The House of Correction Ch. 11

Chapter Eleven

Faith took advantage of a rare few minutes of free time just before dinner to demonstrate how to escape from the cuffs that kept them restrained on their beds. From somewhere, she had acquired some hairgrips and adapted them slightly by bending and twisting until the metal ends would slide into the small keyhole of the lock. A couple of twists and she had released the mechanism although the trio of pupils struggled to get anywhere at first.

“You have got to feel it through the tips of your fingers,” muttered Faith a little exasperatedly and she frowned as Gwen dropped her hairgrip yet again.

“What are we doing this for anyway?” Gwen moaned as she bent down and picked the tiny piece of metal up.

“To get out of here so don’t complain!” snapped Faith before Flo, who had been Keeping a watch out, whispered that Davis was coming. The hairgrips vanished, tucked away under the nearest chamber pot and they were all standing to attention by their beds by the time that the guard entered, nose twitching suspiciously.

“What about the others?” whispered Hannah that night after licking out Faith’s tasty pussy then drinking down her golden essence eagerly.

“Gwen and Flo?”

“No, they’re with us already. I mean the other two dormitories. That’s another eight women to help.”

“And another eight where one of them might be an informer, Hannah,” hissed Faith back, sliding her fingers down into the girl’s wetness and teasing her clip gently. “Better to keep it just to the four of us and then we can always release the rest of the prisoners if we get the chance. If not, then they will probably enjoy seeing us all get birched until we bleed!”

“Informers?” queried Hannah innocently, parting her thighs to allow her lover greater access to her tingling quim.

“They have tried it before. Slipped a girl in a couple of months ago in one of the dorms but they worked it out and then turned on her in the washroom. They all got paid seriously but the girl was taken away so they reckoned it was worth it. In fact…”

“What?” asked Hannah as Faith hesitated for a few moments.

“We thought you might be one when you arrived the other day.”


“You seemed too posh to be stuck in here with us, Hannah. Your sort don’t normally end up in jail so I thought you might be connected to the Governess in some way.”

“Perhaps I am,” giggled Hannah, “and this is just my way of getting you to let your guard down!”

“Then it seems to be working far too well,” murmured Faith before she pressed her lips on Hannah’s and made her fingers tease the girl up into ecstasy once more.

It was after breakfast the next day that all the prisoners were lined up in a crocodile then followed Miss Stern and all the guards down to the first training room. It was only when Hannah stepped inside and noticed the benches, denuded of dildos, were all lined up and facing a wooden pulpit that she realizedthat it was actually a Sunday. Sitting deeply in their thin dresses on the hard wooden benches, the prisoners waited patiently as the guards positioned themselves on chairs at either side before the door opened and a short, fat priest in privacy robes entered, clutching a Bible in his left hand.

At a nod from Miss Stern, he commenced the service and soon Hannah was taken back to her years at school as the women stood and sang a familiar hymn, ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’. They sat back down at the end and then the priest started his sermon, PONTEXTILLING about the wages of sin as he starred pointedly out at the row of women in front of him whilst leaning on the wooden lectern that had been placed on top of the whipping post.

“Bloody hypocrite!” Hannah heard a woman behind her murmur sotto voce. “That’s the bastard who was busy fucking me last week!” Faith stifled a giggle and Hannah had to bite her lip as she tried to prevent herself laughing out loud at the rightous indignation. A final exhortation to be good came from the clergyman and then another hymn before a closing prayer signed that the service was over.

The priest was escorted out of the room by one of the guards as Miss Stern stepped up to the front and stared forbiddingly at the prisoners.

“It appears that I need to take harsh measures this morning against a member of the second dormitory,” she began and Hannah relaxed slightly because she was in number three. “Foul and abusive language directed at a member of staff by Kelleher when she failed to put in enough effort during training yesterday. Stand up, woman, and come out to the front!”

Hannah heard rustling from behind her and half-turned her head, unsurprised to discover that it was the woman who had spoken about the priest earlier. Head bowed, she trooped dejectedly out towards Miss Stern then stripped when ordered. The wooden board on top of the whipping post was removed by Miss Andrews who then dragged Kelleher forward and bent her over the post, secure her wrists tightly to ringbolts set into the floor before doing the same to her ankles. Hannah swallowed hard as the secret intimacies of the woman were displayed for all to see: pink folds attracting every eye along with the delicate browny-pink ring above before there was a low, quickly-silenced hum amidst the prisoners as the Governess asked for the birch to be brought out to her.

