The House of Correction Ch. 04

Chapter Four

“It appears that the rest of your dormitory are still out training. That bed at the end must be yours as the linen is on it ready. Make it up neatly and then you may stay in here until the other women come back,” stated Miss Dawson before she turned rapidly and left Hannah alone. The ominous clang of the iron gate at the end of the dark corridor made her jump and a shiver ran down her spine at being locked up. Sighing deeply, she walked to her bed and started to put the sheet over the thin mattress, folding the ends in to make hospital corners before she draped the single grey blanket over it and set the pillow in place at the head. My bed for the next few months, she thought miserably, heart sinking before she looked around to try and take her mind off that terrible truth.

The room was small and four iron bedsteads were crammed into it along one wall with wooden lockers at the foot of each one. The drag grey colour of the walls matched the blankets arrangedNeatly on each bed whilst a pair of small windows set high up in the wall allowed some light to enter. Hannah wrinkled her nose in distaste as she noticed the edge of a chamber pot peeking out from under a bed then smiled slightly, wondering just why she should be so fussy when she had just been enjoying sticking her tongue up inside another woman’s anal tube.

A sudden noise from outside broke into her Thoughts and she looked up and watched as three other women marched into the room and stood by their beds like soldiers. A single, stocky guard followed them in and stood there glowing for a few moments before she turned her attention to Hannah.

“You there. Stand up straight when a guard enters the room!”

“Yes, miss,” answered Hannah quickly, straightening up abruptly.


“Miller, miss,” Hannah responded as the guard stepped closer, dark brown eyes observing her closely.

“Miss Davis and don’t you forget it!” the guard hissed malevolently, idlyrunning her fingers back and forth over the short leather strap in her palm. “Or you might just suffer for your lack of politeness, Miller, like young Gregan is going to now!”

Relieved, Hannah surprised gently as the woman walked away and stood in front of the small but curvaceous girl near by whose fingers were clutching at the hem of her thin dress nervously.

“What did you forget to do, Gregan?” the guard snapped suddenly, making the girl jump slightly.

“To stand up and curtsey when the Governess entered the training room, Miss Davis,” the girl answered instantly.

“Six strokes then so bend over the bed now!”

“But I was…”

“A full dozen now for answering back, girl. There is no excuse, is there?”

There was a moment of silence before Gregan Capitulated and agreed with the guard, face reddening swiftly as she turned and bent over the end of her bed, pulling up her dress to bare her bottom cheeses when Davis snapped at her again.

Hannah had a good view of the white expansion of flesh and she felt a frisson of excitement slither up through her body as the girl’s arse chefs quivered gently whilst Miss Davis stepped to one side and gently teased the end of the leather strap down the cream. The guard’s arm moved quickly and the straw swung swiftly through the air and struck the bare flesh hard, leaving a red welt even as Gregan squealed out in pain.

“One, thank you, miss,” the hapless girl muttered and then came the next stroke whipping across the paleness and imparting pain once again.

The count went on almost monotonously and Hannah stared, unable to tear her eyes away from the fascinating scene. She didn’t know why she was so intrigued by watching and yet she was, arousal squirming deep down in her belly as the straw beat its painful message into the girl’s vulnerable flesh. Hannah was imagining herself there, bent over the bed, fearing the pain yet eager for its harsh fingers to tear into her flesh as well. The shame and humiliation of being watched by all the others as her arse turned red and she made little grunts and groans just as Gregan was doing. She could feel her pussy moisten in response and her tongue flickered across her parted lips as the final couple of strokes snapped agonisingly across the girl’s bare buttocks, eliciting wails of pain that echoed round the room.

“Right, ladies, I’ll leave you all to get acquainted with your new room mate before I come back to take you down for your dinner,” stated Miss Davis, tucking her strap away in her belt before she left the room, a thin smile etched across her plump face.

“Bloody bitch!” hissed Gregan with some feeling as she straightened up slowly and painfully. “How was I meant to get up and curtsey when I was on the prong?”

“If you had then she would have whipped you for getting off it, Flo,” replied one of the other two women, the oldest of her room mates, hair a striking shade of coppery red, before casting a glanceat Hannah and adding, “So who are you then?”

“Hannah Miller and you are?” inquired Hannah politely, holding out her hand in an automatic gesture.

