Chapter Seven
After a change around so that Hannah pedalled away and Faith lay there on the benchmark and was stimulated by the thick phallus that Davis fitted into place, the class was dismissed. They filed out in line, still silent as they walked up the corridor and then into the dining room. Hannah was desperate to inquire if their strong morning activities had been normal although she guessed that they were as none of the other women had seemed surprised by anything that had occurred. There was no opportunity to ask anything though as Grace was said and a thin, watery gruel was served up as the lunchtime offering followed by some fresh fruit. Even though the former was tasteless and unappetising, Hannah forced it down, not wishing to fall out with any of the guards who patrolled up and down between the benches, carefully watching out for any malefactors.
“Deportment and etiquette class with Miss Adams this afternoon in room number four,” announced Davis at the end ofthe meal. “Waste of time trying to turn you criminals into ladies if you ask my opinion!”
She stalked off abruptly, hands clapped behind her broad back and Hannah giggled as Gwen stuck out her tongue momentarily. Thinking that the afternoon should prove to be a welcome change and something that she was used to, Hannah was almost happy as they left the dining room and went in to use their chamber pots before emptying them in the washroom sluice.
“It ain’t going to be all curtseying and walking round with a book on your ‘ead, your ladyship,” muttered Gwen when Hannah ventured to say that she was looking forward to the afternoon.
“Don’t shatter her dreams, Gwen,” replied Faith with a smile. “Hannah is looking on the bright side and imagining herself back amongst polite society instead of realising what we are here for!”
“Ain’t she worked everything out for ‘erself yet? I’d ‘ave thought that machine shuffing ‘er pussy this morning and those pretty lips wrapped rounda knob would have given a blind nun an inkling!”
“What do you mean?” inquired Hannah, wrinkling her browser as Gwen chuckled disparagingly.
“She means that we’re here to be trained to entertain…men or ladies if they are that way inclined!” snapped Flo, patience exhausted at Hannah’s incomprehension. “It’ll be our room’s turn soon to be lying there whilst Miss Stern’s friends in high places come and enjoy us. They fund this place and demand something in return and we are the something!”
“You’re …”
“Serious, girl, yes! This ain’t some kind of joke,” added Gwen, shaking her head slowly.
“Enough for now. Come on as we need to get down to the training room. We don’t want to get whipped for being late!” hissed Faith, hustling them all out of the washroom swiftly.
Hannah was still in a state of shock when they all entered the training room, making it just in time as Miss Adams pointed out, glancing at the clock on the wall. Hannah barely listened to the guard’s instructions as she was trying to process the information that the other women had given her. She was also berating herself for being so naive as the clues had certainly been there since she had entered the House of Correction. Hadn’t the doctor made some throwaway comment about how Miss Stern could charge more for her services as she was so tight?
Hannah shivered at the thought of being used by a man and was then snapped back to the present as Miss Adams snapped at her to undress.
“Since you seem to be in your own little world, Miller, you get to wear this lovely corset for a while and show the others how to swing those hips as you walk up and down. Anderson, help her into it and make sure that you pull those lacings tight. I want her wait down to less than twenty inches! Gregan and Cotter, you can practice your diction reading out what is on these cards.”
Hannah hadn’t killed a corset before at all and she realized why as, after wriggling into it, Faith beganto pull the laces, squeezing her wait tightly. It was surreal to be there, naked apart from the material wrapping her torso and pushing her breasts up, whilst Flo and Gwen chatted in their best tones about inconsequential things such as the weather and what was on at the theatre.
“Stop dropping your aitches, Cotter!” hissed the guard irritably. “We are breeding refined young ladies here for entertainment, not guttersnipe Cockneys whom any man could pick up for a farthing!”
“Sorry, Miss Adams,” muttered Gwen, rolling her eyes as the guard walked behind her and headed towards where Faith was tugging even harder at the corset lacings. Hannah exhausted as Adams took over and placed her knee in the small of her back then felt light-headed as the laces were deftly knotted into place. Her breasts almost spilled over the top in a mass of pale beauty, starkly delineated against the satin black of the material. Her pussy was bare and alluring, tempting every eye as she caught sight ofherself in a cheval mirror placed against the opposite wall and silk stockings, gartered tightly, added to the effect. Adams spun her round and Hannah glanced over her shoulder and saw the paleness of her arse chefs roughly bruised and marked with reddish-purple welts. A steady throb of excitement started to pulse deep down at the sight and she realized just why men retired looking at a woman’s soft, sensitive curves. Faith slipped on Hannah’s feet a pair of shoes with high heels and then she was walking along, arm in arm with the woman whilst Adams stood there watching critically.
