Chapter Two
An uncomfortable and tedious journey ensured with Andrews and Jackson engaging in desultory conversation and ignoring their prisoner totally. Hannah could feel the sticky sperm drying on her skin and she longed to clean it off but she knew that the guards would only laugh at her if she asked. Resigned to her fate, she stared out of the window at the dreary landscape, fog-shrouded and desolate as the carriage ventured further and further away from the town and out into the open countryside beyond.
An abrupt turn which sent her jolting across the seat into the muscle shoulder of Andrews signed that they were near their destination and Hannah peered ahead through the concealing mist although she could only see vague outlines of grey stone walls. The horse slowed down on a command from the driver and then halted and the guards hustled Hannah outside into the winter chill. Jackson paid the driver and the carriage rumbled away, wheels crushing gravel underneath whilst Hannah was pushed forwards by Andrews and in through a small door before she had a chance to get a good look at the building. The door clanged shut behind her and was locked securely and then she was produced along a short corridor, heart thudding faster and faster as she realized that she was doomed to spend the next six months shut inside.
“Name!” snapped a harsh-faced woman a few seconds later from behind a wooden counter as Hannah and her escort emerged into a large room.
“Hannah Miller,” she managed to answer, words slipping almost painfully out of her dry throat as she looked around nervously whilst her handcuffs were removed expertly.
“Put anything in your pockets on the counter, Miller,” the woman stated coldly as she scribbled in a thick ledger. Hannah delved into her skirt pocket and pulled out one crumpled handkerchief and a comb and set them down on the scarred wood.
“Height and weight, ladies, if you would be so good,” the woman added.
“Strip, Miller!” ordered Andrews gleefully, smiling even more as she saw the look of shock pass across her victim’s heart-shaped face. Hannah was about to demur when she remembered what had happened earlier so, knowing that she could not win, she slowly removed her clothes, setting them down on the counter too when told to do so.
“She’s learning, Jacko, isn’t she?” remarked Andrews and they both sniggered and watched on as reluctantly, face flaming scarlet, Hannah removed her stockings and now tattered, dirty shift and stood there in just her drawers.
“But maybe not quickly enough. Miss Adams there didn’t say strip to your unmentioned ables, did she, Miller? Get your drawers off now!”
Hannah howled as Jackson’s strap suddenly swung into action, cutting through the air and Then into her bottom cheats through the scar protection of the thin cotton drawers she was wearing. Hurriedly, Hannah slipped them down and put them onto the counter before she tried to cover up herNatural beauty with her hands, shading one across the juncture of her thighs and the other over her sticky breasts.
“Hands by your sides!” came the next order and she compiled, eyes veiled in salt tears as she felt the women’s eyes rake up and down her naked body. Andrews pushed her across the room to the far wall and she stood there passively as a wooden block was placed on her head and her height took.
“Five foot one, Miss Adams,” shouted out the guard and then Hannah was made to step up onto some weighing scales.
“Seven stone three pounds. Bit of a skinny wretch but some men like that,” observed Jackson with a chuckle.
“Still got a decent pair of tits though. Jack certainly enjoyed using them earlier,” added Andrews in response.
“Right, Find her a shift that fits and a pair of clogs and then take her in to see the Governess, ladies,” stated Adams, closing the ledger with a bang and sliding it back under the counter.
A minute or so later, wearinga grey, shapeless shift only along with a pair of uncomfortable, heavy clogs, Hannah walked along yet another long corridor although this one had a plus carpet and was well lit. A heavy wooden door lay at the end and a brass plaque affixed declared that they had arrived at the Governess’ Office. Andrews knocked once then waited and, after a couple of seconds, a voice called for them to enter. Squashed in between Her two guards, Hannah filed in and found herself staring across an imposing mahogany desk at a tall lady with long, flowing auburn hair and piercing green eyes with just the first suggestion of crowds’ feet appearing at the corners.
“Our newest acquisition, I presume, Andrews?”
“Yes, Miss Stern. Her details have been taken and entered in the ledger and she has been dressed in correct uniform for the House of Correction.”
“Excellent so it only remains for me to explain the rules and regulations and what will happen when our miscreant here breaks them. How long was her sentence?”
“Six months, Miss Stern,” replied Jackson.
“Long enough to teach her to become a useful member of society then. Now, Miller, this is not an official prison as such. It is like a halfway house, I suppose, and we will endeavour to reform your character because the judge has decided that you may benefit from a spell here. If you obey all the rules and learn quickly then we shall not need to chastise you obviously but there is a zero tolerance policy towards any dissent or disobedience. You will do what you are told when you are told or suffer the consequences. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Miss Stern,” Hannah muttered nervously in response.
