

“I assume my note of hand is enough, Miss Stern?” stated Lord Belvedere, appearing abruptly and making Hannah stare back down at the floor in shame.

“Of course, your lordship. Let me escort you to the room we have set aside and make sure that you have everything that you need for a pleasant evening,” the Governess replied emolliently.

“Thank you although I am sure that the young lady will be enough on her own to ensure me a very pleasant evening indeed,” the man responded, making Hannah jump as he reached out and took her shaking hand in his. He tugged her after him, following the Governess through the throng towards the door. A few sly touches of hands caresed Hannah’s bottom and tighs as she was pulled along and then they were outside and her body shook uncontrollably as Miss Stern opened the next door along the corridor and showed them inside.

The room was dominated by a massive four-poster double bed whilst large mahogany wardrobes lined one wall but there were also other incongruous items such as a benchmark and whipping post as well as a St Andrew’s cross against the far wall. The chandelier overhead cast a bright glow but there were also candlesticks dotted around, Hannah noticed as the Governess told Lord Belvedere that he would find some useful items in the wardrobes.

“I suggest you give the girl a good spanking and maybe a few strokes of the cane to warm her up as we have found that to work very effectively on her, your lordship. The key is in the lock so just turn it when I have left and then you will not be disturbed until the morning. Enjoy yourself!”

“I am sure that I will, madam,” the man who had purchased Hannah replied as the Governess came over to her and whispered in her ear, “Make sure that you satisfied him or I will take the birch to you in the morning!” She smoked Hannah hard on her arse and then walked out, shutting the door firmly behind her.

Lord Belvedere sauntered across and turned the key and Hannah swallowed hard as he pocketed it, realising that she was trapped inside a bedroom with a man for the very first time in her life. What would it feel like when he slide his cock up into her pussy? Her pulse raced at the thought and she felt heat rise through her body as he came nearer and stood there looking at her for a while before he said, “A pretty face and a beautiful body and yet you find yourself in here, girl. What dastardly crime are you guilty of then?”

Hannah stayed mute, suddenly unwilling to cooperate with the man who had bought the rights to her body. He lifted one eyebrow in amusement at her silence and wondered aloud if he would have to beat the answer out of her.

“Was Miss Stern correct in her assessment of you?” he mused. “I am sure that she has become an expert after running this den of iniquity for so long. Come, girl, sit down on the bed or slide under the blankets and cover yourself up if you wish while I talk to you for a while.”

Den of iniquity? A strange term to hear from someone who was taking advantage of it, Hannah thought as she skirted round him and went to sit on the bed. He extracted a vesta case from his pocket and lit a few candles before he turned off the electric light and came and stood in front of her, casting a flickering shadow on her naked skin.

“Just in case Miss Stern is watching from somewhere,” he whispered. “I would not put it past her to have a peephole in the walls!” Interest piqued by his words and actions, Hannah cocked her head up and studied him carefully, taking in his slender frame and lean, clean-shaven features as she wondered what was going on. She had expected him to seize her roughly and take her by force or tie her up and whip her and yet he was just standing there. Didn’t he want her? And if not, Why had he paid so much money for her? An amount of two hundred and fifty guineas was enough to live off for a year or two comfortable!

Alex stared back at her, drinking in her beauty as well as speculating about her thoughts. His cock was like a bar of iron in his trousers and he really did want to throw her onto the bed and have her, sliding deep into her warmth. The thought of her pussy squeeze around his prick and her soft breath bathing his face made him swallow hard and it was only by an enormous effort of will that he stopped himself bending down and kissing her. Instead, he took a deep breath and began to explain.

Apparently, he had had a clue about his uncle’s proclivities for some time but had been out of the country until recently. On hearing of his uncle’s demise, Alex had not been surprised to find an invitation in his papers from Miss Stern and, although he did not know exactly what occurred at the soirees, he had suspected.

