The House of Correction
Chapter One
Hannah stared out unseeingly, lost in a disbelieving trace as she stood in the dock and waited for the verdict to be announced after the all-male jury had filed back into the court. Her legs felt like jelly so she had to cling onto the wooden rail of the box she was in while her pulse raced along like a filly in the Derby as the foreman, face set and stern, stood up and cleared his throat in preparation while the court room fell ominously silent.
How had it come down to this? All she had been doing was attending a peaceful demonstration supporting votes for women the previous weekend and now here she was in dire straitas. The march through the town had been interrupted by a group of burly males pushing and shoving into the ranks of the women and then the police had joined in too…on the side of the men. Trying to defend herself with her parasol as she had been pushed towards a vicious red-brick wall, Hannah had caught one of thepolice officers in the face with the tip. To her horror, blood had spurted out down his face and then half a dozen policemen had piled on top of her and she had been arrested and thrown extremely into the back of a horse-drawn police vehicle. Custody had resulted as she had been charged with assaulting a police officer and, with no money to make bail, she had spent a whole week in a cold, damp cell already and therefore had no Desire to remain there any longer. If only she hadn’t been persuaded to go to the march by her fellow governance, Annie!
That thought was broken into abruptly as the judge bellowed impatiently at the foreman of the jury, asking him if he had a verdict, adding sotto voce that it better be the right one too.
“We do,” the mustachioed man responded self-importantly and Hannah’s breathing stopped as she waited.
“And your verdict is?”
“Guilty, my lord,” the man intoled and Hannah felt tears spring into her pale blue eyes as her worst fearscame to pass. A swirling mist seemed to veil her sight as the judge, white wig perched incongruously askw on his head, pontificated, “Hannah Miller, you have been found guilty of assaulting a police officer in the course of his duty. This is a serious offence and, despite you being a young lady of previous good character, can only be punished by a term of imprisonment. I sentence you to a period of six months in the House of Correction. Take her down, warders!”
Unresistant, tears trickling down her heart-shaped face, Hannah was bundled down the stairs and into the darkness below with a pair of warders gripping each arm tightly.
“Going to have fun with this one when she gets there, aren’t they, Jack?” chuckled the taller of the two men, making sure that his hand slipped off her arm and squeezed her breast. Hannah stifled a squeal of protest and stayed lost in her misery as the other warder laughed and agreed whole-heartedly, remarking, “Wish I was there as a fly on the wall, mate. Got a lovely little figure this one.”
“Yeah and she should have used it to please the judge, I reckon. Would have got off with just a fine then!” replied the first warder before they pushed her into a cell and clanged the iron door shut behind her. “Wait there until the transport turns up to take you to your new abode, lady. Use the bucket in the corner if you need to pee!”
Laughing, the pair of warders walked slowly away while Hannah sank her head wearily down into her hands and cried bitterly, blue eyes reddening swiftly in shame and despair.
Recriminations were voiced endlessly in her head for getting herself into such trouble along with dark thoughts blaming Annie, the governance she had met in the park when taking Olivia, her charge, for a walk. Hannah had already lost her position, being told in no uncertain terms by her employer, Mrs Curtis, in a letter that such behaviour was not what was expected of the woman who was meant to be instilling discipline and moral values into her child. A blunt sentence had announced that there would be no references either, even if she was the daughter of a loyal servant, and Hannah had thrown the upsetting missive away, heart sinking further as she wondered what her parents would have made of the situation. Perhaps it was fortunate that both had passed on, struck down by one of the many fears that swept through the poor like a storm every so often. Bereft and impoverished, Hannah had been lucky to be offered the job as governance, she knew, but now she had thrown that all away in a moment of madness. Fresh tears sawed out of her cornflower-blue eyes and she shivered uncontrollably with fear as she waited to be taken away from the court.
It was several hours later before anybody came for the imprisoned girl. A rattling of keys in the door awakened her from a dozen and she looked up at two burnely women clad in funereal black.
“On your feet, Miller!” snapped the taller one, dark hair tuckedup in a bun. “You address me as Miss Andrews and this is Miss Jackson. Understand?”
“Yes,” muttered Hannah, her answer barely audible. A sharp slap round the face jolted her backwards and she nearly fell down in shock.
“Yes, Miss Andrews, Miller! Next time, I’ll give you a dozen with my strap for being insolent!” hissed the woman maliciously.
“Have you used the bucket?” inquired the other guard abruptly, pointing to the nameel pail by the side of the bunk Hannah had been sitting on.
“No, Miss Jackson,” Hannah managed to reply.
“Then do so now, Miller, as we don’t want you wetting yourself on the journey,” Jackson added with a thin smile.
“But, but…”
Another sharp slap, this time from Jackson, rocked Hannah’s head back again and tears sprang into her eyes at the singing pain.
“I think that this one is going to have to learn very fast to do what she is told and not argue,” stated Andrews. “Sit on the bucket and piss in it, girl!”