“Ooh, got a posh one here, ain’t we?” mocked the third, a woman who appeared to be just out of her teens with a short, bobbed crop of dark hair.

“Maybe you can learn a few things from her then, Gwen,” remarked the older woman causally before she stepped over towards Hannah and stared her up and down from just a few inches away, green eyes light with interest. “Maybe she will need to learn who is in charge in our room too?”

“You?” inquired Hannah, already knowing the answer.

“Indeed I am and don’t you forget it, Hannah. In here, you obey the Governess, unless you want your peachy arse feeling as if it has been set on fire, then the guards and then me. I’ll leave you to work out the pecking order after that with these two! Met the Governess yet?”

“Unfortunately,” murmured Hannah with feeling and the otherwomen all chuckled.

“Give us a look then, Hannah!” cried out Flo, rubbing her arse cheeses gingerly through her shift.

“At what?”

“Your arse, girl!” snapped Faith. “Clearly Miss Stern has left an impression on you…and on your bottom so pull that dress up and give us all a peek!”

Hannah stared at them all, mind churning. Should she defy them and Refuse? Would they then force her? There was no way she could fight them all off and she actually doubted if she could beat any of them as she had never had any physical alteration in her life…apart from the ill-fated one with the policeman anyway! An odd sense of excitement shivered up through her senses and, without a word, she turned her back and raised her shift slowly, feeling their eyes feast on her pale flesh and then the inch-thick welts across her backside.

“You must have annoyed her a bit, girl,” mused Gwen as Faith stepped further forward and traced the outline of the welfares, making Hannah wriggle inResponse. A sudden gush of wetness flooded her pussy as the woman pushed her hand between Hannah’s thighs and rubbed hard, stimulating her still swollen bud. She moaned out loud and the women all chuckled, adding to Hannah’s embarrassment and delight. Being used against her will aroused her instantly, she realized, and there was nothing she could do but respond as Faith quickly and almost effortlessly brought her closer and closer to climaxing before stopping at the very last second.

“Don’t want you getting too much pleasure now, do we? I think I’ll save her for later!” she stated, wiping her wet palm disdainfully on Hannah’s bruised and beaten buttocks before she moved away and went to lie down on her bed while the other two girls gathered round the new and very embarrassed occupation of their room and tried to pry out every last detail of her life.

A loud bell outside in the corridor rang a short while later and the women all stood by their beds once more, hands by their sides. Hannah copied them, standing as still as she could when the stocky figure of Davis sauntered back in.

“In line behind Anderson and march down to dinner!” she commanded and they filed out after her, waiting patiently and silently as she unlocked another metal gate before they went down a long corridor and emerged into a large room set with wooden tables and benches. Faith led her room mates to the nearest table and they all stood and waited as another dozen or so prisoners marched in smartly and took their positions up. Guards appeared and stood too before Miss Stern appeared and strode to her place at the head of the top table.

“Miss Jackson will say Grace today,” she stated clearly and the guard stepped forward and snapped out the words as if she was giving an order before everybody responded with an amen.

A squeal of moving benches as people sat down and then Faith was off to a serving hatch in the wall, picking up a large tray and bringing it back whilst Jackson and Davis walked around the occupied tables making sure that nobody was talking. Hannah was surprised to see four plates with decent servings of what looked like cottage pie and vegetables and her stomach suddenly reminded her that she hadn’t eat anything for ages, grumbling so noisily that Gwen next to her giggled. She tucked in hungrily, savouring the rich taste of the food and clearing her plate just as she had have always taught to do. Flo opposite ate all her pie then played with her vegetables, pushing the carrots round the plate as if they would vanish of their own according if she stirred them for long enough.

“Eat them up,” whispered Faith and the girl forked one into her mouth and ate it with evidence distaste. Hannah reached over and speared a couple and ate them quickly, stealing a quick glance at the guards to make sure that they weren’t watching. Flo’s face lit up and she tipped some more carrots onto Hannah’s plate, trying to be surprised about it yet only suceeding in catching the eye of Jackson.

“Leave them on your plate, Miller, and I will punish you two afterwards! Anderson, make sure that plate remains here when you clear up in a minute,” the guard hissed angrily before she stalked away.

