Chapter Six
The harsh clang of the dormitory door crashing open women Hannah abruptly early the next morning and her eyes snapped open then she groaned inwardly as she realized that she was actually in prison. She blushed as she caught sight of Faith watching her from across the room, memories floating back in of how grogeous the other woman had tasted during the night and then those were washed away as Jackson bustled in and uncuffed them all.
Once again, they had to squat and use the chamber pots before they were hustled off in a silent line to breakfast before being told to wash themselves in a washroom next to their dormitory. The freezing cold water that trickled out of the shower took Hannah’s breath away and she stepped out, mouth ago and towelled herself dry as quickly as she could.
“You four are in the first training room Today with Miss Davis,” announced Jackson who had been standing watching them all get clean from the doorway, prurient eyes feasting ontheir naked bodies. “So get dressed and get down there in the next two minutes!”
Training room? thought Hannah as she hurried after the others. What were they going to be training for? Sewing mailbags? She could sew perfectly already. Being trained as a housemaid or some other kind of service perhaps? A few steps down from her previous station as a governance but, she thought with sudden despair, that might be the only position that she managed to obtain when she left the House of Correction and had to apply for jobs with no references and a criminal record.
Sighing, she followed the others through a door and then lined up obediently when shouted at by Miss Davis who was already in the large room waiting for them.
“Strip!” the guard snapped and Hannah tugged the thin dress over her head and hung it Neatly on a row of hungers on a rail by the wall. She turned back and her attention was drawn by an array of small wooden benches and stools scattered around the edge of the room along with what appeared to be some bicycles as well as a thick post right in the middle.
“Whipping post,” whispered Gwen out of the corner of her mouth as she noticed Hannah staring at it. Hannah swallowed hard and focused on Miss Davis instead, keen not to experience the post as her buttocks were still striped and painful from the previous day.
“Morning exercises, ladies! Need to keep Those bodies nice and soupple, don’t you?” sneered the guard, smirking as Flo, Gwen and Faith all began to squat down then rise back up. Hannah hurriedly joined in, feeling the muscles in her thighs burn as they kept on repeating the exercise for a minute or two before swapping to a different one. Leg exercises had them stretching out their hamstrings and calves and pointing their toes like ballerinas before going into the splits which was something that Hannah, naturally athletic and soupple, managed with ease. She even earned a grudging compliment from Miss Davis who came and stood right in front of her and commented on the pinkness of her pussy standing out against the paleness of her thighs. After that, star jumps and running on the spot had bottoms and breasts bouncing merrily before they were allowed to stop for a few moments and have a drink of water.
“Now those mouths have been lubricated a little, ladies, you can go and knee in front of a stool while I find a suitable item for you to worship,” the guard announced with a smile that left Hannah puzzled. She trooped after the others and knelt down by what appeared to be an ordinary stool, copying the nearest woman, Faith, who placed her hands behind her back. Miss Davis walked over and slotted something into place on the rim of Flo’s stool then made her way down the line until she reached Hannah.
“A small one for you to begin with, Miller, although I am sure that pretty mouth will soon work up to accepting bigger!” she cached, bending down and fixing a cylindrical piece of wood into the hole in the seat of the stool before swivelling it round so that it stuck out towards Hannah’s face. She gasped, suddenly realising that the wood had been carved into a perfect facsimile of a man’s member. Instinctively, she recoiled, pale blue eyes widening in alarm and shock. Davis laughed and stood by her deliberately as she gave out her instructions to everybody in the room.
“Tiny kisses to begin with, ladies, to excite him. Let me see those tongues cares the wood gently.”
Hannah starred against at the wooden knob just an inch or so from her face. She cast a quick glance towards Faith and saw that she was already licking away with every semblance of eagerness. Before she could commence however, a hand gripped her hair and tugged her up onto her feet painfully, making her squeal.
“You do not seem to be obeying me, Miller! Too good to suck on this nice toy, are you?”
“No, no, Miss Davis, I wasn’t quite sure what to do,” stammered out Hannah, fear flooding through her asthe woman drew out her leather strap from her belt.
“Bend over the stool and let me warm that arse up so that you will remember to be much quicker in following orders in future!” the guard snapped and, heart sinking, Hannah compiled, resting her naked stomach on the seat of the stool, eyes staring down at the poisoned wooden boards beneath.