“So I thought that I would come along…”

“And enjoy yourself at our expense!” snapped Hannah angrily.

“More at my own expense, I think, girl. No, no, I want to put a stop tothe whole corrupt thing. Mu uncle was a local magistrate and I think he sentenced some of the women to come here in return for favours from Miss Stern but I am sure he isn’t the only one. In fact, I recognized a couple of the other men in there tonight. Influential, powerful people who control the police force and justice system around here.”

“I know!” burst out Hannah passwordately, breasts heaving and catching Alex’s instant attention despite all his best efforts. “You asked me what crime I had committed earlier, didn’t you? Well the answer is none at all. I was at a suffragette rally when there was a disorder caused by men against us and I was in danger of being crushed so I tried to protect myself with my parasol. The tip caught a policeman who was trying to squash me into a wall and then I was arrested and convicted! Given six months in this place and my character ruined!”

Alex watched tears fall from her soft blue eyes and wanted to hold her in his arms and comforther. He reached out slowly and brushed one away with his thumb and suddenly her arms were round him, almost crushing him as she sought some solace. He hugged her back gently, trying not to think about her bare breasts pressing against him as his erection pressed uncomfortable into his trousers. He patted her back softly as she sobbed before she suddenly pulled away and asked suspiciously, “So why did you buy me then?”

“Because as soon as I came through that door and saw you, I knew that I did not want anyone else to have you, girl,” he declared, meeting her appraising stare honestly. “The thought of you being bought and then having to lie here with one of those men disgusted me!”

“Oh…so you don’t want me then?” Hannah inquired guilelessly, disappointment rushing Through her senses at being spurned despite the circumstances.

“Of course, I do, girl. Who wouldn’t want you?” muttered Alex, shifting to try and ease the constriction of his cock.

Hannah caught the slight movement and looked down then, intrigued, brushed her hand across the bulge and giggled as he jerked away.

“Something seems to want me anyway,” she stated boldly, eyeing the prominent lump thoughtfully as she wondered how big he was.

“I’m sorry but I am just a normal man and being close to your naked body without reacting is more than flesh and blood can stand,” he muttered, face flushing slightly. “I am planning to try and shut this place down, not to take advantage of you!”

“But what if I wish to take advantage of you, my lord?” Hannah asked with a shy smile, nervouss jangling at the idea of ​​spending some time together on the massive bed.

“No, no, I cannot. It would not be right,” he protected vehemently. “I will not force myself upon you!”

“You won’t be forcing me as long as you are seriously trying to get this place closed. I assume that it might take a little time?”

“Probably. I’ll try and get it inspected first but if that doesn’t work thenI will have to go to the papers and hope that they kick up a fuss.”

“Then I may have to stay here for the whole six months! Might have to suffer some ugly old man lusting over me next month instead of a young, virile, handsome one! Tomorrow, I will be birched by Miss Stern for not satisfying you!” Hannah remarked, watching Alex flinch at her words as if he had been struck. “That’s what she whispered to me on the way out just now. Seriously, my lord, I would prefer you to take me for the first time rather than someone else.”

Hannah decided that she needed to help him into making a decision so she stood up and walked round to the end of the bed then bent over it, hands gripping the carved wooden posts, breasts hanging down over the footboard sensitively. She raised her head and looked directly into his dark green eyes and stated calmly, “Miss Stern will expect to see my bottom cheats bearing the scars of my night with you, Lord Belvedere, so feel free to do your worst. What shesaid about me was true…I do seem to get aroused even more when someone inflicts pain upon me! Perhaps I will even scream out my name to you when I have been hurt enough by your hand, a cane or a leather strap…or maybe all three?”

Alex rose and walked round behind her slowly, admiring the taut lines of her body and the gentle swell of her buttocks, pale but with the marks of previous beats just visible. He touched her bare flesh and felt her shiver as his fingertip traced down her spine and onto the curve of her arse cheeses.