Flo refused to catch Hannah’s eye ten minutes later when dinner had finished and they stood on opposite sides of the table as the others all filed out silently, bestowing looks of curiosity, concern or just plain amusement on the unfortunate pair as they left.

“Still not eating your vegetables then, Gregan?” inquired Jackson, appearing behind the girl suddenly.

“They were hers, miss, honest,” Flo replied, making Hannah’s mouth drop open at her blatant lie.

“Honest? I don’t think that you know the meaning of the word actually, Gregan. Were they yours, Miller?”

The unexpected question caught Hannah by surprise and her mind went blank as she wondered what she should do. Hannah had always taught the young ladies in hercharge to be true, repeating that old maxim that honesty is the best policy over and over again but suddenly she was in severe doubt. What would happen if she betrayed the girl? Would the others in the dormitory join her and get revenge? Would Hannah be ostracised? She stayed silent, mouth clamped shut as she decided that saying nothing was probably the best way out of her dilemma.

“Dumb insolence, is it. Miller?” glared Jackson and Hannah swallowed hard, realising that she was going to suffer anyway.

“This one again already, Jackson? Clearly, she did not take in the lessons from her time in my office earlier,” murmured a soft voice behind Hannah, making her jump.

“Apparently not, Miss Stern.”

“Eating Gregan’s vegetables? What have I told you, Gregan? A healthy diet is needed if you are to remain young and attractive and stay here under my tenderer, loving care. I am sure that you don’t want me to have you transferred to prison instead of this house of correction, do you?”

“No, Miss Stern. I am very sorry indeed and I will eat all my vegetables up in future,” the girl gabbled nervously, eyes wide and fearful.

“Good although I think that you both need to learn a lesson from this unfortunate breaking of the rules. Remove your dresses!” she barked and Hannah immediately compiled, mind remembering what had happened earlier in the woman’s office when she had been too slow.

“Hmm, I see the doctor has been busy,” Miss Stern remarked as Hannah turned to face her when she ordered. “A goal to lose those golden curls but needs must when the devil drives! Now, I think that poor bottom might appreciate me leaving it untouched…”

Hannah’s sight of relief was cut abruptly short as the Governess continued, “So I believe your breasts need to suffer instead. Hands on your head and do not move them to cover yourself or I will start the punishment all over again, girl!”

Hardly believing what was going to happen, Hannah raised herhands and placed them palm down on the crown of her head, feeling the curls squash down slightly whilst her breasts seemed to stick out even further, awaiting the cruelty that was to come. Hannah’s heart thudded faster as the Governess slipped a broad leather strap out of her belt and teased it idly through her long fingers for a few moments before she stated, “Count the strokes, Miller.”

Hannah watched the dark leather swirl through the air almost lazily before it crashed into her softness, crushing her tender flesh. Pain flared instantly; red-hot lines of fire blazing through her body as the straw fell away and left a red welt emblazoned upon her bare breasts.

“One,” she hissed out through the red mist filling her mind and then, as she noticed Miss Stern’s dark green eyes narrow, she remembered what Flo had said earlier and thanked her as well. A grim irony that no doubt she retired, part of Hannah’s mind thought teasingly as she waited for the next stroke to christen her skin with pain. The strap swung gracefully through the air again and sent pain lancing back through her flesh and she forced out the next number as tears trailed gently down her cheeks.

By the time the final stroke had whistled across her soft breasts, Hannah’s mind was ravaged by pain although her body was intensely aroused, clip tingling with desire. Through veiled eyes, she looked on as Miss Stern walked round the table, strap dangling extremely from her fingers, and approached Flo.

“Get the plate, Gregan,” she ordered and Flo pulled it towards her hurriedly. Miss Stern picked up a large carrot and studied it for a few moments before asking the girl what object she had to eating it.

“I don’t like the taste, Governess,” Flo replied, fingers tip-tapping nervously on the wooden table.

“Oh dear, what a shame,” the woman responded sarcastically. “I shall have to teach you to like it then, won’t I? Maybe if I add a little sauce to it? Miller, come here!”

Hannah walked swiftly round the table, hoping fervently that the Governess was not going to whip her again for some reason. Obediently, she bent over the table when ordered, face reddening as she realized that her pussy and tiny anal hole were on display to Miss Stern and Jackson. Fingers stroked over her arse and then between her legs and she somehow resisted the temptation to jump up, knowing that she would be punished if she Did.