The subtle whistling sound of the stool flying through the air made her tense her buttocks and then came the pain crashing through her flesh and up into her brain. She gabbled out the number and her thanks then flinched as the next stroke whipped down, cutting into her soft skin. Each blow awakened the wealth and welts left from her previous beating, adding to her age and yet, through her tears, she could feel the now familiar rise of pleasure deep within her body and the moistening of her pussy. A dozen harsh lashes scratched into her bare bottom cheeses before she was shouted at to knee once more and then Hannah pressed her lips downonto the wood and started to kiss the hard surface eagerly.
As she paid attention to the wooden dildo, she found herself wondering what it would be like if it was a real cock. What would that feel like? Would it be as hard? Would a man’s cock be warm and wet like her pussy? She lost herself in such thoughts as she licked away, wetting the wood with her spittle before she obediently started to wrap her soft lips round the knob instead when ordered to by Miss Davis. Out of the corner of her eye, Hannah could see the other girls, heads bobbing up and down in unison as they worked on the solid wood dildos, jaws aching as the minutes flowed by.
“Right, up and over to the benches and let us see how you perform with those sweet little quims of yours,” laughed Davis, enjoying the view of jiggling bare buttocks as the women rushed across to the wooden benches. “Small one again for you, Miller, as the Governess assures me that you are very tight indeed!”
Hannah’s face flamed bright scarlet as the rest glanced at her and again she wondered what the guard was on about for a few moments until she watched her attach more wooden cocks. These all stuck upwards, slotted into a receiver on the benchmark and then turned to lock into place. She swallowed hard as her benchmark was kitted out and then looked down at the shiny wood, thinking that the bulbous head seemed massive whatever Davis had said.
“Straddle Your benchmark and sink those hips down until your pussy lips kiss the very top of that dildo!” shouted out Davis, clearly enjoying herself with the power she possessed over all of them.
Hannah shuffled forward and bent her legs slightly, mouth opening as she felt the hardness press against her delicious flesh. She stayed in place, moving slightly back and forth and watched Faith in front of her, aroused by the sight of the dark wood pressing up between her pale tights.
“You can do better than that, Cotter!” hissed Davis and the strap sung its painful song,Making Gwen howl as it connected with her bottom cheats and left them red and striped. “Right, ladies, just the head inside you now!”
Hannah eased further down, thighs shivering with tension as the hardness started to open up her tight clamshell slip slowly. A rush of sweetness lubricated her entrance and dripped down onto the brown wood and she gasped as the knob pushed up inside her body. Her spongy walls seemed to throb and pulse around the intruder and she could not stop herself bobbing gently up and down, excited beyond all measure by the hardness rubbing against her soft flesh.
“Now all the way and let me see you working those muscles, girls. The lucky gentlemen wants to feel you squeezing tightly around his cock even if you are as loose as a dockside whore, Anderson!” yelled the guard, adding some stripes to Faith’s pale arse. Hannah sank down even further, groaning as her tight tube was opened up for the very first time. It felt incredible and her body and mind respOnded by growing increasingly excited. Her clip pulsed powerfully and little trickles of love juice seen out and ran down the wooden dildo as she lifted her pussy off the rod before sliding back down.
“Miller here seems to have caught on, ladies,” announced Miss Davis, standing right in front and watching the girl rise and fall on the piercing phallus. “In fact, she seems to be ahead of you all Even though she is the newcomer!” The guard squatted down and reached out, fingers creeping up Hannah’s thighs and then onto her spread sex, teasing the fleshy folds and then finding her bulging cliporis where it lurked under its protective hood of skin. Hannah gasped as she was touched there, shivers of delight flowing up through her flesh. Her moans and cries heightened in pitch as the guard rubbed her thumb over the swollen bud and suddenly a rush of rapture flooded through Hannah’s senses. Heat swept through her and her body shivered in ecstasy whilst squirts of love juice shot out and stained the dildo and beneath her, soaking the wood as Miss Davis chuckled then started to smack her wetness hard.
“Don’t you dare to come without asking permission, Miller!”