Embarrassed beyond belief but fearing another slap or, even worse, the application of the long leather strap that dangled from both guards’ belts, Hannah eased her bottom down onto the rim of the bucket, trying to hide her legs and tighs under her skirt. Coldness touched her bare flesh and she looked up and found both women staring down at her with amusement. Suddenly, she felt like a little child using a potty for the first time and her face went bright red.
“Get on with it, Miller. We haven’t got all day,” hissed Andrews.
“Let’s give her a minute and then we’ll use the strap on her arse to teach her to be quicker in future,” suggested Jackson evilly, running her fingers up and down the leather almost lovingly.
Andrew started counting aloud and Hannah let her eyes drop and tried to concentrate on going. At first, shyness prevented her but she forced herself to bear down with her pelvic muscles and eventually produced a thin stream of urine that tinkled down into thebottom of the pail.
“Stand up, Miller!” ordered Jackson and Hannah obeyed then squealed as her wrists were grazed and cuffed roughly behind her. “Don’t want you escaping or the prison governance will take it out of our hides!”
“You didn’t let her wipe, Jacko,” laughed Andrews and, before the hapless girl could wriggle away, she bent down, lifted up her skirt and thrust her hand between Hannah’s legs. Hannah squealed at the assault but the two women just laughed and then Andrews sniffed her wet hand after withdrawing it before wiping it dry on Hannah’s face.
Shocked and sobbing with shame and fear, Hannah was bundled out of the cell and along a dark corridor, feet hardly touching the ground until they reached a well-lit room where a trio of court officials were Lounging about, playing cards at a small table.
“Tits or arse, gentlemen?” inquired Jackson with a sly grin as the men stopped playing and got up.
“I think I am senior man today so I get to decide and I happen to be a breast man myself, ladies!” announced a thickset man with elaborate sideburns and a bushy bear. Puzzled, Hannah furrowed her browser before squealing in surprise as her guards abruptly pushed her backwards over the table. Despite her struggles, they held her easily and Jackson unbuttoned Hannah’s white blouse to reveal her thin cotton shift.
“Got any scissors, Jack?” she inquired and the bearded man rummaged in a drawer and handed her a pair. Hannah redoubled her efforts to break free as the sharp scissors approached her but Andrews bent over and told her to stay still or she was going to get cut.
“Don’t want any scars on that young flesh of yours now, do you, girl?”
Hannah frozen as the point of the scissors stalled through her shift then they crunched through the thin fabric easily, snipping away merrily until Jackson had cut a large square out. Bent backwards, neck arched painfully and blonde hair veiling her pretty face, Hannah could not see anything yet she realized that her breasts were now on display to the lascivious glances of the men and she sobbed bitterly. Hands roamed over the soft mounds and her face flamed scarlet as her nipples reacted, erecting into hard bullets whilst a frisson of desire tingled between her thighs. Suddenly, her head was trapped between a pair of naked male legs and her situation grew even worse as hairy balls dangled just above her lips. She screwed her eyes tight shut and cried, helpless to do anything but endure.
Jack stroked his long cock gently as he stared down at the girl’s whiteness and the coral tips that crowded each breast. He pushed down and shivered with delight as his glans touched her pale flesh and was kissed gently by her soft skin. Excitement rushed through him as he cupped her breasts and moved the smooth flesh together, cushioning his sensitive knob in between. He thrust in and out of the soft tunnel he had created, enjoying the sensing even as he wondered what it wouldbe like to be slithering in and out of the tightness of her pussy. His arousal quickened, price jerking and twitching with life as he felt her warm sobs bathe his balls. Jack pushed deeper and faster, face reddening and breathing echoing throughout the room and then he grunted out in ecstasy as he came, pumping his white splashes of semen over her pale flesh. His body shuddered as he emptied his soul onto her and then he stepped back, deliberately allowing the still-dribbling end of his cock to slip over her lips.
Hannah felt the sudden warmth and wetness and shook with disgust as she realized what had occurred. The wetness sliding over her lips made her recoil although, deep down in her mind, she wondered what it would be like to taste a man’s cock. A weight on her hips jolted that idea away and she found a face leering down at her as hands mauled her now slippery tits again. A much younger man, Harry came more quickly, delighting in the touch of her skin on his cock. His seed spurted out powerfully, adding to his work mate’s spunk and then trickled down Hannah’s neck and into the hollow at the base of her throat. One to go, Hannah somehow realized as Andrews commented on how much spunk Harry had produced. Another minute or two and then she felt the last load of white cream bath her naked flesh before hands rubbed it in, exciting her nipples again and making strange squirmy feelings trace a heated path down to her groin.
“Until next time then, gentlemen,” stated Andrews cheerfully, hauling Hannah up onto her feet with practical ease. Hanging her head in shame, Hannah allowed herself to be dragged out of the room, breasts awake with wetness and suddenly ticked by cold air as they moved outside the courthouse into a courtyard where a carriage awaited. Half in a daze, she was bundled in then Jackson snapped some instructions at the driver and the carriage dumped into movement, clip-clopping through the town before heading out into the countryside onits way towards the House of Correction.
I thought that I would publish this one in chapters as I write it so here is the first one!
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