Chapter Five
“Walk without talking!” snapped Andrews as she supervised the brief exercise session after dinner. Spaced out a yard apart as they were, the conflicts would find it difficult to converse without raising their voices as they trusted around a quadrangle enclosed within dull grey walls. The sky above was already darkening as the sun dipped wearily down towards the horizon but Hannah still enjoyed the fresh air on her face even though it was rather chilly, cutting through her thin shift and making her nipples erect in response. Her thighs and buttocks twinged with every step that she took round the paved path and the pain worsened when Andrews ordered them all to break into a trot, swinging her strap at those she deemed not to be moving fast enough.
“Need to keep you all fit rather than fat, don’t we?” she sneered as she eventually allowed them to stop and line up so that she could lead them back inside.
Still silent, the coffle of women followed her down the corridor and peeled off obediently into their dormitories, four to each room. Mimicking the others, Hannah lined up by her bed and stood there quietly, arms by her sides, staring down at the floor as she wondered what was going to happen next. After a couple of minutes, Adams, the guard who had given Hannah her clothes, appeared and snapped at them all to strip. The four women obeyed swiftly then, on another word of command, they reached down and pulled out the chamber pots from under their beds.
“Squat and use!” snapped Adams abruptly and Hannah blushed and looked around uncertainly only to find that the other women were already poised over their china receptions. She sank down slowly, stifling a grimace as the welts on her arse and thighs pained her. The cool rim of the pot touched her buttocks and she closed her eyes and concentrated, trying to shut out the knowledge that there were other people in the room. A subtle hiss came from her left and the tinkling sound of liquid hitting the china and that seemed to help her relax and let go. Her own flow coursed down into the bowl beneath her buttocks and the slightly acrid smell wafted up to her nostrils.
“Rise!” ordered the guard and the four women stood almost as one and pushed their pots back under the bed before Hannah watched in horror as Gwen stretched out on her bed, arms above her head and was cuffed into place securely. Faith was next then Flo and finally it was her turn and she felt the leather cuffs slip round her thin wrists and then get locked tightly into place before a metal ring was hooked onto the iron bedstead. Tethered tightly, Hannah lay there, tears running down her face as the guard slipped out of the room, clanged the heavy iron door shut and then locked it before switching the lights off from outside.
“You’ll get used to it, Hannah,” whispered Faith a few moments later out of the darkness. “Bit difficult at first to sleep but after a while you don’t even notice that you are restrained.”
“But what if I need to go to the toilet?” inquired Hannah primary.
“You don’t, girl. The only alternative to holding it in is to wet the bed and then you will be up in front of Miss Stern and probably get birched in front of us all in the dining room.”
“Like Lucy a month or so ago, Faith?”
“Correct, Gwen. Hey, Flo,” hissed Faith Suddenly.
“I think you owe Hannah after today, don’t you? She took part of the punishment that should have been yours so say thank you!”
Flo did though a little grudgingly as she added, “It still bloody hurt me though. My arse is on fire!”
Silence fell apart from the gentle snuffling sound of breathing echoing round the small room but Hannah found it impossible to drop off to sleep. The events of the day passed through her mind in a never-ending loop that sent shivers of excitement trickling through her naked flesh. It was almost impossible for her to believe that she had enjoyed being usedand abused and yet how could she deny the feelings of arousal that had coursed through her flesh? Fingers stroking over her body and teasing her quim, the harsh strike of the strap on her bare bottom or thighs, the gentle care of the razor cutting through her pubic bush? All had excited her and now, along with the unusual position she was in, stopped her from sleeping peacefully.
A slight rustling from nearby made Faith snap open her eyes some time later. She peered into the darkness but couldn’t make anything out at first then started as a pale shape materialised right by her bed. Her gasp was stifled abruptly by a warm hand across her lips and then came a whisper out of the darkness.
“It’s only me… Faith. Be quiet now just in case the guards are around.”
The hand slipped away and Hannah whispered, “But how? You were restrained like me, weren’t you?”
“Just a few little tricks I learned when I was working in the circle, girl. We had an escapologist there fora while and he showed me a few tricks in return for me showing him me…if you understand what I mean!” giggled Faith, making Hannah gasp as her hand straighted over her breasts gently, teasing the nipples up into arousal.