Hannah could only squeal and understand on the impaling cock as her pussy stung under the onslaught. A hard palm spanking the wetness and exciting her again, making little aftershocks of pleasure dance divinely through her body Despite the shooting pains. More and more love juice drained out of her slide until the guard tugged her up by her hair again. There was an audible and embarrassing plop sound as the slick wood slipped out of her pussy and then she was bent forward over the bench and licking up her own mess as ordered whilst Miss Davis wandered off torment Flo instead. Hannah laved the wood, tongue scooping up her own innermost secretions eagerly, relishing the subtle taste of her own body whilst shooting sly glances at the other girls bouncing up and down on their own dildos.
Eventually, Miss Davis allowed them all to take a short rest and have another drink of water but then it was back to work. This time, they went over to the bicycles and Hannah furrowed her browser as she stared at them and realized that they had been adapted. Put up on metal stands, their wheels still turned but the bicycles went absolutely nowhere although the circular motion had been cleverly altered into driving a piston-like rod back and forth. Hannah realized what for as the guard screwed another wooden dildo onto the nearest one and made sure it moved freely before ordering her to lie down on the benchmark that faced the machine.
“Get those thighs wide apart, Miller,” she added before strapping her down tightly, ankles and wrists encased in leather. “Anderson, you can ride the bike.”
Faith made a face at the order and Hannah worked out why as she stared up at the bicycle and realized that instead of a saddle, it had a large, rounded prong sticking up high. She swallowed hard at the thought of being pierced by it as Faith gingerly straddled the machine and slowly worked the bulbous head into her pussy. A gentle test pedalling followed as Davis made sure that the dildo on the rod slide in and out of Hannah’s body smoothly with every revolution of the pedals. A final barked instruction at Faith and then she moved away to make sure that the other pair were suitable ensconced too.
Hannah’s salmon-pink folds parted for the sliding knob of the dildo, smearing it with juices before it eased back out again a moment later. In and out constantly, the machine moved the rod and she could not prevent arousal rising deep down in her belly as she was filled and stretched then emptied again. She shut her eyes tightly and concentrated just on the feelings, imagining herself under an azure sky with the sun shining brightly, warmth tickling her skin like gentle fingers. Pleasure floated up through her senses and she tried to wriggle down into the moving dildo, desiring moreof it to enter her flesh. Heat suddenly bathed her face and she snapped open her eyes and gasped as she found that Miss Davis had straddled her, skirt up around her waist to reveal a luxury bush of public hair concealing the soft pinkness within.
“I hope you are good at licking, Miller, because if you come before I do then I am going to whip you!” the guard stated with an evil smile spreading across her fleshy face. “Anderson, pedal faster. I want to see that cock ploughing her tight furrow hard and fast!”
Davis lowered her hips and Hannah was trapped beneath the warmth as soft pussy folds settled on her lips. She speared her tongue out and twirled it inside, feeling the woman twitch and jerk in response. Desperately, she teased the tip up and found the hard little bud tucked away at the top of the guard’s slit and she tongued it fervently whilst trying to resist the subtle feelings of arousal course through her body as the dildo slithered in and out swiftly. The subtleScent of the woman’s pussy filled her nostrils and she inhaled it deeply, relishing the aroma as she worked her tongue over the pulsing nub. Little flicks and then soft cares followed by pressing the tip down on the guard’s clip, feeling the thighs encompassing her head shiver gently with desire even as her own pleasure spread up inexorably and threatened to overwhelm her. A sudden spasm above her and then her mouth was flooded with juices that trickled down over her chin whilst Davis rubbed her wetness hard on Hannah’s mouth, moans seeing out of her lips as she came. Her buttocks almost bounced up and down on Hannah’s face, squashing her down into the hard wood as the guard jerked in the throes of desire, fingers mauling the girl’s bare breasts painfully as she climaxed.
A few moments later and Hannah was able to see again as Davis moved away, allowing her skirt to drop down and cover her wetness. Another couple of seconds and Hannah was coming, body exploding with lust asthe sweet friction of the thrusting dildo tipped her over the edge into pleasure. She groaned in delight and felt a flood of love juice gush out of her pussy and down on the bench beneath her body. Her whole body shook against the restraints, shivering as if she had the flu and all her energy seemed to drain away, replaced by languor and lust. She stared unseeingly up at the ceiling, mind filled with wonder at the strange but beautiful Feelings that were rampaging through her flesh.
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