“You realise that I have always liked spanking girls and teasing them into pleasure?” he murmured as he stroked her softness.

“Then I am glad that I have put myself into the hands of a master,” she replied confidently even though inwardly her heart was skipping beats.

“Into the hands of your master for ever?” he pondered before he moved across to the nearest wardrobe and searched through the contents.

As he rummaged through thevast selection of items, Alex thought back to his first time spanking a girl. He’d caught one of his uncle’s maids, Mary, rifling through his possessions one day after coming back unexpectedly when he had fallen off his horse during a hunt. Annoyed at that as well as her, he had flipped her over his knee, whipped up her skirt and spanked her hard and fast, reddening her soft buttocks swiftly. His erection had strained for release as she had twisted and wriggled on his lap like an eel, trying to escape from the singing palm slapping her bare flesh. Once he had finished smacking her, he had told her to stand still while he checked his things, discovering that a half crown had disappeared. A quick search located it in her apron pocket and then he had given her a stark choice…either be reported to his uncle or earn the money instead of stealing it. Her hot lips round his throbbing cock a few seconds later had been her response and she had swallowed down his load obediently.

Mary had earned a few more half crowns over his visit during the summer and Alex had learned how much he enjoyed striping a pretty bottom and then using the girl for his pleasure. Now, having made his selection, he was about to delight in reddening the most perfect set of buttons he had ever been privileged to see and he was relishing the challenge that the girl, first name still unknown, had set him. Smiling broadly, he turned and carried His armful of implements back over towards the bed, laying them down on the floor where she could not see them.

“My hand first, I think, girl. It is always a good idea to warm a bottom up gently before moving onto something a little more painful,” Alex mused, once again stroking and caresing her soft cheeses. He could feel the resilience of the firm flesh against his palm and the gentle quivering as she waited to be struck. Hannah’s breathing quickened as his hand left her bottom cheats and then she was biting her lip as he began to spank her, stinging her vulnerable flesh and alternative between hard and soft slaps. The pain flowed into her senses and rushed up into her mind as his hard hand whipped across her defenseless arse cheats time and time again. Little moans and grunts were forced out of her lips as the pain intensified yet that sent sparks of arousal flickering through her body too. Wetness leaked from her eyes and quim at the same time, trickling down slowly.

Alex smoked her harder suddenly, cracking his open palm across her skin and watching it redden beautifully. He saw the ripples of each impact flow through her flesh and heard her gasps and groans as her bottom cheeses seemed to glow in the candlelight flickering around the room. A harsh ending of twenty really punishing slash had her thighs trembling and then she was moaning in surprise as he swept his hand up between her parted thighs and rubbed it across her soaking slit.

“Oh please, yes,” she moaned as the sweet friction teased her ever closer to plEasily but Alex chuckled and snatched his hand away again, stating firmly that she was not going to be allowed to climax until she gave him her name.

Hannah wiggled her bottom from side to side, trying to ameliorate the burning sensing while she peeped over her shoulder to see what Lord Belvedere was up to. She found out soon enough as he picked up some cord from the floor and swiftly assigned her wrists to the bedposts, trapping her. Excitement at being restrained surfed through her flesh and then she was squealing as a heavy wooden ruler whipped across her arse.

“This should leave some nice straight lines on this curvy bottom of yours,” stated Alex with a grin as he smoked her hard. Each time, Hannah’s inrawn breath chased the sound of the impact round the room while her buttocks jiggled, making his cock harder than ever. Inch-thick wealth sprang into prominence on her bare flesh, turning pinky-red into deeper hues of burgundy. He added a few strokes to the back of her legs, hearing her cries increase as the tender flesh was welded by the hard, unforgiving wood.