“Sway more from the hips, girl!” she commanded, idly swinging her strap through the air and catching Hannah’s soft skin hard. “Miss Stern is going to want to get top money for you next week!”
Hannah reddened but obeyed, blushing even More as she realized that the other two women were watching her too. It was embarrassing yet oddly arousing to be parading around half-naked, breasts on display andbuttocks wobbling gracefully with every step.
“Better, I suppose,” murmured the guard after a few minutes, allowing Hannah to stop walking. “Now I need to teach all of you ladies how to display yourselves properly. You three should already know how to knee as I taught you that last week.”
Hannah watched as Faith, Flo and Gwen removed their dresses then knelt down, buttocks resting on their heels and hands behind their backs with their heads upright. She followed suit, finding it very difficult in the restrictive corset and the unaccustomed high heels.
“That is position one and I am sure that the gentlemen will enjoy having you waiting like that for their cocks!” stated Miss Adams with a sarcastic chuckle. “Position two now and I will use Gregan to demonstrate. On all fours, Gregan, then stretch your hands out in front of you as far as you can so that your arse cheats lift up and provide any gentlemen…or, come to think of it, lady like Miller there…with a perfectview of your rosehole and quim!”
Hannah stared at the girl’s naked body and flushed as she did indeed have an incredible view. The soft pink of Flo’s labial lips then the smooth rise upwards to the tiny crinkle of her anus as her buttocks separate slightly.
“Position two all of you!” Adams snapped authoritatively and the women hurried into place, stretching out their arms as if they were supplicants in church. “Good, ladies. An excellent position for the gentlemen to have you…whether they want those sweet pussies or tight anal holes or even just need to use a cane to warm you up a little!”
The end of the guard’s leather strap ticked down Hannah’s bottom cheeses then lashed across and made her hiss out in pain. She watched as Miss Adams did the same to each of the others before she informed them about the next position, number three, where they stood upright with their hands on their heads.
“Position four next, ladies, as I will show you with Anderson here. Bent right over, hands gripping ankles tightly and displaying those lovely buttocks in a perfect position for whipping. Assume the position now!”
They all hurried into the correct pose and waited, knowing that the guard was going to take advantage of it to use her strap once more. This time, she decorated their bare arses with two strokes each before she moved them onto the next position. Flat on her back with her hands holding her ankles wide apart, Hannah stared up in anguished expectation as Adams loosed over her, thin lips breaking out into a cruel smile as she announced, “Position five is ideal when your master wishes to play with those lovely little psies. Maybe he just wishes to tease them with his fingers, plumge his thick cock inside or use a whip to encourage you to work harder to please him, Miller!”
Hannah screamed as the straw swung down and caressed her soft pussy lips with fingers of fire that flickered through her flesh and raced up into her brain. She jerked upwards and let go of her ankles, tears filling her eyes suddenly.
“Hold the position, Miller!” snapped Adams vindictively. “Perhaps your master will have to tie those ankles and wrists together?”
The leather idly swished through the air once again and Hannah gritted her teeth and gripped her ankles, knuckles whitening. Pain flared once more in her quim as the straw squashed down into her soft folds but she held on determinedly. Another stroke and then another added to the pain that coursed through her body before Adams walked away and began to torque Gwen instead.
“Now we shall see how well you have been listening over the last few minutes,” remarked the guard, fingering her strap thoughtfully. “A run-through of all the positions and the slowest one to assume the correct pose will get a dozen from me at the end to encourage them to try harder in future. Up on your feet and be ready to move when I give the command!”
All four jumped up and waited, minds whirling through the different positions as they waited for the guard to shout out a number. Hannah, like the others, did not want o be the slowest even though she also did not want her friends to suffer either. Self-preservation came first though and so she moved swiftly into the correct position when Adams snapped out the number three. They moved at bewildering speed through the five positions and Hannah feel herself grow increasingly dizzy as she changed pose. Flo got confused several times and assumed an incorrect position which made Hannah feel relieved. Surely, Flo was going to be the one who got punished at the end, wasn’t she?
“Last movement, ladies. Go to …” Adams was about to shout out the number when the door opened and Miss Stern strode in and inquired, “Are they quick learners, Miss Adams?”
“Tolerable, Governess, although some of them need tickling up with the strap to make them concentrated.”
“We need them trained properly by next week so keep them working hard and don’t spare the rod as my old governance would always say,” Miss Stern responded with the tiniest smile. “Now, I wish to borrow Miller for a while. You can stay in that corset and follow me, girl!”
“Yes, Governess,” answered Hannah, swallowing hard as she wondered what the woman wanted with her. Had she somehow done something wrong? Was she going to be punished? Heart sinking, she followed the Governess out of the training room and along the corridor, high heels echoing loudly on the wooden floor.
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