It was almost like a ceremonial process as Miss Davis carried the wooden twigs, still steering in brine, out to the middle in a tall vase. She set it down in front of the Governess who pulled the long, thin sticks out one by one and skillfully bound them with twin until she had about a dozen lashed together. Hannah could not tear her eyes away and found herself secretly fascinated as Miss Stern stepped to one side and laid the birch rods against her victim’s bare buttocks before telling Andrews to gag Kelleher. A ball gag was shoved into the woman’smouth roughly and buckled into place and the whole room seemed to hold its breath as the Governess prepared to deliver the first stroke of many.

The birch moved suddenly and struck the woman’s naked arse. Kelleher went rigid and strained against the bonds that held her tightly whilst a muffled squeal could be heard even through the gag. A dozen pink lines blossomed as if by magic on her pale skin as the birch bounced off the softness before being swung back again hard. Tiny pinpricks of blood appeared on the second stroke, caused by the rough edges of the twigs and soon Kelleher’s bottom cheats looked like a pincushion. Miss Stern laid on with a will, whipping the twigs across the bare buttocks with hardly a pause and creating a rich tapestry of red lines which marked the smooth whiteness. Blood trailed down slowly from tears in the woman’s skin as the beating continued and Hannah’s mouth went as dry as dust as she thought about what it must be like to endure such age. How would she cope? Would her body and mind find that strange desire lurking in such extreme pain as it usually did during a lashing with the strap? She was in no worry to test that idea out but just watched in perverse fascination as the birch started to lash across the back of the woman’s white thighs.

It was only when the Governess had striped her from bottom cheeses down to the back of her knees that Kelleher was released. The gag was pulled out amidst a stream of slobber and the crying woman was made to apologise to Miss Jackson, the guard she had sworn at. Eventually, she was dragged away by Davis and taken off to see Miss Dawson, the doctor, whilst the rest of the woman filed out silently, eyes downcast as they headed off to their respective dormitories before lunch.

It was Monday afternoon that all four women from their dormitory were escorted to the doctor’s office by two guards. Miss Dawson made them all strip naked then examined them carefully from head to toe. She took their weight again and entered the information in her ledger before shaving them one by one to leave them smooth all over once more. Hannah’s face went blood-red when she was asked when her period was due, whispering in response that she thought it was in about a fortnight. That information was joked down too before Miss Dawson commented that Hannah would be only a couple of days adrift of the other girls.

“You’ll soon get into synchronization with them though, Miller. I gather none of them has told you that you need to ask me for the necessary items a couple of days before?”

“No, Miss Dawson,” said Hannah, shaking her head and then listening as the doctor started to converse with Miss Davis after sending the other women back to their dormitory with the other guard.

“So we have three dormitories full now and each is available three weeks out of four really. One more set and we should be able to have a soiree every week with a different set!”

“Until Miss Stern sells a few off anyway,” stated Davis, looking meaningfully across to where Hannah stood against the wall.

“Well, she won’t be able to get rid of Kelleher for a couple of weeks after that birching,” remarked Dawson, strolling back over to Hannah and ordering her to assume the second position. Hannah dropped down to her knees then stretched out her arms in front of her, making her buttocks rise up as she heard the doctor and Davis whispering together for a few moments.

“Miss Davis informs me that she does not think your bowel movements are regular enough, Miller,” Miss Dawson stated, smiling broadly as she gathered some equipment together noisily.

“But I go every day, Miss Dawson,” Hannah muttered, face reddening at having such a private matter discussed.

“So you are saying that I am lying, are you, Miller?” hissed Davis and Hannah squealed as the heavy leather strap whipped down across her arse cheeses several times.

“No, no, of course not, Miss Davis,” Hannahurriedly replied but the strap kept on lashing her bare bottom for another few seconds, driving bitter pain deep into her flesh.

“I am glad to hear it, Miller. Now stay in position for the doctor to administrator some treatment to you.”