Another dozen strikes on her burning arse cheats and then he stopped, setting the ruler down and slipping swiftly out of his clothes. His large, thick cock jetted out proudly from a forest of dark curls, purple tip glaiming with precome. He picked a light whip up from the floor and then moved in front of Hannah, making her eyes widen as he clambered onto the bed and displayed his massive prick to her for the first time. Alex smiled as her baby blue eyes widened and the tip of her pink tongue licked delicately over her lips nervously. He moved closer and rubbed the silken head of his cock over her face, feeling her soft skin against his hardness before he pressed it against her lips.

Hannah opened her mouth eagerly, wanting to taste a real cock after days of learning to suck a wooden one. The heat and throbbing sensing of the large plum inside her was so much better than the inanimate wood, she decided within a moment or two. She inhaled the masculline scent of his body pressed close to her and then hissed out past the muffling gag of his prick as the whip kissed her back and buttocks with strands of fire. She wrapped her tongue round his knob and licked away fervently, loving the sensing of warmth and the harsh cares of the whip as it teased her buttocks, hows even striking up between her legs and tormenting her Delicate pussy lips.

Her mouth was like an angel’s, thought Alex, gritting his teeth as he tried to control himself as her tongue tantalised the tip of his tool again and again. She sucked hard on the bulbous knob and he groaned and lashed her harder, feeling her breath bath his cock with warmth as she exhausted in pain. It was almost too much for him to bear and he had to withdraw, sliding his wet shake out of her mouth before he slipped back off the bed and picked up the heavy cane he had selected earlier.

“Six strokes each time and then I am going to ask you for your name, girl,” he stated, tapping the wood lightly against her already welted bottom cheeses. One more light, almost tender tap then he swung the wood rod back and struck hard.

Hannah was still hankering after his cock when the cane whipped across her arse cheeses abruptly. She squealed as the pain lanced into her flesh hard and fast as Alex lashed her soft skin Another five times before asking her for her name. She almost conceded, mind wanting to answer him so that she could taste his cock again but pride and stubbornness and the enjoyment of the harsh pain prevented her. The cane whipped across her naked flesh again and again and she howled in anguish as burning streaks of fire licked through her body. The sweet victorys excited her cliporis, making it throb and pulse with pleasure even as the pain intensified, soaring through her senses like a bird.

Alex revealed in the sweet sound of her pain and the subtle resistance to the cane as itstruck her bare bottom, bouncing back off the striped flesh instantly. The skin changed colour rapidly where he struck, darkening to a purple that matched the colour of his knob as welts sprang up into prominence. Another two dozen strokes whipped across her beautiful buttocks and still she defied him, shaking her head as he asked for her name and making his soul course with admission for her bravery. He lowered his aim and whipped the back of her thighs, becoming desperate to break her spirit so that he could finally have her.

Hannah’s screams restored throughout the room as the heavy wood lashed her thighs and on the eight stroke she broke, will sapped by the old and ecstasy that suffused her senses.

“My name is Hannah, my lord,” she hissed out in between sobs, body shivering in her bonds as the cane still and rested gently against her married arse cheeses.

“Then, my dear Hannah, I have four more strokes to administrator, don’t I?” he stated and she swallowed hardand prepared herself as best she could. Alex whipped the wood down hard at an angle, criss-crossing previous welts and making them soaring back into agonising life. Tears coursed down Hannah’s pale cheeses as each stroke sent fire blazing through her body and she was hardly aware of the moment that the cane stopped beating her bare bottom and soft kisses replaced it.

Alex knelt and paid homage to her bravery, pressing His lips onto her tender, burning flesh gently. He eased his mouth down further and further, kissing the back of her beaten thighs as he inhaled the sweet scent of her arousal and saw the delicate silvery trails of her love juices slipping down the inside of her shaking legs. He licked up the soft expansion, eliciting little grosses as his tongue neared her quivering centre. Hannah’s eyes snapped open and widened as the tip of his tongue cares her soaking slit gently and her body vibrated intensely at the sensitive feeling. A gush of sweetness splashed out of her pussy and Alex lapped it up, savouring her taste before he withdraw his mouth and started to release her from her bonds.


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