“Wet and wanton,” murmured Miss Stern. “Wanting something big and hard perhaps? Just like this carrot?”

Hannah squealed in shock as the vegetable was pushed up inside her pussy, sliding ever deeper and spreading her tight entrance apart. She felt a rush of excitement at the strange sensing of being filled there and her bud throbbed in response. The fingers dabbled on her labia, teasing and tantalising gently and edging Hannah up towards rapture. Moisture gushed out of her and a little laugh from behind made her blush bright scarlet.

“Very wet indeed now and that is good because I can use that sweet juice to oil the way for another carrot!”

What was the Governess talking about? wondered Hannah as she stared unseeingly down at the scarred surface of the wooden table. The woman’s fingers moved slowly upwards, teasing over her perineum and making her shiver in delight as wetness was stroked over her sensitive skin. More was added: her own love juices scooped up from her pussy and swirled round her anal entrance, making her shudder with pleasure before she jumped as a forefinger committed its way up inside.

“So beautifully tight! She will definitely have to be opened up through exercise, Jackson, before some lucky gentleman enjoys her!” commented the Governess as she picked up another carrot with her other hand. She moved her finger in and out, feeling Hannah’s body respond with little tremors and shivers then pulled out her digit and replaced it with the carrot, driving it slowly but inexorably up inside the tight tube. Another flood of sweetness slippered out of Hannah’s slit as the carrot filled her arsehole up while her mouth opened wide in a silent scream of surprise at the strange intensity of the feeling. Implacably, the governance pushed harder and watched in delight as all six inches finally disappeared inside the browny-pink ring of muscle.

“Excellent! Now keep those inside you while I deal with young Gregan here. If They fall out then I will give your thighs six strokes!”

Miss Stern turned her attention to Flo and Hannah concentrated on squeezing her buttocks together to ensure that neither carrot slipped out of her body. The one in her anus seemed deep rooted as her sphincter had closed around it and almost sucked it inside but her pussy was so slippery that she feared that carrot would slide out if she relaxed. She kept squeezing even as she turned her head slightly and watched as Miss Stern bent Gregan over the table, face down into the plate of vegetables and told herthat she was going to be whipped until she had eaten them all up. Jackson and the Governess took it in turn to strike with their straps, beating the crying girl’s arse cheats relentlessly as she tried to gobble up the leftover vegetables as quickly as possible. The harsh thwack of leather on bare flesh resonated around the dining room along with Flo’s muffled squeals while Hannah concentrated on keeping the carrots inside her flesh, fearing the painful consequences if she failed.

Eventually, Flo managed to eat all the vegetables left on the plate and the strap stopped whistling through the air although by that time the girl’s bare buttocks were blazing furiously. Miss Stern moved over to Hannah and stroked her fingers down over her exposed cheeses then in between, teasing the tips over the end of the carrot in her pussy.

“Managed to hold it in then, Miller? Now you can let it drop back out for me,” the woman ordered and Hannah forced herself to relax her pelvic floor muscles, face reddening as a gush of sweet juice flooded out suddenly along with the carrot. It was deftly caught by Miss Stern who held it aloft and remarked on the wetness gleaming on the orange surface before she stepped back over to Flo and pushed it against her lips, commanding her to eat it up.

“Should taste lovely with all that piquant sauce applied to it by Miller, Gregan,” the Governess stated with a thin smile.

Flo opened her mouth and nibbled away at the end like a rabbit, gradually munching her way along the carrot while Hannah, watching on in disgusted interest, forget to squeeze hard enough and suddenly became aware that the vegetable in her anus was reappearing. Desperately, she tried to stop it sliding out, clenching her muscles but it was to no avail and she eventually had to slide her hand down and try and push it back in. Her movements were not surprising enough and Jackson stepped forward and pulled Hannah’s hand away from her bottom and the carrot slippedout entirely and thudded down onto the floor of the dining room.

“Hmm, you appear to have fallen at the final hurdle, Miller,” stated Miss Stern as the last piece of the other carrot vanished into Flo’s mouth. “Bend backwards over the table while I whip those tender thighs!”


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