“Can you release me then?” asked Hannah eagerly.
“Oh I could but then what would we do if the guards decided to pay us a visit? Two of us free and only a few seconds to get back into our bonds? I know I could but I doubt if you have the ability, Hannah. Anyway, I rather like you tied up and unable to move…as will all those gentlemen your body will entertain!”
Hannah’s feeble protests were muffled by soft, warm lips pressing down on hers and she willingly opened her mouth wide and let the other woman’s tongue tease in and out, swirling and dipping excitedly. Fingers rubbed and stroked over her breasts, finding the hard buds and squeezed. Just gently at first but getting gradually more intense and making a wave of sweet pain flood through her body that made her gasp into the sucking wetness of Faith’s mouth. A soft chuckle and then the lips moved downwards, reaching her nipples and tormenting them with heat and wetness before teeth nipped sharply and made her wriggle. Pain and pleasure merged and Hannah’s body responded, clip tingling and throbbing with desire as fingers brushed over the clamshell labial lips that were already wet with desire.
A sudden flurry of movement in the blackness and then Hannah was buried in heat and the scent of woman as strong thighs encompassed her head and squeezed gently. The soft brush of a naked shaft across her face and then the gentle setting of wetness over her mouth as she felt her own pussy lips teased open by the dabbling tip of a tongue. Hannah flicked her own tongue out in response and licked along the length of the woman’s slit, revealing in the taste of her flesh and the Aroma that pervaded her nostrils. She pushed her tongue out further, feeling the fleshy folds part, and delved deep just as Faith’s tongue ticked gently over her cliporis and made her gasp in delight. Arousal swept up through Hannah’s flesh like a large soaring high in the sky as her clip was suckled and licked and she could feel Faith responding to her own delicate touches as she enjoyed exploring her moist depths.
Seconds ticked slowly away into minutes of pleasure as Faith teased her captive gently but inexorably up towards her peak. She traced patterns on her soft thighs with her fingers then teased her thumb into the tight opening of her slit, feeling the flesh cling and clench around her digit. Hannah witnessed with pleasure and fervently licked away at the softness above her, flicking her tongue at the swollen nub and feeling the woman’s thighs contract, squeezing tightly against her ears. A rush of delight squirmed up through her as Faith pushed her thumb in and out and she pulled on the leather restraints hard as pleasure overwhelmed her abruptly. Her soft cries and groans were swallowed up by Faith’s eager wetness and then an answering gush of love juice drained down into her mouth and soaked her lips and chin. Faith cried out and rubbed her wetness over the soft lips beneath her, body jerking in delight as she licked away at the spasming slit below her.
Half-buried in warmth and wetness, Hannah just lay there, face flushed with heat and embarrassment. Her life had always been so repressed and staid and yet now it was if she had been liberated by, of all things, being sent to prison! A slight smile slipped across her face at the thought and then she felt Faith moving, adjusting her position slightly so that she sat more upright. Her soft slit pressed down harder as Faith whispered down for Hannah to open her mouth wide. She compiled, wondering if she should lick the delightful folds Once again but, before she could, there was a gentle hiss and then a trickle of moisture into her mouth. The trickle intensified and became a gush and it was only then that Hannah realized what was happening. Her instinctive reaction was disgust and she tried to roll away but the woman’s weight kept her pinned down securely whilst hot wetness filled her mouth. She swallowed reflexively and tasted the golden essence, loving the sensing suddenly as it poured down into her. She was Faith’s devoted service, being used for the woman’s pleasure and the thought sent lightning bolts of arousal flickering through her own flesh while she gulped down the liquid eagerly.
“You are just delightful, Hannah, and I am going to enjoy visiting you often during the night,” murmured Faith into the gloom before she moved off the bed, bestowed a couple of almost chaste kisses on Hannah’s wet lips and disappeared back into the darkness. Hannah lay there, tasting the golden flow in her mouth and the scent of arousal on her lips. A slow smile spread across her face whilst the lethargic afterglow of her climax helped her drift slowly off into pleasant and highly erotic dreams.
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