The House of Correction Ch. 12

Chapter Twelve

The Governess appeared later that day at the start of the prisoner’s training session accompanied by Miss Jackson and a bundle of diaphanous fabric.

“Chitons, ladies. Anybody know what they are?” Miss Stern inquired as the material was drawn over the benches by Miss Jackson.

“Greek dresses, Miss Stern,” replied Hannah before she could stop herself.

“Very good, Miller. Disrobe and then you can come and be my model so that I can demonstrate to the others how the dresses should look.”

Hannah hurried to obey then stood there naked in front of the others as the Governess drawn what appeared to be a transparent sheet round her body and pinned it at the shoulders with a brooch.

“So no sewing needed as you can see. A simple clip or safety pin through the shoulder where the material overlaps and there you have the garments you will be wearing later this week when I introduce you to a select number of appreciated gentlemen. I have decidedthat we should provide them with some entertainment in the form of a dance and then a few tableaus from Ancient Greek history. Miss Jackson will show you the steps and movements in the dance first so pay careful attention or my strap will meet those pretty bottoms and wake you up!”

Forewarned, they all took notice of the guard and copied her flowing movements as best they could. Gwen was slowest and clumsiest but even She gradually improved, encouraged perhaps by the liberal use of the strap on her white arse chefs, and after an hour or so, the four of them moved gracefully together, twirling around, chitons flowing and revealing a great deal of bare flesh.

“Passable, I believe. Another session of dancing each morning this week and they should be ready by Friday, Miss Jackson. Now, let me see…yes, let us have Miller as Aphrodite rising from the waves. As you do, I want to see that chiton slip off your shoulders to reveal all your charms just as the love goddess would havee done!”

Whilst Hannah rehearsed with the Governess, the other three were instructed by Miss Jackson in other scenes from mythology. Hannah kept her mind fixed solely on what she was doing though, unwilling to risk incurring the wrath of Miss Stern who was being extremely critical of her efforts.

“Slower, girl! You need to tease the gentlemen with a hint of breast then a flash of your nipple, not Just drop the chiton and stand there! You are a goddess and you want them to be awestruck before you reveal everything to them!”

Eventually, she pronounced herself satisfied then demanded a run-through by everybody involved, beginning with the dance. That went well as did Hannah’s solo performance as the goddess of love but Miss Stern was not very impressed with the story of Europa and the bull.

“It lacks verisimilitude, Miss Jackson, at the end when Zeus in the form of the bull catches her. I think that I have the very thing just here to add a final flourish though.”

Flo, playing Europa, looked on aghast as the Governess picked up a monstrous dildo with leather straps and waved it about in the air before telling Faith to put it on.

“That certainly will add some reality when Anderson catches her,” stated Miss Jackson with a grim smile spreading across her face as she watched Flo’s eyes widen.

“That’s it, Gregan!” announced Miss Stern a few minutes later. “Squeal as if you are being taken by a bull!”

On all fours with Faith easing the monstrous head of the phallus up inside her pussy, Flo felt as if she was. Her soft pinkness parted slowly but inexorably as the thick knob pressed harder and then it slip up inside her, stretching her spongy innards wide.

“Faster, Anderson, unless you want your buttocks whipped!” snapped Miss Stern, standing directly behind the coupling pair and watching on avidly. Faith moved her hips in accordance with the wishes of the Governess although she deliberately didn’t thrust any harder. Instead, she gave the impression of doing so whilst trying to make Flo suffer less. She gripped Flo’s hair and pulled it back when told to, forcing the girl’s head up so that any watchers from in front could see her contorted face and the pale tracks of tears etched into her cheeses. Sweat beaded their skin as heat suffered their flesh and the subtle slapping of hardness into softness echoed round the room until they were finally given leave to halt.

“They’ll need to rehearse that every day too, Miss Jackson. Make sure that they do as I want to see an excellent performance from everybody on Friday evening. If not, then I shall be pickling four new birches and making sure that none of them sit down comfortable for a week or two!”

“That bloody well hurt!” moaned Flo that night when they were all alone in their dormitory After their usual bedtime routine of using the chamber pots then being restrained.

“I’m sorry, Flo, but I didn’t have much choice really,” answered Faith from the darkness.

“I know that. I am just saying,” murmured the girl before she jumped as a voice right by her ear whispered, “Perhaps you would like someone to kiss that poor stretched pussy better?”

“What? Who? Bloody hell, is that you, Hannah?”

“Have you picked the lock on the cuffs?” asked Faith.

“Yes although it took me some time in the dark,” Replied Hannah, sliding her fingers under Flo’s blanket then teasing it off before she bent over her and breathed softly on her skin.

A few moments later and Faith joined her, leaning over the girl and kissing her gently whilst Hannah eased Flo’s thighs apart and traced the tip of her tongue down over the delicate pussy lips, teasing them open.

“What about me then?” chirped a voice from the next bed and Faith broke off from kissing Flo and told Gwen that she would have to wait as she hadn’t got shacked earlier.

“Listen out for any noise outside instead, Gwen,” said Faith before she returned to kissing Flo, twirling her tongue inside her warm wetness.

Hannah was hard at work caresing the cented labia with her tongue, arousing her own body as she paid homage to another’s. She stroked her tongue upwards and found the tiny bud emerging like a snail from its shell so she laved and licked away fervently, enjoying the sensing immensely. Tiny quivers signed Flo’s excitement and Hannah repeated her efforts, stirring the taut nub with the tip of her tongue before pressing it down hard then pulling back slightly and flicking the tip against the sensitive centre time and time again.

Flo felt a rich rush of rapture ricochet up through her body and she moaned: soft sights that were swallowed up eagerly by Faith’s hot lips pressing down on hers. Her body jerked and twitched with desire and a sudden burst of heat overwhelmed her, reddening her neck and breasts. Moistness leaked out of her pussy and was lapped up gently by Hannah’s questing tongue and Flo drifted away into pleasure,lassitude invading her unresistant mind.

Faith moved over to Gwen and climbed onto the bed, straddling the girl and pushing her hips down so that she was trapped underneath her quim.

“Use that tongue for something useful, Gwen, instead of talking,” she murmured with a giggle as Hannah kissed her way down the girl’s flesh, nipping at her nipples teasingly. Lower and lower she moved until her lips encountered the softness of Gwen’s sweet folds and then she licked away once again, savouring the slightly different taste and scent. Gwen eased her own tongue out and licked at the delicate labia above her, burrowing further inside the spongy innards and feeling them flex against her gently. A gush of juice seen out into her mouth and she wiggled her tongue around, stimulating more wetness as her own pussy was ravaged by Hannah’s eager tongue. A gradually rise up towards her peak followed whilst Faith above her started to shake with pleasure and then they were both coming together,bodies shaking and shivering as one.

A few parting kisses and then Faith and Hannah slipped back into their beds, refasting their cuffs and trying to get some sleep before yet another busy day to come. More training in dance and drama and hopefully, thought Hannah as her eyes began to close, more practice at removing cuffs. Even then, they had to formulate a plan to escape from Miss Stern’s clutches…


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