“Governess, girl. You always address me as Governess unless you wish to feel the stick or cane on that pretty bottom of yours. What are you smiling at, Jackson?” Miss Stern inquired, frowning slightly.
“Apologies, Miss Stern, but it just so happens that this girl here was employed as a governmental before sheassaulted a policeman so viciously.”
“I see. Hmm, that will give this governance an excellent opportunity to teach her how to behave properly at all times. Now remove that shift so that I can inspect you properly, Miller!”
Hannah wanted to refuse but discretion took the better part of valour and so she slipped the loose garment off her shoulders and allowed it to pool around her feet.
“Slovenly! I am sure that you teach your young ladies to remove their clothes and hang it up properly, didn’t you, Miller?”
Hannah remained silent, unable to answer as she knew that she would burst into tears if she did.
“Dumb insolence, is it? Three strokes of the cane and another three for letting your shift fall to the ground. Bend over and touch your toes!”
Hannah gasped loudly and stared for just a single moment into the piercing green eyes of Miss Stern. There was no composition at all on display, no sign of the tiniest chink in the set face of the prison governornor. Instead, her gaze hardened, brow furrowing and she tapped her booted foot on the floor as she waited for Hannah to comply with her order.
“Another three for taking so long, I think!” the woman snapped. “Come on now, Miller. Bend right over and grap your ankles immediately!”
Realising that there was going to be no mercy shown, Hannah, face reddening swiftly, compiled with the woman’s command. She choked back a sob of shame as she gripped her ankles tightly and waited, feeling the cool air in the room ticke gently and teasingly over her exposed quim lips. Her thighs trembled as she heard the governor’s footsteps echo on the poisoned floor and then came a gentle tip-tapping which she knew was the end of the cane touching the ground. A sudden touch of the hard wood on her arse cheeses, a teasing tap or two and then came the whoosh of disposed air and Hannah squealed as pain blossomed deep in her buttocks. It was all she could do to remain in position as the flash of lightning shot into her senses and she gulped in another breath as Miss Stern idly tapped the heavy wooden rod against her victim’s striped cheeses once more.
“Just one stroke, ladies, and I believe she is regretting her recalcitrance but the stated punishment must be served out in full, mustn’t it?”
Another scream was wrung out of Hannah as the cane lashed across her defenseless buttocks once again and soft tears trickled down her face. What had she ever done to deserve this? The strictest she had ever been to smack a few girls when they had been rude or lazy. Her thoughts were jarred roughly out of her mind as another stroke whipped down and sliced into her flesh, creating an inch-thick welt which the government produced with her fingers in interest before continuing with the punishment. Can I stand this? Hannah Thought to herself, groaning as the pain lanced into her body time and time again. She was tempted to stand and run yet knew that she would soon be grabbed by the guards and then made to suffer the rest of the strokes with maybe more added for her lack of discipline. She tried to distract her mind from the awful pain by counting the strokes in her head, eyes staring unseeingly down at the floor.
The seventh stroke scorched across Hannah’s bare bottom cheeses, kissing the flesh with tongues of fire and she hissed out in agony then found an odd sense of arousal deep down as the victorys teased through Her cliporis. Another wicked swipe of the hard wooden rod and the feeling intensified, ameliorating the pain a little as pleasure drifted through her senses. She pushed her bottom out into the next stroke, almost welcome it as she desired the strange sensing that was making her pussy almost liquefy in response. The final cut across her naked cheeses and a harsh one that had her crying out as the cane whipped over previous welts and brought them back into singing life.
“Stay in that position, Miller!” barked Miss Stern as Hannah went to straighten up and so she remained bent over, arse chefs burning like fire and her face flaming too as she knew that everybody in the room would be looking at them with interest. Even that seemed to excite her and she was all too consciousness of a slippery trail of love juice edge slowly out of her pussy lips and down the inside of her left thigh. A warm hand smoothed over her soft but now welted arse and she hissed out in pain as fingers produced and explored the stripes. The fingers crept lower and Hannah went to stand only to be slapped sharply on her striped arse whilst one hand pushed her down in the small of her back, fingers digging down into her spine.
“Hmm, it appears that our new acquisition likes being made to suffer, ladies,” remarked the governance and Hannah sobbed in shame as the woman wiped her wet fingers dry on her victim’s flesh then snapped at her to get dressed before firing off a list of rules and regulations that she was meant to memory and follow.
“Right, Andrews and Jackson, take her along to the doctor for an examination and then to the dormitory. Make sure that you keep an eye on her in the next few days just in case this little lesson has not been enough for her. Miller, work hard and be obedient or you will make the acquaintance of my cane again or even my birch on those tender buttocks of yours!”
“Yes, Governess,” muttered Hannah Misserably, pain wrapping her slim body as she walked off, escorted by the two prison guards.
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