Hannah wondered what was happening as hands pulled her smarting arse cheats wide apart and then came a dollar of something cold slithering down her anal crack before a finger rubbed it into her dark hole. Hannah jerked a little as something began to slide inside her bottom, squirming further and further up as she hung her head in shame. Miss Dawson pushed the rubber tube deeper, making sure that it was snugly ensconced before she stood and connected the other end to a large glass bottle that was resting on a metal stand. A twist of the tap at the bottom of the glass vessel and then she watched in amusement as cold water started to slither down the tube and into Hannah’s bottom.

“How much is in there then?” inquired Davis, tapping the bottle with her fingers.

“Nearly a gallon but she’ll exploit if we give her all of it!”

Hannah felt coldness creep into her bowels as the tube dripped water steadily into her darkness. The sensing was strange and became more and more uncomfortable as the seconds ticked slowly by and more water forced her stomach to swell. She began to moan softly as the pressure intensified but Davis knelt down by her side and snapped at her to control herself, threatening to whip her breasts and tights if she explored any of the liquid without permission.

“In fact,” added the guard, “you can make yourself useful by licking my pussy until I come and then I might think about getting the doctor to turn the tap off…unless she wants your tongue as well?”

“That sounds like a good idea, Miss Davis,” murmured the doctor, watching with interest as the guard slide under Hannah’s head and lifted her skirt up to reveal her pale thighs.

Hannah eagerly licked away at the cented slideIn between, keen to make the guard orgasm so that she could escape from the dripping torque of the water filling her bottom up. She tongued the puffy folds then eased the tip onto Davis’ clip and teased it gently. She licked along the length then fastened her lips onto the tiny bud, sucking it hard and making it swell in response. Little groans and hisses sawed out of the guard’s lips as her clip was teased and tantalised constantly. Arousal spread swiftly up through her flesh until she cried out, thighs shivering with desire as rapture flooded into her body.

Miss Dawson replaced Davis a few seconds later and Hannah sucked on the pink folds of flesh, lapping away afterwards at the slickness even as she squeezed her buttocks together tightly to prevent any seepage. Davis noticed and turned the tap on the glass jar further open, making the liquid slither faster into the prisoner’s anus. Hannah groaned into the motivationalness in front of her and repeated her efforts, licking fervently around the tiny bud and feeling the doctor begin to respond. Warmth bathed her face along with the woman’s intimate cent as she tongued the nub desperately, knowing that she could not hold on for much longer without disgracing herself. Dawson started to sight and then moan before wave after wave of pleasure Shook her body whilst a rush of sweet love juice soaked Hannah’s face. She licked it up eagerly then concentrated on squeezing her bottom cheats together as hard as she could as the doctor slowly rolled out from under her and went to turn off the tap.

“That’s most of that gallon gone, I see,” Miss Dawson stated, raising one eyebrow as she realized that Davis had fiddled with the tap. “Better let her get on the bucket quickly or there will be a hell of a mess to clear up!”

“Shift yourself, Miller. Squat over the bucket but don’t let go until I tell you!” ordered the guard as soon as Miss Dawson had pulled the rubber tube out of Hannah’s anal hole. Hannah moved as quickly as she could, crackling her bulging stomach in one hand as if she was pregnant. Her buttocks touched the cold rim of the metal pail and she waited, body quivering with the effort of holding the water inside and then, relieve merged with shame, as Miss Davis finally told her that she could go. Instantly, Hannah relaxed her muscles and began to cry as the water flooded out of her in a great torrent, cascading down into the bucket noisily. Some splashed up with the force it had been evacuated with and struck her bottom cheats but most gushed out and settled in the bottom of the pail, swilling around as more was added. It felt like a never-ending stream was pouring out of her bowels to Hannah and tears trickled down her cheeks as the doctor and guard observed her with interest.

“I wonder how much more she could hold?” mused Miss Dawson thoughtfully.

“Perhaps we should try both holes next time? A tube into each one and see how she likes that,” responded Davis with a sly smile spreading slowly across her face as she saw Hannah look up in shock at the thought.

“An excellent idea although I think that she has had enough for now. You better return her to her dormitory because we don’t want her getting damaged before Friday’s entertainment, do we? Miss Stern would not approve!”


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